macro_rules! glib_boxed_inline_wrapper {
([$($attr:meta)*] $visibility:vis $name:ident $(<$($generic:ident $(: $bound:tt $(+ $bound2:tt)*)?),+>)?, $ffi_name:ty
$(, @type_ $get_type_expr:expr)?) => {
#[doc = "\n\nGLib type: Inline allocated boxed type with stack copy semantics."]
$visibility struct $name $(<$($generic $(: $bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+>)? {
pub(crate) inner: $ffi_name,
$(pub(crate) phantom: std::marker::PhantomData<$($generic),+>,)?
impl $(<$($generic $(: $bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+>)? std::clone::Clone for $name $(<$($generic),+>)? {
#[doc = "Copies the inline boxed type by value with the type-specific copy function."]
fn clone(&self) -> Self {
Self {
inner: std::clone::Clone::clone(&self.inner),
$(phantom: std::marker::PhantomData::<$($generic),+>)?
impl $(<$($generic $(: $bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+>)? std::marker::Copy for $name $(<$($generic),+>)? {}
@generic_impl $name $(<$($generic $(: $bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+>)?, $ffi_name,
@copy ptr unsafe { let copy = $crate::ffi::g_malloc(std::mem::size_of::<$ffi_name>()) as *mut $ffi_name; std::ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(ptr, copy, 1); copy },
@free ptr unsafe { $crate::ffi::g_free(ptr as *mut _); },
@init _ptr (), @copy_into dest src std::ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(src, dest, 1), @clear _ptr ()
$crate::glib_boxed_inline_wrapper!(@value_impl $name $(<$($generic $(: $bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+>)?, $ffi_name $(, @type_ $get_type_expr)?);
([$($attr:meta)*] $visibility:vis $name:ident $(<$($generic:ident $(: $bound:tt $(+ $bound2:tt)*)?),+>)?, $ffi_name:ty,
@copy $copy_arg:ident $copy_expr:expr, @free $free_arg:ident $free_expr:expr
$(, @type_ $get_type_expr:expr)?) => {
#[doc = "\n\nGLib type: Inline allocated boxed type with stack copy semantics."]
$visibility struct $name $(<$($generic $(: $bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+>)? {
pub(crate) inner: $ffi_name,
$(pub(crate) phantom: std::marker::PhantomData<$($generic),+>,)?
impl $(<$($generic $(: $bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+>)? std::clone::Clone for $name $(<$($generic),+>)? {
#[doc = "Copies the inline boxed type by value with the type-specific copy function."]
fn clone(&self) -> Self {
Self {
inner: std::clone::Clone::clone(&self.inner),
$(phantom: std::marker::PhantomData::<$($generic),+>)?
impl $(<$($generic $(: $bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+>)? std::marker::Copy for $name $(<$($generic),+>)? {}
@generic_impl $name $(<$($generic $(: $bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+>)?, $ffi_name,
@copy $copy_arg $copy_expr, @free $free_arg $free_expr,
@init _ptr (), @copy_into dest src std::ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(src, dest, 1), @clear _ptr ()
$crate::glib_boxed_inline_wrapper!(@value_impl $name $(<$($generic $(: $bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+>)?, $ffi_name $(, @type_ $get_type_expr)?);
([$($attr:meta)*] $visibility:vis $name:ident $(<$($generic:ident $(: $bound:tt $(+ $bound2:tt)*)?),+>)?, $ffi_name:ty,
@init $init_arg:ident $init_expr:expr, @copy_into $copy_into_arg_dest:ident $copy_into_arg_src:ident $copy_into_expr:expr, @clear $clear_arg:ident $clear_expr:expr
$(, @type_ $get_type_expr:expr)?) => {
#[doc = "\n\nGLib type: Inline allocated boxed type with stack copy semantics."]
