// Take a look at the license at the top of the repository in the LICENSE file.
// rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
//! Module for registering shared types for Rust types.
use crate::{ffi, gobject_ffi, prelude::*, translate::*};
pub unsafe trait RefCounted: Clone + Sized + 'static {
// rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
/// The inner type
type InnerType;
// rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
/// The function used to increment the inner type refcount
unsafe fn ref_(this: *const Self::InnerType) -> *const Self::InnerType;
// rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
/// Provides access to a raw pointer to InnerType
fn as_ptr(&self) -> *const Self::InnerType;
// rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
/// Converts the RefCounted object to a raw pointer to InnerType
unsafe fn into_raw(self) -> *const Self::InnerType;
// rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
/// Converts a raw pointer to InnerType to a RefCounted object
unsafe fn from_raw(this: *const Self::InnerType) -> Self;
unsafe impl<T> RefCounted for std::sync::Arc<T>
T: 'static,
type InnerType = T;
unsafe fn ref_(this: *const Self::InnerType) -> *const Self::InnerType {
fn as_ptr(&self) -> *const Self::InnerType {
unsafe fn into_raw(self) -> *const Self::InnerType {
unsafe fn from_raw(this: *const Self::InnerType) -> Self {
unsafe impl<T> RefCounted for std::rc::Rc<T>
T: 'static,
type InnerType = T;
unsafe fn ref_(this: *const Self::InnerType) -> *const Self::InnerType {
use std::mem::ManuallyDrop;
let this_rc = ManuallyDrop::new(std::rc::Rc::from_raw(this));
std::rc::Rc::into_raw(ManuallyDrop::take(&mut this_rc.clone()))
fn as_ptr(&self) -> *const Self::InnerType {
unsafe fn into_raw(self) -> *const Self::InnerType {
unsafe fn from_raw(this: *const Self::InnerType) -> Self {
// rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
/// Trait for defining shared types.
/// Links together the type name with the type itself.
/// See [`register_shared_type`] for registering an implementation of this trait
/// with the type system.
/// [`register_shared_type`]: fn.register_shared_type.html
pub trait SharedType: StaticType + Clone + Sized + 'static {
// rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
/// Shared type name.
/// This must be unique in the whole process.
const NAME: &'static str;
// rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
/// Allow name conflicts for this boxed type.
/// By default, trying to register a type with a name that was registered before will panic. If
/// this is set to `true` then a new name will be selected by appending a counter.
/// This is useful for defining new types in Rust library crates that might be linked multiple
/// times in the same process.
/// A consequence of setting this to `true` is that it's not guaranteed that
/// `glib::Type::from_name(Self::NAME).unwrap() == Self::static_type()`.
/// Optional.
const ALLOW_NAME_CONFLICT: bool = false;
// rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
/// The inner refcounted type
type RefCountedType: RefCounted;
// rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
/// Converts the SharedType into its inner RefCountedType
fn into_refcounted(self) -> Self::RefCountedType;
// rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
/// Constructs a SharedType from a RefCountedType
fn from_refcounted(this: Self::RefCountedType) -> Self;
// rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
/// Register a boxed `glib::Type` ID for `T`.
/// This must be called only once and will panic on a second call.
/// See [`Shared!`] for defining a function that ensures that
/// this is only called once and returns the type id.
/// [`Shared!`]: ../../derive.Shared.html
pub fn register_shared_type<T: SharedType>() -> crate::Type {
unsafe {
use std::ffi::CString;
unsafe extern "C" fn shared_ref<T: SharedType>(v: ffi::gpointer) -> ffi::gpointer {
T::RefCountedType::ref_(v as *const <T::RefCountedType as RefCounted>::InnerType)
as ffi::gpointer
unsafe extern "C" fn shared_unref<T: SharedType>(v: ffi::gpointer) {
let _ = T::RefCountedType::from_raw(
v as *const <T::RefCountedType as RefCounted>::InnerType,
let type_name = if T::ALLOW_NAME_CONFLICT {
let mut i = 0;
loop {
let type_name = CString::new(if i == 0 {
