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//! Modifier key data.
//! Modifier keys like Shift and Control alter the character value
//! and are used in keyboard shortcuts.
//! Use the constants to match for combinations of the modifier keys.
bitflags::bitflags! {
/// Pressed modifier keys.
/// Specification:
/// <>
#[derive(Debug, Default, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize))]
pub struct Modifiers: u32 {
const ALT = 0x01;
const ALT_GRAPH = 0x2;
const CAPS_LOCK = 0x4;
const CONTROL = 0x8;
const FN = 0x10;
const FN_LOCK = 0x20;
const META = 0x40;
const NUM_LOCK = 0x80;
const SCROLL_LOCK = 0x100;
const SHIFT = 0x200;
const SYMBOL = 0x400;
const SYMBOL_LOCK = 0x800;
const HYPER = 0x1000;
const SUPER = 0x2000;
impl Modifiers {
/// Return `true` if a shift key is pressed.
pub fn shift(&self) -> bool {
/// Return `true` if a control key is pressed.
pub fn ctrl(&self) -> bool {
/// Return `true` if an alt key is pressed.
pub fn alt(&self) -> bool {
/// Return `true` if a meta key is pressed.
pub fn meta(&self) -> bool {