$visibility struct $name $(<$($generic $(: $bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+>)? {
pub(crate) inner: $ffi_name,
$(pub(crate) phantom: std::marker::PhantomData<$($generic),+>,)?
impl $(<$($generic $(: $bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+>)? std::clone::Clone for $name $(<$($generic),+>)? {
#[doc = "Copies the inline boxed type by value with the type-specific copy function."]
fn clone(&self) -> Self {
unsafe {
$crate::translate::from_glib_none(&self.inner as *const $ffi_name)
impl $(<$($generic $(: $bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+>)? Drop for $name $(<$($generic),+>)? {
fn drop(&mut self) {
unsafe {
let clear = |$clear_arg: *mut $ffi_name| $clear_expr;
clear(&mut self.inner as *mut $ffi_name);
@generic_impl $name $(<$($generic $(: $bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+>)?, $ffi_name,
@copy ptr unsafe { let copy = $crate::ffi::g_malloc(std::mem::size_of::<$ffi_name>()) as *mut $ffi_name; let c = |$copy_into_arg_dest, $copy_into_arg_src| $copy_into_expr; c(copy, ptr); copy },
@free ptr unsafe { let c = |$clear_arg| $clear_expr; c(ptr); $crate::ffi::g_free(ptr as *mut _); },
@init $init_arg $init_expr, @copy_into $copy_into_arg_dest $copy_into_arg_src $copy_into_expr, @clear $clear_arg $clear_expr
$crate::glib_boxed_inline_wrapper!(@value_impl $name $(<$($generic $(: $bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+>)?, $ffi_name $(, @type_ $get_type_expr)?);
([$($attr:meta)*] $visibility:vis $name:ident $(<$($generic:ident $(: $bound:tt $(+ $bound2:tt)*)?),+>)?, $ffi_name:ty,
@copy $copy_arg:ident $copy_expr:expr, @free $free_arg:ident $free_expr:expr,
@init $init_arg:ident $init_expr:expr, @copy_into $copy_into_arg_dest:ident $copy_into_arg_src:ident $copy_into_expr:expr, @clear $clear_arg:ident $clear_expr:expr
$(, @type_ $get_type_expr:expr)?) => {
#[doc = "\n\nGLib type: Inline allocated boxed type with stack copy semantics."]
$visibility struct $name $(<$($generic $(: $bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+>)? {
pub(crate) inner: $ffi_name,
$(pub(crate) phantom: std::marker::PhantomData<$($generic),+>,)?
impl $(<$($generic $(: $bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+>)? std::clone::Clone for $name $(<$($generic),+>)? {
#[doc = "Copies the inline boxed type by value with the type-specific copy function."]
fn clone(&self) -> Self {
unsafe {
$crate::translate::from_glib_none(&self.inner as *const $ffi_name)
impl $(<$($generic $(: $bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+>)? Drop for $name $(<$($generic),+>)? {
fn drop(&mut self) {
unsafe {
let clear = |$clear_arg: *mut $ffi_name| $clear_expr;
clear(&mut self.inner as *mut $ffi_name);
@generic_impl $name $(<$($generic $(: $bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+>)?, $ffi_name,
@copy $copy_arg $copy_expr, @free $free_arg $free_expr,
@init $init_arg $init_expr, @copy_into $copy_into_arg_dest $copy_into_arg_src $copy_into_expr, @clear $clear_arg $clear_expr
$crate::glib_boxed_inline_wrapper!(@value_impl $name $(<$($generic $(: $bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+>)?, $ffi_name $(, @type_ $get_type_expr)?);
(@generic_impl $name:ident $(<$($generic:ident $(: $bound:tt $(+ $bound2:tt)*)?),+>)?, $ffi_name:ty,
@copy $copy_arg:ident $copy_expr:expr, @free $free_arg:ident $free_expr:expr,
@init $init_arg:ident $init_expr:expr, @copy_into $copy_into_arg_dest:ident $copy_into_arg_src:ident $copy_into_expr:expr, @clear $clear_arg:ident $clear_expr:expr) => {
impl $(<$($generic $(: $bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+>)? $name $(<$($generic),+>)? {
pub fn as_ptr(&self) -> *mut $ffi_name {
&self.inner as *const $ffi_name as *mut _
#[doc = "Borrows the underlying C value."]
