1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
//! The implementation of the DOM.
//! The DOM is comprised of interfaces (defined by specifications using
//! [WebIDL](https://heycam.github.io/webidl/)) that are implemented as Rust
//! structs in submodules of this module. Its implementation is documented
//! below.
//! A DOM object and its reflector
//! ==============================
//! The implementation of an interface `Foo` in Servo's DOM involves two
//! related but distinct objects:
//! * the **DOM object**: an instance of the Rust struct `dom::foo::Foo`
//! (marked with the `#[dom_struct]` attribute) on the Rust heap;
//! * the **reflector**: a `JSObject` allocated by SpiderMonkey, that owns the
//! DOM object.
//! Memory management
//! =================
//! Reflectors of DOM objects, and thus the DOM objects themselves, are managed
//! by the SpiderMonkey Garbage Collector. Thus, keeping alive a DOM object
//! is done through its reflector.
//! For more information, see:
//! * rooting pointers on the stack:
//! the [`Root`](bindings/root/struct.Root.html) smart pointer;
//! * tracing pointers in member fields: the [`Dom`](bindings/root/struct.Dom.html),
//! [`MutNullableDom`](bindings/root/struct.MutNullableDom.html) and
//! [`MutDom`](bindings/root/struct.MutDom.html) smart pointers and
//! [the tracing implementation](bindings/trace/index.html);
//! * rooting pointers from across thread boundaries or in channels: the
//! [`Trusted`](bindings/refcounted/struct.Trusted.html) smart pointer;
//! Inheritance
//! ===========
//! Rust does not support struct inheritance, as would be used for the
//! object-oriented DOM APIs. To work around this issue, Servo stores an
//! instance of the superclass in the first field of its subclasses. (Note that
//! it is stored by value, rather than in a smart pointer such as `Dom<T>`.)
//! This implies that a pointer to an object can safely be cast to a pointer
//! to all its classes.
//! This invariant is enforced by the lint in
//! `plugins::lints::inheritance_integrity`.
//! Interfaces which either derive from or are derived by other interfaces
//! implement the `Castable` trait, which provides three methods `is::<T>()`,
//! `downcast::<T>()` and `upcast::<T>()` to cast across the type hierarchy
//! and check whether a given instance is of a given type.
//! ```ignore
//! use dom::bindings::inheritance::Castable;
//! use dom::element::Element;
//! use dom::htmlelement::HTMLElement;
//! use dom::htmlinputelement::HTMLInputElement;
//! if let Some(elem) = node.downcast::<Element> {
//! if elem.is::<HTMLInputElement>() {
//! return elem.upcast::<HTMLElement>();
//! }
//! }
//! ```
//! Furthermore, when discriminating a given instance against multiple
//! interface types, code generation provides a convenient TypeId enum
//! which can be used to write `match` expressions instead of multiple
//! calls to `Castable::is::<T>`. The `type_id()` method of an instance is
//! provided by the farthest interface it derives from, e.g. `EventTarget`
//! for `HTMLMediaElement`. For convenience, that method is also provided
//! on the `Node` interface to avoid unnecessary upcasts to `EventTarget`.
//! ```ignore
//! use dom::bindings::inheritance::{EventTargetTypeId, NodeTypeId};
//! match *node.type_id() {
//! EventTargetTypeId::Node(NodeTypeId::CharacterData(_)) => ...,
//! EventTargetTypeId::Node(NodeTypeId::Element(_)) => ...,
//! ...,
//! }
//! ```
//! Construction
//! ============
//! DOM objects of type `T` in Servo have two constructors:
//! * a `T::new_inherited` static method that returns a plain `T`, and
//! * a `T::new` static method that returns `DomRoot<T>`.
//! (The result of either method can be wrapped in `Result`, if that is
//! appropriate for the type in question.)
//! The latter calls the former, boxes the result, and creates a reflector
//! corresponding to it by calling `dom::bindings::utils::reflect_dom_object`
//! (which yields ownership of the object to the SpiderMonkey Garbage Collector).
//! This is the API to use when creating a DOM object.
//! The former should only be called by the latter, and by subclasses'
//! `new_inherited` methods.
