use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::error::Error;
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicU32, Ordering};
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex, RwLock, RwLockReadGuard};
use std::{fmt, ptr};
use crate::window::CursorIcon;
use super::atoms::Atoms;
use super::ffi;
use super::monitor::MonitorHandle;
use x11rb::connection::Connection;
use x11rb::protocol::randr::ConnectionExt as _;
use x11rb::protocol::xproto::{self, ConnectionExt};
use x11rb::resource_manager;
use x11rb::xcb_ffi::XCBConnection;
/// A connection to an X server.
pub struct XConnection {
pub xlib: ffi::Xlib,
pub xcursor: ffi::Xcursor,
// TODO(notgull): I'd like to remove this, but apparently Xlib and Xinput2 are tied together
// for some reason.
pub xinput2: ffi::XInput2,
pub display: *mut ffi::Display,
/// The manager for the XCB connection.
/// The `Option` ensures that we can drop it before we close the `Display`.
xcb: Option<XCBConnection>,
/// The atoms used by `winit`.
/// This is a large structure, so I've elected to Box it to make accessing the fields of
/// this struct easier. Feel free to unbox it if you like kicking puppies.
atoms: Box<Atoms>,
/// The index of the default screen.
default_screen: usize,
/// The last timestamp received by this connection.
timestamp: AtomicU32,
/// List of monitor handles.
pub monitor_handles: Mutex<Option<Vec<MonitorHandle>>>,
/// The resource database.
database: RwLock<resource_manager::Database>,
/// RandR version.
randr_version: (u32, u32),
/// Atom for the XSettings screen.
xsettings_screen: Option<xproto::Atom>,
pub latest_error: Mutex<Option<XError>>,
pub cursor_cache: Mutex<HashMap<Option<CursorIcon>, ffi::Cursor>>,
unsafe impl Send for XConnection {}
unsafe impl Sync for XConnection {}
pub type XErrorHandler =
Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut ffi::Display, *mut ffi::XErrorEvent) -> std::os::raw::c_int>;
impl XConnection {
pub fn new(error_handler: XErrorHandler) -> Result<XConnection, XNotSupported> {
// opening the libraries
let xlib = ffi::Xlib::open()?;
let xcursor = ffi::Xcursor::open()?;
let xlib_xcb = ffi::Xlib_xcb::open()?;
let xinput2 = ffi::XInput2::open()?;
unsafe { (xlib.XInitThreads)() };
unsafe { (xlib.XSetErrorHandler)(error_handler) };
// calling XOpenDisplay
let display = unsafe {
let display = (xlib.XOpenDisplay)(ptr::null());
if display.is_null() {
return Err(XNotSupported::XOpenDisplayFailed);
// Open the x11rb XCB connection.
let xcb = {
// Get a pointer to the underlying XCB connection
let xcb_connection =
unsafe { (xlib_xcb.XGetXCBConnection)(display as *mut ffi::Display) };
// Wrap the XCB connection in an x11rb XCB connection
let conn =
unsafe { XCBConnection::from_raw_xcb_connection(xcb_connection.cast(), false) };
conn.map_err(|e| XNotSupported::XcbConversionError(Arc::new(WrapConnectError(e))))?
// Get the default screen.
let default_screen = unsafe { (xlib.XDefaultScreen)(display) } as usize;
// Load the database.
let database = resource_manager::new_from_default(&xcb)
.map_err(|e| XNotSupported::XcbConversionError(Arc::new(e)))?;
// Load the RandR version.
let randr_version = xcb
.randr_query_version(1, 3)
.expect("failed to request XRandR version")
.expect("failed to query XRandR version");
let xsettings_screen = Self::new_xsettings_screen(&xcb, default_screen);
if xsettings_screen.is_none() {
tracing::warn!("error setting XSETTINGS; Xft options won't reload automatically")
// Fetch atoms.
let atoms = Atoms::new(&xcb)
.map_err(|e| XNotSupported::XcbConversionError(Arc::new(e)))?
.map_err(|e| XNotSupported::XcbConversionError(Arc::new(e)))?;
Ok(XConnection {
xcb: Some(xcb),
atoms: Box::new(atoms),
timestamp: AtomicU32::new(0),
latest_error: Mutex::new(None),
monitor_handles: Mutex::new(None),
database: RwLock::new(database),
cursor_cache: Default::default(),
randr_version: (randr_version.major_version, randr_version.minor_version),
fn new_xsettings_screen(xcb: &XCBConnection, default_screen: usize) -> Option<xproto::Atom> {
// Fetch the _XSETTINGS_S[screen number] atom.
let xsettings_screen = xcb
.intern_atom(false, format!("_XSETTINGS_S{}", default_screen).as_bytes())
// Get PropertyNotify events from the XSETTINGS window.