pub unsafe fn from_glib_ptr_borrow<'a>(ptr: *const $ffi_name) -> &'a Self {
&*(ptr as *const Self)
#[doc = "Borrows the underlying C value mutably."]
pub unsafe fn from_glib_ptr_borrow_mut<'a>(ptr: *mut $ffi_name) -> &'a mut Self {
&mut *(ptr as *mut Self)
impl $(<$($generic $(: $bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+>)? $crate::translate::GlibPtrDefault for $name $(<$($generic),+>)? {
type GlibType = *mut $ffi_name;
unsafe impl $(<$($generic $(: $bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+>)? $crate::translate::TransparentType for $name $(<$($generic),+>)? {
type GlibType = $ffi_name;
impl $(<$($generic $(: $bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+>)? $crate::translate::Uninitialized for $name $(<$($generic),+>)? {
unsafe fn uninitialized() -> Self {
let mut v = std::mem::MaybeUninit::zeroed();
let init = |$init_arg: *mut $ffi_name| $init_expr;
Self {
inner: v.assume_init(),
$(phantom: std::marker::PhantomData::<$($generic),+>)?
impl $(<$($generic $(: $bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+>)? $crate::translate::UnsafeFrom<$ffi_name> for $name $(<$($generic),+>)? {
unsafe fn unsafe_from(t: $ffi_name) -> Self {
Self {
inner: t,
$(phantom: std::marker::PhantomData::<$($generic),+>)?
impl<'a $(, $($generic $(: $bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+)?> $crate::translate::ToGlibPtr<'a, *const $ffi_name> for $name $(<$($generic),+>)? {
type Storage = std::marker::PhantomData<&'a Self>;
fn to_glib_none(&'a self) -> $crate::translate::Stash<'a, *const $ffi_name, Self> {
$crate::translate::Stash(&self.inner as *const $ffi_name, std::marker::PhantomData)
fn to_glib_full(&self) -> *const $ffi_name {
unsafe {
let copy = |$copy_arg: *const $ffi_name| $copy_expr;
copy(&self.inner as *const $ffi_name)
impl<'a $(, $($generic $(: $bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+)?> $crate::translate::ToGlibPtrMut<'a, *mut $ffi_name> for $name $(<$($generic),+>)? {
type Storage = std::marker::PhantomData<&'a mut Self>;
fn to_glib_none_mut(&'a mut self) -> $crate::translate::StashMut<'a, *mut $ffi_name, Self> {
let ptr = &mut self.inner as *mut $ffi_name;
$crate::translate::StashMut(ptr, std::marker::PhantomData)
impl<'a $(, $($generic $(: $bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+)?> $crate::translate::ToGlibContainerFromSlice<'a, *mut *const $ffi_name> for $name $(<$($generic),+>)? {
type Storage = (std::marker::PhantomData<&'a [Self]>, Option<Vec<*const $ffi_name>>);
fn to_glib_none_from_slice(t: &'a [Self]) -> (*mut *const $ffi_name, Self::Storage) {
let mut v: Vec<_> = t.iter().map(|s| &s.inner as *const $ffi_name).collect();
v.push(std::ptr::null_mut() as *const $ffi_name);
(v.as_mut_ptr(), (std::marker::PhantomData, Some(v)))
fn to_glib_container_from_slice(t: &'a [Self]) -> (*mut *const $ffi_name, Self::Storage) {
let v_ptr = unsafe {
let v_ptr = $crate::ffi::g_malloc(std::mem::size_of::<*const $ffi_name>() * (t.len() + 1)) as *mut *const $ffi_name;
for (i, s) in t.iter().enumerate() {
std::ptr::write(v_ptr.add(i), &s.inner as *const $ffi_name);
std::ptr::write(v_ptr.add(t.len()), std::ptr::null_mut());
