//! ## Cross desktop group (XDG) shell
// TODO: Examples
use std::os::unix::io::OwnedFd;
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
use crate::reexports::client::globals::{BindError, GlobalList};
use crate::reexports::client::Connection;
use crate::reexports::client::{protocol::wl_surface, Dispatch, Proxy, QueueHandle};
use crate::reexports::csd_frame::{WindowManagerCapabilities, WindowState};
use crate::reexports::protocols::xdg::decoration::zv1::client::zxdg_toplevel_decoration_v1::Mode;
use crate::reexports::protocols::xdg::decoration::zv1::client::{
zxdg_decoration_manager_v1, zxdg_toplevel_decoration_v1,
use crate::reexports::protocols::xdg::shell::client::{
xdg_positioner, xdg_surface, xdg_toplevel, xdg_wm_base,
use crate::compositor::Surface;
use crate::error::GlobalError;
use crate::globals::{GlobalData, ProvidesBoundGlobal};
use crate::registry::GlobalProxy;
use self::window::inner::WindowInner;
use self::window::{
DecorationMode, Window, WindowConfigure, WindowData, WindowDecorations, WindowHandler,
use super::WaylandSurface;
pub mod fallback_frame;
pub mod popup;
pub mod window;
/// The xdg shell globals.
pub struct XdgShell {
xdg_wm_base: xdg_wm_base::XdgWmBase,
xdg_decoration_manager: GlobalProxy<zxdg_decoration_manager_v1::ZxdgDecorationManagerV1>,
impl XdgShell {
/// The maximum API version for XdgWmBase that this object will bind.
// Note: if bumping this version number, check if the changes to the wayland XML cause an API
// break in the rust interfaces. If it does, be sure to remove other ProvidesBoundGlobal
// impls; if it does not, consider adding one for the previous (compatible) version.
pub const API_VERSION_MAX: u32 = 6;
/// Binds the xdg shell global, `xdg_wm_base`.
/// If available, the `zxdg_decoration_manager_v1` global will be bound to allow server side decorations
/// for windows.
/// # Errors
/// This function will return [`Err`] if the `xdg_wm_base` global is not available.
pub fn bind<State>(globals: &GlobalList, qh: &QueueHandle<State>) -> Result<Self, BindError>
State: Dispatch<xdg_wm_base::XdgWmBase, GlobalData, State>
+ Dispatch<zxdg_decoration_manager_v1::ZxdgDecorationManagerV1, GlobalData, State>
+ 'static,
let xdg_wm_base = globals.bind(qh, 1..=Self::API_VERSION_MAX, GlobalData)?;
let xdg_decoration_manager = GlobalProxy::from(globals.bind(qh, 1..=1, GlobalData));
Ok(Self { xdg_wm_base, xdg_decoration_manager })
/// Creates a new, unmapped window.
/// # Protocol errors
/// If the surface already has a role object, the compositor will raise a protocol error.
/// A surface is considered to have a role object if some other type of surface was created using the
/// surface. For example, creating a window, popup, layer or subsurface all assign a role object to a
/// surface.
/// This function takes ownership of the surface.
/// For more info related to creating windows, see [`the module documentation`](self).
#[must_use = "Dropping all window handles will destroy the window"]
pub fn create_window<State>(
surface: impl Into<Surface>,
decorations: WindowDecorations,
qh: &QueueHandle<State>,
) -> Window
State: Dispatch<xdg_surface::XdgSurface, WindowData>
+ Dispatch<xdg_toplevel::XdgToplevel, WindowData>
+ Dispatch<zxdg_toplevel_decoration_v1::ZxdgToplevelDecorationV1, WindowData>
+ WindowHandler
+ 'static,
let decoration_manager = self.xdg_decoration_manager.get().ok();
let surface = surface.into();
// Freeze the queue during the creation of the Arc to avoid a race between events on the
// new objects being processed and the Weak in the WindowData becoming usable.
let freeze = qh.freeze();
let inner = Arc::new_cyclic(|weak| {
let xdg_surface = self.xdg_wm_base.get_xdg_surface(
let xdg_surface = XdgShellSurface { surface, xdg_surface };
let xdg_toplevel = xdg_surface.xdg_surface().get_toplevel(qh, WindowData(weak.clone()));
// If server side decorations are available, create the toplevel decoration.
let toplevel_decoration = decoration_manager.and_then(|decoration_manager| {
match decorations {
// Window does not want any server side decorations.
