pub(crate) struct DomTypeHolder;
Trait Implementations§
source§impl AbortControllerMethods<DomTypeHolder> for AbortController
impl AbortControllerMethods<DomTypeHolder> for AbortController
source§fn Constructor(
global: &GlobalScope,
proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>,
can_gc: CanGc,
) -> Root<Dom<AbortController>>
fn Constructor( global: &GlobalScope, proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Root<Dom<AbortController>>
source§impl AbstractRangeMethods<DomTypeHolder> for AbstractRange
impl AbstractRangeMethods<DomTypeHolder> for AbstractRange
source§impl AnalyserNodeMethods<DomTypeHolder> for AnalyserNode
impl AnalyserNodeMethods<DomTypeHolder> for AnalyserNode
source§fn Constructor(
window: &Window,
proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>,
can_gc: CanGc,
context: &BaseAudioContext,
options: &AnalyserOptions,
) -> Result<Root<Dom<AnalyserNode>>, Error>
fn Constructor( window: &Window, proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>, can_gc: CanGc, context: &BaseAudioContext, options: &AnalyserOptions, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<AnalyserNode>>, Error>
source§fn GetFloatFrequencyData(&self, array: CustomAutoRooterGuard<'_, Float32Array>)
fn GetFloatFrequencyData(&self, array: CustomAutoRooterGuard<'_, Float32Array>)
source§fn GetByteFrequencyData(&self, array: CustomAutoRooterGuard<'_, Uint8Array>)
fn GetByteFrequencyData(&self, array: CustomAutoRooterGuard<'_, Uint8Array>)
source§fn GetFloatTimeDomainData(&self, array: CustomAutoRooterGuard<'_, Float32Array>)
fn GetFloatTimeDomainData(&self, array: CustomAutoRooterGuard<'_, Float32Array>)
source§fn GetByteTimeDomainData(&self, array: CustomAutoRooterGuard<'_, Uint8Array>)
fn GetByteTimeDomainData(&self, array: CustomAutoRooterGuard<'_, Uint8Array>)
source§fn FrequencyBinCount(&self) -> u32
fn FrequencyBinCount(&self) -> u32
source§fn MinDecibels(&self) -> Finite<f64>
fn MinDecibels(&self) -> Finite<f64>
source§fn MaxDecibels(&self) -> Finite<f64>
fn MaxDecibels(&self) -> Finite<f64>
source§fn SmoothingTimeConstant(&self) -> Finite<f64>
fn SmoothingTimeConstant(&self) -> Finite<f64>
source§impl AnimationEventMethods<DomTypeHolder> for AnimationEvent
impl AnimationEventMethods<DomTypeHolder> for AnimationEvent
fn Constructor( window: &Window, proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>, can_gc: CanGc, type_: DOMString, init: &AnimationEventInit, ) -> Root<Dom<AnimationEvent>>
fn AnimationName(&self) -> DOMString
fn ElapsedTime(&self) -> Finite<f32>
fn PseudoElement(&self) -> DOMString
fn IsTrusted(&self) -> bool
source§impl AttrMethods<DomTypeHolder> for Attr
impl AttrMethods<DomTypeHolder> for Attr
fn LocalName(&self) -> DOMString
fn Value(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetValue(&self, value: DOMString)
fn Name(&self) -> DOMString
fn GetNamespaceURI(&self) -> Option<DOMString>
fn GetPrefix(&self) -> Option<DOMString>
fn GetOwnerElement(&self) -> Option<Root<Dom<Element>>>
fn Specified(&self) -> bool
source§impl AudioBufferMethods<DomTypeHolder> for AudioBuffer
impl AudioBufferMethods<DomTypeHolder> for AudioBuffer
fn Constructor( window: &Window, proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>, can_gc: CanGc, options: &AudioBufferOptions, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<AudioBuffer>>, Error>
fn SampleRate(&self) -> Finite<f32>
fn Length(&self) -> u32
fn Duration(&self) -> Finite<f64>
fn NumberOfChannels(&self) -> u32
fn GetChannelData( &self, cx: JSContext, channel: u32, ) -> Result<Float32Array, Error>
fn CopyFromChannel( &self, destination: CustomAutoRooterGuard<'_, Float32Array>, channel_number: u32, start_in_channel: u32, ) -> Result<(), Error>
fn CopyToChannel( &self, source: CustomAutoRooterGuard<'_, Float32Array>, channel_number: u32, start_in_channel: u32, ) -> Result<(), Error>
source§impl AudioBufferSourceNodeMethods<DomTypeHolder> for AudioBufferSourceNode
impl AudioBufferSourceNodeMethods<DomTypeHolder> for AudioBufferSourceNode
fn Constructor( window: &Window, proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>, can_gc: CanGc, context: &BaseAudioContext, options: &AudioBufferSourceOptions, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<AudioBufferSourceNode>>, Error>
fn GetBuffer(&self) -> Result<Option<Root<Dom<AudioBuffer>>>, Error>
fn SetBuffer(&self, new_buffer: Option<&AudioBuffer>) -> Result<(), Error>
fn PlaybackRate(&self) -> Root<Dom<AudioParam>>
fn Detune(&self) -> Root<Dom<AudioParam>>
fn Loop(&self) -> bool
fn SetLoop(&self, should_loop: bool)
fn LoopStart(&self) -> Finite<f64>
fn SetLoopStart(&self, loop_start: Finite<f64>)
fn LoopEnd(&self) -> Finite<f64>
fn SetLoopEnd(&self, loop_end: Finite<f64>)
fn Start( &self, when: Finite<f64>, offset: Option<Finite<f64>>, duration: Option<Finite<f64>>, ) -> Result<(), Error>
source§impl AudioContextMethods<DomTypeHolder> for AudioContext
impl AudioContextMethods<DomTypeHolder> for AudioContext
source§fn CreateMediaElementSource(
media_element: &HTMLMediaElement,
can_gc: CanGc,
) -> Result<Root<Dom<MediaElementAudioSourceNode>>, Error>
fn CreateMediaElementSource( &self, media_element: &HTMLMediaElement, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<MediaElementAudioSourceNode>>, Error>
source§fn CreateMediaStreamSource(
stream: &MediaStream,
can_gc: CanGc,
) -> Result<Root<Dom<MediaStreamAudioSourceNode>>, Error>
fn CreateMediaStreamSource( &self, stream: &MediaStream, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<MediaStreamAudioSourceNode>>, Error>
source§fn CreateMediaStreamTrackSource(
track: &MediaStreamTrack,
can_gc: CanGc,
) -> Result<Root<Dom<MediaStreamTrackAudioSourceNode>>, Error>
fn CreateMediaStreamTrackSource( &self, track: &MediaStreamTrack, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<MediaStreamTrackAudioSourceNode>>, Error>
source§fn CreateMediaStreamDestination(
can_gc: CanGc,
) -> Result<Root<Dom<MediaStreamAudioDestinationNode>>, Error>
fn CreateMediaStreamDestination( &self, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<MediaStreamAudioDestinationNode>>, Error>
fn Constructor( window: &Window, proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>, can_gc: CanGc, options: &AudioContextOptions, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<AudioContext>>, Error>
fn BaseLatency(&self) -> Finite<f64>
fn OutputLatency(&self) -> Finite<f64>
fn GetOutputTimestamp(&self) -> AudioTimestamp
fn Suspend(&self, comp: InRealm<'_>, can_gc: CanGc) -> Rc<Promise>
fn Close(&self, comp: InRealm<'_>, can_gc: CanGc) -> Rc<Promise>
source§impl AudioDestinationNodeMethods<DomTypeHolder> for AudioDestinationNode
impl AudioDestinationNodeMethods<DomTypeHolder> for AudioDestinationNode
fn MaxChannelCount(&self) -> u32
source§impl AudioListenerMethods<DomTypeHolder> for AudioListener
impl AudioListenerMethods<DomTypeHolder> for AudioListener
fn PositionX(&self) -> Root<Dom<AudioParam>>
fn PositionY(&self) -> Root<Dom<AudioParam>>
fn PositionZ(&self) -> Root<Dom<AudioParam>>
fn ForwardX(&self) -> Root<Dom<AudioParam>>
fn ForwardY(&self) -> Root<Dom<AudioParam>>
fn ForwardZ(&self) -> Root<Dom<AudioParam>>
fn UpX(&self) -> Root<Dom<AudioParam>>
fn UpY(&self) -> Root<Dom<AudioParam>>
fn UpZ(&self) -> Root<Dom<AudioParam>>
fn SetOrientation( &self, x: Finite<f32>, y: Finite<f32>, z: Finite<f32>, xUp: Finite<f32>, yUp: Finite<f32>, zUp: Finite<f32>, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<AudioListener>>, Error>
fn SetPosition( &self, x: Finite<f32>, y: Finite<f32>, z: Finite<f32>, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<AudioListener>>, Error>
source§impl AudioNodeMethods<DomTypeHolder> for AudioNode
impl AudioNodeMethods<DomTypeHolder> for AudioNode
fn Connect( &self, destination: &AudioNode, output: u32, input: u32, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<AudioNode>>, Error>
fn Connect_(&self, dest: &AudioParam, output: u32) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Disconnect(&self) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Disconnect_(&self, out: u32) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Disconnect__(&self, to: &AudioNode) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Disconnect___(&self, to: &AudioNode, out: u32) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Disconnect____( &self, to: &AudioNode, out: u32, inp: u32, ) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Disconnect_____(&self, param: &AudioParam) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Disconnect______(&self, param: &AudioParam, out: u32) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Context(&self) -> Root<Dom<BaseAudioContext>>
fn NumberOfInputs(&self) -> u32
fn NumberOfOutputs(&self) -> u32
fn ChannelCount(&self) -> u32
fn SetChannelCount(&self, value: u32) -> Result<(), Error>
fn ChannelCountMode(&self) -> ChannelCountMode
fn SetChannelCountMode(&self, value: ChannelCountMode) -> Result<(), Error>
fn ChannelInterpretation(&self) -> ChannelInterpretation
fn SetChannelInterpretation( &self, value: ChannelInterpretation, ) -> Result<(), Error>
source§impl AudioParamMethods<DomTypeHolder> for AudioParam
impl AudioParamMethods<DomTypeHolder> for AudioParam
fn AutomationRate(&self) -> AutomationRate
fn SetAutomationRate( &self, automation_rate: AutomationRate, ) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Value(&self) -> Finite<f32>
fn SetValue(&self, value: Finite<f32>)
fn DefaultValue(&self) -> Finite<f32>
fn MinValue(&self) -> Finite<f32>
fn MaxValue(&self) -> Finite<f32>
fn SetValueAtTime( &self, value: Finite<f32>, start_time: Finite<f64>, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<AudioParam>>, Error>
fn LinearRampToValueAtTime( &self, value: Finite<f32>, end_time: Finite<f64>, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<AudioParam>>, Error>
fn ExponentialRampToValueAtTime( &self, value: Finite<f32>, end_time: Finite<f64>, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<AudioParam>>, Error>
fn SetTargetAtTime( &self, target: Finite<f32>, start_time: Finite<f64>, time_constant: Finite<f32>, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<AudioParam>>, Error>
fn SetValueCurveAtTime( &self, values: Vec<Finite<f32>>, start_time: Finite<f64>, end_time: Finite<f64>, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<AudioParam>>, Error>
fn CancelScheduledValues( &self, cancel_time: Finite<f64>, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<AudioParam>>, Error>
fn CancelAndHoldAtTime( &self, cancel_time: Finite<f64>, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<AudioParam>>, Error>
source§impl AudioTrackListMethods<DomTypeHolder> for AudioTrackList
impl AudioTrackListMethods<DomTypeHolder> for AudioTrackList
fn Length(&self) -> u32
fn IndexedGetter(&self, idx: u32) -> Option<Root<Dom<AudioTrack>>>
fn GetTrackById(&self, id: DOMString) -> Option<Root<Dom<AudioTrack>>>
fn GetOnchange(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnchange(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnaddtrack(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnaddtrack(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnremovetrack(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnremovetrack(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
source§impl AudioTrackMethods<DomTypeHolder> for AudioTrack
impl AudioTrackMethods<DomTypeHolder> for AudioTrack
source§impl BaseAudioContextMethods<DomTypeHolder> for BaseAudioContext
impl BaseAudioContextMethods<DomTypeHolder> for BaseAudioContext
source§fn SampleRate(&self) -> Finite<f32>
fn SampleRate(&self) -> Finite<f32>
source§fn CurrentTime(&self) -> Finite<f64>
fn CurrentTime(&self) -> Finite<f64>
source§fn State(&self) -> AudioContextState
fn State(&self) -> AudioContextState
source§fn Destination(&self) -> Root<Dom<AudioDestinationNode>>
fn Destination(&self) -> Root<Dom<AudioDestinationNode>>
source§fn CreateOscillator(
can_gc: CanGc,
) -> Result<Root<Dom<OscillatorNode>>, Error>
fn CreateOscillator( &self, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<OscillatorNode>>, Error>
source§fn CreatePanner(&self, can_gc: CanGc) -> Result<Root<Dom<PannerNode>>, Error>
fn CreatePanner(&self, can_gc: CanGc) -> Result<Root<Dom<PannerNode>>, Error>
source§fn CreateAnalyser(
can_gc: CanGc,
) -> Result<Root<Dom<AnalyserNode>>, Error>
fn CreateAnalyser( &self, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<AnalyserNode>>, Error>
source§fn CreateBiquadFilter(
can_gc: CanGc,
) -> Result<Root<Dom<BiquadFilterNode>>, Error>
fn CreateBiquadFilter( &self, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<BiquadFilterNode>>, Error>
source§fn CreateStereoPanner(
can_gc: CanGc,
) -> Result<Root<Dom<StereoPannerNode>>, Error>
fn CreateStereoPanner( &self, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<StereoPannerNode>>, Error>
source§fn CreateConstantSource(
can_gc: CanGc,
) -> Result<Root<Dom<ConstantSourceNode>>, Error>
fn CreateConstantSource( &self, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<ConstantSourceNode>>, Error>
source§fn CreateChannelMerger(
count: u32,
can_gc: CanGc,
) -> Result<Root<Dom<ChannelMergerNode>>, Error>
fn CreateChannelMerger( &self, count: u32, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<ChannelMergerNode>>, Error>
source§fn CreateChannelSplitter(
count: u32,
can_gc: CanGc,
) -> Result<Root<Dom<ChannelSplitterNode>>, Error>
fn CreateChannelSplitter( &self, count: u32, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<ChannelSplitterNode>>, Error>
source§fn CreateBuffer(
number_of_channels: u32,
length: u32,
sample_rate: Finite<f32>,
can_gc: CanGc,
) -> Result<Root<Dom<AudioBuffer>>, Error>
fn CreateBuffer( &self, number_of_channels: u32, length: u32, sample_rate: Finite<f32>, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<AudioBuffer>>, Error>
source§fn CreateIIRFilter(
feedforward: Vec<Finite<f64>>,
feedback: Vec<Finite<f64>>,
can_gc: CanGc,
) -> Result<Root<Dom<IIRFilterNode>>, Error>
fn CreateIIRFilter( &self, feedforward: Vec<Finite<f64>>, feedback: Vec<Finite<f64>>, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<IIRFilterNode>>, Error>
fn GetOnstatechange(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnstatechange(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn CreateBufferSource( &self, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<AudioBufferSourceNode>>, Error>
fn DecodeAudioData( &self, audio_data: CustomAutoRooterGuard<'_, ArrayBuffer>, decode_success_callback: Option<Rc<DecodeSuccessCallback>>, decode_error_callback: Option<Rc<DecodeErrorCallback>>, comp: InRealm<'_>, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Rc<Promise>
source§impl BiquadFilterNodeMethods<DomTypeHolder> for BiquadFilterNode
impl BiquadFilterNodeMethods<DomTypeHolder> for BiquadFilterNode
fn Constructor( window: &Window, proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>, can_gc: CanGc, context: &BaseAudioContext, options: &BiquadFilterOptions, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<BiquadFilterNode>>, Error>
fn Gain(&self) -> Root<Dom<AudioParam>>
fn Q(&self) -> Root<Dom<AudioParam>>
fn Detune(&self) -> Root<Dom<AudioParam>>
fn Frequency(&self) -> Root<Dom<AudioParam>>
fn Type(&self) -> BiquadFilterType
fn SetType(&self, filter: BiquadFilterType)
source§impl BlobMethods<DomTypeHolder> for Blob
impl BlobMethods<DomTypeHolder> for Blob
fn Constructor( global: &GlobalScope, proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>, can_gc: CanGc, blobParts: Option<Vec<ArrayBufferOrArrayBufferViewOrBlobOrString>>, blobPropertyBag: &BlobPropertyBag, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<Blob>>, Error>
fn Size(&self) -> u64
fn Type(&self) -> DOMString
fn Stream(&self, can_gc: CanGc) -> Result<Root<Dom<ReadableStream>>, Error>
fn Slice( &self, start: Option<i64>, end: Option<i64>, content_type: Option<DOMString>, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Root<Dom<Blob>>
fn Text(&self, can_gc: CanGc) -> Rc<Promise>
fn ArrayBuffer(&self, can_gc: CanGc) -> Rc<Promise>
source§impl BluetoothAdvertisingEventMethods<DomTypeHolder> for BluetoothAdvertisingEvent
impl BluetoothAdvertisingEventMethods<DomTypeHolder> for BluetoothAdvertisingEvent
fn Constructor( window: &Window, proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>, can_gc: CanGc, type_: DOMString, init: &BluetoothAdvertisingEventInit, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<BluetoothAdvertisingEvent>>, Error>
fn Device(&self) -> Root<Dom<BluetoothDevice>>
fn GetName(&self) -> Option<DOMString>
fn GetAppearance(&self) -> Option<u16>
fn GetTxPower(&self) -> Option<i8>
fn GetRssi(&self) -> Option<i8>
fn IsTrusted(&self) -> bool
source§impl BluetoothCharacteristicPropertiesMethods<DomTypeHolder> for BluetoothCharacteristicProperties
impl BluetoothCharacteristicPropertiesMethods<DomTypeHolder> for BluetoothCharacteristicProperties
fn Broadcast(&self) -> bool
fn Read(&self) -> bool
fn WriteWithoutResponse(&self) -> bool
fn Write(&self) -> bool
fn Notify(&self) -> bool
fn Indicate(&self) -> bool
fn AuthenticatedSignedWrites(&self) -> bool
fn ReliableWrite(&self) -> bool
fn WritableAuxiliaries(&self) -> bool
source§impl BluetoothDeviceMethods<DomTypeHolder> for BluetoothDevice
impl BluetoothDeviceMethods<DomTypeHolder> for BluetoothDevice
fn Id(&self) -> DOMString
fn GetName(&self) -> Option<DOMString>
fn GetGatt(&self) -> Option<Root<Dom<BluetoothRemoteGATTServer>>>
fn WatchAdvertisements(&self, comp: InRealm<'_>, can_gc: CanGc) -> Rc<Promise>
fn UnwatchAdvertisements(&self)
fn WatchingAdvertisements(&self) -> bool
fn GetOngattserverdisconnected(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOngattserverdisconnected(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
source§impl BluetoothMethods<DomTypeHolder> for Bluetooth
impl BluetoothMethods<DomTypeHolder> for Bluetooth
fn RequestDevice( &self, option: &RequestDeviceOptions, comp: InRealm<'_>, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Rc<Promise>
fn GetAvailability(&self, comp: InRealm<'_>, can_gc: CanGc) -> Rc<Promise>
source§impl BluetoothRemoteGATTCharacteristicMethods<DomTypeHolder> for BluetoothRemoteGATTCharacteristic
impl BluetoothRemoteGATTCharacteristicMethods<DomTypeHolder> for BluetoothRemoteGATTCharacteristic
fn Properties(&self) -> Root<Dom<BluetoothCharacteristicProperties>>
fn Service(&self) -> Root<Dom<BluetoothRemoteGATTService>>
fn Uuid(&self) -> DOMString
fn GetDescriptor( &self, descriptor: StringOrUnsignedLong, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Rc<Promise>
fn GetDescriptors( &self, descriptor: Option<StringOrUnsignedLong>, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Rc<Promise>
fn GetValue(&self) -> Option<ByteString>
fn ReadValue(&self, comp: InRealm<'_>, can_gc: CanGc) -> Rc<Promise>
fn WriteValue( &self, value: ArrayBufferViewOrArrayBuffer, comp: InRealm<'_>, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Rc<Promise>
fn StartNotifications(&self, comp: InRealm<'_>, can_gc: CanGc) -> Rc<Promise>
fn StopNotifications(&self, comp: InRealm<'_>, can_gc: CanGc) -> Rc<Promise>
fn GetOncharacteristicvaluechanged(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOncharacteristicvaluechanged( &self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>, )
source§impl BluetoothRemoteGATTDescriptorMethods<DomTypeHolder> for BluetoothRemoteGATTDescriptor
impl BluetoothRemoteGATTDescriptorMethods<DomTypeHolder> for BluetoothRemoteGATTDescriptor
fn Characteristic(&self) -> Root<Dom<BluetoothRemoteGATTCharacteristic>>
fn Uuid(&self) -> DOMString
fn GetValue(&self) -> Option<ByteString>
fn ReadValue(&self, comp: InRealm<'_>, can_gc: CanGc) -> Rc<Promise>
fn WriteValue( &self, value: ArrayBufferViewOrArrayBuffer, comp: InRealm<'_>, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Rc<Promise>
source§impl BluetoothRemoteGATTServerMethods<DomTypeHolder> for BluetoothRemoteGATTServer
impl BluetoothRemoteGATTServerMethods<DomTypeHolder> for BluetoothRemoteGATTServer
fn Device(&self) -> Root<Dom<BluetoothDevice>>
fn Connected(&self) -> bool
fn Connect(&self, comp: InRealm<'_>, can_gc: CanGc) -> Rc<Promise>
fn Disconnect(&self, can_gc: CanGc) -> Result<(), Error>
fn GetPrimaryService( &self, service: StringOrUnsignedLong, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Rc<Promise>
fn GetPrimaryServices( &self, service: Option<StringOrUnsignedLong>, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Rc<Promise>
source§impl BluetoothRemoteGATTServiceMethods<DomTypeHolder> for BluetoothRemoteGATTService
impl BluetoothRemoteGATTServiceMethods<DomTypeHolder> for BluetoothRemoteGATTService
fn Device(&self) -> Root<Dom<BluetoothDevice>>
fn IsPrimary(&self) -> bool
fn Uuid(&self) -> DOMString
fn GetCharacteristic( &self, characteristic: StringOrUnsignedLong, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Rc<Promise>
fn GetCharacteristics( &self, characteristic: Option<StringOrUnsignedLong>, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Rc<Promise>
fn GetIncludedService( &self, service: StringOrUnsignedLong, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Rc<Promise>
fn GetIncludedServices( &self, service: Option<StringOrUnsignedLong>, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Rc<Promise>
fn GetOnserviceadded(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnserviceadded(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnservicechanged(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnservicechanged(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnserviceremoved(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnserviceremoved(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
source§impl BluetoothUUIDMethods<DomTypeHolder> for BluetoothUUID
impl BluetoothUUIDMethods<DomTypeHolder> for BluetoothUUID
fn CanonicalUUID(_: &Window, alias: u32) -> DOMString
fn GetService( _: &Window, name: StringOrUnsignedLong, ) -> Result<DOMString, Error>
fn GetCharacteristic( _: &Window, name: StringOrUnsignedLong, ) -> Result<DOMString, Error>
fn GetDescriptor( _: &Window, name: StringOrUnsignedLong, ) -> Result<DOMString, Error>
source§impl BroadcastChannelMethods<DomTypeHolder> for BroadcastChannel
impl BroadcastChannelMethods<DomTypeHolder> for BroadcastChannel
source§fn Constructor(
global: &GlobalScope,
proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>,
can_gc: CanGc,
name: DOMString,
) -> Root<Dom<BroadcastChannel>>
fn Constructor( global: &GlobalScope, proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>, can_gc: CanGc, name: DOMString, ) -> Root<Dom<BroadcastChannel>>
source§fn PostMessage(
cx: SafeJSContext,
message: HandleValue<'_>,
) -> Result<(), Error>
fn PostMessage( &self, cx: SafeJSContext, message: HandleValue<'_>, ) -> Result<(), Error>
fn GetOnmessageerror(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnmessageerror(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnmessage(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnmessage(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
source§impl ByteLengthQueuingStrategyMethods<DomTypeHolder> for ByteLengthQueuingStrategy
impl ByteLengthQueuingStrategyMethods<DomTypeHolder> for ByteLengthQueuingStrategy
source§fn Constructor(
global: &GlobalScope,
proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>,
can_gc: CanGc,
init: &QueuingStrategyInit,
) -> Root<Dom<Self>>
fn Constructor( global: &GlobalScope, proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>, can_gc: CanGc, init: &QueuingStrategyInit, ) -> Root<Dom<Self>>
source§impl CSSKeyframesRuleMethods<DomTypeHolder> for CSSKeyframesRule
impl CSSKeyframesRuleMethods<DomTypeHolder> for CSSKeyframesRule
fn CssRules(&self) -> Root<Dom<CSSRuleList>>
fn AppendRule(&self, rule: DOMString)
fn DeleteRule(&self, selector: DOMString)
fn FindRule(&self, selector: DOMString) -> Option<Root<Dom<CSSKeyframeRule>>>
fn Name(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetName(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
source§impl CSSLayerStatementRuleMethods<DomTypeHolder> for CSSLayerStatementRule
impl CSSLayerStatementRuleMethods<DomTypeHolder> for CSSLayerStatementRule
source§fn NameList(&self, cx: SafeJSContext, retval: MutableHandleValue<'_>)
fn NameList(&self, cx: SafeJSContext, retval: MutableHandleValue<'_>)
source§impl CSSMethods<DomTypeHolder> for CSS
impl CSSMethods<DomTypeHolder> for CSS
source§impl CSSRuleMethods<DomTypeHolder> for CSSRule
impl CSSRuleMethods<DomTypeHolder> for CSSRule
source§impl CSSStyleDeclarationMethods<DomTypeHolder> for CSSStyleDeclaration
impl CSSStyleDeclarationMethods<DomTypeHolder> for CSSStyleDeclaration
fn Length(&self) -> u32
fn Item(&self, index: u32) -> DOMString
fn GetPropertyValue(&self, property: DOMString, can_gc: CanGc) -> DOMString
fn GetPropertyPriority(&self, property: DOMString) -> DOMString
fn SetProperty( &self, property: DOMString, value: DOMString, priority: DOMString, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Result<(), Error>
fn RemoveProperty( &self, property: DOMString, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Result<DOMString, Error>
fn CssFloat(&self, can_gc: CanGc) -> DOMString
fn SetCssFloat(&self, value: DOMString, can_gc: CanGc) -> Result<(), Error>
fn IndexedGetter(&self, index: u32) -> Option<DOMString>