(v_ptr, (std::marker::PhantomData, None))
fn to_glib_full_from_slice(t: &[Self]) -> *mut *const $ffi_name {
unsafe {
let v_ptr = $crate::ffi::g_malloc(std::mem::size_of::<*const $ffi_name>() * (t.len() + 1)) as *mut *const $ffi_name;
for (i, s) in t.iter().enumerate() {
std::ptr::write(v_ptr.add(i), $crate::translate::ToGlibPtr::to_glib_full(s));
std::ptr::write(v_ptr.add(t.len()), std::ptr::null_mut());
impl<'a $(, $($generic $(: $bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+)?> $crate::translate::ToGlibContainerFromSlice<'a, *const *const $ffi_name> for $name $(<$($generic),+>)? {
type Storage = (std::marker::PhantomData<&'a [Self]>, Option<Vec<*const $ffi_name>>);
fn to_glib_none_from_slice(t: &'a [Self]) -> (*const *const $ffi_name, Self::Storage) {
let (ptr, stash) = $crate::translate::ToGlibContainerFromSlice::<'a, *mut *const $ffi_name>::to_glib_none_from_slice(t);
(ptr as *const *const $ffi_name, stash)
fn to_glib_container_from_slice(_: &'a [Self]) -> (*const *const $ffi_name, Self::Storage) {
fn to_glib_full_from_slice(_: &[Self]) -> *const *const $ffi_name {
impl<'a $(, $($generic $(: $bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+)?> $crate::translate::ToGlibContainerFromSlice<'a, *mut $ffi_name> for $name $(<$($generic),+>)? {
type Storage = std::marker::PhantomData<&'a [Self]>;
fn to_glib_none_from_slice(t: &'a [Self]) -> (*mut $ffi_name, Self::Storage) {
(t.as_ptr() as *mut $ffi_name, std::marker::PhantomData)
fn to_glib_container_from_slice(t: &'a [Self]) -> (*mut $ffi_name, Self::Storage) {
$crate::translate::ToGlibContainerFromSlice::<'a, *mut $ffi_name>::to_glib_full_from_slice(t),
fn to_glib_full_from_slice(t: &[Self]) -> *mut $ffi_name {
let v_ptr = unsafe {
let v_ptr = $crate::ffi::g_malloc(std::mem::size_of::<$ffi_name>()) as *mut $ffi_name;
for (i, s) in t.iter().enumerate() {
let copy_into = |$copy_into_arg_dest: *mut $ffi_name, $copy_into_arg_src: *const $ffi_name| $copy_into_expr;
copy_into(v_ptr.add(i), &s.inner as *const $ffi_name);
impl<'a $(, $($generic $(: $bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+)?> $crate::translate::ToGlibContainerFromSlice<'a, *const $ffi_name> for $name $(<$($generic),+>)? {
type Storage = std::marker::PhantomData<&'a [Self]>;
fn to_glib_none_from_slice(t: &'a [Self]) -> (*const $ffi_name, Self::Storage) {
let (ptr, stash) = $crate::translate::ToGlibContainerFromSlice::<'a, *mut $ffi_name>::to_glib_none_from_slice(t);
(ptr as *const $ffi_name, stash)
fn to_glib_container_from_slice(_: &'a [Self]) -> (*const $ffi_name, Self::Storage) {
fn to_glib_full_from_slice(_: &[Self]) -> *const $ffi_name {
impl $(<$($generic $(: $bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+>)? $crate::translate::FromGlibPtrNone<*mut $ffi_name> for $name $(<$($generic),+>)? {
unsafe fn from_glib_none(ptr: *mut $ffi_name) -> Self {
let mut v = <Self as $crate::translate::Uninitialized>::uninitialized();
let copy_into = |$copy_into_arg_dest: *mut $ffi_name, $copy_into_arg_src: *const $ffi_name| $copy_into_expr;
copy_into(&mut v.inner as *mut $ffi_name, ptr as *const $ffi_name);
