use std::ops::RangeInclusive;
use std::sync::Arc;
use emath::{pos2, vec2, Align, GuiRounding as _, NumExt, Pos2, Rect, Vec2};
use crate::{stroke::PathStroke, text::font::Font, Color32, Mesh, Stroke, Vertex};
use super::{FontsImpl, Galley, Glyph, LayoutJob, LayoutSection, Row, RowVisuals};
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
struct PointScale {
pub pixels_per_point: f32,
impl PointScale {
pub fn new(pixels_per_point: f32) -> Self {
Self { pixels_per_point }
pub fn pixels_per_point(&self) -> f32 {
pub fn round_to_pixel(&self, point: f32) -> f32 {
(point * self.pixels_per_point).round() / self.pixels_per_point
pub fn floor_to_pixel(&self, point: f32) -> f32 {
(point * self.pixels_per_point).floor() / self.pixels_per_point
struct Paragraph {
pub cursor_x: f32,
pub section_index_at_start: u32,
pub glyphs: Vec<Glyph>,
pub empty_paragraph_height: f32,
impl Paragraph {
pub fn from_section_index(section_index_at_start: u32) -> Self {
Self {
cursor_x: 0.0,
glyphs: vec![],
empty_paragraph_height: 0.0,
pub fn layout(fonts: &mut FontsImpl, job: Arc<LayoutJob>) -> Galley {
if job.wrap.max_rows == 0 {
return Galley {
rows: Default::default(),
rect: Rect::from_min_max(Pos2::ZERO, Pos2::ZERO),
mesh_bounds: Rect::NOTHING,
num_vertices: 0,
num_indices: 0,
pixels_per_point: fonts.pixels_per_point(),
elided: true,
let mut paragraphs = vec![Paragraph::from_section_index(0)];
for (section_index, section) in job.sections.iter().enumerate() {
layout_section(fonts, &job, section_index as u32, section, &mut paragraphs);
let point_scale = PointScale::new(fonts.pixels_per_point());
let mut elided = false;
let mut rows = rows_from_paragraphs(paragraphs, &job, &mut elided);
if elided {
if let Some(last_row) = rows.last_mut() {
replace_last_glyph_with_overflow_character(fonts, &job, last_row);
if let Some(last) = last_row.glyphs.last() {
last_row.rect.max.x = last.max_x();
let justify = job.justify && job.wrap.max_width.is_finite();
if justify || job.halign != Align::LEFT {
let num_rows = rows.len();
for (i, row) in rows.iter_mut().enumerate() {
let is_last_row = i + 1 == num_rows;
let justify_row = justify && !row.ends_with_newline && !is_last_row;
galley_from_rows(point_scale, job, rows, elided)
fn layout_section(
fonts: &mut FontsImpl,
job: &LayoutJob,
section_index: u32,
section: &LayoutSection,
out_paragraphs: &mut Vec<Paragraph>,
) {
let LayoutSection {
} = section;
let font = fonts.font(&format.font_id);
let line_height = section
.unwrap_or_else(|| font.row_height());
let extra_letter_spacing = section.format.extra_letter_spacing;
let mut paragraph = out_paragraphs.last_mut().unwrap();
if paragraph.glyphs.is_empty() {
paragraph.empty_paragraph_height = line_height; }
paragraph.cursor_x += leading_space;
let mut last_glyph_id = None;
for chr in job.text[byte_range.clone()].chars() {
if job.break_on_newline && chr == '\n' {
paragraph = out_paragraphs.last_mut().unwrap();
paragraph.empty_paragraph_height = line_height; } else {
let (font_impl, glyph_info) = font.font_impl_and_glyph_info(chr);
if let Some(font_impl) = font_impl {
if let Some(last_glyph_id) = last_glyph_id {
paragraph.cursor_x += font_impl.pair_kerning(last_glyph_id,;
paragraph.cursor_x += extra_letter_spacing;
paragraph.glyphs.push(Glyph {
pos: pos2(paragraph.cursor_x, f32::NAN),
advance_width: glyph_info.advance_width,