fn CssText(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetCssText(&self, value: DOMString, can_gc: CanGc) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Align_content(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetAlign_content(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn AlignContent(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetAlignContent(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Align_items(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetAlign_items(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn AlignItems(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetAlignItems(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Align_self(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetAlign_self(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn AlignSelf(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetAlignSelf(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Aspect_ratio(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetAspect_ratio(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn AspectRatio(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetAspectRatio(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Backface_visibility(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBackface_visibility(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn BackfaceVisibility(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBackfaceVisibility(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Baseline_source(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBaseline_source(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn BaselineSource(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBaselineSource(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Border_collapse(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBorder_collapse(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn BorderCollapse(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBorderCollapse(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Border_image_repeat(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBorder_image_repeat(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn BorderImageRepeat(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBorderImageRepeat(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Box_sizing(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBox_sizing(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn BoxSizing(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBoxSizing(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Caption_side(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetCaption_side(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn CaptionSide(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetCaptionSide(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Clear(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetClear(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Column_count(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetColumn_count(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn ColumnCount(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetColumnCount(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Column_span(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetColumn_span(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn ColumnSpan(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetColumnSpan(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Container_type(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetContainer_type(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn ContainerType(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetContainerType(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Direction(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetDirection(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Display(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetDisplay(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Empty_cells(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetEmpty_cells(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn EmptyCells(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetEmptyCells(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Flex_direction(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetFlex_direction(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn FlexDirection(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetFlexDirection(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Flex_wrap(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetFlex_wrap(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn FlexWrap(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetFlexWrap(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Float(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetFloat(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Font_language_override(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetFont_language_override(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn FontLanguageOverride(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetFontLanguageOverride(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Font_stretch(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetFont_stretch(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn FontStretch(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetFontStretch(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Font_style(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetFont_style(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn FontStyle(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetFontStyle(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Font_variant_caps(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetFont_variant_caps(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn FontVariantCaps(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetFontVariantCaps(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Font_weight(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetFont_weight(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn FontWeight(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetFontWeight(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Grid_auto_flow(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetGrid_auto_flow(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn GridAutoFlow(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetGridAutoFlow(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Image_rendering(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetImage_rendering(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn ImageRendering(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetImageRendering(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Justify_content(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetJustify_content(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn JustifyContent(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetJustifyContent(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Justify_items(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetJustify_items(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn JustifyItems(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetJustifyItems(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Justify_self(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetJustify_self(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn JustifySelf(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetJustifySelf(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn List_style_position(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetList_style_position(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn ListStylePosition(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetListStylePosition(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn List_style_type(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetList_style_type(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn ListStyleType(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetListStyleType(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Mix_blend_mode(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetMix_blend_mode(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn MixBlendMode(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetMixBlendMode(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Object_fit(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetObject_fit(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn ObjectFit(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetObjectFit(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Opacity(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetOpacity(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Order(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetOrder(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Outline_style(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetOutline_style(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn OutlineStyle(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetOutlineStyle(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Overflow_wrap(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetOverflow_wrap(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn OverflowWrap(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetOverflowWrap(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Word_wrap(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetWord_wrap(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn WordWrap(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetWordWrap(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Pointer_events(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetPointer_events(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn PointerEvents(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetPointerEvents(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Position(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetPosition(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Table_layout(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetTable_layout(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn TableLayout(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetTableLayout(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Text_align(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetText_align(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn TextAlign(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetTextAlign(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Text_align_last(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetText_align_last(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn TextAlignLast(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetTextAlignLast(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Text_decoration_line(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetText_decoration_line(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn TextDecorationLine(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetTextDecorationLine(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Text_decoration_style(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetText_decoration_style(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn TextDecorationStyle(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetTextDecorationStyle(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Text_justify(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetText_justify(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn TextJustify(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetTextJustify(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Text_rendering(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetText_rendering(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn TextRendering(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetTextRendering(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Text_transform(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetText_transform(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn TextTransform(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetTextTransform(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Text_wrap_mode(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetText_wrap_mode(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn TextWrapMode(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetTextWrapMode(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Transform_style(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetTransform_style(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn TransformStyle(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetTransformStyle(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Unicode_bidi(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetUnicode_bidi(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn UnicodeBidi(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetUnicodeBidi(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Visibility(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetVisibility(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn White_space_collapse(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetWhite_space_collapse(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn WhiteSpaceCollapse(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetWhiteSpaceCollapse(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Word_break(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetWord_break(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn WordBreak(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetWordBreak(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Writing_mode(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetWriting_mode(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn WritingMode(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetWritingMode(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Z_index(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetZ_index(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn ZIndex(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetZIndex(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Flex_grow(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetFlex_grow(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn FlexGrow(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetFlexGrow(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Flex_shrink(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetFlex_shrink(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn FlexShrink(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetFlexShrink(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Overflow_block(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetOverflow_block(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn OverflowBlock(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetOverflowBlock(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Overflow_inline(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetOverflow_inline(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn OverflowInline(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetOverflowInline(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Overflow_x(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetOverflow_x(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn OverflowX(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetOverflowX(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Overflow_y(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetOverflow_y(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn OverflowY(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetOverflowY(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Border_block_end_style(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBorder_block_end_style(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn BorderBlockEndStyle(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBorderBlockEndStyle(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Border_block_start_style(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBorder_block_start_style(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn BorderBlockStartStyle(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBorderBlockStartStyle(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Border_bottom_style(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBorder_bottom_style(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn BorderBottomStyle(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBorderBottomStyle(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Border_inline_end_style(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBorder_inline_end_style(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn BorderInlineEndStyle(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBorderInlineEndStyle(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Border_inline_start_style(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBorder_inline_start_style(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn BorderInlineStartStyle(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBorderInlineStartStyle(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Border_left_style(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBorder_left_style(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn BorderLeftStyle(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBorderLeftStyle(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Border_right_style(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBorder_right_style(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn BorderRightStyle(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBorderRightStyle(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Border_top_style(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBorder_top_style(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn BorderTopStyle(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBorderTopStyle(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Animation_composition(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetAnimation_composition(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn AnimationComposition(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetAnimationComposition(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Animation_delay(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetAnimation_delay(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn AnimationDelay(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetAnimationDelay(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Animation_direction(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetAnimation_direction(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn AnimationDirection(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetAnimationDirection(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Animation_duration(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetAnimation_duration(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn AnimationDuration(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetAnimationDuration(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Animation_fill_mode(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetAnimation_fill_mode(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn AnimationFillMode(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetAnimationFillMode(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Animation_iteration_count(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetAnimation_iteration_count(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn AnimationIterationCount(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetAnimationIterationCount(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Animation_name(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetAnimation_name(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn AnimationName(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetAnimationName(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Animation_play_state(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetAnimation_play_state(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn AnimationPlayState(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetAnimationPlayState(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Animation_timeline(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetAnimation_timeline(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn AnimationTimeline(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetAnimationTimeline(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Animation_timing_function(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetAnimation_timing_function(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn AnimationTimingFunction(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetAnimationTimingFunction(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Background_attachment(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBackground_attachment(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn BackgroundAttachment(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBackgroundAttachment(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Background_clip(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBackground_clip(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn BackgroundClip(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBackgroundClip(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Background_image(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBackground_image(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn BackgroundImage(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBackgroundImage(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Background_origin(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBackground_origin(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn BackgroundOrigin(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBackgroundOrigin(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Background_position_x(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBackground_position_x(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn BackgroundPositionX(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBackgroundPositionX(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Background_position_y(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBackground_position_y(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn BackgroundPositionY(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBackgroundPositionY(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Background_repeat(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBackground_repeat(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn BackgroundRepeat(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBackgroundRepeat(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Background_size(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBackground_size(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn BackgroundSize(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBackgroundSize(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Border_image_outset(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBorder_image_outset(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn BorderImageOutset(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBorderImageOutset(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Border_image_slice(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBorder_image_slice(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn BorderImageSlice(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBorderImageSlice(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Border_image_width(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBorder_image_width(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn BorderImageWidth(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBorderImageWidth(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Border_spacing(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBorder_spacing(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn BorderSpacing(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBorderSpacing(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Box_shadow(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBox_shadow(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn BoxShadow(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBoxShadow(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Clip(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetClip(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Clip_path(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetClip_path(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn ClipPath(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetClipPath(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Color(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetColor(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Color_scheme(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetColor_scheme(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn ColorScheme(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetColorScheme(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Column_width(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetColumn_width(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn ColumnWidth(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetColumnWidth(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Container_name(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetContainer_name(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn ContainerName(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetContainerName(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Content(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetContent(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Counter_increment(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetCounter_increment(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn CounterIncrement(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetCounterIncrement(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Counter_reset(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetCounter_reset(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn CounterReset(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetCounterReset(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Cursor(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetCursor(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Filter(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetFilter(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Flex_basis(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetFlex_basis(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn FlexBasis(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetFlexBasis(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Font_family(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetFont_family(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn FontFamily(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetFontFamily(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Font_size(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetFont_size(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn FontSize(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetFontSize(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Grid_template_areas(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetGrid_template_areas(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn GridTemplateAreas(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetGridTemplateAreas(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Letter_spacing(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetLetter_spacing(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn LetterSpacing(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetLetterSpacing(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Line_height(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetLine_height(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn LineHeight(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetLineHeight(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Perspective(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetPerspective(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Quotes(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetQuotes(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Rotate(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetRotate(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Scale(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetScale(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Text_indent(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetText_indent(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn TextIndent(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetTextIndent(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Text_overflow(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetText_overflow(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn TextOverflow(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetTextOverflow(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Text_shadow(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetText_shadow(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn TextShadow(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetTextShadow(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Transform(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetTransform(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Transform_origin(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetTransform_origin(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn TransformOrigin(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetTransformOrigin(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Transition_behavior(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetTransition_behavior(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn TransitionBehavior(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetTransitionBehavior(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Transition_delay(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetTransition_delay(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn TransitionDelay(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetTransitionDelay(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Transition_duration(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetTransition_duration(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn TransitionDuration(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetTransitionDuration(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Transition_property(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetTransition_property(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn TransitionProperty(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetTransitionProperty(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Transition_timing_function(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetTransition_timing_function(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn TransitionTimingFunction(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetTransitionTimingFunction(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Translate(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetTranslate(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Vertical_align(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetVertical_align(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn VerticalAlign(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetVerticalAlign(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Word_spacing(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetWord_spacing(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn WordSpacing(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetWordSpacing(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Border_image_source(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBorder_image_source(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn BorderImageSource(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBorderImageSource(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn List_style_image(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetList_style_image(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn ListStyleImage(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetListStyleImage(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Object_position(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetObject_position(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn ObjectPosition(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetObjectPosition(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Perspective_origin(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetPerspective_origin(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn PerspectiveOrigin(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetPerspectiveOrigin(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Grid_template_columns(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetGrid_template_columns(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn GridTemplateColumns(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetGridTemplateColumns(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Grid_template_rows(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetGrid_template_rows(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn GridTemplateRows(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetGridTemplateRows(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Grid_auto_columns(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetGrid_auto_columns(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn GridAutoColumns(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetGridAutoColumns(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Grid_auto_rows(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetGrid_auto_rows(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn GridAutoRows(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetGridAutoRows(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Outline_offset(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetOutline_offset(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn OutlineOffset(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetOutlineOffset(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Overflow_clip_margin(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetOverflow_clip_margin(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn OverflowClipMargin(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetOverflowClipMargin(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Column_gap(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetColumn_gap(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn ColumnGap(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetColumnGap(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Grid_column_gap(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetGrid_column_gap(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn GridColumnGap(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetGridColumnGap(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Row_gap(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetRow_gap(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn RowGap(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetRowGap(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Grid_row_gap(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetGrid_row_gap(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn GridRowGap(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetGridRowGap(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Grid_column_end(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetGrid_column_end(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn GridColumnEnd(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetGridColumnEnd(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Grid_column_start(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetGrid_column_start(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn GridColumnStart(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetGridColumnStart(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Grid_row_end(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetGrid_row_end(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn GridRowEnd(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetGridRowEnd(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Grid_row_start(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetGrid_row_start(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn GridRowStart(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetGridRowStart(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Max_block_size(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetMax_block_size(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn MaxBlockSize(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetMaxBlockSize(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Max_height(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetMax_height(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn MaxHeight(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetMaxHeight(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Max_inline_size(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetMax_inline_size(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn MaxInlineSize(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetMaxInlineSize(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Max_width(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetMax_width(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn MaxWidth(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetMaxWidth(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Border_bottom_left_radius(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBorder_bottom_left_radius(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn BorderBottomLeftRadius(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBorderBottomLeftRadius(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Border_bottom_right_radius(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBorder_bottom_right_radius(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn BorderBottomRightRadius(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBorderBottomRightRadius(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Border_end_end_radius(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBorder_end_end_radius(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn BorderEndEndRadius(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBorderEndEndRadius(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Border_end_start_radius(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBorder_end_start_radius(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn BorderEndStartRadius(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBorderEndStartRadius(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Border_start_end_radius(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBorder_start_end_radius(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn BorderStartEndRadius(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBorderStartEndRadius(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Border_start_start_radius(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBorder_start_start_radius(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn BorderStartStartRadius(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBorderStartStartRadius(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Border_top_left_radius(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBorder_top_left_radius(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn BorderTopLeftRadius(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBorderTopLeftRadius(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Border_top_right_radius(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBorder_top_right_radius(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn BorderTopRightRadius(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBorderTopRightRadius(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Bottom(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBottom(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Inset_block_end(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetInset_block_end(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn InsetBlockEnd(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetInsetBlockEnd(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Inset_block_start(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetInset_block_start(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn InsetBlockStart(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetInsetBlockStart(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Inset_inline_end(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetInset_inline_end(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn InsetInlineEnd(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetInsetInlineEnd(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Inset_inline_start(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetInset_inline_start(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn InsetInlineStart(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetInsetInlineStart(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Left(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetLeft(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Right(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetRight(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Top(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetTop(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Margin_block_end(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetMargin_block_end(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn MarginBlockEnd(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetMarginBlockEnd(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Margin_block_start(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetMargin_block_start(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn MarginBlockStart(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetMarginBlockStart(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Margin_bottom(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetMargin_bottom(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn MarginBottom(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetMarginBottom(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Margin_inline_end(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetMargin_inline_end(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn MarginInlineEnd(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetMarginInlineEnd(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Margin_inline_start(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetMargin_inline_start(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn MarginInlineStart(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetMarginInlineStart(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Margin_left(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetMargin_left(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn MarginLeft(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetMarginLeft(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Margin_right(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetMargin_right(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn MarginRight(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetMarginRight(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Margin_top(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetMargin_top(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn MarginTop(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetMarginTop(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Padding_block_end(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetPadding_block_end(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn PaddingBlockEnd(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetPaddingBlockEnd(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Padding_block_start(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetPadding_block_start(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn PaddingBlockStart(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetPaddingBlockStart(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Padding_bottom(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetPadding_bottom(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn PaddingBottom(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetPaddingBottom(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Padding_inline_end(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetPadding_inline_end(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn PaddingInlineEnd(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetPaddingInlineEnd(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Padding_inline_start(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetPadding_inline_start(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn PaddingInlineStart(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetPaddingInlineStart(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Padding_left(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetPadding_left(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn PaddingLeft(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetPaddingLeft(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Padding_right(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetPadding_right(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn PaddingRight(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetPaddingRight(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Padding_top(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetPadding_top(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn PaddingTop(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetPaddingTop(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Block_size(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBlock_size(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn BlockSize(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBlockSize(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Height(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetHeight(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Inline_size(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetInline_size(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn InlineSize(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetInlineSize(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Min_block_size(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetMin_block_size(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn MinBlockSize(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetMinBlockSize(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Min_height(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetMin_height(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn MinHeight(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetMinHeight(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Min_inline_size(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetMin_inline_size(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn MinInlineSize(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetMinInlineSize(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Min_width(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetMin_width(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn MinWidth(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetMinWidth(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Width(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetWidth(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Border_block_end_width(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBorder_block_end_width(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn BorderBlockEndWidth(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBorderBlockEndWidth(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Border_block_start_width(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBorder_block_start_width(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn BorderBlockStartWidth(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBorderBlockStartWidth(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Border_bottom_width(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBorder_bottom_width(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn BorderBottomWidth(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBorderBottomWidth(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Border_inline_end_width(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBorder_inline_end_width(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn BorderInlineEndWidth(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBorderInlineEndWidth(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Border_inline_start_width(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBorder_inline_start_width(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn BorderInlineStartWidth(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBorderInlineStartWidth(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Border_left_width(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBorder_left_width(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn BorderLeftWidth(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBorderLeftWidth(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Border_right_width(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBorder_right_width(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn BorderRightWidth(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBorderRightWidth(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Border_top_width(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBorder_top_width(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn BorderTopWidth(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBorderTopWidth(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Outline_width(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetOutline_width(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn OutlineWidth(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetOutlineWidth(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Background_color(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBackground_color(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn BackgroundColor(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBackgroundColor(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Border_block_end_color(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBorder_block_end_color(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn BorderBlockEndColor(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBorderBlockEndColor(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Border_block_start_color(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBorder_block_start_color(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn BorderBlockStartColor(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBorderBlockStartColor(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Border_bottom_color(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBorder_bottom_color(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn BorderBottomColor(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBorderBottomColor(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Border_inline_end_color(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBorder_inline_end_color(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn BorderInlineEndColor(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBorderInlineEndColor(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Border_inline_start_color(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBorder_inline_start_color(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn BorderInlineStartColor(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBorderInlineStartColor(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Border_left_color(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBorder_left_color(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn BorderLeftColor(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBorderLeftColor(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Border_right_color(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBorder_right_color(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn BorderRightColor(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBorderRightColor(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Border_top_color(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBorder_top_color(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn BorderTopColor(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBorderTopColor(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Outline_color(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetOutline_color(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn OutlineColor(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetOutlineColor(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Text_decoration_color(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetText_decoration_color(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn TextDecorationColor(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetTextDecorationColor(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Background(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBackground(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Background_position(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBackground_position(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn BackgroundPosition(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBackgroundPosition(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Border_color(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBorder_color(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn BorderColor(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBorderColor(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Border_style(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBorder_style(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn BorderStyle(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBorderStyle(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Border_width(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBorder_width(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn BorderWidth(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBorderWidth(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Border_top(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBorder_top(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn BorderTop(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBorderTop(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Border_right(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBorder_right(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn BorderRight(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBorderRight(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Border_bottom(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBorder_bottom(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn BorderBottom(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBorderBottom(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Border_left(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBorder_left(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn BorderLeft(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBorderLeft(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Border_block_start(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBorder_block_start(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn BorderBlockStart(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBorderBlockStart(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Border_block_end(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBorder_block_end(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn BorderBlockEnd(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBorderBlockEnd(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Border_inline_start(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBorder_inline_start(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn BorderInlineStart(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBorderInlineStart(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Border_inline_end(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBorder_inline_end(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn BorderInlineEnd(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBorderInlineEnd(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Border(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBorder(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Border_radius(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBorder_radius(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn BorderRadius(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBorderRadius(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Border_image(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBorder_image(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn BorderImage(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBorderImage(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Border_block_width(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBorder_block_width(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn BorderBlockWidth(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBorderBlockWidth(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Border_block_style(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBorder_block_style(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn BorderBlockStyle(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBorderBlockStyle(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Border_block_color(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBorder_block_color(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn BorderBlockColor(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBorderBlockColor(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Border_inline_width(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBorder_inline_width(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn BorderInlineWidth(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBorderInlineWidth(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Border_inline_style(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBorder_inline_style(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn BorderInlineStyle(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBorderInlineStyle(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Border_inline_color(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBorder_inline_color(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn BorderInlineColor(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBorderInlineColor(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Border_block(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBorder_block(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn BorderBlock(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBorderBlock(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Border_inline(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBorder_inline(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn BorderInline(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBorderInline(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Overflow(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetOverflow(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Columns(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetColumns(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Font(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetFont(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Font_variant(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetFont_variant(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn FontVariant(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetFontVariant(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn White_space(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetWhite_space(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn WhiteSpace(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetWhiteSpace(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn List_style(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetList_style(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn ListStyle(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetListStyle(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Margin(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetMargin(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Margin_block(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetMargin_block(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn MarginBlock(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetMarginBlock(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Margin_inline(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetMargin_inline(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn MarginInline(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetMarginInline(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Outline(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetOutline(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Padding(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetPadding(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Padding_block(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetPadding_block(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn PaddingBlock(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetPaddingBlock(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Padding_inline(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetPadding_inline(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn PaddingInline(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetPaddingInline(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Flex_flow(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetFlex_flow(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn FlexFlow(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetFlexFlow(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Flex(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetFlex(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Gap(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetGap(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Grid_gap(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetGrid_gap(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn GridGap(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetGridGap(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Grid_row(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetGrid_row(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn GridRow(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetGridRow(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Grid_column(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetGrid_column(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn GridColumn(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetGridColumn(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Grid_area(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetGrid_area(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn GridArea(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetGridArea(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Grid_template(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetGrid_template(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn GridTemplate(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetGridTemplate(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Grid(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetGrid(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Place_content(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetPlace_content(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn PlaceContent(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetPlaceContent(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Place_self(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetPlace_self(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn PlaceSelf(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetPlaceSelf(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Place_items(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetPlace_items(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn PlaceItems(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetPlaceItems(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Inset(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetInset(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Inset_block(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetInset_block(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn InsetBlock(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetInsetBlock(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Inset_inline(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetInset_inline(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn InsetInline(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetInsetInline(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Text_decoration(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetText_decoration(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn TextDecoration(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetTextDecoration(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Transition(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetTransition(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Animation(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetAnimation(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn All(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetAll(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
source§impl CSSStyleRuleMethods<DomTypeHolder> for CSSStyleRule
impl CSSStyleRuleMethods<DomTypeHolder> for CSSStyleRule
fn Style(&self) -> Root<Dom<CSSStyleDeclaration>>
fn SelectorText(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetSelectorText(&self, value: DOMString)
source§impl CanvasRenderingContext2DMethods<DomTypeHolder> for CanvasRenderingContext2D
impl CanvasRenderingContext2DMethods<DomTypeHolder> for CanvasRenderingContext2D
fn Canvas(&self) -> Root<Dom<HTMLCanvasElement>>
fn Save(&self)
fn Restore(&self)
fn Scale(&self, x: f64, y: f64)
fn Rotate(&self, angle: f64)
fn Translate(&self, x: f64, y: f64)
fn Transform(&self, a: f64, b: f64, c: f64, d: f64, e: f64, f: f64)
fn GetTransform(&self, can_gc: CanGc) -> Root<Dom<DOMMatrix>>
fn SetTransform(&self, a: f64, b: f64, c: f64, d: f64, e: f64, f: f64)
fn ResetTransform(&self)
fn GlobalAlpha(&self) -> f64
fn SetGlobalAlpha(&self, alpha: f64)
fn GlobalCompositeOperation(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetGlobalCompositeOperation(&self, op_str: DOMString)
fn FillRect(&self, x: f64, y: f64, width: f64, height: f64)
fn ClearRect(&self, x: f64, y: f64, width: f64, height: f64)
fn StrokeRect(&self, x: f64, y: f64, width: f64, height: f64)
fn BeginPath(&self)
fn ClosePath(&self)
fn Fill(&self, fill_rule: CanvasFillRule)
fn Stroke(&self)
fn Clip(&self, fill_rule: CanvasFillRule)
fn IsPointInPath(&self, x: f64, y: f64, fill_rule: CanvasFillRule) -> bool
fn FillText( &self, text: DOMString, x: f64, y: f64, max_width: Option<f64>, can_gc: CanGc, )
fn MeasureText(&self, text: DOMString, can_gc: CanGc) -> Root<Dom<TextMetrics>>
fn Font(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetFont(&self, value: DOMString, can_gc: CanGc)
fn TextAlign(&self) -> CanvasTextAlign
fn SetTextAlign(&self, value: CanvasTextAlign)
fn TextBaseline(&self) -> CanvasTextBaseline
fn SetTextBaseline(&self, value: CanvasTextBaseline)
fn Direction(&self) -> CanvasDirection
fn SetDirection(&self, value: CanvasDirection)
fn DrawImage( &self, image: CanvasImageSource, dx: f64, dy: f64, ) -> Result<(), Error>
fn DrawImage_( &self, image: CanvasImageSource, dx: f64, dy: f64, dw: f64, dh: f64, ) -> Result<(), Error>
fn DrawImage__( &self, image: CanvasImageSource, sx: f64, sy: f64, sw: f64, sh: f64, dx: f64, dy: f64, dw: f64, dh: f64, ) -> Result<(), Error>
fn MoveTo(&self, x: f64, y: f64)
fn LineTo(&self, x: f64, y: f64)
fn Rect(&self, x: f64, y: f64, width: f64, height: f64)
fn QuadraticCurveTo(&self, cpx: f64, cpy: f64, x: f64, y: f64)
fn BezierCurveTo( &self, cp1x: f64, cp1y: f64, cp2x: f64, cp2y: f64, x: f64, y: f64, )
fn Arc( &self, x: f64, y: f64, r: f64, start: f64, end: f64, ccw: bool, ) -> Result<(), Error>
fn ArcTo( &self, cp1x: f64, cp1y: f64, cp2x: f64, cp2y: f64, r: f64, ) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Ellipse( &self, x: f64, y: f64, rx: f64, ry: f64, rotation: f64, start: f64, end: f64, ccw: bool, ) -> Result<(), Error>
fn ImageSmoothingEnabled(&self) -> bool
fn SetImageSmoothingEnabled(&self, value: bool)
fn StrokeStyle(&self) -> StringOrCanvasGradientOrCanvasPattern
fn SetStrokeStyle( &self, value: StringOrCanvasGradientOrCanvasPattern, can_gc: CanGc, )
fn FillStyle(&self) -> StringOrCanvasGradientOrCanvasPattern
fn SetFillStyle( &self, value: StringOrCanvasGradientOrCanvasPattern, can_gc: CanGc, )
fn CreateImageData( &self, sw: i32, sh: i32, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<ImageData>>, Error>
fn CreateImageData_( &self, imagedata: &ImageData, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<ImageData>>, Error>
fn GetImageData( &self, sx: i32, sy: i32, sw: i32, sh: i32, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<ImageData>>, Error>
fn PutImageData(&self, imagedata: &ImageData, dx: i32, dy: i32)
fn PutImageData_( &self, imagedata: &ImageData, dx: i32, dy: i32, dirty_x: i32, dirty_y: i32, dirty_width: i32, dirty_height: i32, )
fn CreateLinearGradient( &self, x0: Finite<f64>, y0: Finite<f64>, x1: Finite<f64>, y1: Finite<f64>, ) -> Root<Dom<CanvasGradient>>
fn CreateRadialGradient( &self, x0: Finite<f64>, y0: Finite<f64>, r0: Finite<f64>, x1: Finite<f64>, y1: Finite<f64>, r1: Finite<f64>, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<CanvasGradient>>, Error>
fn CreatePattern( &self, image: CanvasImageSource, repetition: DOMString, ) -> Result<Option<Root<Dom<CanvasPattern>>>, Error>
fn LineWidth(&self) -> f64
fn SetLineWidth(&self, width: f64)
fn LineCap(&self) -> CanvasLineCap
fn SetLineCap(&self, cap: CanvasLineCap)
fn LineJoin(&self) -> CanvasLineJoin
fn SetLineJoin(&self, join: CanvasLineJoin)
fn MiterLimit(&self) -> f64
fn SetMiterLimit(&self, limit: f64)
fn ShadowOffsetX(&self) -> f64
fn SetShadowOffsetX(&self, value: f64)
fn ShadowOffsetY(&self) -> f64
fn SetShadowOffsetY(&self, value: f64)
fn ShadowBlur(&self) -> f64
fn SetShadowBlur(&self, value: f64)
fn ShadowColor(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetShadowColor(&self, value: DOMString, can_gc: CanGc)
source§impl ChannelMergerNodeMethods<DomTypeHolder> for ChannelMergerNode
impl ChannelMergerNodeMethods<DomTypeHolder> for ChannelMergerNode
source§fn Constructor(
window: &Window,
proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>,
can_gc: CanGc,
context: &BaseAudioContext,
options: &ChannelMergerOptions,
) -> Result<Root<Dom<ChannelMergerNode>>, Error>
fn Constructor( window: &Window, proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>, can_gc: CanGc, context: &BaseAudioContext, options: &ChannelMergerOptions, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<ChannelMergerNode>>, Error>
source§impl ChannelSplitterNodeMethods<DomTypeHolder> for ChannelSplitterNode
impl ChannelSplitterNodeMethods<DomTypeHolder> for ChannelSplitterNode
source§fn Constructor(
window: &Window,
proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>,
can_gc: CanGc,
context: &BaseAudioContext,
options: &ChannelSplitterOptions,
) -> Result<Root<Dom<ChannelSplitterNode>>, Error>
fn Constructor( window: &Window, proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>, can_gc: CanGc, context: &BaseAudioContext, options: &ChannelSplitterOptions, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<ChannelSplitterNode>>, Error>
source§impl CharacterDataMethods<DomTypeHolder> for CharacterData
impl CharacterDataMethods<DomTypeHolder> for CharacterData
fn Data(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetData(&self, data: DOMString)
fn Length(&self) -> u32
fn SubstringData(&self, offset: u32, count: u32) -> Result<DOMString, Error>
fn AppendData(&self, data: DOMString)
fn InsertData(&self, offset: u32, arg: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn DeleteData(&self, offset: u32, count: u32) -> Result<(), Error>
fn ReplaceData( &self, offset: u32, count: u32, arg: DOMString, ) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Before(&self, nodes: Vec<NodeOrString>, can_gc: CanGc) -> Result<(), Error>
fn After(&self, nodes: Vec<NodeOrString>, can_gc: CanGc) -> Result<(), Error>
fn ReplaceWith( &self, nodes: Vec<NodeOrString>, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Remove(&self)
fn GetPreviousElementSibling(&self) -> Option<Root<Dom<Element>>>
fn GetNextElementSibling(&self) -> Option<Root<Dom<Element>>>
source§impl ClientMethods<DomTypeHolder> for Client
impl ClientMethods<DomTypeHolder> for Client
source§impl ClipboardEventMethods<DomTypeHolder> for ClipboardEvent
impl ClipboardEventMethods<DomTypeHolder> for ClipboardEvent
source§fn Constructor(
window: &Window,
proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>,
can_gc: CanGc,
type_: DOMString,
init: &ClipboardEventInit,
) -> Root<Dom<ClipboardEvent>>
fn Constructor( window: &Window, proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>, can_gc: CanGc, type_: DOMString, init: &ClipboardEventInit, ) -> Root<Dom<ClipboardEvent>>
source§fn GetClipboardData(&self) -> Option<Root<Dom<DataTransfer>>>
fn GetClipboardData(&self) -> Option<Root<Dom<DataTransfer>>>
source§impl CloseEventMethods<DomTypeHolder> for CloseEvent
impl CloseEventMethods<DomTypeHolder> for CloseEvent
fn Constructor( global: &GlobalScope, proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>, can_gc: CanGc, type_: DOMString, init: &CloseEventInit, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<CloseEvent>>, Error>
fn WasClean(&self) -> bool
fn Code(&self) -> u16
fn Reason(&self) -> DOMString
fn IsTrusted(&self) -> bool
source§impl CommentMethods<DomTypeHolder> for Comment
impl CommentMethods<DomTypeHolder> for Comment
source§impl ConstantSourceNodeMethods<DomTypeHolder> for ConstantSourceNode
impl ConstantSourceNodeMethods<DomTypeHolder> for ConstantSourceNode
fn Constructor( window: &Window, proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>, can_gc: CanGc, context: &BaseAudioContext, options: &ConstantSourceOptions, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<ConstantSourceNode>>, Error>
fn Offset(&self) -> Root<Dom<AudioParam>>
source§impl CountQueuingStrategyMethods<DomTypeHolder> for CountQueuingStrategy
impl CountQueuingStrategyMethods<DomTypeHolder> for CountQueuingStrategy
source§fn Constructor(
global: &GlobalScope,
proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>,
can_gc: CanGc,
init: &QueuingStrategyInit,
) -> Root<Dom<Self>>
fn Constructor( global: &GlobalScope, proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>, can_gc: CanGc, init: &QueuingStrategyInit, ) -> Root<Dom<Self>>
source§impl CryptoKeyMethods<DomTypeHolder> for CryptoKey
impl CryptoKeyMethods<DomTypeHolder> for CryptoKey
source§impl CryptoMethods<DomTypeHolder> for Crypto
impl CryptoMethods<DomTypeHolder> for Crypto
fn GetRandomValues( &self, _cx: JSContext, input: CustomAutoRooterGuard<'_, ArrayBufferView>, ) -> Result<ArrayBufferView, Error>
fn RandomUUID(&self) -> DOMString
source§impl CustomElementRegistryMethods<DomTypeHolder> for CustomElementRegistry
impl CustomElementRegistryMethods<DomTypeHolder> for CustomElementRegistry
source§fn Define(
name: DOMString,
constructor_: Rc<CustomElementConstructor>,
options: &ElementDefinitionOptions,
) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Define( &self, name: DOMString, constructor_: Rc<CustomElementConstructor>, options: &ElementDefinitionOptions, ) -> Result<(), Error>
source§impl CustomEventMethods<DomTypeHolder> for CustomEvent
impl CustomEventMethods<DomTypeHolder> for CustomEvent
fn Constructor( global: &GlobalScope, proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>, can_gc: CanGc, type_: DOMString, init: RootedTraceableBox<CustomEventInit>, ) -> Root<Dom<CustomEvent>>
fn Detail(&self, _cx: JSContext, retval: MutableHandleValue<'_>)
fn InitCustomEvent( &self, _cx: JSContext, type_: DOMString, can_bubble: bool, cancelable: bool, detail: HandleValue<'_>, )
fn IsTrusted(&self) -> bool
source§impl DOMImplementationMethods<DomTypeHolder> for DOMImplementation
impl DOMImplementationMethods<DomTypeHolder> for DOMImplementation
fn CreateDocumentType( &self, qualified_name: DOMString, pubid: DOMString, sysid: DOMString, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<DocumentType>>, Error>
fn CreateDocument( &self, maybe_namespace: Option<DOMString>, qname: DOMString, maybe_doctype: Option<&DocumentType>, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<XMLDocument>>, Error>
fn CreateHTMLDocument( &self, title: Option<DOMString>, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Root<Dom<Document>>
fn HasFeature(&self) -> bool
source§impl DOMMatrixMethods<DomTypeHolder> for DOMMatrix
impl DOMMatrixMethods<DomTypeHolder> for DOMMatrix
fn Constructor( global: &GlobalScope, proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>, can_gc: CanGc, init: Option<StringOrUnrestrictedDoubleSequence>, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<Self>>, Error>
fn FromMatrix( global: &GlobalScope, other: &DOMMatrixInit, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<Self>>, Error>
fn FromFloat32Array( global: &GlobalScope, array: CustomAutoRooterGuard<'_, Float32Array>, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<DOMMatrix>>, Error>
fn FromFloat64Array( global: &GlobalScope, array: CustomAutoRooterGuard<'_, Float64Array>, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<DOMMatrix>>, Error>
fn M11(&self) -> f64
fn SetM11(&self, value: f64)
fn M12(&self) -> f64
fn SetM12(&self, value: f64)
fn M13(&self) -> f64
fn SetM13(&self, value: f64)
fn M14(&self) -> f64
fn SetM14(&self, value: f64)
fn M21(&self) -> f64
fn SetM21(&self, value: f64)
fn M22(&self) -> f64
fn SetM22(&self, value: f64)
fn M23(&self) -> f64
fn SetM23(&self, value: f64)
fn M24(&self) -> f64
fn SetM24(&self, value: f64)
fn M31(&self) -> f64
fn SetM31(&self, value: f64)
fn M32(&self) -> f64
fn SetM32(&self, value: f64)
fn M33(&self) -> f64
fn SetM33(&self, value: f64)
fn M34(&self) -> f64
fn SetM34(&self, value: f64)
fn M41(&self) -> f64
fn SetM41(&self, value: f64)
fn M42(&self) -> f64
fn SetM42(&self, value: f64)
fn M43(&self) -> f64
fn SetM43(&self, value: f64)
fn M44(&self) -> f64
fn SetM44(&self, value: f64)
fn A(&self) -> f64
fn SetA(&self, value: f64)
fn B(&self) -> f64
fn SetB(&self, value: f64)
fn C(&self) -> f64
fn SetC(&self, value: f64)
fn D(&self) -> f64
fn SetD(&self, value: f64)
fn E(&self) -> f64
fn SetE(&self, value: f64)
fn F(&self) -> f64
fn SetF(&self, value: f64)
fn MultiplySelf( &self, other: &DOMMatrixInit, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<DOMMatrix>>, Error>
fn PreMultiplySelf( &self, other: &DOMMatrixInit, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<DOMMatrix>>, Error>
fn TranslateSelf(&self, tx: f64, ty: f64, tz: f64) -> Root<Dom<DOMMatrix>>
fn ScaleSelf( &self, scaleX: f64, scaleY: Option<f64>, scaleZ: f64, originX: f64, originY: f64, originZ: f64, ) -> Root<Dom<DOMMatrix>>
fn Scale3dSelf( &self, scale: f64, originX: f64, originY: f64, originZ: f64, ) -> Root<Dom<DOMMatrix>>
fn RotateSelf( &self, rotX: f64, rotY: Option<f64>, rotZ: Option<f64>, ) -> Root<Dom<DOMMatrix>>
fn RotateFromVectorSelf(&self, x: f64, y: f64) -> Root<Dom<DOMMatrix>>
fn RotateAxisAngleSelf( &self, x: f64, y: f64, z: f64, angle: f64, ) -> Root<Dom<DOMMatrix>>
fn SkewXSelf(&self, sx: f64) -> Root<Dom<DOMMatrix>>
fn SkewYSelf(&self, sy: f64) -> Root<Dom<DOMMatrix>>
fn InvertSelf(&self) -> Root<Dom<DOMMatrix>>
source§impl DOMMatrixReadOnlyMethods<DomTypeHolder> for DOMMatrixReadOnly
impl DOMMatrixReadOnlyMethods<DomTypeHolder> for DOMMatrixReadOnly
fn Constructor( global: &GlobalScope, proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>, can_gc: CanGc, init: Option<StringOrUnrestrictedDoubleSequence>, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<Self>>, Error>
fn FromMatrix( global: &GlobalScope, other: &DOMMatrixInit, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<Self>>, Error>
fn FromFloat32Array( global: &GlobalScope, array: CustomAutoRooterGuard<'_, Float32Array>, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<DOMMatrixReadOnly>>, Error>
fn FromFloat64Array( global: &GlobalScope, array: CustomAutoRooterGuard<'_, Float64Array>, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<DOMMatrixReadOnly>>, Error>
fn M11(&self) -> f64
fn M12(&self) -> f64
fn M13(&self) -> f64
fn M14(&self) -> f64
fn M21(&self) -> f64
fn M22(&self) -> f64
fn M23(&self) -> f64
fn M24(&self) -> f64
fn M31(&self) -> f64
fn M32(&self) -> f64
fn M33(&self) -> f64
fn M34(&self) -> f64
fn M41(&self) -> f64
fn M42(&self) -> f64
fn M43(&self) -> f64
fn M44(&self) -> f64
fn A(&self) -> f64
fn B(&self) -> f64
fn C(&self) -> f64
fn D(&self) -> f64
fn E(&self) -> f64
fn F(&self) -> f64
fn Is2D(&self) -> bool
fn IsIdentity(&self) -> bool
fn Translate( &self, tx: f64, ty: f64, tz: f64, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Root<Dom<DOMMatrix>>
fn Scale( &self, scaleX: f64, scaleY: Option<f64>, scaleZ: f64, originX: f64, originY: f64, originZ: f64, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Root<Dom<DOMMatrix>>
fn ScaleNonUniform( &self, scaleX: f64, scaleY: f64, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Root<Dom<DOMMatrix>>
fn Scale3d( &self, scale: f64, originX: f64, originY: f64, originZ: f64, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Root<Dom<DOMMatrix>>
fn Rotate( &self, rotX: f64, rotY: Option<f64>, rotZ: Option<f64>, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Root<Dom<DOMMatrix>>
fn RotateFromVector( &self, x: f64, y: f64, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Root<Dom<DOMMatrix>>
fn RotateAxisAngle( &self, x: f64, y: f64, z: f64, angle: f64, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Root<Dom<DOMMatrix>>
fn SkewX(&self, sx: f64, can_gc: CanGc) -> Root<Dom<DOMMatrix>>
fn SkewY(&self, sy: f64, can_gc: CanGc) -> Root<Dom<DOMMatrix>>
fn Multiply( &self, other: &DOMMatrixInit, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<DOMMatrix>>, Error>
fn FlipX(&self, can_gc: CanGc) -> Root<Dom<DOMMatrix>>
fn FlipY(&self, can_gc: CanGc) -> Root<Dom<DOMMatrix>>
fn Inverse(&self, can_gc: CanGc) -> Root<Dom<DOMMatrix>>
fn TransformPoint( &self, point: &DOMPointInit, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Root<Dom<DOMPoint>>
fn ToFloat32Array(&self, cx: JSContext) -> Float32Array
fn ToFloat64Array(&self, cx: JSContext) -> Float64Array
fn Stringifier(&self) -> Result<DOMString, Error>
source§impl DOMParserMethods<DomTypeHolder> for DOMParser
impl DOMParserMethods<DomTypeHolder> for DOMParser
source§impl DOMPointMethods<DomTypeHolder> for DOMPoint
impl DOMPointMethods<DomTypeHolder> for DOMPoint
fn Constructor( global: &GlobalScope, proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>, can_gc: CanGc, x: f64, y: f64, z: f64, w: f64, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<DOMPoint>>, Error>
fn FromPoint( global: &GlobalScope, init: &DOMPointInit, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Root<Dom<Self>>
fn X(&self) -> f64
fn SetX(&self, value: f64)
fn Y(&self) -> f64
fn SetY(&self, value: f64)
fn Z(&self) -> f64
fn SetZ(&self, value: f64)
fn W(&self) -> f64
fn SetW(&self, value: f64)
source§impl DOMPointReadOnlyMethods<DomTypeHolder> for DOMPointReadOnly
impl DOMPointReadOnlyMethods<DomTypeHolder> for DOMPointReadOnly
fn Constructor( global: &GlobalScope, proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>, can_gc: CanGc, x: f64, y: f64, z: f64, w: f64, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<DOMPointReadOnly>>, Error>
fn FromPoint( global: &GlobalScope, init: &DOMPointInit, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Root<Dom<Self>>
fn X(&self) -> f64
fn Y(&self) -> f64
fn Z(&self) -> f64
fn W(&self) -> f64
source§impl DOMQuadMethods<DomTypeHolder> for DOMQuad
impl DOMQuadMethods<DomTypeHolder> for DOMQuad
fn Constructor( global: &GlobalScope, proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>, can_gc: CanGc, p1: &DOMPointInit, p2: &DOMPointInit, p3: &DOMPointInit, p4: &DOMPointInit, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<DOMQuad>>, Error>
fn FromRect( global: &GlobalScope, other: &DOMRectInit, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Root<Dom<DOMQuad>>
fn FromQuad( global: &GlobalScope, other: &DOMQuadInit, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Root<Dom<DOMQuad>>
fn P1(&self) -> Root<Dom<DOMPoint>>
fn P2(&self) -> Root<Dom<DOMPoint>>
fn P3(&self) -> Root<Dom<DOMPoint>>
fn P4(&self) -> Root<Dom<DOMPoint>>
fn GetBounds(&self, can_gc: CanGc) -> Root<Dom<DOMRect>>
source§impl DOMRectListMethods<DomTypeHolder> for DOMRectList
impl DOMRectListMethods<DomTypeHolder> for DOMRectList
source§impl DOMRectMethods<DomTypeHolder> for DOMRect
impl DOMRectMethods<DomTypeHolder> for DOMRect
fn Constructor( global: &GlobalScope, proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>, can_gc: CanGc, x: f64, y: f64, width: f64, height: f64, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<DOMRect>>, Error>
fn FromRect(global: &GlobalScope, other: &DOMRectInit) -> Root<Dom<DOMRect>>
fn X(&self) -> f64
fn SetX(&self, value: f64)
fn Y(&self) -> f64
fn SetY(&self, value: f64)
fn Width(&self) -> f64
fn SetWidth(&self, value: f64)
fn Height(&self) -> f64
fn SetHeight(&self, value: f64)
source§impl DOMRectReadOnlyMethods<DomTypeHolder> for DOMRectReadOnly
impl DOMRectReadOnlyMethods<DomTypeHolder> for DOMRectReadOnly
fn Constructor( global: &GlobalScope, proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>, can_gc: CanGc, x: f64, y: f64, width: f64, height: f64, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<DOMRectReadOnly>>, Error>
fn FromRect( global: &GlobalScope, other: &DOMRectInit, ) -> Root<Dom<DOMRectReadOnly>>
fn X(&self) -> f64
fn Y(&self) -> f64
fn Width(&self) -> f64
fn Height(&self) -> f64
fn Top(&self) -> f64
fn Right(&self) -> f64
fn Bottom(&self) -> f64
fn Left(&self) -> f64
source§impl DOMTokenListMethods<DomTypeHolder> for DOMTokenList
impl DOMTokenListMethods<DomTypeHolder> for DOMTokenList
source§fn Toggle(
token: DOMString,
force: Option<bool>,
can_gc: CanGc,
) -> Result<bool, Error>
fn Toggle( &self, token: DOMString, force: Option<bool>, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Result<bool, Error>
source§fn Replace(
token: DOMString,
new_token: DOMString,
can_gc: CanGc,
) -> Result<bool, Error>
fn Replace( &self, token: DOMString, new_token: DOMString, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Result<bool, Error>
fn IndexedGetter(&self, index: u32) -> Option<DOMString>
source§impl DataTransferItemListMethods<DomTypeHolder> for DataTransferItemList
impl DataTransferItemListMethods<DomTypeHolder> for DataTransferItemList
source§fn IndexedGetter(
index: u32,
can_gc: CanGc,
) -> Option<Root<Dom<DataTransferItem>>>
fn IndexedGetter( &self, index: u32, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Option<Root<Dom<DataTransferItem>>>
source§fn Add(
data: DOMString,
type_: DOMString,
can_gc: CanGc,
) -> Result<Option<Root<Dom<DataTransferItem>>>, Error>
fn Add( &self, data: DOMString, type_: DOMString, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Result<Option<Root<Dom<DataTransferItem>>>, Error>
source§fn Add_(
data: &File,
can_gc: CanGc,
) -> Result<Option<Root<Dom<DataTransferItem>>>, Error>
fn Add_( &self, data: &File, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Result<Option<Root<Dom<DataTransferItem>>>, Error>
source§impl DataTransferItemMethods<DomTypeHolder> for DataTransferItem
impl DataTransferItemMethods<DomTypeHolder> for DataTransferItem
source§fn GetAsString(&self, callback: Option<Rc<FunctionStringCallback>>)
fn GetAsString(&self, callback: Option<Rc<FunctionStringCallback>>)
source§impl DataTransferMethods<DomTypeHolder> for DataTransfer
impl DataTransferMethods<DomTypeHolder> for DataTransfer
source§fn Constructor(
window: &Window,
proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>,
can_gc: CanGc,
) -> Root<Dom<DataTransfer>>
fn Constructor( window: &Window, proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Root<Dom<DataTransfer>>
source§fn DropEffect(&self) -> DOMString
fn DropEffect(&self) -> DOMString
