//! UI node types and related data structures.
//! Layouts are composed of multiple nodes, which live in a tree-like data structure.
#[cfg(feature = "taffy_tree")]
use slotmap::{DefaultKey, Key, KeyData};
/// A type representing the id of a single node in a tree of nodes
/// Internally it is a wrapper around a u64 and a `NodeId` can be converted to and from
/// and u64 if needed.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub struct NodeId(u64);
impl NodeId {
/// Create a new NodeId from a u64 value
pub const fn new(val: u64) -> Self {
impl From<u64> for NodeId {
fn from(raw: u64) -> Self {
impl From<NodeId> for u64 {
fn from(id: NodeId) -> Self {
impl From<usize> for NodeId {
fn from(raw: usize) -> Self {
Self(raw as u64)
impl From<NodeId> for usize {
fn from(id: NodeId) -> Self {
id.0 as usize
#[cfg(feature = "taffy_tree")]
impl From<DefaultKey> for NodeId {
fn from(key: DefaultKey) -> Self {
#[cfg(feature = "taffy_tree")]
impl From<NodeId> for DefaultKey {
fn from(key: NodeId) -> Self {