font_impl_height: font_impl.map_or(0.0, |f| f.row_height()),
font_impl_ascent: font_impl.map_or(0.0, |f| f.ascent()),
font_height: font.row_height(),
font_ascent: font.ascent(),
uv_rect: glyph_info.uv_rect,
paragraph.cursor_x += glyph_info.advance_width;
paragraph.cursor_x = font.round_to_pixel(paragraph.cursor_x);
last_glyph_id = Some(;
fn rect_from_x_range(x_range: RangeInclusive<f32>) -> Rect {
Rect::from_x_y_ranges(x_range, 0.0..=0.0)
fn rows_from_paragraphs(
paragraphs: Vec<Paragraph>,
job: &LayoutJob,
elided: &mut bool,
) -> Vec<Row> {
let num_paragraphs = paragraphs.len();
let mut rows = vec![];
for (i, paragraph) in paragraphs.into_iter().enumerate() {
if job.wrap.max_rows <= rows.len() {
*elided = true;
let is_last_paragraph = (i + 1) == num_paragraphs;
if paragraph.glyphs.is_empty() {
rows.push(Row {
section_index_at_start: paragraph.section_index_at_start,
glyphs: vec![],
visuals: Default::default(),
rect: Rect::from_min_size(
pos2(paragraph.cursor_x, 0.0),
vec2(0.0, paragraph.empty_paragraph_height),
ends_with_newline: !is_last_paragraph,
} else {
let paragraph_max_x = paragraph.glyphs.last().unwrap().max_x();
if paragraph_max_x <= job.effective_wrap_width() {
let paragraph_min_x = paragraph.glyphs[0].pos.x;
rows.push(Row {
section_index_at_start: paragraph.section_index_at_start,
glyphs: paragraph.glyphs,
visuals: Default::default(),
rect: rect_from_x_range(paragraph_min_x..=paragraph_max_x),
ends_with_newline: !is_last_paragraph,
} else {
line_break(¶graph, job, &mut rows, elided);
rows.last_mut().unwrap().ends_with_newline = !is_last_paragraph;
fn line_break(paragraph: &Paragraph, job: &LayoutJob, out_rows: &mut Vec<Row>, elided: &mut bool) {
let wrap_width = job.effective_wrap_width();
let mut row_break_candidates = RowBreakCandidates::default();
let mut first_row_indentation = paragraph.glyphs[0].pos.x;
let mut row_start_x = 0.0;
let mut row_start_idx = 0;
for i in 0..paragraph.glyphs.len() {
if job.wrap.max_rows <= out_rows.len() {
*elided = true;
let potential_row_width = paragraph.glyphs[i].max_x() - row_start_x;
if wrap_width < potential_row_width {
if first_row_indentation > 0.0
&& !row_break_candidates.has_good_candidate(job.wrap.break_anywhere)
out_rows.push(Row {
section_index_at_start: paragraph.section_index_at_start,
glyphs: vec![],
visuals: Default::default(),
rect: rect_from_x_range(first_row_indentation..=first_row_indentation),
ends_with_newline: false,
row_start_x += first_row_indentation;
first_row_indentation = 0.0;
} else if let Some(last_kept_index) = row_break_candidates.get(job.wrap.break_anywhere)
let glyphs: Vec<Glyph> = paragraph.glyphs[row_start_idx..=last_kept_index]
.map(|mut glyph| {
glyph.pos.x -= row_start_x;
let section_index_at_start = glyphs[0].section_index;
let paragraph_min_x = glyphs[0].pos.x;
let paragraph_max_x = glyphs.last().unwrap().max_x();
out_rows.push(Row {
visuals: Default::default(),
rect: rect_from_x_range(paragraph_min_x..=paragraph_max_x),
ends_with_newline: false,
row_start_idx = last_kept_index + 1;
row_start_x = paragraph.glyphs[row_start_idx].pos.x;
} else {
row_break_candidates.add(i, ¶graph.glyphs[i..]);
if row_start_idx < paragraph.glyphs.len() {
if job.wrap.max_rows <= out_rows.len() {
*elided = true; } else {
let glyphs: Vec<Glyph> = paragraph.glyphs[row_start_idx..]