//! DOM object constructors in JavaScript correspond to a `T::Constructor`
//! static method. This method is always fallible.
//! Destruction
//! ===========
//! When the SpiderMonkey Garbage Collector discovers that the reflector of a
//! DOM object is garbage, it calls the reflector's finalization hook. This
//! function deletes the reflector's DOM object, calling its destructor in the
//! process.
//! Mutability and aliasing
//! =======================
//! Reflectors are JavaScript objects, and as such can be freely aliased. As
//! Rust does not allow mutable aliasing, mutable borrows of DOM objects are
//! not allowed. In particular, any mutable fields use `Cell` or `DomRefCell`
//! to manage their mutability.
//! `Reflector` and `DomObject`
//! =============================
//! Every DOM object has a `Reflector` as its first (transitive) member field.
//! This contains a `*mut JSObject` that points to its reflector.
//! The `FooBinding::Wrap` function creates the reflector, stores a pointer to
//! the DOM object in the reflector, and initializes the pointer to the reflector
//! in the `Reflector` field.
//! The `DomObject` trait provides a `reflector()` method that returns the
//! DOM object's `Reflector`. It is implemented automatically for DOM structs
//! through the `#[dom_struct]` attribute.
//! Implementing methods for a DOM object
//! =====================================
//! * `dom::bindings::codegen::Bindings::FooBindings::FooMethods` for methods
//! defined through IDL;
//! * `&self` public methods for public helpers;
//! * `&self` methods for private helpers.
//! Accessing fields of a DOM object
//! ================================
//! All fields of DOM objects are private; accessing them from outside their
//! module is done through explicit getter or setter methods.
//! Inheritance and casting
//! =======================
//! All DOM interfaces part of an inheritance chain (i.e. interfaces
//! that derive others or are derived from) implement the trait `Castable`
//! which provides both downcast and upcasts.
//! ```ignore
//! # use script::dom::bindings::inheritance::Castable;
//! # use script::dom::element::Element;
//! # use script::dom::node::Node;
//! # use script::dom::htmlelement::HTMLElement;
//! fn f(element: &Element) {
//! let base = element.upcast::<Node>();
//! let derived = element.downcast::<HTMLElement>().unwrap();
//! }
//! ```
//! Adding a new DOM interface
//! ==========================
//! Adding a new interface `Foo` requires at least the following:
//! * adding the new IDL file at `components/script/dom/webidls/Foo.webidl`;
//! * creating `components/script/dom/foo.rs`;
//! * listing `foo.rs` in `components/script/dom/mod.rs`;
//! * defining the DOM struct `Foo` with a `#[dom_struct]` attribute, a
//! superclass or `Reflector` member, and other members as appropriate;
//! * implementing the
//! `dom::bindings::codegen::Bindings::FooBindings::FooMethods` trait for
//! `Foo`;
//! * adding/updating the match arm in create_element in
//! `components/script/dom/create.rs` (only applicable to new types inheriting
//! from `HTMLElement`)
//! More information is available in the [bindings module](bindings/index.html).
//! Accessing DOM objects from layout
//! =================================
//! Layout code can access the DOM through the
//! [`LayoutDom`](bindings/root/struct.LayoutDom.html) smart pointer. This does not
//! keep the DOM object alive; we ensure that no DOM code (Garbage Collection
//! in particular) runs while layout is accessing the DOM.
//! Methods accessible to layout are implemented on `LayoutDom<Foo>` using
//! `LayoutFooHelpers` traits.