source§fn SetDropEffect(&self, value: DOMString)
fn SetDropEffect(&self, value: DOMString)
source§fn EffectAllowed(&self) -> DOMString
fn EffectAllowed(&self) -> DOMString
source§fn SetEffectAllowed(&self, value: DOMString)
fn SetEffectAllowed(&self, value: DOMString)
source§fn Types(&self, cx: JSContext, retval: MutableHandleValue<'_>)
fn Types(&self, cx: JSContext, retval: MutableHandleValue<'_>)
source§impl DedicatedWorkerGlobalScopeMethods<DomTypeHolder> for DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope
impl DedicatedWorkerGlobalScopeMethods<DomTypeHolder> for DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope
source§fn PostMessage(
cx: SafeJSContext,
message: HandleValue<'_>,
transfer: CustomAutoRooterGuard<'_, Vec<*mut JSObject>>,
) -> Result<(), Error>
fn PostMessage( &self, cx: SafeJSContext, message: HandleValue<'_>, transfer: CustomAutoRooterGuard<'_, Vec<*mut JSObject>>, ) -> Result<(), Error>
source§fn PostMessage_(
cx: SafeJSContext,
message: HandleValue<'_>,
options: RootedTraceableBox<StructuredSerializeOptions>,
) -> Result<(), Error>
fn PostMessage_( &self, cx: SafeJSContext, message: HandleValue<'_>, options: RootedTraceableBox<StructuredSerializeOptions>, ) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Close(&self)
fn GetOnmessage(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnmessage(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
source§impl DissimilarOriginLocationMethods<DomTypeHolder> for DissimilarOriginLocation
impl DissimilarOriginLocationMethods<DomTypeHolder> for DissimilarOriginLocation
fn GetHref(&self) -> Result<USVString, Error>
fn SetHref(&self, _: USVString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Assign(&self, _: USVString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Replace(&self, _: USVString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Reload(&self) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Stringifier(&self) -> Result<DOMString, Error>
source§impl DissimilarOriginWindowMethods<DomTypeHolder> for DissimilarOriginWindow
impl DissimilarOriginWindowMethods<DomTypeHolder> for DissimilarOriginWindow
source§fn PostMessage(
cx: JSContext,
message: HandleValue<'_>,
target_origin: USVString,
transfer: CustomAutoRooterGuard<'_, Vec<*mut JSObject>>,
) -> Result<(), Error>
fn PostMessage( &self, cx: JSContext, message: HandleValue<'_>, target_origin: USVString, transfer: CustomAutoRooterGuard<'_, Vec<*mut JSObject>>, ) -> Result<(), Error>
source§fn PostMessage_(
cx: JSContext,
message: HandleValue<'_>,
options: RootedTraceableBox<WindowPostMessageOptions>,
) -> Result<(), Error>
fn PostMessage_( &self, cx: JSContext, message: HandleValue<'_>, options: RootedTraceableBox<WindowPostMessageOptions>, ) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Window(&self) -> Root<Dom<WindowProxy>>
fn Self_(&self) -> Root<Dom<WindowProxy>>
fn Frames(&self) -> Root<Dom<WindowProxy>>
fn GetParent(&self) -> Option<Root<Dom<WindowProxy>>>
fn GetTop(&self) -> Option<Root<Dom<WindowProxy>>>
fn Length(&self) -> u32
fn Close(&self)
fn Closed(&self) -> bool
fn Opener(&self, _: JSContext, retval: MutableHandleValue<'_>)
fn SetOpener(&self, _: JSContext, _: HandleValue<'_>)
fn Blur(&self)
fn Focus(&self)
fn Location(&self) -> Root<Dom<DissimilarOriginLocation>>
source§impl DocumentFragmentMethods<DomTypeHolder> for DocumentFragment
impl DocumentFragmentMethods<DomTypeHolder> for DocumentFragment
fn Constructor( window: &Window, proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<DocumentFragment>>, Error>
fn Children(&self) -> Root<Dom<HTMLCollection>>
fn GetElementById(&self, id: DOMString) -> Option<Root<Dom<Element>>>
fn GetFirstElementChild(&self) -> Option<Root<Dom<Element>>>
fn GetLastElementChild(&self) -> Option<Root<Dom<Element>>>
fn ChildElementCount(&self) -> u32
fn Prepend(&self, nodes: Vec<NodeOrString>, can_gc: CanGc) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Append(&self, nodes: Vec<NodeOrString>, can_gc: CanGc) -> Result<(), Error>
fn ReplaceChildren( &self, nodes: Vec<NodeOrString>, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Result<(), Error>
fn QuerySelector( &self, selectors: DOMString, ) -> Result<Option<Root<Dom<Element>>>, Error>
fn QuerySelectorAll( &self, selectors: DOMString, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<NodeList>>, Error>
source§impl DocumentMethods<DomTypeHolder> for Document
impl DocumentMethods<DomTypeHolder> for Document
source§fn NamedGetter(&self, name: DOMString) -> Option<NamedPropertyValue>
fn NamedGetter(&self, name: DOMString) -> Option<NamedPropertyValue>
source§fn VisibilityState(&self) -> DocumentVisibilityState
fn VisibilityState(&self) -> DocumentVisibilityState
fn Constructor( window: &Window, proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<Document>>, Error>
fn QueryCommandSupported(&self, _command: DOMString) -> bool
fn StyleSheets(&self) -> Root<Dom<StyleSheetList>>
fn Implementation(&self) -> Root<Dom<DOMImplementation>>
fn URL(&self) -> USVString
fn GetActiveElement(&self) -> Option<Root<Dom<Element>>>
fn HasFocus(&self) -> bool
fn Domain(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetDomain(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Referrer(&self) -> DOMString
fn DocumentURI(&self) -> USVString
fn CompatMode(&self) -> DOMString
fn CharacterSet(&self) -> DOMString
fn Charset(&self) -> DOMString
fn InputEncoding(&self) -> DOMString
fn ContentType(&self) -> DOMString
fn GetDoctype(&self) -> Option<Root<Dom<DocumentType>>>
fn GetDocumentElement(&self) -> Option<Root<Dom<Element>>>
fn GetElementsByTagName( &self, qualified_name: DOMString, ) -> Root<Dom<HTMLCollection>>
fn GetElementsByTagNameNS( &self, maybe_ns: Option<DOMString>, tag_name: DOMString, ) -> Root<Dom<HTMLCollection>>
fn GetElementsByClassName( &self, classes: DOMString, ) -> Root<Dom<HTMLCollection>>
fn GetElementById(&self, id: DOMString) -> Option<Root<Dom<Element>>>
fn CreateElement( &self, local_name: DOMString, options: StringOrElementCreationOptions, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<Element>>, Error>
fn CreateElementNS( &self, namespace: Option<DOMString>, qualified_name: DOMString, options: StringOrElementCreationOptions, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<Element>>, Error>
fn CreateAttribute( &self, local_name: DOMString, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<Attr>>, Error>
fn CreateAttributeNS( &self, namespace: Option<DOMString>, qualified_name: DOMString, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<Attr>>, Error>
fn CreateDocumentFragment(&self, can_gc: CanGc) -> Root<Dom<DocumentFragment>>
fn CreateTextNode(&self, data: DOMString, can_gc: CanGc) -> Root<Dom<Text>>
fn CreateCDATASection( &self, data: DOMString, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<CDATASection>>, Error>
fn CreateComment(&self, data: DOMString, can_gc: CanGc) -> Root<Dom<Comment>>
fn CreateProcessingInstruction( &self, target: DOMString, data: DOMString, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<ProcessingInstruction>>, Error>
fn ImportNode( &self, node: &Node, deep: bool, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<Node>>, Error>
fn AdoptNode(&self, node: &Node) -> Result<Root<Dom<Node>>, Error>
fn CreateEvent( &self, interface: DOMString, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<Event>>, Error>
fn LastModified(&self) -> DOMString
fn CreateRange(&self, can_gc: CanGc) -> Root<Dom<Range>>
fn CreateNodeIterator( &self, root: &Node, what_to_show: u32, filter: Option<Rc<NodeFilter>>, ) -> Root<Dom<NodeIterator>>
fn CreateTreeWalker( &self, root: &Node, what_to_show: u32, filter: Option<Rc<NodeFilter>>, ) -> Root<Dom<TreeWalker>>
fn Title(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetTitle(&self, title: DOMString, can_gc: CanGc)
fn GetHead(&self) -> Option<Root<Dom<HTMLHeadElement>>>
fn GetCurrentScript(&self) -> Option<Root<Dom<HTMLScriptElement>>>
fn GetBody(&self) -> Option<Root<Dom<HTMLElement>>>
fn SetBody(&self, new_body: Option<&HTMLElement>) -> Result<(), Error>
fn GetElementsByName(&self, name: DOMString) -> Root<Dom<NodeList>>
fn Images(&self) -> Root<Dom<HTMLCollection>>
fn Embeds(&self) -> Root<Dom<HTMLCollection>>
fn Plugins(&self) -> Root<Dom<HTMLCollection>>
fn Links(&self) -> Root<Dom<HTMLCollection>>
fn Forms(&self) -> Root<Dom<HTMLCollection>>
fn Scripts(&self) -> Root<Dom<HTMLCollection>>
fn Anchors(&self) -> Root<Dom<HTMLCollection>>
fn Applets(&self) -> Root<Dom<HTMLCollection>>
fn GetLocation(&self) -> Option<Root<Dom<Location>>>
fn Children(&self) -> Root<Dom<HTMLCollection>>
fn GetFirstElementChild(&self) -> Option<Root<Dom<Element>>>
fn GetLastElementChild(&self) -> Option<Root<Dom<Element>>>
fn ChildElementCount(&self) -> u32
fn Prepend(&self, nodes: Vec<NodeOrString>, can_gc: CanGc) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Append(&self, nodes: Vec<NodeOrString>, can_gc: CanGc) -> Result<(), Error>
fn ReplaceChildren( &self, nodes: Vec<NodeOrString>, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Result<(), Error>
fn QuerySelector( &self, selectors: DOMString, ) -> Result<Option<Root<Dom<Element>>>, Error>
fn QuerySelectorAll( &self, selectors: DOMString, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<NodeList>>, Error>
fn ReadyState(&self) -> DocumentReadyState
fn GetDefaultView(&self) -> Option<Root<Dom<Window>>>
fn GetCookie(&self) -> Result<DOMString, Error>
fn SetCookie(&self, cookie: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn BgColor(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBgColor(&self, value: DOMString, can_gc: CanGc)
fn FgColor(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetFgColor(&self, value: DOMString, can_gc: CanGc)
fn SupportedPropertyNames(&self) -> Vec<DOMString>
fn Clear(&self)
fn CaptureEvents(&self)
fn ReleaseEvents(&self)
fn GetOnblur(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnblur(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnerror(&self) -> Option<Rc<OnErrorEventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnerror(&self, listener: Option<Rc<OnErrorEventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnfocus(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnfocus(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnload(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnload(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnresize(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnresize(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnscroll(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnscroll(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnabort(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnabort(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnanimationend(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnanimationend(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnanimationiteration(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnanimationiteration(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOncancel(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOncancel(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOncanplay(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOncanplay(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOncanplaythrough(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOncanplaythrough(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnchange(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnchange(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnclick(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnclick(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnclose(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnclose(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOncuechange(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOncuechange(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOndblclick(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOndblclick(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOndrag(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOndrag(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOndragend(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOndragend(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOndragenter(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOndragenter(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOndragexit(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOndragexit(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOndragleave(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOndragleave(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOndragover(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOndragover(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOndragstart(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOndragstart(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOndrop(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOndrop(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOndurationchange(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOndurationchange(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnemptied(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnemptied(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnended(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnended(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnformdata(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnformdata(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOninput(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOninput(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOninvalid(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOninvalid(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnkeydown(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnkeydown(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnkeypress(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnkeypress(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnkeyup(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnkeyup(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnloadeddata(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnloadeddata(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnloadedmetadata(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnloadedmetadata(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnloadstart(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnloadstart(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnmousedown(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnmousedown(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnmouseenter(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnmouseenter(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnmouseleave(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnmouseleave(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnmousemove(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnmousemove(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnmouseout(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnmouseout(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnmouseover(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnmouseover(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnmouseup(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnmouseup(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnwheel(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnwheel(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnpause(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnpause(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnplay(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnplay(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnplaying(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnplaying(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnprogress(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnprogress(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnratechange(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnratechange(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnreset(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnreset(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnsecuritypolicyviolation(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnsecuritypolicyviolation( &self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>, )
fn GetOnseeked(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnseeked(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnseeking(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnseeking(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnselect(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnselect(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnselectionchange(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnselectionchange(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnselectstart(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnselectstart(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnshow(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnshow(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnstalled(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnstalled(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnsubmit(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnsubmit(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnsuspend(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnsuspend(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOntimeupdate(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOntimeupdate(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOntoggle(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOntoggle(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOntransitioncancel(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOntransitioncancel(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOntransitionend(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOntransitionend(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOntransitionrun(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOntransitionrun(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnvolumechange(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnvolumechange(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnwaiting(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnwaiting(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnreadystatechange(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnreadystatechange(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn ElementFromPoint( &self, x: Finite<f64>, y: Finite<f64>, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Option<Root<Dom<Element>>>
fn ElementsFromPoint( &self, x: Finite<f64>, y: Finite<f64>, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Vec<Root<Dom<Element>>>
fn Open( &self, _unused1: Option<DOMString>, _unused2: Option<DOMString>, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<Document>>, Error>
fn Open_( &self, url: USVString, target: DOMString, features: DOMString, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Result<Option<Root<Dom<WindowProxy>>>, Error>
fn Write(&self, text: Vec<DOMString>, can_gc: CanGc) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Writeln(&self, text: Vec<DOMString>, can_gc: CanGc) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Close(&self, can_gc: CanGc) -> Result<(), Error>
fn GetOncut(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOncut(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOncopy(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOncopy(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnpaste(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnpaste(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnfullscreenerror(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnfullscreenerror(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnfullscreenchange(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnfullscreenchange(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn FullscreenEnabled(&self) -> bool
fn Fullscreen(&self) -> bool
fn GetFullscreenElement(&self) -> Option<Root<Dom<Element>>>
fn ExitFullscreen(&self, can_gc: CanGc) -> Rc<Promise>
fn ServoGetMediaControls( &self, id: DOMString, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<ShadowRoot>>, Error>
fn GetSelection(&self) -> Option<Root<Dom<Selection>>>
fn Fonts(&self, can_gc: CanGc) -> Root<Dom<FontFaceSet>>
fn CreateExpression( &self, expression: DOMString, resolver: Option<Rc<XPathNSResolver>>, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<XPathExpression>>, Error>
fn CreateNSResolver( &self, node_resolver: &Node, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Root<Dom<Node>>
fn Evaluate( &self, expression: DOMString, context_node: &Node, resolver: Option<Rc<XPathNSResolver>>, type_: u16, result: Option<&XPathResult>, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<XPathResult>>, Error>
source§impl DocumentTypeMethods<DomTypeHolder> for DocumentType
impl DocumentTypeMethods<DomTypeHolder> for DocumentType
fn Name(&self) -> DOMString
fn PublicId(&self) -> DOMString
fn SystemId(&self) -> DOMString
fn Before(&self, nodes: Vec<NodeOrString>, can_gc: CanGc) -> Result<(), Error>
fn After(&self, nodes: Vec<NodeOrString>, can_gc: CanGc) -> Result<(), Error>
fn ReplaceWith( &self, nodes: Vec<NodeOrString>, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Remove(&self)
source§impl DomTypes for DomTypeHolder
impl DomTypes for DomTypeHolder
type ANGLEInstancedArrays = ANGLEInstancedArrays
type AbortController = AbortController
type AbstractRange = AbstractRange
type AnalyserNode = AnalyserNode
type AnimationEvent = AnimationEvent
type Attr = Attr
type AudioBuffer = AudioBuffer
type AudioBufferSourceNode = AudioBufferSourceNode
type AudioContext = AudioContext
type AudioDestinationNode = AudioDestinationNode
type AudioListener = AudioListener
type AudioNode = AudioNode
type AudioParam = AudioParam
type AudioScheduledSourceNode = AudioScheduledSourceNode
type AudioTrack = AudioTrack
type AudioTrackList = AudioTrackList
type BaseAudioContext = BaseAudioContext
type BeforeUnloadEvent = BeforeUnloadEvent
type BiquadFilterNode = BiquadFilterNode
type Blob = Blob
type Bluetooth = Bluetooth
type BluetoothAdvertisingEvent = BluetoothAdvertisingEvent
type BluetoothCharacteristicProperties = BluetoothCharacteristicProperties
type BluetoothDevice = BluetoothDevice
type BluetoothPermissionResult = BluetoothPermissionResult
type BluetoothRemoteGATTCharacteristic = BluetoothRemoteGATTCharacteristic
type BluetoothRemoteGATTDescriptor = BluetoothRemoteGATTDescriptor
type BluetoothRemoteGATTServer = BluetoothRemoteGATTServer
type BluetoothRemoteGATTService = BluetoothRemoteGATTService
type BluetoothUUID = BluetoothUUID
type BroadcastChannel = BroadcastChannel
type ByteLengthQueuingStrategy = ByteLengthQueuingStrategy
type CDATASection = CDATASection
type CSS = CSS
type CSSConditionRule = CSSConditionRule
type CSSFontFaceRule = CSSFontFaceRule
type CSSGroupingRule = CSSGroupingRule
type CSSImportRule = CSSImportRule
type CSSKeyframeRule = CSSKeyframeRule
type CSSKeyframesRule = CSSKeyframesRule
type CSSLayerBlockRule = CSSLayerBlockRule
type CSSLayerStatementRule = CSSLayerStatementRule
type CSSMediaRule = CSSMediaRule
type CSSNamespaceRule = CSSNamespaceRule
type CSSRule = CSSRule
type CSSRuleList = CSSRuleList
type CSSStyleDeclaration = CSSStyleDeclaration
type CSSStyleRule = CSSStyleRule
type CSSStyleSheet = CSSStyleSheet
type CSSStyleValue = CSSStyleValue
type CSSSupportsRule = CSSSupportsRule
type CanvasGradient = CanvasGradient
type CanvasPattern = CanvasPattern
type CanvasRenderingContext2D = CanvasRenderingContext2D
type ChannelMergerNode = ChannelMergerNode
type ChannelSplitterNode = ChannelSplitterNode
type CharacterData = CharacterData
type Client = Client
type ClipboardEvent = ClipboardEvent
type CloseEvent = CloseEvent
type Comment = Comment
type CompositionEvent = CompositionEvent
type ConstantSourceNode = ConstantSourceNode
type CountQueuingStrategy = CountQueuingStrategy
type Crypto = Crypto
type CryptoKey = CryptoKey
type CustomElementRegistry = CustomElementRegistry
type CustomEvent = CustomEvent
type DOMException = DOMException
type DOMImplementation = DOMImplementation
type DOMMatrix = DOMMatrix
type DOMMatrixReadOnly = DOMMatrixReadOnly
type DOMParser = DOMParser
type DOMPoint = DOMPoint
type DOMPointReadOnly = DOMPointReadOnly
type DOMQuad = DOMQuad
type DOMRect = DOMRect
type DOMRectList = DOMRectList
type DOMRectReadOnly = DOMRectReadOnly
type DOMStringList = DOMStringList
type DOMStringMap = DOMStringMap
type DOMTokenList = DOMTokenList
type DataTransfer = DataTransfer
type DataTransferItem = DataTransferItem
type DataTransferItemList = DataTransferItemList
type DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope = DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope
type DefaultTeeReadRequest = DefaultTeeReadRequest
type DefaultTeeUnderlyingSource = DefaultTeeUnderlyingSource
type DissimilarOriginLocation = DissimilarOriginLocation
type DissimilarOriginWindow = DissimilarOriginWindow
type Document = Document
type DocumentFragment = DocumentFragment
type DocumentType = DocumentType
type DynamicModuleOwner = DynamicModuleOwner
type EXTBlendMinmax = EXTBlendMinmax
type EXTColorBufferHalfFloat = EXTColorBufferHalfFloat
type EXTFragDepth = EXTFragDepth
type EXTShaderTextureLod = EXTShaderTextureLod
type EXTTextureFilterAnisotropic = EXTTextureFilterAnisotropic
type Element = Element
type ElementInternals = ElementInternals
type ErrorEvent = ErrorEvent
type Event = Event
type EventSource = EventSource
type EventTarget = EventTarget
type ExtendableEvent = ExtendableEvent
type ExtendableMessageEvent = ExtendableMessageEvent
type FakeXRDevice = FakeXRDevice
type FakeXRInputController = FakeXRInputController
type File = File
type FileList = FileList
type FileReader = FileReader
type FileReaderSync = FileReaderSync
type FocusEvent = FocusEvent
type FontFaceSet = FontFaceSet
type FormData = FormData
type FormDataEvent = FormDataEvent
type GPU = GPU
type GPUAdapter = GPUAdapter
type GPUAdapterInfo = GPUAdapterInfo
type GPUBindGroup = GPUBindGroup
type GPUBindGroupLayout = GPUBindGroupLayout
type GPUBuffer = GPUBuffer
type GPUBufferUsage = GPUBufferUsage
type GPUCanvasContext = GPUCanvasContext
type GPUColorWrite = GPUColorWrite
type GPUCommandBuffer = GPUCommandBuffer
type GPUCommandEncoder = GPUCommandEncoder
type GPUCompilationInfo = GPUCompilationInfo
type GPUCompilationMessage = GPUCompilationMessage
type GPUComputePassEncoder = GPUComputePassEncoder
type GPUComputePipeline = GPUComputePipeline
type GPUDevice = GPUDevice
type GPUDeviceLostInfo = GPUDeviceLostInfo
type GPUError = GPUError
type GPUInternalError = GPUInternalError
type GPUMapMode = GPUMapMode
type GPUOutOfMemoryError = GPUOutOfMemoryError
type GPUPipelineError = GPUPipelineError
type GPUPipelineLayout = GPUPipelineLayout
type GPUQuerySet = GPUQuerySet
type GPUQueue = GPUQueue
type GPURenderBundle = GPURenderBundle
type GPURenderBundleEncoder = GPURenderBundleEncoder
type GPURenderPassEncoder = GPURenderPassEncoder
type GPURenderPipeline = GPURenderPipeline
type GPUSampler = GPUSampler
type GPUShaderModule = GPUShaderModule
type GPUShaderStage = GPUShaderStage
type GPUSupportedFeatures = GPUSupportedFeatures
type GPUSupportedLimits = GPUSupportedLimits
type GPUTexture = GPUTexture
type GPUTextureUsage = GPUTextureUsage
type GPUTextureView = GPUTextureView
type GPUUncapturedErrorEvent = GPUUncapturedErrorEvent
type GPUValidationError = GPUValidationError
type GainNode = GainNode
type Gamepad = Gamepad
type GamepadButton = GamepadButton
type GamepadButtonList = GamepadButtonList
type GamepadEvent = GamepadEvent
type GamepadHapticActuator = GamepadHapticActuator
type GamepadPose = GamepadPose
type GlobalScope = GlobalScope
type HTMLAnchorElement = HTMLAnchorElement
type HTMLAreaElement = HTMLAreaElement
type HTMLAudioElement = HTMLAudioElement
type HTMLBRElement = HTMLBRElement
type HTMLBaseElement = HTMLBaseElement
type HTMLBodyElement = HTMLBodyElement
type HTMLButtonElement = HTMLButtonElement
type HTMLCanvasElement = HTMLCanvasElement
type HTMLCollection = HTMLCollection
type HTMLDListElement = HTMLDListElement
type HTMLDataElement = HTMLDataElement
type HTMLDataListElement = HTMLDataListElement
type HTMLDetailsElement = HTMLDetailsElement
type HTMLDialogElement = HTMLDialogElement
type HTMLDirectoryElement = HTMLDirectoryElement
type HTMLDivElement = HTMLDivElement
type HTMLElement = HTMLElement
type HTMLEmbedElement = HTMLEmbedElement
type HTMLFieldSetElement = HTMLFieldSetElement
type HTMLFontElement = HTMLFontElement
type HTMLFormControlsCollection = HTMLFormControlsCollection
type HTMLFormElement = HTMLFormElement
type HTMLFrameElement = HTMLFrameElement
type HTMLFrameSetElement = HTMLFrameSetElement
type HTMLHRElement = HTMLHRElement