.map(|mut glyph| {
glyph.pos.x -= row_start_x;
let section_index_at_start = glyphs[0].section_index;
let paragraph_min_x = glyphs[0].pos.x;
let paragraph_max_x = glyphs.last().unwrap().max_x();
out_rows.push(Row {
visuals: Default::default(),
rect: rect_from_x_range(paragraph_min_x..=paragraph_max_x),
ends_with_newline: false,
fn replace_last_glyph_with_overflow_character(
fonts: &mut FontsImpl,
job: &LayoutJob,
row: &mut Row,
) {
fn row_width(row: &Row) -> f32 {
if let (Some(first), Some(last)) = (row.glyphs.first(), row.glyphs.last()) {
last.max_x() - first.pos.x
} else {
fn row_height(section: &LayoutSection, font: &Font) -> f32 {
.unwrap_or_else(|| font.row_height())
let Some(overflow_character) = job.wrap.overflow_character else {
if let Some(last_glyph) = row.glyphs.last() {
let section_index = last_glyph.section_index;
let section = &job.sections[section_index as usize];
let font = fonts.font(§ion.format.font_id);
let line_height = row_height(section, font);
let (_, last_glyph_info) = font.font_impl_and_glyph_info(last_glyph.chr);
let mut x = last_glyph.pos.x + last_glyph.advance_width;
let (font_impl, replacement_glyph_info) = font.font_impl_and_glyph_info(overflow_character);
x += section.format.extra_letter_spacing;
if let Some(font_impl) = font_impl {
x += font_impl.pair_kerning(,;
row.glyphs.push(Glyph {
chr: overflow_character,
pos: pos2(x, f32::NAN),
advance_width: replacement_glyph_info.advance_width,
font_impl_height: font_impl.map_or(0.0, |f| f.row_height()),
font_impl_ascent: font_impl.map_or(0.0, |f| f.ascent()),
font_height: font.row_height(),
font_ascent: font.ascent(),
uv_rect: replacement_glyph_info.uv_rect,
} else {
let section_index = row.section_index_at_start;
let section = &job.sections[section_index as usize];
let font = fonts.font(§ion.format.font_id);
let line_height = row_height(section, font);
let x = 0.0; let (font_impl, replacement_glyph_info) = font.font_impl_and_glyph_info(overflow_character);
row.glyphs.push(Glyph {
chr: overflow_character,
pos: pos2(x, f32::NAN),
advance_width: replacement_glyph_info.advance_width,
font_impl_height: font_impl.map_or(0.0, |f| f.row_height()),
font_impl_ascent: font_impl.map_or(0.0, |f| f.ascent()),
font_height: font.row_height(),
font_ascent: font.ascent(),
uv_rect: replacement_glyph_info.uv_rect,
if row_width(row) <= job.effective_wrap_width() || row.glyphs.len() == 1 {
return; }
loop {
let (prev_glyph, last_glyph) = match row.glyphs.as_mut_slice() {
[.., prev, last] => (Some(prev), last),
[.., last] => (None, last),
_ => {
unreachable!("We've already explicitly handled the empty row");
let section = &job.sections[last_glyph.section_index as usize];
let extra_letter_spacing = section.format.extra_letter_spacing;
let font = fonts.font(§ion.format.font_id);
if let Some(prev_glyph) = prev_glyph {
let prev_glyph_id = font.font_impl_and_glyph_info(prev_glyph.chr);
let (font_impl, glyph_info) = font.font_impl_and_glyph_info(last_glyph.chr);
last_glyph.pos.x -= extra_letter_spacing;
if let Some(font_impl) = font_impl {
last_glyph.pos.x -= font_impl.pair_kerning(prev_glyph_id,;
last_glyph.chr = overflow_character;
let (font_impl, glyph_info) = font.font_impl_and_glyph_info(last_glyph.chr);
last_glyph.advance_width = glyph_info.advance_width;
last_glyph.font_impl_ascent = font_impl.map_or(0.0, |f| f.ascent());
last_glyph.font_impl_height = font_impl.map_or(0.0, |f| f.row_height());
last_glyph.uv_rect = glyph_info.uv_rect;
last_glyph.pos.x += extra_letter_spacing;
if let Some(font_impl) = font_impl {