impl $(<$($generic $(: $bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+>)? $crate::translate::FromGlibPtrNone<*const $ffi_name> for $name $(<$($generic),+>)? {
unsafe fn from_glib_none(ptr: *const $ffi_name) -> Self {
$crate::translate::from_glib_none::<_, Self>(ptr as *mut $ffi_name)
impl $(<$($generic $(: $bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+>)? $crate::translate::FromGlibPtrFull<*mut $ffi_name> for $name $(<$($generic),+>)? {
unsafe fn from_glib_full(ptr: *mut $ffi_name) -> Self {
let mut v = <Self as $crate::translate::Uninitialized>::uninitialized();
let copy_into = |$copy_into_arg_dest: *mut $ffi_name, $copy_into_arg_src: *const $ffi_name| $copy_into_expr;
copy_into(&mut v.inner as *mut $ffi_name, ptr as *const $ffi_name);
let free = |$free_arg: *mut $ffi_name| $free_expr;
impl $(<$($generic $(: $bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+>)? $crate::translate::FromGlibPtrFull<*const $ffi_name> for $name $(<$($generic),+>)? {
unsafe fn from_glib_full(ptr: *const $ffi_name) -> Self {
$crate::translate::from_glib_full::<_, Self>(ptr as *mut $ffi_name)
impl $(<$($generic $(: $bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+>)? $crate::translate::FromGlibPtrBorrow<*mut $ffi_name> for $name $(<$($generic),+>)? {
unsafe fn from_glib_borrow(ptr: *mut $ffi_name) -> $crate::translate::Borrowed<Self> {
$crate::translate::Borrowed::new(Self {
inner: std::ptr::read(ptr),
$(phantom: std::marker::PhantomData::<$($generic),+>)?
impl $(<$($generic $(: $bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+>)? $crate::translate::FromGlibPtrBorrow<*const $ffi_name> for $name $(<$($generic),+>)? {
unsafe fn from_glib_borrow(ptr: *const $ffi_name) -> $crate::translate::Borrowed<Self> {
$crate::translate::from_glib_borrow::<_, Self>(ptr as *mut $ffi_name)
impl $(<$($generic $(: $bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+>)? $crate::translate::FromGlibContainerAsVec<*mut $ffi_name, *mut $ffi_name> for $name $(<$($generic),+>)? {
unsafe fn from_glib_none_num_as_vec(ptr: *mut $ffi_name, num: usize) -> Vec<Self> {
$crate::translate::FromGlibContainerAsVec::from_glib_none_num_as_vec(ptr as *const _, num)
unsafe fn from_glib_container_num_as_vec(ptr: *mut $ffi_name, num: usize) -> Vec<Self> {
$crate::translate::FromGlibContainerAsVec::from_glib_container_num_as_vec(ptr as *const _, num)
unsafe fn from_glib_full_num_as_vec(ptr: *mut $ffi_name, num: usize) -> Vec<Self> {
$crate::translate::FromGlibContainerAsVec::from_glib_full_num_as_vec(ptr as *const _, num)
impl $(<$($generic $(: $bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+>)? $crate::translate::FromGlibContainerAsVec<*mut $ffi_name, *const $ffi_name> for $name $(<$($generic),+>)? {
unsafe fn from_glib_none_num_as_vec(ptr: *const $ffi_name, num: usize) -> Vec<Self> {
if num == 0 || ptr.is_null() {
return Vec::new();
let mut res = Vec::<Self>::with_capacity(num);
let res_ptr = res.as_mut_ptr();
for i in 0..num {
::std::ptr::write(res_ptr.add(i), $crate::translate::from_glib_none(ptr.add(i)));
unsafe fn from_glib_container_num_as_vec(ptr: *const $ffi_name, num: usize) -> Vec<Self> {
