/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
use std::cmp::Ordering;
use dom_struct::dom_struct;
use html5ever::local_name;
use crate::dom::bindings::codegen::Bindings::ElementBinding::ElementMethods;
use crate::dom::bindings::codegen::Bindings::HTMLCollectionBinding::HTMLCollectionMethods;
use crate::dom::bindings::codegen::Bindings::HTMLOptionsCollectionBinding::HTMLOptionsCollectionMethods;
use crate::dom::bindings::codegen::Bindings::HTMLSelectElementBinding::HTMLSelectElementMethods;
use crate::dom::bindings::codegen::Bindings::NodeBinding::Node_Binding::NodeMethods;
use crate::dom::bindings::codegen::UnionTypes::{
HTMLElementOrLong, HTMLOptionElementOrHTMLOptGroupElement,
use crate::dom::bindings::error::{Error, ErrorResult};
use crate::dom::bindings::inheritance::Castable;
use crate::dom::bindings::reflector::reflect_dom_object;
use crate::dom::bindings::root::DomRoot;
use crate::dom::bindings::str::DOMString;
use crate::dom::element::Element;
use crate::dom::htmlcollection::{CollectionFilter, HTMLCollection};
use crate::dom::htmloptionelement::HTMLOptionElement;
use crate::dom::htmlselectelement::HTMLSelectElement;
use crate::dom::node::{Node, NodeTraits};
use crate::dom::window::Window;
use crate::script_runtime::CanGc;
pub(crate) struct HTMLOptionsCollection {
collection: HTMLCollection,
impl HTMLOptionsCollection {
fn new_inherited(
select: &HTMLSelectElement,
filter: Box<dyn CollectionFilter + 'static>,
) -> HTMLOptionsCollection {
HTMLOptionsCollection {
collection: HTMLCollection::new_inherited(select.upcast(), filter),
pub(crate) fn new(
window: &Window,
select: &HTMLSelectElement,
filter: Box<dyn CollectionFilter + 'static>,
) -> DomRoot<HTMLOptionsCollection> {
Box::new(HTMLOptionsCollection::new_inherited(select, filter)),
fn add_new_elements(&self, count: u32, can_gc: CanGc) -> ErrorResult {
let root = self.upcast().root_node();
let document = root.owner_document();
for _ in 0..count {
let element =
HTMLOptionElement::new(local_name!("option"), None, &document, None, can_gc);
let node = element.upcast::<Node>();
impl HTMLOptionsCollectionMethods<crate::DomTypeHolder> for HTMLOptionsCollection {
// FIXME: This shouldn't need to be implemented here since HTMLCollection (the parent of
// HTMLOptionsCollection) implements NamedGetter.
// https://github.com/servo/servo/issues/5875
// https://dom.spec.whatwg.org/#dom-htmlcollection-nameditem
fn NamedGetter(&self, name: DOMString) -> Option<DomRoot<Element>> {
// https://heycam.github.io/webidl/#dfn-supported-property-names
fn SupportedPropertyNames(&self) -> Vec<DOMString> {
// FIXME: This shouldn't need to be implemented here since HTMLCollection (the parent of
// HTMLOptionsCollection) implements IndexedGetter.
// https://github.com/servo/servo/issues/5875
// https://dom.spec.whatwg.org/#dom-htmlcollection-item
fn IndexedGetter(&self, index: u32) -> Option<DomRoot<Element>> {
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/#dom-htmloptionscollection-setter
fn IndexedSetter(
index: u32,
value: Option<&HTMLOptionElement>,
can_gc: CanGc,
) -> ErrorResult {
if let Some(value) = value {
// Step 2
let length = self.upcast().Length();
// Step 3
let n = index as i32 - length as i32;
// Step 4
if n > 0 {
self.add_new_elements(n as u32, can_gc)?;
// Step 5
let node = value.upcast::<Node>();
let root = self.upcast().root_node();
if n >= 0 {
Node::pre_insert(node, &root, None).map(|_| ())
} else {
let child = self.upcast().IndexedGetter(index).unwrap();
let child_node = child.upcast::<Node>();
root.ReplaceChild(node, child_node).map(|_| ())
} else {
// Step 1
self.Remove(index as i32);
/// <https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/#dom-htmloptionscollection-length>
fn Length(&self) -> u32 {
/// <https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/#dom-htmloptionscollection-length>
fn SetLength(&self, length: u32, can_gc: CanGc) {
// Step 1. Let current be the number of nodes represented by the collection.
let current = self.upcast().Length();
match length.cmp(¤t) {
// Step 2. If the given value is greater than current, then:
Ordering::Greater => {
// Step 2.1 If the given value is greater than 100,000, then return.
if length > 100_000 {
// Step 2.2 Let n be value − current.
let n = length - current;
// Step 2.3 Append n new option elements with no attributes and no child
// nodes to the select element on which this is rooted.
self.add_new_elements(n, can_gc).unwrap();
// Step 3. If the given value is less than current, then:
Ordering::Less => {
// Step 3.1. Let n be current − value.
// Step 3.2 Remove the last n nodes in the collection from their parent nodes.
for index in (length..current).rev() {
self.Remove(index as i32)
_ => {},
/// <https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/#dom-htmloptionscollection-add>
fn Add(
element: HTMLOptionElementOrHTMLOptGroupElement,
before: Option<HTMLElementOrLong>,
) -> ErrorResult {
let root = self.upcast().root_node();
let node: &Node = match element {
HTMLOptionElementOrHTMLOptGroupElement::HTMLOptionElement(ref element) => {
HTMLOptionElementOrHTMLOptGroupElement::HTMLOptGroupElement(ref element) => {
// Step 1
if node.is_ancestor_of(&root) {
return Err(Error::HierarchyRequest);
if let Some(HTMLElementOrLong::HTMLElement(ref before_element)) = before {
// Step 2
let before_node = before_element.upcast::<Node>();
if !root.is_ancestor_of(before_node) {
return Err(Error::NotFound);
// Step 3
if node == before_node {
return Ok(());
// Step 4
let reference_node = before.and_then(|before| match before {
HTMLElementOrLong::HTMLElement(element) => Some(DomRoot::upcast::<Node>(element)),
HTMLElementOrLong::Long(index) => self
.IndexedGetter(index as u32)
// Step 5
let parent = if let Some(ref reference_node) = reference_node {
} else {
// Step 6
Node::pre_insert(node, &parent, reference_node.as_deref()).map(|_| ())
/// <https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/#dom-htmloptionscollection-remove>
fn Remove(&self, index: i32) {
if let Some(element) = self.upcast().IndexedGetter(index as u32) {
/// <https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/#dom-htmloptionscollection-selectedindex>
fn SelectedIndex(&self) -> i32 {
.expect("HTMLOptionsCollection not rooted on a HTMLSelectElement")
/// <https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/#dom-htmloptionscollection-selectedindex>
fn SetSelectedIndex(&self, index: i32) {
.expect("HTMLOptionsCollection not rooted on a HTMLSelectElement")