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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
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/// Defines a macro `native_fn!` to create a JavaScript function from a Rust function pointer.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// let js_function: Rc<Function> = native_fn!(my_rust_function, c"myFunction", 2, 0);
/// ```
macro_rules! native_fn {
($call:expr, $name:expr, $nargs:expr, $flags:expr) => {{
let cx = $crate::dom::types::GlobalScope::get_cx();
let fun_obj = $crate::native_raw_obj_fn!(cx, $call, $name, $nargs, $flags);
unsafe {
Function::new(cx, fun_obj)
/// Defines a macro `native_raw_obj_fn!` to create a raw JavaScript function object.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// let raw_function_obj: *mut JSObject = native_raw_obj_fn!(cx, my_rust_function, c"myFunction", 2, 0);
/// ```
macro_rules! native_raw_obj_fn {
($cx:expr, $call:expr, $name:expr, $nargs:expr, $flags:expr) => {{
unsafe extern "C" fn wrapper(cx: *mut JSContext, argc: u32, vp: *mut JSVal) -> bool {
$call(cx, argc, vp)
unsafe {
let name: &std::ffi::CStr = $name;
let raw_fun = js::jsapi::JS_NewFunction(
name.as_ptr() as *const std::ffi::c_char,