use core::convert::TryFrom;
use crate::parser::{LazyArray16, Stream};
use crate::GlyphId;
/// A [format 6](
/// subtable.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
pub struct Subtable6<'a> {
/// First character code of subrange.
pub first_code_point: u16,
/// Array of glyph indexes for character codes in the range.
pub glyphs: LazyArray16<'a, GlyphId>,
impl<'a> Subtable6<'a> {
/// Parses a subtable from raw data.
pub fn parse(data: &'a [u8]) -> Option<Self> {
let mut s = Stream::new(data);
s.skip::<u16>(); // format
s.skip::<u16>(); // length
s.skip::<u16>(); // language
let first_code_point =<u16>()?;
let count =<u16>()?;
let glyphs = s.read_array16::<GlyphId>(count)?;
Some(Self {
/// Returns a glyph index for a code point.
/// Returns `None` when `code_point` is larger than `u16`.
pub fn glyph_index(&self, code_point: u32) -> Option<GlyphId> {
// This subtable supports code points only in a u16 range.
let code_point = u16::try_from(code_point).ok()?;
let idx = code_point.checked_sub(self.first_code_point)?;
/// Calls `f` for each codepoint defined in this table.
pub fn codepoints(&self, mut f: impl FnMut(u32)) {
for i in 0..self.glyphs.len() {
if let Some(code_point) = self.first_code_point.checked_add(i) {