} else {
format!("{}-{}", T::NAME, i)
if gobject_ffi::g_type_from_name(type_name.as_ptr()) == gobject_ffi::G_TYPE_INVALID
break type_name;
i += 1;
} else {
let type_name = CString::new(T::NAME).unwrap();
"Type {} has already been registered",
let type_ = crate::Type::from_glib(gobject_ffi::g_boxed_type_register_static(
mod test {
use super::*;
// We rename the current crate as glib, since the macros in glib-macros
// generate the glib namespace through the crate_ident_new utility,
// and that returns `glib` (and not `crate`) when called inside the glib crate
use crate as glib;
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
struct MySharedInner {
foo: String,
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, glib::SharedBoxed)]
#[shared_boxed_type(name = "MySharedArc")]
struct MySharedArc(std::sync::Arc<MySharedInner>);
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, glib::SharedBoxed)]
#[shared_boxed_type(name = "MySharedRc")]
struct MySharedRc(std::rc::Rc<MySharedInner>);
fn test_register() {
assert_ne!(crate::Type::INVALID, MySharedArc::static_type());
assert_ne!(crate::Type::INVALID, MySharedRc::static_type());
fn test_value_arc() {
assert_ne!(crate::Type::INVALID, MySharedArc::static_type());
let b = MySharedArc::from_refcounted(std::sync::Arc::new(MySharedInner {
foo: String::from("abc"),
let v = b.to_value();
let b2 = v.get::<MySharedArc>().unwrap();
assert!(std::sync::Arc::ptr_eq(&b.0, &b2.0));
fn test_value_rc() {
assert_ne!(crate::Type::INVALID, MySharedRc::static_type());
let b = MySharedRc::from_refcounted(std::rc::Rc::new(MySharedInner {
foo: String::from("abc"),
let v = b.to_value();
let b2 = v.get::<MySharedRc>().unwrap();
assert!(std::rc::Rc::ptr_eq(&b.0, &b2.0));
fn same_ffi_pointer_arc() {
assert_ne!(crate::Type::INVALID, MySharedArc::static_type());
let b = MySharedArc::from_refcounted(std::sync::Arc::new(MySharedInner {
foo: String::from("abc"),
let inner_raw_ptr = std::sync::Arc::into_raw(b.clone().0);
assert_eq!(std::sync::Arc::strong_count(&b.0), 2);
let inner_raw_ptr_clone =
unsafe { <MySharedArc as SharedType>::RefCountedType::ref_(inner_raw_ptr) };
assert_eq!(std::sync::Arc::strong_count(&b.0), 3);
assert!(std::ptr::eq(inner_raw_ptr, inner_raw_ptr_clone));
let _ = unsafe { <MySharedArc as SharedType>::RefCountedType::from_raw(inner_raw_ptr) };
let _ =
unsafe { <MySharedArc as SharedType>::RefCountedType::from_raw(inner_raw_ptr_clone) };
assert_eq!(std::sync::Arc::strong_count(&b.0), 1);
fn same_ffi_pointer_rc() {
assert_ne!(crate::Type::INVALID, MySharedRc::static_type());
let b = MySharedRc::from_refcounted(std::rc::Rc::new(MySharedInner {
foo: String::from("abc"),
let inner_raw_ptr = std::rc::Rc::into_raw(b.clone().0);
assert_eq!(std::rc::Rc::strong_count(&b.0), 2);
let inner_raw_ptr_clone =
unsafe { <MySharedRc as SharedType>::RefCountedType::ref_(inner_raw_ptr) };
assert_eq!(std::rc::Rc::strong_count(&b.0), 3);
assert!(std::ptr::eq(inner_raw_ptr, inner_raw_ptr_clone));
let _ = unsafe { <MySharedRc as SharedType>::RefCountedType::from_raw(inner_raw_ptr) };
let _ =
unsafe { <MySharedRc as SharedType>::RefCountedType::from_raw(inner_raw_ptr_clone) };
assert_eq!(std::rc::Rc::strong_count(&b.0), 1);
fn from_glib_borrow_arc() {
assert_ne!(crate::Type::INVALID, MySharedRc::static_type());
let b = MySharedArc::from_refcounted(std::sync::Arc::new(MySharedInner {
foo: String::from("abc"),
let inner_raw_ptr = std::sync::Arc::into_raw(b.clone().0);
assert_eq!(std::sync::Arc::strong_count(&b.0), 2);
unsafe {
let _ = MySharedArc::from_glib_borrow(inner_raw_ptr);
assert_eq!(std::sync::Arc::strong_count(&b.0), 2);
assert_eq!(std::sync::Arc::strong_count(&b.0), 2);
unsafe {
let _ = std::sync::Arc::from_raw(inner_raw_ptr);
assert_eq!(std::sync::Arc::strong_count(&b.0), 1);
fn from_glib_borrow_rc() {
assert_ne!(crate::Type::INVALID, MySharedRc::static_type());
let b = MySharedRc::from_refcounted(std::rc::Rc::new(MySharedInner {
foo: String::from("abc"),
let inner_raw_ptr = std::rc::Rc::into_raw(b.clone().0);
assert_eq!(std::rc::Rc::strong_count(&b.0), 2);
unsafe {
let _ = MySharedRc::from_glib_borrow(inner_raw_ptr);
assert_eq!(std::rc::Rc::strong_count(&b.0), 2);
assert_eq!(std::rc::Rc::strong_count(&b.0), 2);
unsafe {
let _ = std::rc::Rc::from_raw(inner_raw_ptr);
assert_eq!(std::rc::Rc::strong_count(&b.0), 1);