last_glyph.pos.x += font_impl.pair_kerning(prev_glyph_id,;
if row_width(row) <= job.effective_wrap_width() || row.glyphs.len() == 1 {
return; }
} else {
last_glyph.chr = overflow_character;
let (font_impl, glyph_info) = font.font_impl_and_glyph_info(last_glyph.chr);
last_glyph.advance_width = glyph_info.advance_width;
last_glyph.font_impl_ascent = font_impl.map_or(0.0, |f| f.ascent());
last_glyph.font_impl_height = font_impl.map_or(0.0, |f| f.row_height());
last_glyph.uv_rect = glyph_info.uv_rect;
fn halign_and_justify_row(
point_scale: PointScale,
row: &mut Row,
halign: Align,
wrap_width: f32,
justify: bool,
) {
if row.glyphs.is_empty() {
let num_leading_spaces = row
.take_while(|glyph| glyph.chr.is_whitespace())
let glyph_range = if num_leading_spaces == row.glyphs.len() {
(0, row.glyphs.len())
} else {
let num_trailing_spaces = row
.take_while(|glyph| glyph.chr.is_whitespace())
(num_leading_spaces, row.glyphs.len() - num_trailing_spaces)
let num_glyphs_in_range = glyph_range.1 - glyph_range.0;
assert!(num_glyphs_in_range > 0);
let original_min_x = row.glyphs[glyph_range.0].logical_rect().min.x;
let original_max_x = row.glyphs[glyph_range.1 - 1].logical_rect().max.x;
let original_width = original_max_x - original_min_x;
let target_width = if justify && num_glyphs_in_range > 1 {
} else {
let (target_min_x, target_max_x) = match halign {
Align::LEFT => (0.0, target_width),
Align::Center => (-target_width / 2.0, target_width / 2.0),
Align::RIGHT => (-target_width, 0.0),
let num_spaces_in_range = row.glyphs[glyph_range.0..glyph_range.1]
.filter(|glyph| glyph.chr.is_whitespace())
let mut extra_x_per_glyph = if num_glyphs_in_range == 1 {
} else {
(target_width - original_width) / (num_glyphs_in_range as f32 - 1.0)
extra_x_per_glyph = extra_x_per_glyph.at_least(0.0); let mut extra_x_per_space = 0.0;
if 0 < num_spaces_in_range && num_spaces_in_range < num_glyphs_in_range {
extra_x_per_glyph = point_scale.floor_to_pixel(extra_x_per_glyph);
extra_x_per_space = (target_width
- original_width
- extra_x_per_glyph * (num_glyphs_in_range as f32 - 1.0))
/ (num_spaces_in_range as f32);
let mut translate_x = target_min_x - original_min_x - extra_x_per_glyph * glyph_range.0 as f32;
for glyph in &mut row.glyphs {
glyph.pos.x += translate_x;
glyph.pos.x = point_scale.round_to_pixel(glyph.pos.x);
translate_x += extra_x_per_glyph;
if glyph.chr.is_whitespace() {
translate_x += extra_x_per_space;
row.rect.min.x = target_min_x;
row.rect.max.x = target_max_x;
fn galley_from_rows(
point_scale: PointScale,
job: Arc<LayoutJob>,
mut rows: Vec<Row>,
elided: bool,
) -> Galley {
let mut first_row_min_height = job.first_row_min_height;
let mut cursor_y = 0.0;
let mut min_x: f32 = 0.0;
let mut max_x: f32 = 0.0;
for row in &mut rows {
let mut max_row_height = first_row_min_height.max(row.rect.height());
first_row_min_height = 0.0;
for glyph in &row.glyphs {
max_row_height = max_row_height.max(glyph.line_height);
max_row_height = point_scale.round_to_pixel(max_row_height);
for glyph in &mut row.glyphs {
let format = &job.sections[glyph.section_index as usize].format;
glyph.pos.y = cursor_y
+ glyph.font_impl_ascent
+ format.valign.to_factor() * (max_row_height - glyph.line_height)
+ 0.5 * (glyph.font_height - glyph.font_impl_height);
glyph.pos.y = point_scale.round_to_pixel(glyph.pos.y);
row.rect.min.y = cursor_y;
row.rect.max.y = cursor_y + max_row_height;
min_x = min_x.min(row.rect.min.x);
max_x = max_x.max(row.rect.max.x);
cursor_y += max_row_height;