type HTMLHeadElement = HTMLHeadElement
type HTMLHeadingElement = HTMLHeadingElement
type HTMLHtmlElement = HTMLHtmlElement
type HTMLIFrameElement = HTMLIFrameElement
type HTMLImageElement = HTMLImageElement
type HTMLInputElement = HTMLInputElement
type HTMLLIElement = HTMLLIElement
type HTMLLabelElement = HTMLLabelElement
type HTMLLegendElement = HTMLLegendElement
type HTMLLinkElement = HTMLLinkElement
type HTMLMapElement = HTMLMapElement
type HTMLMediaElement = HTMLMediaElement
type HTMLMenuElement = HTMLMenuElement
type HTMLMetaElement = HTMLMetaElement
type HTMLMeterElement = HTMLMeterElement
type HTMLModElement = HTMLModElement
type HTMLOListElement = HTMLOListElement
type HTMLObjectElement = HTMLObjectElement
type HTMLOptGroupElement = HTMLOptGroupElement
type HTMLOptionElement = HTMLOptionElement
type HTMLOptionsCollection = HTMLOptionsCollection
type HTMLOutputElement = HTMLOutputElement
type HTMLParagraphElement = HTMLParagraphElement
type HTMLParamElement = HTMLParamElement
type HTMLPictureElement = HTMLPictureElement
type HTMLPreElement = HTMLPreElement
type HTMLProgressElement = HTMLProgressElement
type HTMLQuoteElement = HTMLQuoteElement
type HTMLScriptElement = HTMLScriptElement
type HTMLSelectElement = HTMLSelectElement
type HTMLSlotElement = HTMLSlotElement
type HTMLSourceElement = HTMLSourceElement
type HTMLSpanElement = HTMLSpanElement
type HTMLStyleElement = HTMLStyleElement
type HTMLTableCaptionElement = HTMLTableCaptionElement
type HTMLTableCellElement = HTMLTableCellElement
type HTMLTableColElement = HTMLTableColElement
type HTMLTableElement = HTMLTableElement
type HTMLTableRowElement = HTMLTableRowElement
type HTMLTableSectionElement = HTMLTableSectionElement
type HTMLTemplateElement = HTMLTemplateElement
type HTMLTextAreaElement = HTMLTextAreaElement
type HTMLTimeElement = HTMLTimeElement
type HTMLTitleElement = HTMLTitleElement
type HTMLTrackElement = HTMLTrackElement
type HTMLUListElement = HTMLUListElement
type HTMLUnknownElement = HTMLUnknownElement
type HTMLVideoElement = HTMLVideoElement
type HashChangeEvent = HashChangeEvent
type Headers = Headers
type History = History
type IIRFilterNode = IIRFilterNode
type ImageBitmap = ImageBitmap
type ImageData = ImageData
type InputEvent = InputEvent
type IntersectionObserver = IntersectionObserver
type IntersectionObserverEntry = IntersectionObserverEntry
type KeyboardEvent = KeyboardEvent
type Location = Location
type MediaDeviceInfo = MediaDeviceInfo
type MediaDevices = MediaDevices
type MediaElementAudioSourceNode = MediaElementAudioSourceNode
type MediaError = MediaError
type MediaList = MediaList
type MediaMetadata = MediaMetadata
type MediaQueryList = MediaQueryList
type MediaQueryListEvent = MediaQueryListEvent
type MediaSession = MediaSession
type MediaStream = MediaStream
type MediaStreamAudioDestinationNode = MediaStreamAudioDestinationNode
type MediaStreamAudioSourceNode = MediaStreamAudioSourceNode
type MediaStreamTrack = MediaStreamTrack
type MediaStreamTrackAudioSourceNode = MediaStreamTrackAudioSourceNode
type MessageChannel = MessageChannel
type MessageEvent = MessageEvent
type MessagePort = MessagePort
type MimeType = MimeType
type MimeTypeArray = MimeTypeArray
type MouseEvent = MouseEvent
type MutationObserver = MutationObserver
type MutationRecord = MutationRecord
type NamedNodeMap = NamedNodeMap
type Node = Node
type NodeIterator = NodeIterator
type NodeList = NodeList
type Notification = Notification
type OESElementIndexUint = OESElementIndexUint
type OESStandardDerivatives = OESStandardDerivatives
type OESTextureFloat = OESTextureFloat
type OESTextureFloatLinear = OESTextureFloatLinear
type OESTextureHalfFloat = OESTextureHalfFloat
type OESTextureHalfFloatLinear = OESTextureHalfFloatLinear
type OESVertexArrayObject = OESVertexArrayObject
type OfflineAudioCompletionEvent = OfflineAudioCompletionEvent
type OfflineAudioContext = OfflineAudioContext
type OffscreenCanvas = OffscreenCanvas
type OffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2D = OffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2D
type OscillatorNode = OscillatorNode
type PageTransitionEvent = PageTransitionEvent
type PaintRenderingContext2D = PaintRenderingContext2D
type PaintSize = PaintSize
type PaintWorkletGlobalScope = PaintWorkletGlobalScope
type PannerNode = PannerNode
type Performance = Performance
type PerformanceEntry = PerformanceEntry
type PerformanceMark = PerformanceMark
type PerformanceMeasure = PerformanceMeasure
type PerformanceObserver = PerformanceObserver
type PerformanceObserverEntryList = PerformanceObserverEntryList
type PerformancePaintTiming = PerformancePaintTiming
type PerformanceResourceTiming = PerformanceResourceTiming
type PermissionStatus = PermissionStatus
type Permissions = Permissions
type Plugin = Plugin
type PluginArray = PluginArray
type PointerEvent = PointerEvent
type PopStateEvent = PopStateEvent
type ProcessingInstruction = ProcessingInstruction
type ProgressEvent = ProgressEvent
type Promise = Promise
type PromiseNativeHandler = PromiseNativeHandler
type PromiseRejectionEvent = PromiseRejectionEvent
type RTCDataChannel = RTCDataChannel
type RTCDataChannelEvent = RTCDataChannelEvent
type RTCError = RTCError
type RTCErrorEvent = RTCErrorEvent
type RTCIceCandidate = RTCIceCandidate
type RTCPeerConnection = RTCPeerConnection
type RTCPeerConnectionIceEvent = RTCPeerConnectionIceEvent
type RTCRtpSender = RTCRtpSender
type RTCRtpTransceiver = RTCRtpTransceiver
type RTCSessionDescription = RTCSessionDescription
type RTCTrackEvent = RTCTrackEvent
type RadioNodeList = RadioNodeList
type Range = Range
type ReadableByteStreamController = ReadableByteStreamController
type ReadableStream = ReadableStream
type ReadableStreamBYOBReader = ReadableStreamBYOBReader
type ReadableStreamBYOBRequest = ReadableStreamBYOBRequest
type ReadableStreamDefaultController = ReadableStreamDefaultController
type ReadableStreamDefaultReader = ReadableStreamDefaultReader
type Request = Request
type ResizeObserver = ResizeObserver
type ResizeObserverEntry = ResizeObserverEntry
type ResizeObserverSize = ResizeObserverSize
type Response = Response
type SVGElement = SVGElement
type SVGGraphicsElement = SVGGraphicsElement
type SVGSVGElement = SVGSVGElement
type Screen = Screen
type SecurityPolicyViolationEvent = SecurityPolicyViolationEvent
type Selection = Selection
type ServiceWorker = ServiceWorker
type ServiceWorkerContainer = ServiceWorkerContainer
type ServiceWorkerGlobalScope = ServiceWorkerGlobalScope
type ServiceWorkerRegistration = ServiceWorkerRegistration
type ServoParser = ServoParser
type ShadowRoot = ShadowRoot
type StaticRange = StaticRange
type StereoPannerNode = StereoPannerNode
type Storage = Storage
type StorageEvent = StorageEvent
type StylePropertyMapReadOnly = StylePropertyMapReadOnly
type StyleSheet = StyleSheet
type StyleSheetList = StyleSheetList
type SubmitEvent = SubmitEvent
type SubtleCrypto = SubtleCrypto
type TestBinding = TestBinding
type TestBindingIterable = TestBindingIterable
type TestBindingMaplike = TestBindingMaplike
type TestBindingPairIterable = TestBindingPairIterable
type TestBindingProxy = TestBindingProxy
type TestBindingSetlike = TestBindingSetlike
type TestNS = TestNS
type TestRunner = TestRunner
type TestWorklet = TestWorklet
type TestWorkletGlobalScope = TestWorkletGlobalScope
type Text = Text
type TextDecoder = TextDecoder
type TextEncoder = TextEncoder
type TextMetrics = TextMetrics
type TextTrack = TextTrack
type TextTrackCue = TextTrackCue
type TextTrackCueList = TextTrackCueList
type TextTrackList = TextTrackList
type TimeRanges = TimeRanges
type Touch = Touch
type TouchEvent = TouchEvent
type TouchList = TouchList
type TrackEvent = TrackEvent
type TransitionEvent = TransitionEvent
type TreeWalker = TreeWalker
type UIEvent = UIEvent
type URL = URL
type URLSearchParams = URLSearchParams
type UnderlyingSourceContainer = UnderlyingSourceContainer
type VTTCue = VTTCue
type VTTRegion = VTTRegion
type ValidityState = ValidityState
type VideoTrack = VideoTrack
type VideoTrackList = VideoTrackList
type VisibilityStateEntry = VisibilityStateEntry
type WEBGLColorBufferFloat = WEBGLColorBufferFloat
type WEBGLCompressedTextureETC1 = WEBGLCompressedTextureETC1
type WEBGLCompressedTextureS3TC = WEBGLCompressedTextureS3TC
type WGSLLanguageFeatures = WGSLLanguageFeatures
type WebGL2RenderingContext = WebGL2RenderingContext
type WebGLActiveInfo = WebGLActiveInfo
type WebGLBuffer = WebGLBuffer
type WebGLContextEvent = WebGLContextEvent
type WebGLFramebuffer = WebGLFramebuffer
type WebGLObject = WebGLObject
type WebGLProgram = WebGLProgram
type WebGLQuery = WebGLQuery
type WebGLRenderbuffer = WebGLRenderbuffer
type WebGLRenderingContext = WebGLRenderingContext
type WebGLSampler = WebGLSampler
type WebGLShader = WebGLShader
type WebGLShaderPrecisionFormat = WebGLShaderPrecisionFormat
type WebGLSync = WebGLSync
type WebGLTexture = WebGLTexture
type WebGLTransformFeedback = WebGLTransformFeedback
type WebGLUniformLocation = WebGLUniformLocation
type WebGLVertexArrayObject = WebGLVertexArrayObject
type WebGLVertexArrayObjectOES = WebGLVertexArrayObjectOES
type WebSocket = WebSocket
type WheelEvent = WheelEvent
type Window = Window
type WindowProxy = WindowProxy
type Worker = Worker
type WorkerGlobalScope = WorkerGlobalScope
type WorkerLocation = WorkerLocation
type Worklet = Worklet
type WorkletGlobalScope = WorkletGlobalScope
type XMLDocument = XMLDocument
type XMLHttpRequest = XMLHttpRequest
type XMLHttpRequestEventTarget = XMLHttpRequestEventTarget
type XMLHttpRequestUpload = XMLHttpRequestUpload
type XMLSerializer = XMLSerializer
type XPathEvaluator = XPathEvaluator
type XPathExpression = XPathExpression
type XPathResult = XPathResult
type XRBoundedReferenceSpace = XRBoundedReferenceSpace
type XRCompositionLayer = XRCompositionLayer
type XRCubeLayer = XRCubeLayer
type XRCylinderLayer = XRCylinderLayer
type XREquirectLayer = XREquirectLayer
type XRFrame = XRFrame
type XRHand = XRHand
type XRHitTestResult = XRHitTestResult
type XRHitTestSource = XRHitTestSource
type XRInputSource = XRInputSource
type XRInputSourceArray = XRInputSourceArray
type XRInputSourceEvent = XRInputSourceEvent
type XRInputSourcesChangeEvent = XRInputSourcesChangeEvent
type XRJointPose = XRJointPose
type XRJointSpace = XRJointSpace
type XRLayer = XRLayer
type XRLayerEvent = XRLayerEvent
type XRMediaBinding = XRMediaBinding
type XRPose = XRPose
type XRProjectionLayer = XRProjectionLayer
type XRQuadLayer = XRQuadLayer
type XRRay = XRRay
type XRReferenceSpace = XRReferenceSpace
type XRReferenceSpaceEvent = XRReferenceSpaceEvent
type XRRenderState = XRRenderState
type XRRigidTransform = XRRigidTransform
type XRSession = XRSession
type XRSessionEvent = XRSessionEvent
type XRSpace = XRSpace
type XRSubImage = XRSubImage
type XRSystem = XRSystem
type XRTest = XRTest
type XRView = XRView
type XRViewerPose = XRViewerPose
type XRViewport = XRViewport
type XRWebGLBinding = XRWebGLBinding
type XRWebGLLayer = XRWebGLLayer
type XRWebGLSubImage = XRWebGLSubImage
type Console = Console
source§impl ElementInternalsMethods<DomTypeHolder> for ElementInternals
impl ElementInternalsMethods<DomTypeHolder> for ElementInternals
source§fn SetFormValue(
value: Option<FileOrUSVStringOrFormData>,
maybe_state: Option<Option<FileOrUSVStringOrFormData>>,
) -> Result<(), Error>
fn SetFormValue( &self, value: Option<FileOrUSVStringOrFormData>, maybe_state: Option<Option<FileOrUSVStringOrFormData>>, ) -> Result<(), Error>
source§fn SetValidity(
flags: &ValidityStateFlags,
message: Option<DOMString>,
anchor: Option<&HTMLElement>,
) -> Result<(), Error>
fn SetValidity( &self, flags: &ValidityStateFlags, message: Option<DOMString>, anchor: Option<&HTMLElement>, ) -> Result<(), Error>
source§fn GetValidity(&self) -> Result<Root<Dom<ValidityState>>, Error>
fn GetValidity(&self) -> Result<Root<Dom<ValidityState>>, Error>
source§impl ElementMethods<DomTypeHolder> for Element
impl ElementMethods<DomTypeHolder> for Element
source§fn GetShadowRoot(&self) -> Option<Root<Dom<ShadowRoot>>>
fn GetShadowRoot(&self) -> Option<Root<Dom<ShadowRoot>>>
source§fn GetAssignedSlot(&self) -> Option<Root<Dom<HTMLSlotElement>>>
fn GetAssignedSlot(&self) -> Option<Root<Dom<HTMLSlotElement>>>
fn GetNamespaceURI(&self) -> Option<DOMString>
fn LocalName(&self) -> DOMString
fn GetPrefix(&self) -> Option<DOMString>
fn TagName(&self) -> DOMString
fn Id(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetId(&self, id: DOMString, can_gc: CanGc)
fn ClassName(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetClassName(&self, class: DOMString, can_gc: CanGc)
fn ClassList(&self) -> Root<Dom<DOMTokenList>>
fn Slot(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetSlot(&self, value: DOMString)
fn Attributes(&self) -> Root<Dom<NamedNodeMap>>
fn HasAttributes(&self) -> bool
fn GetAttributeNames(&self) -> Vec<DOMString>
fn GetAttribute(&self, name: DOMString) -> Option<DOMString>
fn GetAttributeNS( &self, namespace: Option<DOMString>, local_name: DOMString, ) -> Option<DOMString>
fn GetAttributeNode(&self, name: DOMString) -> Option<Root<Dom<Attr>>>
fn GetAttributeNodeNS( &self, namespace: Option<DOMString>, local_name: DOMString, ) -> Option<Root<Dom<Attr>>>
fn ToggleAttribute( &self, name: DOMString, force: Option<bool>, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Result<bool, Error>
fn SetAttribute( &self, name: DOMString, value: DOMString, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Result<(), Error>
fn SetAttributeNS( &self, namespace: Option<DOMString>, qualified_name: DOMString, value: DOMString, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Result<(), Error>
fn SetAttributeNode( &self, attr: &Attr, ) -> Result<Option<Root<Dom<Attr>>>, Error>
fn SetAttributeNodeNS( &self, attr: &Attr, ) -> Result<Option<Root<Dom<Attr>>>, Error>
fn RemoveAttribute(&self, name: DOMString)
fn RemoveAttributeNS(&self, namespace: Option<DOMString>, local_name: DOMString)
fn RemoveAttributeNode(&self, attr: &Attr) -> Result<Root<Dom<Attr>>, Error>
fn HasAttribute(&self, name: DOMString) -> bool
fn HasAttributeNS( &self, namespace: Option<DOMString>, local_name: DOMString, ) -> bool
fn GetElementsByTagName( &self, localname: DOMString, ) -> Root<Dom<HTMLCollection>>
fn GetElementsByTagNameNS( &self, maybe_ns: Option<DOMString>, localname: DOMString, ) -> Root<Dom<HTMLCollection>>
fn GetElementsByClassName( &self, classes: DOMString, ) -> Root<Dom<HTMLCollection>>
fn GetClientRects(&self, can_gc: CanGc) -> Root<Dom<DOMRectList>>
fn GetBoundingClientRect(&self, can_gc: CanGc) -> Root<Dom<DOMRect>>
fn Scroll(&self, options: &ScrollToOptions, can_gc: CanGc)
fn Scroll_(&self, x: f64, y: f64, can_gc: CanGc)
fn ScrollTo(&self, options: &ScrollToOptions)
fn ScrollTo_(&self, x: f64, y: f64)
fn ScrollBy(&self, options: &ScrollToOptions, can_gc: CanGc)
fn ScrollBy_(&self, x: f64, y: f64, can_gc: CanGc)
fn ScrollTop(&self, can_gc: CanGc) -> f64
fn SetScrollTop(&self, y_: f64, can_gc: CanGc)
fn ScrollLeft(&self, can_gc: CanGc) -> f64
fn SetScrollLeft(&self, x_: f64, can_gc: CanGc)
fn ScrollWidth(&self, can_gc: CanGc) -> i32
fn ScrollHeight(&self, can_gc: CanGc) -> i32
fn ClientTop(&self, can_gc: CanGc) -> i32
fn ClientLeft(&self, can_gc: CanGc) -> i32
fn ClientWidth(&self, can_gc: CanGc) -> i32
fn ClientHeight(&self, can_gc: CanGc) -> i32
fn GetPreviousElementSibling(&self) -> Option<Root<Dom<Element>>>
fn GetNextElementSibling(&self) -> Option<Root<Dom<Element>>>
fn Children(&self) -> Root<Dom<HTMLCollection>>
fn GetFirstElementChild(&self) -> Option<Root<Dom<Element>>>
fn GetLastElementChild(&self) -> Option<Root<Dom<Element>>>
fn ChildElementCount(&self) -> u32
fn Prepend(&self, nodes: Vec<NodeOrString>, can_gc: CanGc) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Append(&self, nodes: Vec<NodeOrString>, can_gc: CanGc) -> Result<(), Error>
fn ReplaceChildren( &self, nodes: Vec<NodeOrString>, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Result<(), Error>
fn QuerySelector( &self, selectors: DOMString, ) -> Result<Option<Root<Dom<Element>>>, Error>
fn QuerySelectorAll( &self, selectors: DOMString, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<NodeList>>, Error>
fn Before(&self, nodes: Vec<NodeOrString>, can_gc: CanGc) -> Result<(), Error>
fn After(&self, nodes: Vec<NodeOrString>, can_gc: CanGc) -> Result<(), Error>
fn ReplaceWith( &self, nodes: Vec<NodeOrString>, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Remove(&self)
fn Matches(&self, selectors: DOMString) -> Result<bool, Error>
fn WebkitMatchesSelector(&self, selectors: DOMString) -> Result<bool, Error>
fn Closest( &self, selectors: DOMString, ) -> Result<Option<Root<Dom<Element>>>, Error>
fn InsertAdjacentElement( &self, where_: DOMString, element: &Element, ) -> Result<Option<Root<Dom<Element>>>, Error>
fn InsertAdjacentText( &self, where_: DOMString, data: DOMString, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Result<(), Error>
fn InsertAdjacentHTML( &self, position: DOMString, text: DOMString, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Result<(), Error>
fn EnterFormalActivationState(&self) -> Result<(), Error>
fn ExitFormalActivationState(&self) -> Result<(), Error>
fn RequestFullscreen(&self, can_gc: CanGc) -> Rc<Promise>
fn AttachShadow( &self, init: &ShadowRootInit, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<ShadowRoot>>, Error>
fn GetRole(&self) -> Option<DOMString>
fn SetRole(&self, value: Option<DOMString>, can_gc: CanGc)
fn GetAriaAtomic(&self) -> Option<DOMString>
fn SetAriaAtomic(&self, value: Option<DOMString>, can_gc: CanGc)
fn GetAriaAutoComplete(&self) -> Option<DOMString>
fn SetAriaAutoComplete(&self, value: Option<DOMString>, can_gc: CanGc)
fn GetAriaBrailleLabel(&self) -> Option<DOMString>
fn SetAriaBrailleLabel(&self, value: Option<DOMString>, can_gc: CanGc)
fn GetAriaBrailleRoleDescription(&self) -> Option<DOMString>
fn SetAriaBrailleRoleDescription(&self, value: Option<DOMString>, can_gc: CanGc)
fn GetAriaBusy(&self) -> Option<DOMString>
fn SetAriaBusy(&self, value: Option<DOMString>, can_gc: CanGc)
fn GetAriaChecked(&self) -> Option<DOMString>
fn SetAriaChecked(&self, value: Option<DOMString>, can_gc: CanGc)
fn GetAriaColCount(&self) -> Option<DOMString>
fn SetAriaColCount(&self, value: Option<DOMString>, can_gc: CanGc)
fn GetAriaColIndex(&self) -> Option<DOMString>
fn SetAriaColIndex(&self, value: Option<DOMString>, can_gc: CanGc)
fn GetAriaColIndexText(&self) -> Option<DOMString>
fn SetAriaColIndexText(&self, value: Option<DOMString>, can_gc: CanGc)
fn GetAriaColSpan(&self) -> Option<DOMString>
fn SetAriaColSpan(&self, value: Option<DOMString>, can_gc: CanGc)
fn GetAriaCurrent(&self) -> Option<DOMString>
fn SetAriaCurrent(&self, value: Option<DOMString>, can_gc: CanGc)
fn GetAriaDescription(&self) -> Option<DOMString>
fn SetAriaDescription(&self, value: Option<DOMString>, can_gc: CanGc)
fn GetAriaDisabled(&self) -> Option<DOMString>
fn SetAriaDisabled(&self, value: Option<DOMString>, can_gc: CanGc)
fn GetAriaExpanded(&self) -> Option<DOMString>
fn SetAriaExpanded(&self, value: Option<DOMString>, can_gc: CanGc)
fn GetAriaHasPopup(&self) -> Option<DOMString>
fn SetAriaHasPopup(&self, value: Option<DOMString>, can_gc: CanGc)
fn GetAriaHidden(&self) -> Option<DOMString>
fn SetAriaHidden(&self, value: Option<DOMString>, can_gc: CanGc)
fn GetAriaInvalid(&self) -> Option<DOMString>
fn SetAriaInvalid(&self, value: Option<DOMString>, can_gc: CanGc)
fn GetAriaKeyShortcuts(&self) -> Option<DOMString>
fn SetAriaKeyShortcuts(&self, value: Option<DOMString>, can_gc: CanGc)
fn GetAriaLabel(&self) -> Option<DOMString>
fn SetAriaLabel(&self, value: Option<DOMString>, can_gc: CanGc)
fn GetAriaLevel(&self) -> Option<DOMString>
fn SetAriaLevel(&self, value: Option<DOMString>, can_gc: CanGc)
fn GetAriaLive(&self) -> Option<DOMString>
fn SetAriaLive(&self, value: Option<DOMString>, can_gc: CanGc)
fn GetAriaModal(&self) -> Option<DOMString>
fn SetAriaModal(&self, value: Option<DOMString>, can_gc: CanGc)
fn GetAriaMultiLine(&self) -> Option<DOMString>
fn SetAriaMultiLine(&self, value: Option<DOMString>, can_gc: CanGc)
fn GetAriaMultiSelectable(&self) -> Option<DOMString>
fn SetAriaMultiSelectable(&self, value: Option<DOMString>, can_gc: CanGc)
fn GetAriaOrientation(&self) -> Option<DOMString>
fn SetAriaOrientation(&self, value: Option<DOMString>, can_gc: CanGc)
fn GetAriaPlaceholder(&self) -> Option<DOMString>
fn SetAriaPlaceholder(&self, value: Option<DOMString>, can_gc: CanGc)
fn GetAriaPosInSet(&self) -> Option<DOMString>
fn SetAriaPosInSet(&self, value: Option<DOMString>, can_gc: CanGc)
fn GetAriaPressed(&self) -> Option<DOMString>
fn SetAriaPressed(&self, value: Option<DOMString>, can_gc: CanGc)
fn GetAriaReadOnly(&self) -> Option<DOMString>
fn SetAriaReadOnly(&self, value: Option<DOMString>, can_gc: CanGc)
fn GetAriaRelevant(&self) -> Option<DOMString>
fn SetAriaRelevant(&self, value: Option<DOMString>, can_gc: CanGc)
fn GetAriaRequired(&self) -> Option<DOMString>
fn SetAriaRequired(&self, value: Option<DOMString>, can_gc: CanGc)
fn GetAriaRoleDescription(&self) -> Option<DOMString>
fn SetAriaRoleDescription(&self, value: Option<DOMString>, can_gc: CanGc)
fn GetAriaRowCount(&self) -> Option<DOMString>
fn SetAriaRowCount(&self, value: Option<DOMString>, can_gc: CanGc)
fn GetAriaRowIndex(&self) -> Option<DOMString>
fn SetAriaRowIndex(&self, value: Option<DOMString>, can_gc: CanGc)
fn GetAriaRowIndexText(&self) -> Option<DOMString>
fn SetAriaRowIndexText(&self, value: Option<DOMString>, can_gc: CanGc)
fn GetAriaRowSpan(&self) -> Option<DOMString>
fn SetAriaRowSpan(&self, value: Option<DOMString>, can_gc: CanGc)
fn GetAriaSelected(&self) -> Option<DOMString>
fn SetAriaSelected(&self, value: Option<DOMString>, can_gc: CanGc)
fn GetAriaSetSize(&self) -> Option<DOMString>
fn SetAriaSetSize(&self, value: Option<DOMString>, can_gc: CanGc)
fn GetAriaSort(&self) -> Option<DOMString>
fn SetAriaSort(&self, value: Option<DOMString>, can_gc: CanGc)
fn GetAriaValueMax(&self) -> Option<DOMString>
fn SetAriaValueMax(&self, value: Option<DOMString>, can_gc: CanGc)
fn GetAriaValueMin(&self) -> Option<DOMString>
fn SetAriaValueMin(&self, value: Option<DOMString>, can_gc: CanGc)
fn GetAriaValueNow(&self) -> Option<DOMString>
fn SetAriaValueNow(&self, value: Option<DOMString>, can_gc: CanGc)
fn GetAriaValueText(&self) -> Option<DOMString>
fn SetAriaValueText(&self, value: Option<DOMString>, can_gc: CanGc)
source§impl ErrorEventMethods<DomTypeHolder> for ErrorEvent
impl ErrorEventMethods<DomTypeHolder> for ErrorEvent
fn Constructor( global: &GlobalScope, proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>, can_gc: CanGc, type_: DOMString, init: RootedTraceableBox<ErrorEventInit>, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<ErrorEvent>>, Error>
fn Lineno(&self) -> u32
fn Colno(&self) -> u32
fn Message(&self) -> DOMString
fn Filename(&self) -> DOMString
fn Error(&self, _cx: JSContext, retval: MutableHandleValue<'_>)
fn IsTrusted(&self) -> bool
source§impl EventMethods<DomTypeHolder> for Event
impl EventMethods<DomTypeHolder> for Event
source§fn Constructor(
global: &GlobalScope,
proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>,
can_gc: CanGc,
type_: DOMString,
init: &EventInit,
) -> Result<Root<Dom<Event>>, Error>
fn Constructor( global: &GlobalScope, proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>, can_gc: CanGc, type_: DOMString, init: &EventInit, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<Event>>, Error>
source§fn GetSrcElement(&self) -> Option<Root<Dom<EventTarget>>>
fn GetSrcElement(&self) -> Option<Root<Dom<EventTarget>>>
source§fn GetCurrentTarget(&self) -> Option<Root<Dom<EventTarget>>>
fn GetCurrentTarget(&self) -> Option<Root<Dom<EventTarget>>>
source§fn ComposedPath(&self) -> Vec<Root<Dom<EventTarget>>>
fn ComposedPath(&self) -> Vec<Root<Dom<EventTarget>>>
source§fn StopImmediatePropagation(&self)
fn StopImmediatePropagation(&self)
source§impl EventSourceMethods<DomTypeHolder> for EventSource
impl EventSourceMethods<DomTypeHolder> for EventSource
fn Constructor( global: &GlobalScope, proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>, can_gc: CanGc, url: DOMString, event_source_init: &EventSourceInit, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<EventSource>>, Error>
fn GetOnopen(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnopen(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnmessage(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnmessage(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnerror(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnerror(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn Url(&self) -> DOMString
fn WithCredentials(&self) -> bool
fn ReadyState(&self) -> u16
fn Close(&self)
source§impl EventTargetMethods<DomTypeHolder> for EventTarget
impl EventTargetMethods<DomTypeHolder> for EventTarget
fn Constructor( global: &GlobalScope, proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<EventTarget>>, Error>
fn AddEventListener( &self, ty: DOMString, listener: Option<Rc<EventListener>>, options: AddEventListenerOptionsOrBoolean, )
fn RemoveEventListener( &self, ty: DOMString, listener: Option<Rc<EventListener>>, options: EventListenerOptionsOrBoolean, )
fn DispatchEvent(&self, event: &Event, can_gc: CanGc) -> Result<bool, Error>
source§impl ExtendableEventMethods<DomTypeHolder> for ExtendableEvent
impl ExtendableEventMethods<DomTypeHolder> for ExtendableEvent
fn Constructor( worker: &ServiceWorkerGlobalScope, proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>, can_gc: CanGc, type_: DOMString, init: &ExtendableEventInit, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<ExtendableEvent>>, Error>
fn WaitUntil(&self, _cx: JSContext, _val: HandleValue<'_>) -> Result<(), Error>
fn IsTrusted(&self) -> bool
source§impl ExtendableMessageEventMethods<DomTypeHolder> for ExtendableMessageEvent
impl ExtendableMessageEventMethods<DomTypeHolder> for ExtendableMessageEvent
source§fn Constructor(
worker: &ServiceWorkerGlobalScope,
proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>,
can_gc: CanGc,
type_: DOMString,
init: RootedTraceableBox<ExtendableMessageEventInit>,
) -> Result<Root<Dom<ExtendableMessageEvent>>, Error>
fn Constructor( worker: &ServiceWorkerGlobalScope, proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>, can_gc: CanGc, type_: DOMString, init: RootedTraceableBox<ExtendableMessageEventInit>, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<ExtendableMessageEvent>>, Error>
source§fn Data(&self, _cx: JSContext, retval: MutableHandleValue<'_>)
fn Data(&self, _cx: JSContext, retval: MutableHandleValue<'_>)
source§fn LastEventId(&self) -> DOMString
fn LastEventId(&self) -> DOMString
source§fn Ports(&self, cx: JSContext, retval: MutableHandleValue<'_>)
fn Ports(&self, cx: JSContext, retval: MutableHandleValue<'_>)
source§impl FakeXRDeviceMethods<DomTypeHolder> for FakeXRDevice
impl FakeXRDeviceMethods<DomTypeHolder> for FakeXRDevice
source§fn SetViews(
views: Vec<FakeXRViewInit>,
_secondary_views: Option<Vec<FakeXRViewInit>>,
) -> Result<(), Error>
fn SetViews( &self, views: Vec<FakeXRViewInit>, _secondary_views: Option<Vec<FakeXRViewInit>>, ) -> Result<(), Error>
source§fn SetViewerOrigin(
origin: &FakeXRRigidTransformInit,
_emulated_position: bool,
) -> Result<(), Error>
fn SetViewerOrigin( &self, origin: &FakeXRRigidTransformInit, _emulated_position: bool, ) -> Result<(), Error>
source§fn ClearViewerOrigin(&self)
fn ClearViewerOrigin(&self)
source§fn ClearFloorOrigin(&self)
fn ClearFloorOrigin(&self)
source§fn SetFloorOrigin(&self, origin: &FakeXRRigidTransformInit) -> Result<(), Error>
fn SetFloorOrigin(&self, origin: &FakeXRRigidTransformInit) -> Result<(), Error>
source§fn ClearWorld(&self)
fn ClearWorld(&self)
source§fn SimulateVisibilityChange(&self, v: XRVisibilityState)
fn SimulateVisibilityChange(&self, v: XRVisibilityState)
source§fn SimulateInputSourceConnection(
init: &FakeXRInputSourceInit,
) -> Result<Root<Dom<FakeXRInputController>>, Error>
fn SimulateInputSourceConnection( &self, init: &FakeXRInputSourceInit, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<FakeXRInputController>>, Error>
source§fn SetBoundsGeometry(
bounds_coodinates: Vec<FakeXRBoundsPoint>,
) -> Result<(), Error>
fn SetBoundsGeometry( &self, bounds_coodinates: Vec<FakeXRBoundsPoint>, ) -> Result<(), Error>
source§impl FakeXRInputControllerMethods<DomTypeHolder> for FakeXRInputController
impl FakeXRInputControllerMethods<DomTypeHolder> for FakeXRInputController
source§fn SetPointerOrigin(
origin: &FakeXRRigidTransformInit,
_emulated: bool,
) -> Result<(), Error>
fn SetPointerOrigin( &self, origin: &FakeXRRigidTransformInit, _emulated: bool, ) -> Result<(), Error>
source§fn SetGripOrigin(
origin: &FakeXRRigidTransformInit,
_emulated: bool,
) -> Result<(), Error>
fn SetGripOrigin( &self, origin: &FakeXRRigidTransformInit, _emulated: bool, ) -> Result<(), Error>
source§fn ClearGripOrigin(&self)
fn ClearGripOrigin(&self)
source§fn Disconnect(&self)
fn Disconnect(&self)
source§fn StartSelection(&self)
fn StartSelection(&self)
