/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
use dom_struct::dom_struct;
use euclid::{Point2D, RigidTransform3D};
use webxr_api::{self, Floor, Frame, Space};
use crate::dom::bindings::codegen::Bindings::XRReferenceSpaceBinding::{
XRReferenceSpaceMethods, XRReferenceSpaceType,
use crate::dom::bindings::inheritance::Castable;
use crate::dom::bindings::reflector::{reflect_dom_object, DomGlobal};
use crate::dom::bindings::root::{Dom, DomRoot};
use crate::dom::globalscope::GlobalScope;
use crate::dom::xrrigidtransform::XRRigidTransform;
use crate::dom::xrsession::{cast_transform, ApiPose, BaseTransform, XRSession};
use crate::dom::xrspace::XRSpace;
use crate::script_runtime::CanGc;
pub(crate) struct XRReferenceSpace {
xrspace: XRSpace,
offset: Dom<XRRigidTransform>,
ty: XRReferenceSpaceType,
impl XRReferenceSpace {
pub(crate) fn new_inherited(
session: &XRSession,
offset: &XRRigidTransform,
ty: XRReferenceSpaceType,
) -> XRReferenceSpace {
XRReferenceSpace {
xrspace: XRSpace::new_inherited(session),
offset: Dom::from_ref(offset),
pub(crate) fn new(
global: &GlobalScope,
session: &XRSession,
ty: XRReferenceSpaceType,
can_gc: CanGc,
) -> DomRoot<XRReferenceSpace> {
let offset = XRRigidTransform::identity(global, can_gc);
Self::new_offset(global, session, ty, &offset)
pub(crate) fn new_offset(
global: &GlobalScope,
session: &XRSession,
ty: XRReferenceSpaceType,
offset: &XRRigidTransform,
) -> DomRoot<XRReferenceSpace> {
Box::new(XRReferenceSpace::new_inherited(session, offset, ty)),
pub(crate) fn space(&self) -> Space {
let base = match self.ty {
XRReferenceSpaceType::Local => webxr_api::BaseSpace::Local,
XRReferenceSpaceType::Viewer => webxr_api::BaseSpace::Viewer,
XRReferenceSpaceType::Local_floor => webxr_api::BaseSpace::Floor,
XRReferenceSpaceType::Bounded_floor => webxr_api::BaseSpace::BoundedFloor,
_ => panic!("unsupported reference space found"),
let offset = self.offset.transform();
Space { base, offset }
pub(crate) fn ty(&self) -> XRReferenceSpaceType {
impl XRReferenceSpaceMethods<crate::DomTypeHolder> for XRReferenceSpace {
/// <https://immersive-web.github.io/webxr/#dom-xrreferencespace-getoffsetreferencespace>
fn GetOffsetReferenceSpace(&self, new: &XRRigidTransform, can_gc: CanGc) -> DomRoot<Self> {
let offset = new.transform().then(&self.offset.transform());
let offset = XRRigidTransform::new(&self.global(), offset, can_gc);
// https://www.w3.org/TR/webxr/#dom-xrreferencespace-onreset
event_handler!(reset, GetOnreset, SetOnreset);
impl XRReferenceSpace {
/// Get a transform that can be used to locate the base space
/// This is equivalent to `get_pose(self).inverse()` (in column vector notation),
/// but with better types
pub(crate) fn get_base_transform(&self, base_pose: &Frame) -> Option<BaseTransform> {
let pose = self.get_pose(base_pose)?;
/// Gets pose represented by this space
/// The reference origin used is common between all
/// get_pose calls for spaces from the same device, so this can be used to compare
/// with other spaces
pub(crate) fn get_pose(&self, base_pose: &Frame) -> Option<ApiPose> {
let pose = self.get_unoffset_pose(base_pose)?;
let offset = self.offset.transform();
// pose is a transform from the unoffset space to native space,
// offset is a transform from offset space to unoffset space,
// we want a transform from unoffset space to native space,
// which is pose * offset in column vector notation
/// Gets pose represented by this space
/// Does not apply originOffset, use get_viewer_pose instead if you need it
pub(crate) fn get_unoffset_pose(&self, base_pose: &Frame) -> Option<ApiPose> {
match self.ty {
XRReferenceSpaceType::Local => {
// The eye-level pose is basically whatever the headset pose was at t=0, which
// for most devices is (0, 0, 0)
XRReferenceSpaceType::Local_floor | XRReferenceSpaceType::Bounded_floor => {
let native_to_floor = self
.with_session(|s| s.floor_transform())?;
XRReferenceSpaceType::Viewer => {
_ => unimplemented!(),
pub(crate) fn get_bounds(&self) -> Option<Vec<Point2D<f32, Floor>>> {
.with_session(|s| s.reference_space_bounds())