cursor_y = point_scale.round_to_pixel(cursor_y); }
let format_summary = format_summary(&job);
let mut mesh_bounds = Rect::NOTHING;
let mut num_vertices = 0;
let mut num_indices = 0;
for row in &mut rows {
row.visuals = tessellate_row(point_scale, &job, &format_summary, row);
mesh_bounds = mesh_bounds.union(row.visuals.mesh_bounds);
num_vertices += row.visuals.mesh.vertices.len();
num_indices += row.visuals.mesh.indices.len();
let mut rect = Rect::from_min_max(pos2(min_x, 0.0), pos2(max_x, cursor_y));
if job.round_output_to_gui {
for row in &mut rows {
row.rect = row.rect.round_ui();
let did_exceed_wrap_width_by_a_lot = rect.width() > job.wrap.max_width + 1.0;
rect = rect.round_ui();
if did_exceed_wrap_width_by_a_lot {
} else {
rect.max.x = rect
.at_most(rect.min.x + job.wrap.max_width)
Galley {
pixels_per_point: point_scale.pixels_per_point,
struct FormatSummary {
any_background: bool,
any_underline: bool,
any_strikethrough: bool,
fn format_summary(job: &LayoutJob) -> FormatSummary {
let mut format_summary = FormatSummary::default();
for section in &job.sections {
format_summary.any_background |= section.format.background != Color32::TRANSPARENT;
format_summary.any_underline |= section.format.underline != Stroke::NONE;
format_summary.any_strikethrough |= section.format.strikethrough != Stroke::NONE;
fn tessellate_row(
point_scale: PointScale,
job: &LayoutJob,
format_summary: &FormatSummary,
row: &Row,
) -> RowVisuals {
if row.glyphs.is_empty() {
return Default::default();
let mut mesh = Mesh::default();
mesh.reserve_triangles(row.glyphs.len() * 2);
mesh.reserve_vertices(row.glyphs.len() * 4);
if format_summary.any_background {
add_row_backgrounds(job, row, &mut mesh);
let glyph_index_start = mesh.indices.len();
let glyph_vertex_start = mesh.vertices.len();
tessellate_glyphs(point_scale, job, row, &mut mesh);
let glyph_vertex_end = mesh.vertices.len();
if format_summary.any_underline {
add_row_hline(point_scale, row, &mut mesh, |glyph| {
let format = &job.sections[glyph.section_index as usize].format;
let stroke = format.underline;
let y = glyph.logical_rect().bottom();
(stroke, y)
if format_summary.any_strikethrough {
add_row_hline(point_scale, row, &mut mesh, |glyph| {
let format = &job.sections[glyph.section_index as usize].format;
let stroke = format.strikethrough;
let y = glyph.logical_rect().center().y;
(stroke, y)
let mesh_bounds = mesh.calc_bounds();
RowVisuals {
glyph_vertex_range: glyph_vertex_start..glyph_vertex_end,
fn add_row_backgrounds(job: &LayoutJob, row: &Row, mesh: &mut Mesh) {
if row.glyphs.is_empty() {
let mut end_run = |start: Option<(Color32, Rect)>, stop_x: f32| {
if let Some((color, start_rect)) = start {
let rect = Rect::from_min_max(start_rect.left_top(), pos2(stop_x, start_rect.bottom()));
let rect = rect.expand(1.0); mesh.add_colored_rect(rect, color);
let mut run_start = None;
let mut last_rect = Rect::NAN;
for glyph in &row.glyphs {
let format = &job.sections[glyph.section_index as usize].format;
let color = format.background;
let rect = glyph.logical_rect();
if color == Color32::TRANSPARENT {
end_run(run_start.take(), last_rect.right());
} else if let Some((existing_color, start)) = run_start {
if existing_color == color
&& ==
&& start.bottom() == rect.bottom()
} else {
end_run(run_start.take(), last_rect.right());
run_start = Some((color, rect));
} else {
run_start = Some((color, rect));
last_rect = rect;
end_run(run_start.take(), last_rect.right());
fn tessellate_glyphs(point_scale: PointScale, job: &LayoutJob, row: &Row, mesh: &mut Mesh) {