// TODO: The XSETTINGS window here can change. In the future, listen for DestroyNotify on
// this window in order to accommodate for a changed window here.
let selector_window = xcb.get_selection_owner(xsettings_screen).ok()?.reply().ok()?.owner;
/// Checks whether an error has been triggered by the previous function calls.
pub fn check_errors(&self) -> Result<(), XError> {
let error = self.latest_error.lock().unwrap().take();
if let Some(error) = error {
} else {
pub fn randr_version(&self) -> (u32, u32) {
/// Get the underlying XCB connection.
pub fn xcb_connection(&self) -> &XCBConnection {
self.xcb.as_ref().expect("xcb_connection somehow called after drop?")
/// Get the list of atoms.
pub fn atoms(&self) -> &Atoms {
/// Get the index of the default screen.
pub fn default_screen_index(&self) -> usize {
/// Get the default screen.
pub fn default_root(&self) -> &xproto::Screen {
/// Get the resource database.
pub fn database(&self) -> RwLockReadGuard<'_, resource_manager::Database> {|e| e.into_inner())
/// Reload the resource database.
pub fn reload_database(&self) -> Result<(), super::X11Error> {
let database = resource_manager::new_from_default(self.xcb_connection())?;
*self.database.write().unwrap_or_else(|e| e.into_inner()) = database;
/// Get the latest timestamp.
pub fn timestamp(&self) -> u32 {
/// Set the last witnessed timestamp.
pub fn set_timestamp(&self, timestamp: u32) {
// Store the timestamp in the slot if it's greater than the last one.
let mut last_timestamp = self.timestamp.load(Ordering::Relaxed);
loop {
let wrapping_sub = |a: xproto::Timestamp, b: xproto::Timestamp| (a as i32) - (b as i32);
if wrapping_sub(timestamp, last_timestamp) <= 0 {
match self.timestamp.compare_exchange(
) {
Ok(_) => break,
Err(x) => last_timestamp = x,
/// Get the atom for Xsettings.
pub fn xsettings_screen(&self) -> Option<xproto::Atom> {
impl fmt::Debug for XConnection {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
impl Drop for XConnection {
fn drop(&mut self) {
self.xcb = None;
unsafe { (self.xlib.XCloseDisplay)(self.display) };
/// Error triggered by xlib.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct XError {
pub description: String,
pub error_code: u8,
pub request_code: u8,
pub minor_code: u8,
impl Error for XError {}
impl fmt::Display for XError {
fn fmt(&self, formatter: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> {
"X error: {} (code: {}, request code: {}, minor code: {})",
self.description, self.error_code, self.request_code, self.minor_code
/// Error returned if this system doesn't have XLib or can't create an X connection.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub enum XNotSupported {
/// Failed to load one or several shared libraries.
/// Connecting to the X server with `XOpenDisplay` failed.
XOpenDisplayFailed, // TODO: add better message.
/// We encountered an error while converting the connection to XCB.
XcbConversionError(Arc<dyn Error + Send + Sync + 'static>),
impl From<ffi::OpenError> for XNotSupported {
fn from(err: ffi::OpenError) -> XNotSupported {
impl XNotSupported {
fn description(&self) -> &'static str {
match self {
XNotSupported::LibraryOpenError(_) => "Failed to load one of xlib's shared libraries",
XNotSupported::XOpenDisplayFailed => "Failed to open connection to X server",
XNotSupported::XcbConversionError(_) => "Failed to convert Xlib connection to XCB",
impl Error for XNotSupported {
fn source(&self) -> Option<&(dyn Error + 'static)> {
match *self {
XNotSupported::LibraryOpenError(ref err) => Some(err),
XNotSupported::XcbConversionError(ref err) => Some(&**err),
_ => None,
impl fmt::Display for XNotSupported {
fn fmt(&self, formatter: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> {
/// A newtype wrapper around a `ConnectError` that can't be accessed by downstream libraries.
/// Without this, `x11rb` would become a public dependency.
struct WrapConnectError(x11rb::rust_connection::ConnectError);
impl fmt::Display for WrapConnectError {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
fmt::Display::fmt(&self.0, f)
impl Error for WrapConnectError {
// We can't implement `source()` here or otherwise risk exposing `x11rb`.