WindowDecorations::ClientOnly | WindowDecorations::None => None,
_ => {
// Create the toplevel decoration.
let toplevel_decoration = decoration_manager.get_toplevel_decoration(
// Tell the compositor we would like a specific mode.
let mode = match decorations {
WindowDecorations::RequestServer => Some(Mode::ServerSide),
WindowDecorations::RequestClient => Some(Mode::ClientSide),
_ => None,
if let Some(mode) = mode {
WindowInner {
pending_configure: Mutex::new(WindowConfigure {
new_size: (None, None),
suggested_bounds: None,
// Initial configure will indicate whether there are server side decorations.
decoration_mode: DecorationMode::Client,
state: WindowState::empty(),
// XXX by default we assume that everything is supported.
capabilities: WindowManagerCapabilities::all(),
// Explicitly drop the queue freeze to allow the queue to resume work.
pub fn xdg_wm_base(&self) -> &xdg_wm_base::XdgWmBase {
/// A trivial wrapper for an [`xdg_positioner::XdgPositioner`].
/// This wrapper calls [`destroy`][xdg_positioner::XdgPositioner::destroy] on the contained
/// positioner when it is dropped.
pub struct XdgPositioner(xdg_positioner::XdgPositioner);
impl XdgPositioner {
pub fn new(
wm_base: &impl ProvidesBoundGlobal<xdg_wm_base::XdgWmBase, { XdgShell::API_VERSION_MAX }>,
) -> Result<Self, GlobalError> {
.map(|wm_base| {
xdg_wm_base::Request::CreatePositioner {},
.unwrap_or_else(|_| Proxy::inert(wm_base.backend().clone()))
impl std::ops::Deref for XdgPositioner {
type Target = xdg_positioner::XdgPositioner;
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
impl Drop for XdgPositioner {
fn drop(&mut self) {
struct PositionerData;
impl wayland_client::backend::ObjectData for PositionerData {
fn event(
self: Arc<Self>,
_: &wayland_client::backend::Backend,
_: wayland_client::backend::protocol::Message<wayland_client::backend::ObjectId, OwnedFd>,
) -> Option<Arc<(dyn wayland_client::backend::ObjectData + 'static)>> {
unreachable!("xdg_positioner has no events");
fn destroyed(&self, _: wayland_client::backend::ObjectId) {}
/// A surface role for functionality common in desktop-like surfaces.
pub struct XdgShellSurface {
xdg_surface: xdg_surface::XdgSurface,
surface: Surface,
impl XdgShellSurface {
/// Creates an [`XdgShellSurface`].
/// This function is generally intended to be called in a higher level abstraction, such as
/// [`XdgShell::create_window`].
/// The created [`XdgShellSurface`] will destroy the underlying [`XdgSurface`] or [`WlSurface`] when
/// dropped. Higher level abstractions are responsible for ensuring the destruction order of protocol
/// objects is correct. Since this function consumes the [`WlSurface`], it may be accessed using
/// [`XdgShellSurface::wl_surface`].
/// # Protocol errors
/// If the surface already has a role object, the compositor will raise a protocol error.
/// A surface is considered to have a role object if some other type of surface was created using the
/// surface. For example, creating a window, popup, layer, subsurface or some other type of surface object
/// all assign a role object to a surface.