for glyph in &row.glyphs {
let uv_rect = glyph.uv_rect;
if !uv_rect.is_nothing() {
let mut left_top = glyph.pos + uv_rect.offset;
left_top.x = point_scale.round_to_pixel(left_top.x);
left_top.y = point_scale.round_to_pixel(left_top.y);
let rect = Rect::from_min_max(left_top, left_top + uv_rect.size);
let uv = Rect::from_min_max(
pos2(uv_rect.min[0] as f32, uv_rect.min[1] as f32),
pos2(uv_rect.max[0] as f32, uv_rect.max[1] as f32),
let format = &job.sections[glyph.section_index as usize].format;
let color = format.color;
if format.italics {
let idx = mesh.vertices.len() as u32;
mesh.add_triangle(idx, idx + 1, idx + 2);
mesh.add_triangle(idx + 2, idx + 1, idx + 3);
let top_offset = rect.height() * 0.25 * Vec2::X;
mesh.vertices.push(Vertex {
pos: rect.left_top() + top_offset,
uv: uv.left_top(),
mesh.vertices.push(Vertex {
pos: rect.right_top() + top_offset,
uv: uv.right_top(),
mesh.vertices.push(Vertex {
pos: rect.left_bottom(),
uv: uv.left_bottom(),
mesh.vertices.push(Vertex {
pos: rect.right_bottom(),
uv: uv.right_bottom(),
} else {
mesh.add_rect_with_uv(rect, uv, color);
fn add_row_hline(
point_scale: PointScale,
row: &Row,
mesh: &mut Mesh,
stroke_and_y: impl Fn(&Glyph) -> (Stroke, f32),
) {
let mut end_line = |start: Option<(Stroke, Pos2)>, stop_x: f32| {
if let Some((stroke, start)) = start {
add_hline(point_scale, [start, pos2(stop_x, start.y)], stroke, mesh);
let mut line_start = None;
let mut last_right_x = f32::NAN;
for glyph in &row.glyphs {
let (stroke, y) = stroke_and_y(glyph);
if stroke == Stroke::NONE {
end_line(line_start.take(), last_right_x);
} else if let Some((existing_stroke, start)) = line_start {
if existing_stroke == stroke && start.y == y {
} else {
end_line(line_start.take(), last_right_x);
line_start = Some((stroke, pos2(glyph.pos.x, y)));
} else {
line_start = Some((stroke, pos2(glyph.pos.x, y)));
last_right_x = glyph.max_x();
end_line(line_start.take(), last_right_x);
fn add_hline(point_scale: PointScale, [start, stop]: [Pos2; 2], stroke: Stroke, mesh: &mut Mesh) {
let antialiased = true;
if antialiased {
let mut path = crate::tessellator::Path::default(); path.add_line_segment([start, stop]);
let feathering = 1.0 / point_scale.pixels_per_point();
path.stroke_open(feathering, &PathStroke::from(stroke), mesh);
} else {
assert_eq!(start.y, stop.y);
let min_y = point_scale.round_to_pixel(start.y - 0.5 * stroke.width);
let max_y = point_scale.round_to_pixel(min_y + stroke.width);
let rect = Rect::from_min_max(
pos2(point_scale.round_to_pixel(start.x), min_y),
pos2(point_scale.round_to_pixel(stop.x), max_y),
mesh.add_colored_rect(rect, stroke.color);
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Default)]
struct RowBreakCandidates {
space: Option<usize>,
cjk: Option<usize>,
pre_cjk: Option<usize>,
dash: Option<usize>,
punctuation: Option<usize>,
any: Option<usize>,
impl RowBreakCandidates {
fn add(&mut self, index: usize, glyphs: &[Glyph]) {
let chr = glyphs[0].chr;
const NON_BREAKING_SPACE: char = '\u{A0}';
if chr.is_whitespace() && chr != NON_BREAKING_SPACE { = Some(index);
} else if is_cjk(chr) && (glyphs.len() == 1 || is_cjk_break_allowed(glyphs[1].chr)) {
self.cjk = Some(index);
} else if chr == '-' {
self.dash = Some(index);
} else if chr.is_ascii_punctuation() {
self.punctuation = Some(index);
} else if glyphs.len() > 1 && is_cjk(glyphs[1].chr) {
self.pre_cjk = Some(index);
self.any = Some(index);
fn word_boundary(&self) -> Option<usize> {
[, self.cjk, self.pre_cjk]
fn has_good_candidate(&self, break_anywhere: bool) -> bool {