pub mod macros;
pub mod types {
include!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/InterfaceTypes.rs"));
pub mod abortcontroller;
pub mod abstractrange;
pub mod abstractworker;
pub mod abstractworkerglobalscope;
pub mod activation;
pub mod analysernode;
pub mod animationevent;
pub mod attr;
pub mod audiobuffer;
pub mod audiobuffersourcenode;
pub mod audiocontext;
pub mod audiodestinationnode;
pub mod audiolistener;
pub mod audionode;
pub mod audioparam;
pub mod audioscheduledsourcenode;
pub mod audiotrack;
pub mod audiotracklist;
pub mod baseaudiocontext;
pub mod beforeunloadevent;
pub mod bindings;
pub mod biquadfilternode;
pub mod blob;
pub mod bluetooth;
pub mod bluetoothadvertisingevent;
pub mod bluetoothcharacteristicproperties;
pub mod bluetoothdevice;
pub mod bluetoothpermissionresult;
pub mod bluetoothremotegattcharacteristic;
pub mod bluetoothremotegattdescriptor;
pub mod bluetoothremotegattserver;
pub mod bluetoothremotegattservice;
pub mod bluetoothuuid;
pub mod broadcastchannel;
pub mod bytelengthqueuingstrategy;
pub mod canvasgradient;
pub mod canvaspattern;
pub mod canvasrenderingcontext2d;
pub mod cdatasection;
pub mod channelmergernode;
pub mod channelsplitternode;
pub mod characterdata;
pub mod client;
pub mod closeevent;
pub mod comment;
pub mod compositionevent;
pub mod console;
pub mod constantsourcenode;
pub mod countqueuingstrategy;
mod create;
pub mod crypto;
pub mod cryptokey;
pub mod css;
pub mod cssconditionrule;
pub mod cssfontfacerule;
pub mod cssgroupingrule;
pub mod cssimportrule;
pub mod csskeyframerule;
pub mod csskeyframesrule;
pub mod csslayerblockrule;
pub mod csslayerstatementrule;
pub mod cssmediarule;
pub mod cssnamespacerule;
pub mod cssrule;
pub mod cssrulelist;
pub mod cssstyledeclaration;
pub mod cssstylerule;
pub mod cssstylesheet;
pub mod cssstylevalue;
pub mod csssupportsrule;
pub mod customelementregistry;
pub mod customevent;
pub mod datatransfer;
pub mod datatransferitem;
pub mod datatransferitemlist;
pub mod dedicatedworkerglobalscope;
pub mod defaultteereadrequest;
pub mod defaultteeunderlyingsource;
pub mod dissimilaroriginlocation;
pub mod dissimilaroriginwindow;
pub mod document;
pub mod documentfragment;
pub mod documentorshadowroot;
pub mod documenttype;
pub mod domexception;
pub mod domimplementation;
pub mod dommatrix;
pub mod dommatrixreadonly;
pub mod domparser;
pub mod dompoint;
pub mod dompointreadonly;
pub mod domquad;
pub mod domrect;
pub mod domrectlist;
pub mod domrectreadonly;
pub mod domstringlist;
pub mod domstringmap;
pub mod domtokenlist;
pub mod dynamicmoduleowner;
pub mod element;
pub mod elementinternals;
pub mod errorevent;
pub mod event;
pub mod eventsource;
pub mod eventtarget;
pub mod extendableevent;
pub mod extendablemessageevent;
pub mod file;
pub mod filelist;
pub mod filereader;
pub mod filereadersync;
pub mod focusevent;
pub mod fontfaceset;
pub mod formdata;
pub mod formdataevent;
pub mod gainnode;
pub mod gamepad;
pub mod gamepadbutton;
pub mod gamepadbuttonlist;
pub mod gamepadevent;
pub mod gamepadhapticactuator;
pub mod gamepadpose;
pub mod globalscope;
pub mod hashchangeevent;
pub mod headers;
pub mod history;
pub mod htmlanchorelement;
pub mod htmlareaelement;
pub mod htmlaudioelement;
pub mod htmlbaseelement;
pub mod htmlbodyelement;
pub mod htmlbrelement;
pub mod htmlbuttonelement;
pub mod htmlcanvaselement;
pub mod htmlcollection;
pub mod htmldataelement;
pub mod htmldatalistelement;