let res = $crate::translate::FromGlibContainerAsVec::from_glib_none_num_as_vec(ptr, num);
$crate::ffi::g_free(ptr as *mut _);
unsafe fn from_glib_full_num_as_vec(ptr: *const $ffi_name, num: usize) -> Vec<Self> {
if num == 0 || ptr.is_null() {
$crate::ffi::g_free(ptr as *mut _);
return Vec::new();
let mut res = Vec::with_capacity(num);
let res_ptr = res.as_mut_ptr();
::std::ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(ptr as *mut Self, res_ptr, num);
$crate::ffi::g_free(ptr as *mut _);
impl $(<$($generic $(: $bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+>)? $crate::translate::FromGlibContainerAsVec<*mut $ffi_name, *mut *mut $ffi_name> for $name $(<$($generic),+>)? {
unsafe fn from_glib_none_num_as_vec(ptr: *mut *mut $ffi_name, num: usize) -> Vec<Self> {
if num == 0 || ptr.is_null() {
return Vec::new();
let mut res = Vec::<Self>::with_capacity(num);
let res_ptr = res.as_mut_ptr();
for i in 0..num {
::std::ptr::write(res_ptr.add(i), $crate::translate::from_glib_none(::std::ptr::read(ptr.add(i))));
unsafe fn from_glib_container_num_as_vec(ptr: *mut *mut $ffi_name, num: usize) -> Vec<Self> {
let res = $crate::translate::FromGlibContainerAsVec::from_glib_none_num_as_vec(ptr, num);
$crate::ffi::g_free(ptr as *mut _);
unsafe fn from_glib_full_num_as_vec(ptr: *mut *mut $ffi_name, num: usize) -> Vec<Self> {
if num == 0 || ptr.is_null() {
$crate::ffi::g_free(ptr as *mut _);
return Vec::new();
let mut res = Vec::<Self>::with_capacity(num);
let res_ptr = res.as_mut_ptr();
for i in 0..num {
::std::ptr::write(res_ptr.add(i), $crate::translate::from_glib_full(::std::ptr::read(ptr.add(i))));
$crate::ffi::g_free(ptr as *mut _);
impl $(<$($generic $(: $bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+>)? $crate::translate::FromGlibPtrArrayContainerAsVec<*mut $ffi_name, *mut *mut $ffi_name> for $name $(<$($generic),+>)? {
unsafe fn from_glib_none_as_vec(ptr: *mut *mut $ffi_name) -> Vec<Self> {
$crate::translate::FromGlibContainerAsVec::from_glib_none_num_as_vec(ptr, $crate::translate::c_ptr_array_len(ptr))
unsafe fn from_glib_container_as_vec(ptr: *mut *mut $ffi_name) -> Vec<Self> {
$crate::translate::FromGlibContainerAsVec::from_glib_container_num_as_vec(ptr, $crate::translate::c_ptr_array_len(ptr))
unsafe fn from_glib_full_as_vec(ptr: *mut *mut $ffi_name) -> Vec<Self> {
$crate::translate::FromGlibContainerAsVec::from_glib_full_num_as_vec(ptr, $crate::translate::c_ptr_array_len(ptr))
impl $(<$($generic $(: $bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+>)? $crate::translate::IntoGlibPtr<*mut $ffi_name> for $name $(<$($generic),+>)? {
unsafe fn into_glib_ptr(self) -> *mut $ffi_name {
$crate::translate::ToGlibPtr::<*const $ffi_name>::to_glib_full(&self) as *mut _
impl $(<$($generic $(: $bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+>)? $crate::translate::IntoGlibPtr<*const $ffi_name> for $name $(<$($generic),+>)? {
unsafe fn into_glib_ptr(self) -> *const $ffi_name {
$crate::translate::ToGlibPtr::<*const $ffi_name>::to_glib_full(&self)
(@value_impl $name:ident $(<$($generic:ident $(: $bound:tt $(+ $bound2:tt)*)?),+>)?, $ffi_name:ty) => { };