source§fn EndSelection(&self)
fn EndSelection(&self)
source§fn SimulateSelect(&self)
fn SimulateSelect(&self)
source§fn SetHandedness(&self, handedness: XRHandedness)
fn SetHandedness(&self, handedness: XRHandedness)
source§fn SetTargetRayMode(&self, target_ray_mode: XRTargetRayMode)
fn SetTargetRayMode(&self, target_ray_mode: XRTargetRayMode)
source§fn SetProfiles(&self, profiles: Vec<DOMString>)
fn SetProfiles(&self, profiles: Vec<DOMString>)
source§fn SetSupportedButtons(&self, supported_buttons: Vec<FakeXRButtonStateInit>)
fn SetSupportedButtons(&self, supported_buttons: Vec<FakeXRButtonStateInit>)
source§fn UpdateButtonState(
button_state: &FakeXRButtonStateInit,
) -> Result<(), Error>
fn UpdateButtonState( &self, button_state: &FakeXRButtonStateInit, ) -> Result<(), Error>
source§impl FileListMethods<DomTypeHolder> for FileList
impl FileListMethods<DomTypeHolder> for FileList
source§impl FileMethods<DomTypeHolder> for File
impl FileMethods<DomTypeHolder> for File
fn Constructor( global: &GlobalScope, proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>, can_gc: CanGc, fileBits: Vec<ArrayBufferOrArrayBufferViewOrBlobOrString>, filename: DOMString, filePropertyBag: &FilePropertyBag, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<File>>, Error>
fn Name(&self) -> DOMString
fn LastModified(&self) -> i64
source§impl FileReaderMethods<DomTypeHolder> for FileReader
impl FileReaderMethods<DomTypeHolder> for FileReader
fn Constructor( global: &GlobalScope, proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<FileReader>>, Error>
fn GetOnloadstart(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnloadstart(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnprogress(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnprogress(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnload(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnload(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnabort(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnabort(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnerror(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnerror(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnloadend(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnloadend(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn ReadAsArrayBuffer(&self, blob: &Blob) -> Result<(), Error>
fn ReadAsDataURL(&self, blob: &Blob) -> Result<(), Error>
fn ReadAsText(&self, blob: &Blob, label: Option<DOMString>) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Abort(&self, can_gc: CanGc)
fn GetError(&self) -> Option<Root<Dom<DOMException>>>
fn GetResult(&self, _: JSContext) -> Option<StringOrObject>
fn ReadyState(&self) -> u16
source§impl FileReaderSyncMethods<DomTypeHolder> for FileReaderSync
impl FileReaderSyncMethods<DomTypeHolder> for FileReaderSync
source§fn Constructor(
global: &GlobalScope,
proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>,
can_gc: CanGc,
) -> Result<Root<Dom<FileReaderSync>>, Error>
fn Constructor( global: &GlobalScope, proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<FileReaderSync>>, Error>
source§fn ReadAsArrayBuffer(
cx: JSContext,
blob: &Blob,
) -> Result<ArrayBuffer, Error>
fn ReadAsArrayBuffer( &self, cx: JSContext, blob: &Blob, ) -> Result<ArrayBuffer, Error>
source§impl FocusEventMethods<DomTypeHolder> for FocusEvent
impl FocusEventMethods<DomTypeHolder> for FocusEvent
fn Constructor( window: &Window, proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>, can_gc: CanGc, type_: DOMString, init: &FocusEventInit, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<FocusEvent>>, Error>
fn GetRelatedTarget(&self) -> Option<Root<Dom<EventTarget>>>
fn IsTrusted(&self) -> bool
source§impl FormDataMethods<DomTypeHolder> for FormData
impl FormDataMethods<DomTypeHolder> for FormData
fn Constructor<'a>( global: &GlobalScope, proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>, can_gc: CanGc, form: Option<&'a HTMLFormElement>, submitter: Option<&'a HTMLElement>, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<FormData>>, Error>
fn Append(&self, name: USVString, str_value: USVString)
fn Append_(&self, name: USVString, blob: &Blob, filename: Option<USVString>)
fn Delete(&self, name: USVString)
fn Get(&self, name: USVString) -> Option<FileOrUSVString>
fn GetAll(&self, name: USVString) -> Vec<FileOrUSVString>
fn Has(&self, name: USVString) -> bool
fn Set(&self, name: USVString, str_value: USVString)
fn Set_(&self, name: USVString, blob: &Blob, filename: Option<USVString>)
source§impl GPUAdapterInfoMethods<DomTypeHolder> for GPUAdapterInfo
impl GPUAdapterInfoMethods<DomTypeHolder> for GPUAdapterInfo
source§fn Architecture(&self) -> DOMString
fn Architecture(&self) -> DOMString
source§impl GPUAdapterMethods<DomTypeHolder> for GPUAdapter
impl GPUAdapterMethods<DomTypeHolder> for GPUAdapter
source§fn RequestDevice(
descriptor: &GPUDeviceDescriptor,
comp: InRealm<'_>,
can_gc: CanGc,
) -> Rc<Promise>
fn RequestDevice( &self, descriptor: &GPUDeviceDescriptor, comp: InRealm<'_>, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Rc<Promise>
source§fn IsFallbackAdapter(&self) -> bool
fn IsFallbackAdapter(&self) -> bool
source§fn RequestAdapterInfo(
unmask_hints: Vec<DOMString>,
comp: InRealm<'_>,
can_gc: CanGc,
) -> Rc<Promise>
fn RequestAdapterInfo( &self, unmask_hints: Vec<DOMString>, comp: InRealm<'_>, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Rc<Promise>
source§impl GPUBufferMethods<DomTypeHolder> for GPUBuffer
impl GPUBufferMethods<DomTypeHolder> for GPUBuffer
source§impl GPUCanvasContextMethods<DomTypeHolder> for GPUCanvasContext
impl GPUCanvasContextMethods<DomTypeHolder> for GPUCanvasContext
source§impl GPUCommandEncoderMethods<DomTypeHolder> for GPUCommandEncoder
impl GPUCommandEncoderMethods<DomTypeHolder> for GPUCommandEncoder
source§fn BeginComputePass(
descriptor: &GPUComputePassDescriptor,
) -> Root<Dom<GPUComputePassEncoder>>
fn BeginComputePass( &self, descriptor: &GPUComputePassDescriptor, ) -> Root<Dom<GPUComputePassEncoder>>
source§fn BeginRenderPass(
descriptor: &GPURenderPassDescriptor,
) -> Result<Root<Dom<GPURenderPassEncoder>>, Error>
fn BeginRenderPass( &self, descriptor: &GPURenderPassDescriptor, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<GPURenderPassEncoder>>, Error>
source§fn CopyBufferToBuffer(
source: &GPUBuffer,
source_offset: u64,
destination: &GPUBuffer,
destination_offset: u64,
size: u64,
fn CopyBufferToBuffer( &self, source: &GPUBuffer, source_offset: u64, destination: &GPUBuffer, destination_offset: u64, size: u64, )
source§fn CopyBufferToTexture(
source: &GPUImageCopyBuffer,
destination: &GPUImageCopyTexture,
copy_size: GPUExtent3D,
) -> Result<(), Error>
fn CopyBufferToTexture( &self, source: &GPUImageCopyBuffer, destination: &GPUImageCopyTexture, copy_size: GPUExtent3D, ) -> Result<(), Error>
source§fn CopyTextureToBuffer(
source: &GPUImageCopyTexture,
destination: &GPUImageCopyBuffer,
copy_size: GPUExtent3D,
) -> Result<(), Error>
fn CopyTextureToBuffer( &self, source: &GPUImageCopyTexture, destination: &GPUImageCopyBuffer, copy_size: GPUExtent3D, ) -> Result<(), Error>
source§fn CopyTextureToTexture(
source: &GPUImageCopyTexture,
destination: &GPUImageCopyTexture,
copy_size: GPUExtent3D,
) -> Result<(), Error>
fn CopyTextureToTexture( &self, source: &GPUImageCopyTexture, destination: &GPUImageCopyTexture, copy_size: GPUExtent3D, ) -> Result<(), Error>
source§fn Finish(
descriptor: &GPUCommandBufferDescriptor,
) -> Root<Dom<GPUCommandBuffer>>
fn Finish( &self, descriptor: &GPUCommandBufferDescriptor, ) -> Root<Dom<GPUCommandBuffer>>
source§impl GPUCompilationInfoMethods<DomTypeHolder> for GPUCompilationInfo
impl GPUCompilationInfoMethods<DomTypeHolder> for GPUCompilationInfo
source§fn Messages(&self, cx: JSContext, retval: MutableHandleValue<'_>)
fn Messages(&self, cx: JSContext, retval: MutableHandleValue<'_>)
source§impl GPUCompilationMessageMethods<DomTypeHolder> for GPUCompilationMessage
impl GPUCompilationMessageMethods<DomTypeHolder> for GPUCompilationMessage
source§impl GPUComputePassEncoderMethods<DomTypeHolder> for GPUComputePassEncoder
impl GPUComputePassEncoderMethods<DomTypeHolder> for GPUComputePassEncoder
source§fn DispatchWorkgroupsIndirect(&self, buffer: &GPUBuffer, offset: u64)
fn DispatchWorkgroupsIndirect(&self, buffer: &GPUBuffer, offset: u64)
source§fn SetBindGroup(&self, index: u32, bind_group: &GPUBindGroup, offsets: Vec<u32>)
fn SetBindGroup(&self, index: u32, bind_group: &GPUBindGroup, offsets: Vec<u32>)
source§impl GPUComputePipelineMethods<DomTypeHolder> for GPUComputePipeline
impl GPUComputePipelineMethods<DomTypeHolder> for GPUComputePipeline
source§fn GetBindGroupLayout(
index: u32,
) -> Result<Root<Dom<GPUBindGroupLayout>>, Error>
fn GetBindGroupLayout( &self, index: u32, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<GPUBindGroupLayout>>, Error>
source§impl GPUDeviceMethods<DomTypeHolder> for GPUDevice
impl GPUDeviceMethods<DomTypeHolder> for GPUDevice
source§fn CreateBuffer(
descriptor: &GPUBufferDescriptor,
) -> Result<Root<Dom<GPUBuffer>>, Error>
fn CreateBuffer( &self, descriptor: &GPUBufferDescriptor, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<GPUBuffer>>, Error>
source§fn CreateBindGroupLayout(
descriptor: &GPUBindGroupLayoutDescriptor,
) -> Result<Root<Dom<GPUBindGroupLayout>>, Error>
fn CreateBindGroupLayout( &self, descriptor: &GPUBindGroupLayoutDescriptor, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<GPUBindGroupLayout>>, Error>
source§fn CreatePipelineLayout(
descriptor: &GPUPipelineLayoutDescriptor,
) -> Root<Dom<GPUPipelineLayout>>
fn CreatePipelineLayout( &self, descriptor: &GPUPipelineLayoutDescriptor, ) -> Root<Dom<GPUPipelineLayout>>
source§fn CreateBindGroup(
descriptor: &GPUBindGroupDescriptor,
) -> Root<Dom<GPUBindGroup>>
fn CreateBindGroup( &self, descriptor: &GPUBindGroupDescriptor, ) -> Root<Dom<GPUBindGroup>>
source§fn CreateShaderModule(
descriptor: RootedTraceableBox<GPUShaderModuleDescriptor>,
comp: InRealm<'_>,
can_gc: CanGc,
) -> Root<Dom<GPUShaderModule>>
fn CreateShaderModule( &self, descriptor: RootedTraceableBox<GPUShaderModuleDescriptor>, comp: InRealm<'_>, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Root<Dom<GPUShaderModule>>
source§fn CreateComputePipeline(
descriptor: &GPUComputePipelineDescriptor,
) -> Root<Dom<GPUComputePipeline>>
fn CreateComputePipeline( &self, descriptor: &GPUComputePipelineDescriptor, ) -> Root<Dom<GPUComputePipeline>>
source§fn CreateComputePipelineAsync(
descriptor: &GPUComputePipelineDescriptor,
comp: InRealm<'_>,
can_gc: CanGc,
) -> Rc<Promise>
fn CreateComputePipelineAsync( &self, descriptor: &GPUComputePipelineDescriptor, comp: InRealm<'_>, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Rc<Promise>
source§fn CreateCommandEncoder(
descriptor: &GPUCommandEncoderDescriptor,
) -> Root<Dom<GPUCommandEncoder>>
fn CreateCommandEncoder( &self, descriptor: &GPUCommandEncoderDescriptor, ) -> Root<Dom<GPUCommandEncoder>>
source§fn CreateTexture(
descriptor: &GPUTextureDescriptor,
) -> Result<Root<Dom<GPUTexture>>, Error>
fn CreateTexture( &self, descriptor: &GPUTextureDescriptor, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<GPUTexture>>, Error>
source§fn CreateSampler(
descriptor: &GPUSamplerDescriptor,
) -> Root<Dom<GPUSampler>>
fn CreateSampler( &self, descriptor: &GPUSamplerDescriptor, ) -> Root<Dom<GPUSampler>>
source§fn CreateRenderPipeline(
descriptor: &GPURenderPipelineDescriptor,
) -> Result<Root<Dom<GPURenderPipeline>>, Error>
fn CreateRenderPipeline( &self, descriptor: &GPURenderPipelineDescriptor, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<GPURenderPipeline>>, Error>
source§fn CreateRenderPipelineAsync(
descriptor: &GPURenderPipelineDescriptor,
comp: InRealm<'_>,
can_gc: CanGc,
) -> Result<Rc<Promise>, Error>
fn CreateRenderPipelineAsync( &self, descriptor: &GPURenderPipelineDescriptor, comp: InRealm<'_>, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Result<Rc<Promise>, Error>
source§fn CreateRenderBundleEncoder(
descriptor: &GPURenderBundleEncoderDescriptor,
) -> Result<Root<Dom<GPURenderBundleEncoder>>, Error>
fn CreateRenderBundleEncoder( &self, descriptor: &GPURenderBundleEncoderDescriptor, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<GPURenderBundleEncoder>>, Error>
source§fn PushErrorScope(&self, filter: GPUErrorFilter)
fn PushErrorScope(&self, filter: GPUErrorFilter)
fn GetOnuncapturederror(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnuncapturederror(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
source§impl GPUErrorMethods<DomTypeHolder> for GPUError
impl GPUErrorMethods<DomTypeHolder> for GPUError
source§impl GPUInternalErrorMethods<DomTypeHolder> for GPUInternalError
impl GPUInternalErrorMethods<DomTypeHolder> for GPUInternalError
source§fn Constructor(
global: &GlobalScope,
proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>,
can_gc: CanGc,
message: DOMString,
) -> Root<Dom<Self>>
fn Constructor( global: &GlobalScope, proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>, can_gc: CanGc, message: DOMString, ) -> Root<Dom<Self>>
source§impl GPUMethods<DomTypeHolder> for GPU
impl GPUMethods<DomTypeHolder> for GPU
source§fn GetPreferredCanvasFormat(&self) -> GPUTextureFormat
fn GetPreferredCanvasFormat(&self) -> GPUTextureFormat
source§fn WgslLanguageFeatures(&self, can_gc: CanGc) -> Root<Dom<WGSLLanguageFeatures>>
fn WgslLanguageFeatures(&self, can_gc: CanGc) -> Root<Dom<WGSLLanguageFeatures>>
fn RequestAdapter( &self, options: &GPURequestAdapterOptions, comp: InRealm<'_>, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Rc<Promise>
source§impl GPUOutOfMemoryErrorMethods<DomTypeHolder> for GPUOutOfMemoryError
impl GPUOutOfMemoryErrorMethods<DomTypeHolder> for GPUOutOfMemoryError
source§fn Constructor(
global: &GlobalScope,
proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>,
can_gc: CanGc,
message: DOMString,
) -> Root<Dom<Self>>
fn Constructor( global: &GlobalScope, proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>, can_gc: CanGc, message: DOMString, ) -> Root<Dom<Self>>
source§impl GPUPipelineErrorMethods<DomTypeHolder> for GPUPipelineError
impl GPUPipelineErrorMethods<DomTypeHolder> for GPUPipelineError
source§fn Constructor(
global: &GlobalScope,
proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>,
can_gc: CanGc,
message: DOMString,
options: &GPUPipelineErrorInit,
) -> Root<Dom<Self>>
fn Constructor( global: &GlobalScope, proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>, can_gc: CanGc, message: DOMString, options: &GPUPipelineErrorInit, ) -> Root<Dom<Self>>
source§impl GPUQueueMethods<DomTypeHolder> for GPUQueue
impl GPUQueueMethods<DomTypeHolder> for GPUQueue
source§fn WriteBuffer(
buffer: &GPUBuffer,
buffer_offset: u64,
data: BufferSource,
data_offset: u64,
size: Option<u64>,
) -> Result<(), Error>
fn WriteBuffer( &self, buffer: &GPUBuffer, buffer_offset: u64, data: BufferSource, data_offset: u64, size: Option<u64>, ) -> Result<(), Error>
source§fn WriteTexture(
destination: &GPUImageCopyTexture,
data: BufferSource,
data_layout: &GPUImageDataLayout,
size: GPUExtent3D,
) -> Result<(), Error>
fn WriteTexture( &self, destination: &GPUImageCopyTexture, data: BufferSource, data_layout: &GPUImageDataLayout, size: GPUExtent3D, ) -> Result<(), Error>
source§impl GPURenderBundleEncoderMethods<DomTypeHolder> for GPURenderBundleEncoder
impl GPURenderBundleEncoderMethods<DomTypeHolder> for GPURenderBundleEncoder
source§fn SetBindGroup(
index: u32,
bind_group: &GPUBindGroup,
dynamic_offsets: Vec<u32>,
fn SetBindGroup( &self, index: u32, bind_group: &GPUBindGroup, dynamic_offsets: Vec<u32>, )
source§fn SetPipeline(&self, pipeline: &GPURenderPipeline)
fn SetPipeline(&self, pipeline: &GPURenderPipeline)
source§fn SetIndexBuffer(
buffer: &GPUBuffer,
index_format: GPUIndexFormat,
offset: u64,
size: u64,
fn SetIndexBuffer( &self, buffer: &GPUBuffer, index_format: GPUIndexFormat, offset: u64, size: u64, )
source§fn Draw(
vertex_count: u32,
instance_count: u32,
first_vertex: u32,
first_instance: u32,
fn Draw( &self, vertex_count: u32, instance_count: u32, first_vertex: u32, first_instance: u32, )
source§fn DrawIndexed(
index_count: u32,
instance_count: u32,
first_index: u32,
base_vertex: i32,
first_instance: u32,
fn DrawIndexed( &self, index_count: u32, instance_count: u32, first_index: u32, base_vertex: i32, first_instance: u32, )
source§fn DrawIndirect(&self, indirect_buffer: &GPUBuffer, indirect_offset: u64)
fn DrawIndirect(&self, indirect_buffer: &GPUBuffer, indirect_offset: u64)
source§fn DrawIndexedIndirect(&self, indirect_buffer: &GPUBuffer, indirect_offset: u64)
fn DrawIndexedIndirect(&self, indirect_buffer: &GPUBuffer, indirect_offset: u64)
source§fn Finish(
descriptor: &GPURenderBundleDescriptor,
) -> Root<Dom<GPURenderBundle>>
fn Finish( &self, descriptor: &GPURenderBundleDescriptor, ) -> Root<Dom<GPURenderBundle>>
source§impl GPURenderPassEncoderMethods<DomTypeHolder> for GPURenderPassEncoder
impl GPURenderPassEncoderMethods<DomTypeHolder> for GPURenderPassEncoder
source§fn SetBindGroup(&self, index: u32, bind_group: &GPUBindGroup, offsets: Vec<u32>)
fn SetBindGroup(&self, index: u32, bind_group: &GPUBindGroup, offsets: Vec<u32>)
source§fn SetViewport(
x: Finite<f32>,
y: Finite<f32>,
width: Finite<f32>,
height: Finite<f32>,
min_depth: Finite<f32>,
max_depth: Finite<f32>,
fn SetViewport( &self, x: Finite<f32>, y: Finite<f32>, width: Finite<f32>, height: Finite<f32>, min_depth: Finite<f32>, max_depth: Finite<f32>, )
source§fn SetStencilReference(&self, reference: u32)
fn SetStencilReference(&self, reference: u32)
source§fn SetPipeline(&self, pipeline: &GPURenderPipeline)
fn SetPipeline(&self, pipeline: &GPURenderPipeline)
source§fn SetIndexBuffer(
buffer: &GPUBuffer,
index_format: GPUIndexFormat,
offset: u64,
size: u64,
fn SetIndexBuffer( &self, buffer: &GPUBuffer, index_format: GPUIndexFormat, offset: u64, size: u64, )
source§fn Draw(
vertex_count: u32,
instance_count: u32,
first_vertex: u32,
first_instance: u32,
fn Draw( &self, vertex_count: u32, instance_count: u32, first_vertex: u32, first_instance: u32, )
source§fn DrawIndexed(
index_count: u32,
instance_count: u32,
first_index: u32,
base_vertex: i32,
first_instance: u32,
fn DrawIndexed( &self, index_count: u32, instance_count: u32, first_index: u32, base_vertex: i32, first_instance: u32, )
source§fn DrawIndirect(&self, buffer: &GPUBuffer, offset: u64)
fn DrawIndirect(&self, buffer: &GPUBuffer, offset: u64)
source§fn DrawIndexedIndirect(&self, buffer: &GPUBuffer, offset: u64)
fn DrawIndexedIndirect(&self, buffer: &GPUBuffer, offset: u64)
source§impl GPURenderPipelineMethods<DomTypeHolder> for GPURenderPipeline
impl GPURenderPipelineMethods<DomTypeHolder> for GPURenderPipeline
source§fn GetBindGroupLayout(
index: u32,
) -> Result<Root<Dom<GPUBindGroupLayout>>, Error>
fn GetBindGroupLayout( &self, index: u32, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<GPUBindGroupLayout>>, Error>
source§impl GPUSamplerMethods<DomTypeHolder> for GPUSampler
impl GPUSamplerMethods<DomTypeHolder> for GPUSampler
source§impl GPUSupportedLimitsMethods<DomTypeHolder> for GPUSupportedLimits
impl GPUSupportedLimitsMethods<DomTypeHolder> for GPUSupportedLimits
source§fn MaxTextureDimension1D(&self) -> u32
fn MaxTextureDimension1D(&self) -> u32
source§fn MaxTextureDimension2D(&self) -> u32
fn MaxTextureDimension2D(&self) -> u32
source§fn MaxTextureDimension3D(&self) -> u32
fn MaxTextureDimension3D(&self) -> u32
source§fn MaxTextureArrayLayers(&self) -> u32
fn MaxTextureArrayLayers(&self) -> u32
source§fn MaxBindGroups(&self) -> u32
fn MaxBindGroups(&self) -> u32
source§fn MaxBindingsPerBindGroup(&self) -> u32
fn MaxBindingsPerBindGroup(&self) -> u32
source§fn MaxDynamicUniformBuffersPerPipelineLayout(&self) -> u32
fn MaxDynamicUniformBuffersPerPipelineLayout(&self) -> u32
source§fn MaxDynamicStorageBuffersPerPipelineLayout(&self) -> u32
fn MaxDynamicStorageBuffersPerPipelineLayout(&self) -> u32
source§fn MaxSampledTexturesPerShaderStage(&self) -> u32
fn MaxSampledTexturesPerShaderStage(&self) -> u32
source§fn MaxSamplersPerShaderStage(&self) -> u32
fn MaxSamplersPerShaderStage(&self) -> u32
source§fn MaxStorageBuffersPerShaderStage(&self) -> u32
fn MaxStorageBuffersPerShaderStage(&self) -> u32
source§fn MaxStorageTexturesPerShaderStage(&self) -> u32
fn MaxStorageTexturesPerShaderStage(&self) -> u32
source§fn MaxUniformBuffersPerShaderStage(&self) -> u32
fn MaxUniformBuffersPerShaderStage(&self) -> u32
source§fn MaxUniformBufferBindingSize(&self) -> u64
fn MaxUniformBufferBindingSize(&self) -> u64
source§fn MaxStorageBufferBindingSize(&self) -> u64
fn MaxStorageBufferBindingSize(&self) -> u64
source§fn MinUniformBufferOffsetAlignment(&self) -> u32
fn MinUniformBufferOffsetAlignment(&self) -> u32
source§fn MinStorageBufferOffsetAlignment(&self) -> u32
fn MinStorageBufferOffsetAlignment(&self) -> u32
source§fn MaxVertexBuffers(&self) -> u32
fn MaxVertexBuffers(&self) -> u32
source§fn MaxBufferSize(&self) -> u64
fn MaxBufferSize(&self) -> u64
source§fn MaxVertexAttributes(&self) -> u32
fn MaxVertexAttributes(&self) -> u32
source§fn MaxVertexBufferArrayStride(&self) -> u32
fn MaxVertexBufferArrayStride(&self) -> u32
source§fn MaxInterStageShaderComponents(&self) -> u32
fn MaxInterStageShaderComponents(&self) -> u32
source§fn MaxComputeWorkgroupStorageSize(&self) -> u32
fn MaxComputeWorkgroupStorageSize(&self) -> u32
source§fn MaxComputeInvocationsPerWorkgroup(&self) -> u32
fn MaxComputeInvocationsPerWorkgroup(&self) -> u32
source§fn MaxComputeWorkgroupSizeX(&self) -> u32
fn MaxComputeWorkgroupSizeX(&self) -> u32
source§fn MaxComputeWorkgroupSizeY(&self) -> u32
fn MaxComputeWorkgroupSizeY(&self) -> u32
source§fn MaxComputeWorkgroupSizeZ(&self) -> u32
fn MaxComputeWorkgroupSizeZ(&self) -> u32
source§fn MaxComputeWorkgroupsPerDimension(&self) -> u32
fn MaxComputeWorkgroupsPerDimension(&self) -> u32
source§fn MaxBindGroupsPlusVertexBuffers(&self) -> u32
fn MaxBindGroupsPlusVertexBuffers(&self) -> u32
source§fn MaxInterStageShaderVariables(&self) -> u32
fn MaxInterStageShaderVariables(&self) -> u32
source§fn MaxColorAttachments(&self) -> u32
fn MaxColorAttachments(&self) -> u32
source§impl GPUTextureMethods<DomTypeHolder> for GPUTexture
impl GPUTextureMethods<DomTypeHolder> for GPUTexture
source§fn CreateView(
descriptor: &GPUTextureViewDescriptor,
) -> Result<Root<Dom<GPUTextureView>>, Error>
fn CreateView( &self, descriptor: &GPUTextureViewDescriptor, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<GPUTextureView>>, Error>
source§fn DepthOrArrayLayers(&self) -> u32
fn DepthOrArrayLayers(&self) -> u32
source§fn Dimension(&self) -> GPUTextureDimension
fn Dimension(&self) -> GPUTextureDimension
source§impl GPUUncapturedErrorEventMethods<DomTypeHolder> for GPUUncapturedErrorEvent
impl GPUUncapturedErrorEventMethods<DomTypeHolder> for GPUUncapturedErrorEvent
source§fn Constructor(
global: &GlobalScope,
proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>,
can_gc: CanGc,
type_: DOMString,
init: &GPUUncapturedErrorEventInit,
) -> Root<Dom<Self>>
fn Constructor( global: &GlobalScope, proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>, can_gc: CanGc, type_: DOMString, init: &GPUUncapturedErrorEventInit, ) -> Root<Dom<Self>>
source§impl GPUValidationErrorMethods<DomTypeHolder> for GPUValidationError
impl GPUValidationErrorMethods<DomTypeHolder> for GPUValidationError
source§fn Constructor(
global: &GlobalScope,
proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>,
can_gc: CanGc,
message: DOMString,
) -> Root<Dom<Self>>
fn Constructor( global: &GlobalScope, proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>, can_gc: CanGc, message: DOMString, ) -> Root<Dom<Self>>
source§impl GainNodeMethods<DomTypeHolder> for GainNode
impl GainNodeMethods<DomTypeHolder> for GainNode
fn Constructor( window: &Window, proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>, can_gc: CanGc, context: &BaseAudioContext, options: &GainOptions, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<GainNode>>, Error>
fn Gain(&self) -> Root<Dom<AudioParam>>
source§impl GamepadHapticActuatorMethods<DomTypeHolder> for GamepadHapticActuator
impl GamepadHapticActuatorMethods<DomTypeHolder> for GamepadHapticActuator
source§fn Effects(&self, cx: JSContext, retval: MutableHandleValue<'_>)
fn Effects(&self, cx: JSContext, retval: MutableHandleValue<'_>)
source§fn PlayEffect(
type_: GamepadHapticEffectType,
params: &GamepadEffectParameters,
comp: InRealm<'_>,
can_gc: CanGc,
) -> Rc<Promise>
fn PlayEffect( &self, type_: GamepadHapticEffectType, params: &GamepadEffectParameters, comp: InRealm<'_>, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Rc<Promise>
source§impl GamepadMethods<DomTypeHolder> for Gamepad
impl GamepadMethods<DomTypeHolder> for Gamepad
fn Id(&self) -> DOMString
fn Index(&self) -> i32
fn Connected(&self) -> bool
fn Timestamp(&self) -> Finite<f64>
fn Mapping(&self) -> DOMString
fn Axes(&self, _cx: JSContext) -> Float64Array
fn Buttons(&self) -> Root<Dom<GamepadButtonList>>
fn VibrationActuator(&self) -> Root<Dom<GamepadHapticActuator>>
fn Hand(&self) -> GamepadHand
fn GetPose(&self) -> Option<Root<Dom<GamepadPose>>>
source§impl GamepadPoseMethods<DomTypeHolder> for GamepadPose
impl GamepadPoseMethods<DomTypeHolder> for GamepadPose
fn GetPosition(&self, _cx: JSContext) -> Option<Float32Array>
fn HasPosition(&self) -> bool
fn GetLinearVelocity(&self, _cx: JSContext) -> Option<Float32Array>
fn GetLinearAcceleration(&self, _cx: JSContext) -> Option<Float32Array>
fn GetOrientation(&self, _cx: JSContext) -> Option<Float32Array>
fn HasOrientation(&self) -> bool
fn GetAngularVelocity(&self, _cx: JSContext) -> Option<Float32Array>
fn GetAngularAcceleration(&self, _cx: JSContext) -> Option<Float32Array>
source§impl HTMLAnchorElementMethods<DomTypeHolder> for HTMLAnchorElement
impl HTMLAnchorElementMethods<DomTypeHolder> for HTMLAnchorElement
source§fn SetProtocol(&self, value: USVString, can_gc: CanGc)
fn SetProtocol(&self, value: USVString, can_gc: CanGc)
source§fn SetPassword(&self, value: USVString, can_gc: CanGc)
fn SetPassword(&self, value: USVString, can_gc: CanGc)
source§fn SetHostname(&self, value: USVString, can_gc: CanGc)
fn SetHostname(&self, value: USVString, can_gc: CanGc)
source§fn SetPathname(&self, value: USVString, can_gc: CanGc)
fn SetPathname(&self, value: USVString, can_gc: CanGc)
source§fn SetUsername(&self, value: USVString, can_gc: CanGc)
fn SetUsername(&self, value: USVString, can_gc: CanGc)
fn Text(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetText(&self, value: DOMString, can_gc: CanGc)
fn Rel(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetRel(&self, rel: DOMString, can_gc: CanGc)
fn RelList(&self) -> Root<Dom<DOMTokenList>>
fn Coords(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetCoords(&self, value: DOMString)
fn Name(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetName(&self, value: DOMString)
fn Rev(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetRev(&self, value: DOMString)
fn Shape(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetShape(&self, value: DOMString)
fn Target(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetTarget(&self, value: DOMString)
fn ReferrerPolicy(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetReferrerPolicy(&self, value: DOMString)
source§impl HTMLAreaElementMethods<DomTypeHolder> for HTMLAreaElement
impl HTMLAreaElementMethods<DomTypeHolder> for HTMLAreaElement
source§fn ReferrerPolicy(&self) -> DOMString
fn ReferrerPolicy(&self) -> DOMString
source§fn SetProtocol(&self, value: USVString, can_gc: CanGc)
fn SetProtocol(&self, value: USVString, can_gc: CanGc)
source§fn SetPassword(&self, value: USVString, can_gc: CanGc)
fn SetPassword(&self, value: USVString, can_gc: CanGc)
source§fn SetHostname(&self, value: USVString, can_gc: CanGc)
fn SetHostname(&self, value: USVString, can_gc: CanGc)
source§fn SetPathname(&self, value: USVString, can_gc: CanGc)
fn SetPathname(&self, value: USVString, can_gc: CanGc)
source§fn SetUsername(&self, value: USVString, can_gc: CanGc)
fn SetUsername(&self, value: USVString, can_gc: CanGc)
fn Target(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetTarget(&self, value: DOMString)
fn Rel(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetRel(&self, rel: DOMString, can_gc: CanGc)
fn SetReferrerPolicy(&self, value: DOMString)
source§impl HTMLBodyElementMethods<DomTypeHolder> for HTMLBodyElement
impl HTMLBodyElementMethods<DomTypeHolder> for HTMLBodyElement
fn BgColor(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBgColor(&self, value: DOMString)
fn Text(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetText(&self, value: DOMString)
fn Background(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBackground(&self, input: DOMString, can_gc: CanGc)
fn GetOnafterprint(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnafterprint(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnbeforeprint(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnbeforeprint(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnbeforeunload(&self) -> Option<Rc<OnBeforeUnloadEventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnbeforeunload( &self, listener: Option<Rc<OnBeforeUnloadEventHandlerNonNull>>, )