/// [`XdgSurface`]: xdg_surface::XdgSurface
/// [`WlSurface`]: wl_surface::WlSurface
pub fn new<U, D>(
wm_base: &impl ProvidesBoundGlobal<xdg_wm_base::XdgWmBase, { XdgShell::API_VERSION_MAX }>,
qh: &QueueHandle<D>,
surface: impl Into<Surface>,
udata: U,
) -> Result<XdgShellSurface, GlobalError>
D: Dispatch<xdg_surface::XdgSurface, U> + 'static,
U: Send + Sync + 'static,
let surface = surface.into();
let xdg_surface = wm_base.bound_global()?.get_xdg_surface(surface.wl_surface(), qh, udata);
Ok(XdgShellSurface { xdg_surface, surface })
pub fn xdg_surface(&self) -> &xdg_surface::XdgSurface {
pub fn wl_surface(&self) -> &wl_surface::WlSurface {
pub trait XdgSurface: WaylandSurface + Sized {
/// The underlying [`XdgSurface`](xdg_surface::XdgSurface).
fn xdg_surface(&self) -> &xdg_surface::XdgSurface;
fn set_window_geometry(&self, x: u32, y: u32, width: u32, height: u32) {
self.xdg_surface().set_window_geometry(x as i32, y as i32, width as i32, height as i32);
impl WaylandSurface for XdgShellSurface {
fn wl_surface(&self) -> &wl_surface::WlSurface {
impl XdgSurface for XdgShellSurface {
fn xdg_surface(&self) -> &xdg_surface::XdgSurface {
macro_rules! delegate_xdg_shell {
($(@<$( $lt:tt $( : $clt:tt $(+ $dlt:tt )* )? ),+>)? $ty: ty) => {
$crate::reexports::client::delegate_dispatch!($(@< $( $lt $( : $clt $(+ $dlt )* )? ),+ >)? $ty: [
$crate::reexports::protocols::xdg::shell::client::xdg_wm_base::XdgWmBase: $crate::globals::GlobalData
] => $crate::shell::xdg::XdgShell);
$crate::reexports::client::delegate_dispatch!($(@< $( $lt $( : $clt $(+ $dlt )* )? ),+ >)? $ty: [
$crate::reexports::protocols::xdg::decoration::zv1::client::zxdg_decoration_manager_v1::ZxdgDecorationManagerV1: $crate::globals::GlobalData
] => $crate::shell::xdg::XdgShell);
$crate::reexports::client::delegate_dispatch!($(@< $( $lt $( : $clt $(+ $dlt )* )? ),+ >)? $ty: [
$crate::reexports::protocols::xdg::decoration::zv1::client::zxdg_toplevel_decoration_v1::ZxdgToplevelDecorationV1: $crate::shell::xdg::window::WindowData
] => $crate::shell::xdg::XdgShell);
impl Drop for XdgShellSurface {
fn drop(&mut self) {
// Surface role must be destroyed before the wl_surface
// Version 5 adds the wm_capabilities event, which is a break
impl ProvidesBoundGlobal<xdg_wm_base::XdgWmBase, 5> for XdgShell {
fn bound_global(&self) -> Result<xdg_wm_base::XdgWmBase, GlobalError> {
<Self as ProvidesBoundGlobal<xdg_wm_base::XdgWmBase, 6>>::bound_global(self)
impl ProvidesBoundGlobal<xdg_wm_base::XdgWmBase, { XdgShell::API_VERSION_MAX }> for XdgShell {
fn bound_global(&self) -> Result<xdg_wm_base::XdgWmBase, GlobalError> {
impl<D> Dispatch<xdg_wm_base::XdgWmBase, GlobalData, D> for XdgShell
D: Dispatch<xdg_wm_base::XdgWmBase, GlobalData>,
fn event(
_state: &mut D,
xdg_wm_base: &xdg_wm_base::XdgWmBase,
event: xdg_wm_base::Event,
_data: &GlobalData,
_conn: &Connection,
_qh: &QueueHandle<D>,
) {
match event {
xdg_wm_base::Event::Ping { serial } => {
_ => unreachable!(),