if break_anywhere {
} else {
fn get(&self, break_anywhere: bool) -> Option<usize> {
if break_anywhere {
} else {
fn forget_before_idx(&mut self, index: usize) {
let Self {
} = self;
if space.is_some_and(|s| s < index) {
*space = None;
if cjk.is_some_and(|s| s < index) {
*cjk = None;
if pre_cjk.is_some_and(|s| s < index) {
*pre_cjk = None;
if dash.is_some_and(|s| s < index) {
*dash = None;
if punctuation.is_some_and(|s| s < index) {
*punctuation = None;
if any.is_some_and(|s| s < index) {
*any = None;
fn is_cjk_ideograph(c: char) -> bool {
('\u{4E00}' <= c && c <= '\u{9FFF}')
|| ('\u{3400}' <= c && c <= '\u{4DBF}')
|| ('\u{2B740}' <= c && c <= '\u{2B81F}')
fn is_kana(c: char) -> bool {
('\u{3040}' <= c && c <= '\u{309F}') || ('\u{30A0}' <= c && c <= '\u{30FF}') }
fn is_cjk(c: char) -> bool {
is_cjk_ideograph(c) || is_kana(c)
fn is_cjk_break_allowed(c: char) -> bool {
mod tests {
use super::{super::*, *};
fn test_zero_max_width() {
let mut fonts = FontsImpl::new(1.0, 1024, FontDefinitions::default());
let mut layout_job = LayoutJob::single_section("W".into(), TextFormat::default());
layout_job.wrap.max_width = 0.0;
let galley = layout(&mut fonts, layout_job.into());
assert_eq!(galley.rows.len(), 1);
fn test_truncate_with_newline() {
let mut fonts = FontsImpl::new(1.0, 1024, FontDefinitions::default());
let text_format = TextFormat {
font_id: FontId::monospace(12.0),
for text in ["Hello\nworld", "\nfoo"] {
for break_anywhere in [false, true] {
for max_width in [0.0, 5.0, 10.0, 20.0, f32::INFINITY] {
let mut layout_job =
LayoutJob::single_section(text.into(), text_format.clone());
layout_job.wrap.max_width = max_width;
layout_job.wrap.max_rows = 1;
layout_job.wrap.break_anywhere = break_anywhere;
let galley = layout(&mut fonts, layout_job.into());
assert_eq!(galley.rows.len(), 1);
let row_text = galley.rows[0].text();
"Expected row to end with `…`, got {row_text:?} when line-breaking the text {text:?} with max_width {max_width} and break_anywhere {break_anywhere}.",
let mut layout_job = LayoutJob::single_section("Hello\nworld".into(), text_format);
layout_job.wrap.max_width = 50.0;
layout_job.wrap.max_rows = 1;
layout_job.wrap.break_anywhere = false;
let galley = layout(&mut fonts, layout_job.into());
assert_eq!(galley.rows.len(), 1);
let row_text = galley.rows[0].text();
assert_eq!(row_text, "Hello…");
fn test_cjk() {
let mut fonts = FontsImpl::new(1.0, 1024, FontDefinitions::default());
let mut layout_job = LayoutJob::single_section(
layout_job.wrap.max_width = 90.0;
let galley = layout(&mut fonts, layout_job.into());
galley.rows.iter().map(|row| row.text()).collect::<Vec<_>>(),
vec!["日本語と", "Englishの混在", "した文章"]
fn test_pre_cjk() {
let mut fonts = FontsImpl::new(1.0, 1024, FontDefinitions::default());
let mut layout_job = LayoutJob::single_section(
layout_job.wrap.max_width = 110.0;
let galley = layout(&mut fonts, layout_job.into());
galley.rows.iter().map(|row| row.text()).collect::<Vec<_>>(),
vec!["日本語とEnglish", "の混在した文章"]
fn test_truncate_width() {
let mut fonts = FontsImpl::new(1.0, 1024, FontDefinitions::default());
let mut layout_job =
LayoutJob::single_section("# DNA\nMore text".into(), TextFormat::default());
layout_job.wrap.max_width = f32::INFINITY;
layout_job.wrap.max_rows = 1;
layout_job.round_output_to_gui = false;
let galley = layout(&mut fonts, layout_job.into());
galley.rows.iter().map(|row| row.text()).collect::<Vec<_>>(),
vec!["# DNA…"]
let row = &galley.rows[0];
assert_eq!(row.rect.max.x, row.glyphs.last().unwrap().max_x());