/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
mod cell;
pub mod context;
pub mod display_list;
pub mod dom;
mod dom_traversal;
mod flexbox;
pub mod flow;
mod formatting_contexts;
mod fragment_tree;
pub mod geom;
mod layout_box_base;
mod taffy;
mod construct_modern;
mod lists;
mod positioned;
pub mod query;
mod quotes;
mod replaced;
mod sizing;
mod style_ext;
pub mod table;
pub mod traversal;
use app_units::Au;
pub use flow::BoxTree;
pub use fragment_tree::FragmentTree;
use style::logical_geometry::WritingMode;
use style::properties::ComputedValues;
use style::values::computed::TextDecorationLine;
use crate::geom::{LogicalVec2, SizeConstraint};
use crate::style_ext::AspectRatio;
/// Represents the set of constraints that we use when computing the min-content
/// and max-content inline sizes of an element.
pub(crate) struct ConstraintSpace {
pub block_size: SizeConstraint,
pub writing_mode: WritingMode,
pub preferred_aspect_ratio: Option<AspectRatio>,
impl ConstraintSpace {
fn new(
block_size: SizeConstraint,
writing_mode: WritingMode,
preferred_aspect_ratio: Option<AspectRatio>,
) -> Self {
Self {
fn new_for_style_and_ratio(
style: &ComputedValues,
preferred_aspect_ratio: Option<AspectRatio>,
) -> Self {
/// A variant of [`ContainingBlock`] that allows an indefinite inline size.
/// Useful for code that is shared for both layout (where we know the inline size
/// of the containing block) and intrinsic sizing (where we don't know it).
pub(crate) struct IndefiniteContainingBlock {
pub size: LogicalVec2<Option<Au>>,
pub writing_mode: WritingMode,
impl From<&ConstraintSpace> for IndefiniteContainingBlock {
fn from(constraint_space: &ConstraintSpace) -> Self {
Self {
size: LogicalVec2 {
inline: None,
block: constraint_space.block_size.to_definite(),
writing_mode: constraint_space.writing_mode,
impl<'a> From<&'_ ContainingBlock<'a>> for IndefiniteContainingBlock {
fn from(containing_block: &ContainingBlock<'a>) -> Self {
Self {
size: LogicalVec2 {
inline: Some(containing_block.size.inline),
block: containing_block.size.block.to_definite(),
writing_mode: containing_block.style.writing_mode,
impl<'a> From<&'_ DefiniteContainingBlock<'a>> for IndefiniteContainingBlock {
fn from(containing_block: &DefiniteContainingBlock<'a>) -> Self {
Self {
size: containing_block.size.map(|v| Some(*v)),
writing_mode: containing_block.style.writing_mode,
pub(crate) struct ContainingBlockSize {
inline: Au,
block: SizeConstraint,
pub(crate) struct ContainingBlock<'a> {
size: ContainingBlockSize,
style: &'a ComputedValues,
struct DefiniteContainingBlock<'a> {
size: LogicalVec2<Au>,
style: &'a ComputedValues,
impl<'a> From<&'_ DefiniteContainingBlock<'a>> for ContainingBlock<'a> {
fn from(definite: &DefiniteContainingBlock<'a>) -> Self {
ContainingBlock {
size: ContainingBlockSize {
inline: definite.size.inline,
block: SizeConstraint::Definite(definite.size.block),
style: definite.style,
/// Data that is propagated from ancestors to descendants during [`crate::flow::BoxTree`]
/// construction. This allows data to flow in the reverse direction of the typical layout
/// propoagation, but only during `BoxTree` construction.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
struct PropagatedBoxTreeData {
text_decoration: TextDecorationLine,
allow_percentage_column_in_tables: bool,
impl Default for PropagatedBoxTreeData {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
text_decoration: Default::default(),
allow_percentage_column_in_tables: true,
impl PropagatedBoxTreeData {
pub(crate) fn union(&self, style: &ComputedValues) -> Self {
Self {
// FIXME(#31736): This is only taking into account the line style and not the decoration
// color. This should collect information about both so that they can be rendered properly.
text_decoration: self.text_decoration | style.clone_text_decoration_line(),
allow_percentage_column_in_tables: self.allow_percentage_column_in_tables,
pub(crate) fn without_text_decorations(&self) -> Self {
Self {
text_decoration: TextDecorationLine::NONE,
allow_percentage_column_in_tables: self.allow_percentage_column_in_tables,
fn disallowing_percentage_table_columns(&self) -> PropagatedBoxTreeData {
Self {
text_decoration: self.text_decoration,
allow_percentage_column_in_tables: false,