//! A [Glyph Definition Table](
//! https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/typography/opentype/spec/gdef) implementation.
use crate::opentype_layout::{Class, ClassDefinition, Coverage};
use crate::parser::{FromSlice, LazyArray16, Offset, Offset16, Offset32, Stream};
use crate::GlyphId;
#[cfg(feature = "variable-fonts")]
use crate::var_store::ItemVariationStore;
#[cfg(feature = "variable-fonts")]
use crate::NormalizedCoordinate;
/// A [glyph class](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/typography/opentype/spec/gdef#glyph-class-definition-table).
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd, Debug, Hash)]
pub enum GlyphClass {
Base = 1,
Ligature = 2,
Mark = 3,
Component = 4,
/// A [Glyph Definition Table](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/typography/opentype/spec/gdef).
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Default)]
pub struct Table<'a> {
glyph_classes: Option<ClassDefinition<'a>>,
mark_attach_classes: Option<ClassDefinition<'a>>,
mark_glyph_coverage_offsets: Option<(&'a [u8], LazyArray16<'a, Offset32>)>,
#[cfg(feature = "variable-fonts")]
variation_store: Option<ItemVariationStore<'a>>,
impl<'a> Table<'a> {
/// Parses a table from raw data.
pub fn parse(data: &'a [u8]) -> Option<Self> {
let mut s = Stream::new(data);
let version = s.read::<u32>()?;
if !(version == 0x00010000 || version == 0x00010002 || version == 0x00010003) {
return None;
let glyph_class_def_offset = s.read::<Option<Offset16>>()?;
s.skip::<Offset16>(); // attachListOffset
s.skip::<Offset16>(); // ligCaretListOffset
let mark_attach_class_def_offset = s.read::<Option<Offset16>>()?;
let mut mark_glyph_sets_def_offset: Option<Offset16> = None;
if version > 0x00010000 {
mark_glyph_sets_def_offset = s.read::<Option<Offset16>>()?;
let mut var_store_offset: Option<Offset32> = None;
#[cfg(feature = "variable-fonts")]
if version > 0x00010002 {
var_store_offset = s.read::<Option<Offset32>>()?;
let mut table = Table::default();
if let Some(offset) = glyph_class_def_offset {
if let Some(subdata) = data.get(offset.to_usize()..) {
table.glyph_classes = ClassDefinition::parse(subdata);
if let Some(offset) = mark_attach_class_def_offset {
if let Some(subdata) = data.get(offset.to_usize()..) {
table.mark_attach_classes = ClassDefinition::parse(subdata);
if let Some(offset) = mark_glyph_sets_def_offset {
if let Some(subdata) = data.get(offset.to_usize()..) {
let mut s = Stream::new(subdata);
let format = s.read::<u16>()?;
if format == 1 {
if let Some(count) = s.read::<u16>() {
if let Some(array) = s.read_array16::<Offset32>(count) {
table.mark_glyph_coverage_offsets = Some((subdata, array));
#[cfg(feature = "variable-fonts")]
if let Some(offset) = var_store_offset {
if let Some(subdata) = data.get(offset.to_usize()..) {
let s = Stream::new(subdata);
table.variation_store = ItemVariationStore::parse(s);
/// Checks that face has
/// [Glyph Class Definition Table](
/// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/typography/opentype/spec/gdef#glyph-class-definition-table).
pub fn has_glyph_classes(&self) -> bool {
/// Returns glyph's class according to
/// [Glyph Class Definition Table](
/// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/typography/opentype/spec/gdef#glyph-class-definition-table).
/// Returns `None` when *Glyph Class Definition Table* is not set
/// or glyph class is not set or invalid.
pub fn glyph_class(&self, glyph_id: GlyphId) -> Option<GlyphClass> {
match self.glyph_classes?.get(glyph_id) {
1 => Some(GlyphClass::Base),
2 => Some(GlyphClass::Ligature),
3 => Some(GlyphClass::Mark),
4 => Some(GlyphClass::Component),
_ => None,
/// Returns glyph's mark attachment class according to
/// [Mark Attachment Class Definition Table](
/// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/typography/opentype/spec/gdef#mark-attachment-class-definition-table).
/// All glyphs not assigned to a class fall into Class 0.
pub fn glyph_mark_attachment_class(&self, glyph_id: GlyphId) -> Class {
.map(|def| def.get(glyph_id))
/// Checks that glyph is a mark according to
/// [Mark Glyph Sets Table](
/// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/typography/opentype/spec/gdef#mark-glyph-sets-table).
/// `set_index` allows checking a specific glyph coverage set.
/// Otherwise all sets will be checked.
pub fn is_mark_glyph(&self, glyph_id: GlyphId, set_index: Option<u16>) -> bool {
is_mark_glyph_impl(self, glyph_id, set_index).is_some()
/// Returns glyph's variation delta at a specified index according to
/// [Item Variation Store Table](
/// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/typography/opentype/spec/gdef#item-variation-store-table).
#[cfg(feature = "variable-fonts")]
pub fn glyph_variation_delta(
outer_index: u16,
inner_index: u16,
coordinates: &[NormalizedCoordinate],
) -> Option<f32> {
.and_then(|store| store.parse_delta(outer_index, inner_index, coordinates))
fn is_mark_glyph_impl(table: &Table, glyph_id: GlyphId, set_index: Option<u16>) -> Option<()> {
let (data, offsets) = table.mark_glyph_coverage_offsets?;
if let Some(set_index) = set_index {
if let Some(offset) = offsets.get(set_index) {
let table = Coverage::parse(data.get(offset.to_usize()..)?)?;
if table.contains(glyph_id) {
return Some(());
} else {
for offset in offsets {
let table = Coverage::parse(data.get(offset.to_usize()..)?)?;
if table.contains(glyph_id) {
return Some(());