(@value_impl $name:ident $(<$($generic:ident $(: $bound:tt $(+ $bound2:tt)*)?),+>)?, $ffi_name:ty, @type_ $get_type_expr:expr) => {
impl $(<$($generic $(: $bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+>)? $crate::prelude::StaticType for $name $(<$($generic),+>)? {
fn static_type() -> $crate::types::Type {
unsafe { $crate::translate::from_glib($get_type_expr) }
impl$(<$($generic: 'static + $($bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+>)? $crate::value::ValueType for $name $(<$($generic),+>)? {
type Type = Self;
impl $(<$($generic $(: $bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+>)? $crate::value::ValueTypeOptional for $name $(<$($generic),+>)? { }
unsafe impl $(<$($generic $(: $bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+>)? $crate::value::FromValue<'_> for $name $(<$($generic),+>)? {
type Checker = $crate::value::GenericValueTypeOrNoneChecker<Self>;
unsafe fn from_value(value: &'_ $crate::Value) -> Self {
let ptr = $crate::gobject_ffi::g_value_get_boxed($crate::translate::ToGlibPtr::to_glib_none(value).0);
<Self as $crate::translate::FromGlibPtrNone<*const $ffi_name>>::from_glib_none(ptr as *const $ffi_name)
unsafe impl $(<$($generic $(: $bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+>)? $crate::value::FromValue<'_> for &'_ $name $(<$($generic),+>)? {
type Checker = $crate::value::GenericValueTypeOrNoneChecker<Self>;
unsafe fn from_value(value: &'_ $crate::Value) -> Self {
let ptr = $crate::gobject_ffi::g_value_get_boxed($crate::translate::ToGlibPtr::to_glib_none(value).0);
&*(ptr as *const $ffi_name as *const $name $(<$($generic),+>)?)
impl $(<$($generic $(: $bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+>)? $crate::value::ToValue for $name $(<$($generic),+>)? {
fn to_value(&self) -> $crate::Value {
unsafe {
let mut value = $crate::Value::from_type_unchecked(<Self as $crate::prelude::StaticType>::static_type());
$crate::translate::ToGlibPtrMut::to_glib_none_mut(&mut value).0,
$crate::translate::ToGlibPtr::<*const $ffi_name>::to_glib_none(self).0 as *mut _,
fn value_type(&self) -> $crate::Type {
<Self as $crate::prelude::StaticType>::static_type()
impl $(<$($generic $(: $bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+>)? ::std::convert::From<$name $(<$($generic),+>)?> for $crate::Value {
fn from(v: $name $(<$($generic),+>)?) -> Self {
impl $(<$($generic: 'static + $($bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+>)? $crate::value::ToValueOptional for $name $(<$($generic),+>)? {
fn to_value_optional(s: Option<&Self>) -> $crate::Value {
let mut value = $crate::Value::for_value_type::<Self>();
unsafe {
$crate::translate::ToGlibPtrMut::to_glib_none_mut(&mut value).0,
$crate::translate::ToGlibPtr::<*const $ffi_name>::to_glib_none(&s).0 as *mut _,
impl $(<$($generic $(: $bound $(+ $bound2)*)?),+>)? $crate::prelude::HasParamSpec for $name $(<$($generic),+>)? {
type ParamSpec = $crate::ParamSpecBoxed;
type SetValue = Self;
type BuilderFn = fn(&str) -> $crate::ParamSpecBoxedBuilder<Self>;
fn param_spec_builder() -> Self::BuilderFn {
|name| Self::ParamSpec::builder(name)