pub mod htmldetailselement;
pub mod htmldialogelement;
pub mod htmldirectoryelement;
pub mod htmldivelement;
pub mod htmldlistelement;
pub mod htmlelement;
pub mod htmlembedelement;
pub mod htmlfieldsetelement;
pub mod htmlfontelement;
pub mod htmlformcontrolscollection;
pub mod htmlformelement;
pub mod htmlframeelement;
pub mod htmlframesetelement;
pub mod htmlheadelement;
pub mod htmlheadingelement;
pub mod htmlhrelement;
pub mod htmlhtmlelement;
pub mod htmliframeelement;
pub mod htmlimageelement;
pub mod htmlinputelement;
pub mod htmllabelelement;
pub mod htmllegendelement;
pub mod htmllielement;
pub mod htmllinkelement;
pub mod htmlmapelement;
pub mod htmlmediaelement;
pub mod htmlmenuelement;
pub mod htmlmetaelement;
pub mod htmlmeterelement;
pub mod htmlmodelement;
pub mod htmlobjectelement;
pub mod htmlolistelement;
pub mod htmloptgroupelement;
pub mod htmloptionelement;
pub mod htmloptionscollection;
pub mod htmloutputelement;
pub mod htmlparagraphelement;
pub mod htmlparamelement;
pub mod htmlpictureelement;
pub mod htmlpreelement;
pub mod htmlprogresselement;
pub mod htmlquoteelement;
pub mod htmlscriptelement;
pub mod htmlselectelement;
pub mod htmlsourceelement;
pub mod htmlspanelement;
pub mod htmlstyleelement;
pub mod htmltablecaptionelement;
pub mod htmltablecellelement;
pub mod htmltablecolelement;
pub mod htmltableelement;
pub mod htmltablerowelement;
pub mod htmltablesectionelement;
pub mod htmltemplateelement;
pub mod htmltextareaelement;
pub mod htmltimeelement;
pub mod htmltitleelement;
pub mod htmltrackelement;
pub mod htmlulistelement;
pub mod htmlunknownelement;
pub mod htmlvideoelement;
pub mod iirfilternode;
pub mod imagebitmap;
pub mod imagedata;
pub mod inputevent;
pub mod intersectionobserver;
pub mod intersectionobserverentry;
pub mod keyboardevent;
pub mod location;
pub mod mediadeviceinfo;
pub mod mediadevices;
pub mod mediaelementaudiosourcenode;
pub mod mediaerror;
pub mod mediafragmentparser;
pub mod medialist;
pub mod mediametadata;
pub mod mediaquerylist;
pub mod mediaquerylistevent;
pub mod mediasession;
pub mod mediastream;
pub mod mediastreamaudiodestinationnode;
pub mod mediastreamaudiosourcenode;
pub mod mediastreamtrack;
pub mod mediastreamtrackaudiosourcenode;
pub mod messagechannel;
pub mod messageevent;
pub mod messageport;
pub mod mimetype;
pub mod mimetypearray;
pub mod mouseevent;
pub mod mutationobserver;
pub mod mutationrecord;
pub mod namednodemap;
pub mod navigationpreloadmanager;
pub mod navigator;
pub mod navigatorinfo;
pub mod node;
pub mod nodeiterator;
pub mod nodelist;
pub mod offlineaudiocompletionevent;
pub mod offlineaudiocontext;
pub mod offscreencanvas;
pub mod offscreencanvasrenderingcontext2d;
pub mod oscillatornode;
pub mod pagetransitionevent;
pub mod paintrenderingcontext2d;
pub mod paintsize;
pub mod paintworkletglobalscope;
pub mod pannernode;
pub mod performance;
pub mod performanceentry;
pub mod performancemark;
pub mod performancemeasure;
pub mod performancenavigation;
pub mod performancenavigationtiming;
pub mod performanceobserver;
pub mod performanceobserverentrylist;
pub mod performancepainttiming;
pub mod performanceresourcetiming;
pub mod permissions;
pub mod permissionstatus;
pub mod plugin;
pub mod pluginarray;
pub mod pointerevent;
pub mod popstateevent;
pub mod processinginstruction;
pub mod progressevent;
pub mod promise;
pub mod promisenativehandler;
pub mod promiserejectionevent;
pub mod radionodelist;
pub mod range;
pub mod raredata;
pub mod readablebytestreamcontroller;
pub mod readablestream;
pub mod readablestreambyobreader;
pub mod readablestreambyobrequest;
pub mod readablestreamdefaultcontroller;
pub mod readablestreamdefaultreader;
pub mod request;
pub mod resizeobserver;
pub mod resizeobserverentry;
pub mod resizeobserversize;
pub mod response;
pub mod rtcdatachannel;
pub mod rtcdatachannelevent;
pub mod rtcerror;
pub mod rtcerrorevent;
pub mod rtcicecandidate;
pub mod rtcpeerconnection;
pub mod rtcpeerconnectioniceevent;
pub(crate) mod rtcrtpsender;
pub(crate) mod rtcrtptransceiver;
pub mod rtcsessiondescription;
pub mod rtctrackevent;
pub mod screen;
pub mod securitypolicyviolationevent;
pub mod selection;
pub mod serviceworker;
pub mod serviceworkercontainer;
pub mod serviceworkerglobalscope;
pub mod serviceworkerregistration;
pub mod servoparser;
pub mod shadowroot;
pub mod staticrange;
pub mod stereopannernode;
pub mod storage;
pub mod storageevent;
pub mod stylepropertymapreadonly;
pub mod stylesheet;
pub mod stylesheetlist;
pub mod submitevent;
pub mod subtlecrypto;
pub mod svgelement;
pub mod svggraphicselement;
pub mod svgsvgelement;
pub mod testbinding;
pub mod testbindingiterable;
pub mod testbindingmaplike;
pub mod testbindingpairiterable;
pub mod testbindingproxy;
pub mod testbindingsetlike;
pub mod testns;
pub mod testrunner;
pub mod testworklet;
pub mod testworkletglobalscope;
pub mod text;
pub mod textcontrol;
pub mod textdecoder;
pub mod textencoder;
pub mod textmetrics;
pub mod texttrack;
pub mod texttrackcue;
pub mod texttrackcuelist;
pub mod texttracklist;
pub mod timeranges;
pub mod touch;
pub mod touchevent;
pub mod touchlist;
pub mod trackevent;
pub mod transitionevent;
pub mod treewalker;
pub mod uievent;
pub mod underlyingsourcecontainer;
pub mod url;
pub mod urlhelper;
pub mod urlsearchparams;
pub mod userscripts;
pub mod validation;
pub mod validitystate;
pub mod values;
pub mod vertexarrayobject;
pub mod videotrack;
pub mod videotracklist;
pub mod virtualmethods;
pub mod visibilitystateentry;
pub mod vttcue;
pub mod vttregion;
pub mod webgl2renderingcontext;
pub mod webgl_extensions;
pub mod webgl_validations;
pub mod webglactiveinfo;
pub mod webglbuffer;
pub mod webglcontextevent;
pub mod webglframebuffer;
pub mod webglobject;
pub mod webglprogram;
pub mod webglquery;
pub mod webglrenderbuffer;
pub mod webglrenderingcontext;
pub mod webglsampler;
pub mod webglshader;
pub mod webglshaderprecisionformat;
pub mod webglsync;
pub mod webgltexture;
pub mod webgltransformfeedback;
pub mod webgluniformlocation;
pub mod webglvertexarrayobject;
pub mod webglvertexarrayobjectoes;
pub mod websocket;
#[cfg(feature = "webxr")]
mod webxr;
#[cfg(feature = "webxr")]
pub use self::webxr::*;
#[cfg(feature = "webgpu")]
pub mod webgpu;
#[cfg(feature = "webgpu")]
pub use self::webgpu::*;
#[cfg(not(feature = "webgpu"))]
pub mod gpucanvascontext;
#[cfg(not(feature = "webgpu"))]
pub use gpucanvascontext::GPUCanvasContext;
pub mod wheelevent;
pub mod window;
pub mod windowproxy;
pub mod worker;
pub mod workerglobalscope;
pub mod workerlocation;
pub mod workernavigator;
pub mod worklet;
pub mod workletglobalscope;
pub mod xmldocument;
pub mod xmlhttprequest;
pub mod xmlhttprequesteventtarget;
pub mod xmlhttprequestupload;
pub mod xmlserializer;
pub mod xpathevaluator;
pub mod xpathexpression;
pub mod xpathresult;
pub use self::webgl_extensions::ext::*;