fn GetOnhashchange(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnhashchange(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnlanguagechange(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnlanguagechange(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnmessage(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnmessage(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnmessageerror(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnmessageerror(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnoffline(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnoffline(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnonline(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnonline(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnpagehide(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnpagehide(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnpageshow(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnpageshow(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnpopstate(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnpopstate(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnrejectionhandled(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnrejectionhandled(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnstorage(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnstorage(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnunhandledrejection(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnunhandledrejection(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnunload(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnunload(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOngamepadconnected(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOngamepadconnected(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOngamepaddisconnected(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOngamepaddisconnected(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
source§impl HTMLButtonElementMethods<DomTypeHolder> for HTMLButtonElement
impl HTMLButtonElementMethods<DomTypeHolder> for HTMLButtonElement
fn Disabled(&self) -> bool
fn SetDisabled(&self, value: bool)
fn GetForm(&self) -> Option<Root<Dom<HTMLFormElement>>>
fn Type(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetType(&self, value: DOMString)
fn FormAction(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetFormAction(&self, value: DOMString)
fn FormEnctype(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetFormEnctype(&self, value: DOMString)
fn FormMethod(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetFormMethod(&self, value: DOMString)
fn FormTarget(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetFormTarget(&self, value: DOMString)
fn FormNoValidate(&self) -> bool
fn SetFormNoValidate(&self, value: bool)
fn Name(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetName(&self, value: DOMString)
fn Value(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetValue(&self, value: DOMString)
fn Labels(&self) -> Root<Dom<NodeList>>
fn WillValidate(&self) -> bool
fn Validity(&self) -> Root<Dom<ValidityState>>
fn CheckValidity(&self, can_gc: CanGc) -> bool
fn ReportValidity(&self, can_gc: CanGc) -> bool
fn ValidationMessage(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetCustomValidity(&self, error: DOMString)
source§impl HTMLCanvasElementMethods<DomTypeHolder> for HTMLCanvasElement
impl HTMLCanvasElementMethods<DomTypeHolder> for HTMLCanvasElement
source§fn GetContext(
cx: JSContext,
id: DOMString,
options: HandleValue<'_>,
can_gc: CanGc,
) -> Result<Option<RenderingContext>, Error>
fn GetContext( &self, cx: JSContext, id: DOMString, options: HandleValue<'_>, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Result<Option<RenderingContext>, Error>
source§fn ToDataURL(
_context: JSContext,
mime_type: DOMString,
quality: HandleValue<'_>,
) -> Result<USVString, Error>
fn ToDataURL( &self, _context: JSContext, mime_type: DOMString, quality: HandleValue<'_>, ) -> Result<USVString, Error>
source§fn ToBlob(
_cx: JSContext,
callback: Rc<BlobCallback>,
mime_type: DOMString,
quality: HandleValue<'_>,
) -> Result<(), Error>
fn ToBlob( &self, _cx: JSContext, callback: Rc<BlobCallback>, mime_type: DOMString, quality: HandleValue<'_>, ) -> Result<(), Error>
source§fn TransferControlToOffscreen(
) -> Result<Root<Dom<OffscreenCanvas>>, Error>
fn TransferControlToOffscreen( &self, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<OffscreenCanvas>>, Error>
source§fn CaptureStream(
_frame_request_rate: Option<Finite<f64>>,
can_gc: CanGc,
) -> Root<Dom<MediaStream>>
fn CaptureStream( &self, _frame_request_rate: Option<Finite<f64>>, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Root<Dom<MediaStream>>
fn Width(&self) -> u32
fn SetWidth(&self, value: u32) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Height(&self) -> u32
fn SetHeight(&self, value: u32) -> Result<(), Error>
source§impl HTMLCollectionMethods<DomTypeHolder> for HTMLCollection
impl HTMLCollectionMethods<DomTypeHolder> for HTMLCollection
fn IndexedGetter(&self, index: u32) -> Option<Root<Dom<Element>>>
fn NamedGetter(&self, name: DOMString) -> Option<Root<Dom<Element>>>
fn SupportedPropertyNames(&self) -> Vec<DOMString>
source§impl HTMLDialogElementMethods<DomTypeHolder> for HTMLDialogElement
impl HTMLDialogElementMethods<DomTypeHolder> for HTMLDialogElement
source§impl HTMLElementMethods<DomTypeHolder> for HTMLElement
impl HTMLElementMethods<DomTypeHolder> for HTMLElement
source§fn SetInnerText(&self, input: DOMString, can_gc: CanGc)
fn SetInnerText(&self, input: DOMString, can_gc: CanGc)
source§fn AttachInternals(&self) -> Result<Root<Dom<ElementInternals>>, Error>
fn AttachInternals(&self) -> Result<Root<Dom<ElementInternals>>, Error>
fn Style(&self) -> Root<Dom<CSSStyleDeclaration>>
fn Title(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetTitle(&self, value: DOMString)
fn Lang(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetLang(&self, value: DOMString)
fn Dir(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetDir(&self, value: DOMString)
fn Hidden(&self) -> bool
fn SetHidden(&self, value: bool)
fn GetOnabort(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnabort(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnanimationend(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnanimationend(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnanimationiteration(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnanimationiteration(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOncancel(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOncancel(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOncanplay(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOncanplay(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOncanplaythrough(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOncanplaythrough(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnchange(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnchange(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnclick(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnclick(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnclose(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnclose(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOncuechange(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOncuechange(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOndblclick(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOndblclick(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOndrag(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOndrag(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOndragend(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOndragend(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOndragenter(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOndragenter(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOndragexit(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOndragexit(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOndragleave(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOndragleave(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOndragover(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOndragover(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOndragstart(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOndragstart(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOndrop(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOndrop(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOndurationchange(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOndurationchange(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnemptied(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnemptied(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnended(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnended(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnformdata(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnformdata(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOninput(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOninput(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOninvalid(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOninvalid(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnkeydown(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnkeydown(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnkeypress(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnkeypress(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnkeyup(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnkeyup(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnloadeddata(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnloadeddata(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnloadedmetadata(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnloadedmetadata(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnloadstart(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnloadstart(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnmousedown(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnmousedown(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnmouseenter(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnmouseenter(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnmouseleave(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnmouseleave(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnmousemove(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnmousemove(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnmouseout(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnmouseout(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnmouseover(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnmouseover(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnmouseup(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnmouseup(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnwheel(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnwheel(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnpause(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnpause(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnplay(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnplay(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnplaying(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnplaying(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnprogress(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnprogress(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnratechange(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnratechange(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnreset(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnreset(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnsecuritypolicyviolation(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnsecuritypolicyviolation( &self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>, )
fn GetOnseeked(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnseeked(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnseeking(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnseeking(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnselect(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnselect(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnselectionchange(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnselectionchange(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnselectstart(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnselectstart(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnshow(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnshow(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnstalled(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnstalled(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnsubmit(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnsubmit(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnsuspend(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnsuspend(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOntimeupdate(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOntimeupdate(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOntoggle(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOntoggle(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOntransitioncancel(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOntransitioncancel(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOntransitionend(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOntransitionend(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOntransitionrun(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOntransitionrun(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnvolumechange(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnvolumechange(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnwaiting(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnwaiting(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOncut(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOncut(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOncopy(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOncopy(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnpaste(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnpaste(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn Dataset(&self) -> Root<Dom<DOMStringMap>>
fn GetOnerror(&self, can_gc: CanGc) -> Option<Rc<OnErrorEventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnerror(&self, listener: Option<Rc<OnErrorEventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnload(&self, can_gc: CanGc) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnload(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnblur(&self, can_gc: CanGc) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnblur(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnfocus(&self, can_gc: CanGc) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnfocus(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnresize(&self, can_gc: CanGc) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnresize(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnscroll(&self, can_gc: CanGc) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnscroll(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn Itemtypes(&self) -> Option<Vec<DOMString>>
fn PropertyNames(&self) -> Option<Vec<DOMString>>
fn Click(&self, can_gc: CanGc)
fn Focus(&self, can_gc: CanGc)
fn Blur(&self, can_gc: CanGc)
fn GetOffsetParent(&self, can_gc: CanGc) -> Option<Root<Dom<Element>>>
fn OffsetTop(&self, can_gc: CanGc) -> i32
fn OffsetLeft(&self, can_gc: CanGc) -> i32
fn OffsetWidth(&self, can_gc: CanGc) -> i32
fn OffsetHeight(&self, can_gc: CanGc) -> i32
fn Translate(&self) -> bool
fn SetTranslate(&self, yesno: bool, can_gc: CanGc)
fn ContentEditable(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetContentEditable(&self, _: DOMString)
fn IsContentEditable(&self) -> bool
fn Autofocus(&self) -> bool
fn SetAutofocus(&self, autofocus: bool, can_gc: CanGc)
source§impl HTMLFieldSetElementMethods<DomTypeHolder> for HTMLFieldSetElement
impl HTMLFieldSetElementMethods<DomTypeHolder> for HTMLFieldSetElement
fn Elements(&self) -> Root<Dom<HTMLCollection>>
fn Disabled(&self) -> bool
fn SetDisabled(&self, value: bool)
fn SetName(&self, value: DOMString)
fn Name(&self) -> DOMString
fn GetForm(&self) -> Option<Root<Dom<HTMLFormElement>>>
fn WillValidate(&self) -> bool
fn Validity(&self) -> Root<Dom<ValidityState>>
fn CheckValidity(&self, can_gc: CanGc) -> bool
fn ReportValidity(&self, can_gc: CanGc) -> bool
fn ValidationMessage(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetCustomValidity(&self, error: DOMString)
source§impl HTMLFormControlsCollectionMethods<DomTypeHolder> for HTMLFormControlsCollection
impl HTMLFormControlsCollectionMethods<DomTypeHolder> for HTMLFormControlsCollection
fn Length(&self) -> u32
fn NamedItem(&self, name: DOMString) -> Option<RadioNodeListOrElement>
fn NamedGetter(&self, name: DOMString) -> Option<RadioNodeListOrElement>
fn SupportedPropertyNames(&self) -> Vec<DOMString>
fn IndexedGetter(&self, index: u32) -> Option<Root<Dom<Element>>>
source§impl HTMLFormElementMethods<DomTypeHolder> for HTMLFormElement
impl HTMLFormElementMethods<DomTypeHolder> for HTMLFormElement
source§fn CheckValidity(&self, can_gc: CanGc) -> bool
fn CheckValidity(&self, can_gc: CanGc) -> bool
source§fn ReportValidity(&self, can_gc: CanGc) -> bool
fn ReportValidity(&self, can_gc: CanGc) -> bool
fn AcceptCharset(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetAcceptCharset(&self, value: DOMString)
fn Action(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetAction(&self, value: DOMString)
fn Autocomplete(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetAutocomplete(&self, value: DOMString)
fn Enctype(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetEnctype(&self, value: DOMString)
fn Encoding(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetEncoding(&self, value: DOMString)
fn Method(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetMethod(&self, value: DOMString)
fn Name(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetName(&self, value: DOMString)
fn NoValidate(&self) -> bool
fn SetNoValidate(&self, value: bool)
fn Target(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetTarget(&self, value: DOMString)
fn Rel(&self) -> DOMString
fn Submit(&self, can_gc: CanGc)
fn RequestSubmit( &self, submitter: Option<&HTMLElement>, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Reset(&self, can_gc: CanGc)
fn Elements(&self) -> Root<Dom<HTMLFormControlsCollection>>
fn Length(&self) -> u32
fn IndexedGetter(&self, index: u32) -> Option<Root<Dom<Element>>>
fn NamedGetter(&self, name: DOMString) -> Option<RadioNodeListOrElement>
fn SetRel(&self, rel: DOMString, can_gc: CanGc)
fn RelList(&self) -> Root<Dom<DOMTokenList>>
fn SupportedPropertyNames(&self) -> Vec<DOMString>
source§impl HTMLFrameSetElementMethods<DomTypeHolder> for HTMLFrameSetElement
impl HTMLFrameSetElementMethods<DomTypeHolder> for HTMLFrameSetElement
fn GetOnafterprint(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnafterprint(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnbeforeprint(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnbeforeprint(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnbeforeunload(&self) -> Option<Rc<OnBeforeUnloadEventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnbeforeunload( &self, listener: Option<Rc<OnBeforeUnloadEventHandlerNonNull>>, )
fn GetOnhashchange(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnhashchange(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnlanguagechange(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnlanguagechange(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnmessage(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnmessage(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnmessageerror(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnmessageerror(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnoffline(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnoffline(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnonline(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnonline(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnpagehide(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnpagehide(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnpageshow(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnpageshow(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnpopstate(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnpopstate(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnrejectionhandled(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnrejectionhandled(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnstorage(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnstorage(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnunhandledrejection(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnunhandledrejection(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnunload(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnunload(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOngamepadconnected(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOngamepadconnected(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOngamepaddisconnected(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOngamepaddisconnected(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
source§impl HTMLIFrameElementMethods<DomTypeHolder> for HTMLIFrameElement
impl HTMLIFrameElementMethods<DomTypeHolder> for HTMLIFrameElement
source§fn ReferrerPolicy(&self) -> DOMString
fn ReferrerPolicy(&self) -> DOMString
fn Src(&self) -> USVString
fn SetSrc(&self, value: USVString)
fn Srcdoc(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetSrcdoc(&self, value: DOMString)
fn Sandbox(&self) -> Root<Dom<DOMTokenList>>
fn GetContentWindow(&self) -> Option<Root<Dom<WindowProxy>>>
fn GetContentDocument(&self) -> Option<Root<Dom<Document>>>
fn SetReferrerPolicy(&self, value: DOMString)
fn AllowFullscreen(&self) -> bool
fn SetAllowFullscreen(&self, value: bool)
fn Width(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetWidth(&self, value: DOMString)
fn Height(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetHeight(&self, value: DOMString)
fn FrameBorder(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetFrameBorder(&self, value: DOMString)
fn SetName(&self, value: DOMString)
fn Name(&self) -> DOMString
source§impl HTMLImageElementMethods<DomTypeHolder> for HTMLImageElement
impl HTMLImageElementMethods<DomTypeHolder> for HTMLImageElement
source§fn ReferrerPolicy(&self) -> DOMString
fn ReferrerPolicy(&self) -> DOMString
fn Image( window: &Window, proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>, can_gc: CanGc, width: Option<u32>, height: Option<u32>, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<HTMLImageElement>>, Error>
fn Alt(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetAlt(&self, value: DOMString)
fn Src(&self) -> USVString
fn SetSrc(&self, value: USVString)
fn Srcset(&self) -> USVString
fn SetSrcset(&self, value: USVString)
fn GetCrossOrigin(&self) -> Option<DOMString>
fn SetCrossOrigin(&self, value: Option<DOMString>, can_gc: CanGc)
fn UseMap(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetUseMap(&self, value: DOMString)
fn IsMap(&self) -> bool
fn SetIsMap(&self, value: bool)
fn Width(&self, can_gc: CanGc) -> u32
fn SetWidth(&self, value: u32, can_gc: CanGc)
fn Height(&self, can_gc: CanGc) -> u32
fn SetHeight(&self, value: u32, can_gc: CanGc)
fn NaturalWidth(&self) -> u32
fn NaturalHeight(&self) -> u32
fn Complete(&self) -> bool
fn CurrentSrc(&self) -> USVString
fn SetReferrerPolicy(&self, value: DOMString, can_gc: CanGc)
fn Name(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetName(&self, value: DOMString)
fn Align(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetAlign(&self, value: DOMString)
fn Hspace(&self) -> u32
fn SetHspace(&self, value: u32)
fn Vspace(&self) -> u32
fn SetVspace(&self, value: u32)
fn LongDesc(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetLongDesc(&self, value: DOMString)
fn Border(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBorder(&self, value: DOMString)
source§impl HTMLInputElementMethods<DomTypeHolder> for HTMLInputElement
impl HTMLInputElementMethods<DomTypeHolder> for HTMLInputElement
fn Accept(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetAccept(&self, value: DOMString)
fn Alt(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetAlt(&self, value: DOMString)
fn DirName(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetDirName(&self, value: DOMString)
fn Disabled(&self) -> bool
fn SetDisabled(&self, value: bool)
fn GetForm(&self) -> Option<Root<Dom<HTMLFormElement>>>
fn GetFiles(&self) -> Option<Root<Dom<FileList>>>
fn DefaultChecked(&self) -> bool
fn SetDefaultChecked(&self, value: bool)
fn Checked(&self) -> bool
fn SetChecked(&self, checked: bool)
fn ReadOnly(&self) -> bool
fn SetReadOnly(&self, value: bool)
fn Size(&self) -> u32
fn SetSize(&self, value: u32) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Type(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetType(&self, value: DOMString)
fn Value(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetValue(&self, value: DOMString, can_gc: CanGc) -> Result<(), Error>
fn DefaultValue(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetDefaultValue(&self, value: DOMString)
fn Min(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetMin(&self, value: DOMString)
fn GetList(&self) -> Option<Root<Dom<HTMLDataListElement>>>
fn GetValueAsDate(&self, cx: SafeJSContext) -> Option<NonNull<JSObject>>
fn SetValueAsDate( &self, cx: SafeJSContext, value: *mut JSObject, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Result<(), Error>
fn ValueAsNumber(&self) -> f64
fn SetValueAsNumber(&self, value: f64, can_gc: CanGc) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Name(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetName(&self, value: DOMString)
fn Placeholder(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetPlaceholder(&self, value: DOMString)
fn FormAction(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetFormAction(&self, value: DOMString)
fn FormEnctype(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetFormEnctype(&self, value: DOMString)
fn FormMethod(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetFormMethod(&self, value: DOMString)
fn FormTarget(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetFormTarget(&self, value: DOMString)
fn FormNoValidate(&self) -> bool
fn SetFormNoValidate(&self, value: bool)
fn Max(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetMax(&self, value: DOMString)
fn MaxLength(&self) -> i32
fn SetMaxLength(&self, value: i32) -> Result<(), Error>
fn MinLength(&self) -> i32
fn SetMinLength(&self, value: i32) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Multiple(&self) -> bool
fn SetMultiple(&self, value: bool)
fn Pattern(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetPattern(&self, value: DOMString)
fn Required(&self) -> bool
fn SetRequired(&self, value: bool)
fn Src(&self) -> USVString
fn SetSrc(&self, value: USVString)
fn Step(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetStep(&self, value: DOMString)
fn Indeterminate(&self) -> bool
fn SetIndeterminate(&self, val: bool)
fn GetLabels(&self) -> Option<Root<Dom<NodeList>>>
fn Select(&self)
fn GetSelectionStart(&self) -> Option<u32>
fn SetSelectionStart(&self, start: Option<u32>) -> Result<(), Error>
fn GetSelectionEnd(&self) -> Option<u32>
fn SetSelectionEnd(&self, end: Option<u32>) -> Result<(), Error>
fn GetSelectionDirection(&self) -> Option<DOMString>
fn SetSelectionDirection( &self, direction: Option<DOMString>, ) -> Result<(), Error>
fn SetSelectionRange( &self, start: u32, end: u32, direction: Option<DOMString>, ) -> Result<(), Error>
fn SetRangeText(&self, replacement: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn SetRangeText_( &self, replacement: DOMString, start: u32, end: u32, selection_mode: SelectionMode, ) -> Result<(), Error>
fn SelectFiles(&self, paths: Vec<DOMString>, can_gc: CanGc)
fn StepUp(&self, n: i32, can_gc: CanGc) -> Result<(), Error>
fn StepDown(&self, n: i32, can_gc: CanGc) -> Result<(), Error>
fn WillValidate(&self) -> bool
fn Validity(&self) -> Root<Dom<ValidityState>>
fn CheckValidity(&self, can_gc: CanGc) -> bool
fn ReportValidity(&self, can_gc: CanGc) -> bool
fn ValidationMessage(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetCustomValidity(&self, error: DOMString)
source§impl HTMLLinkElementMethods<DomTypeHolder> for HTMLLinkElement
impl HTMLLinkElementMethods<DomTypeHolder> for HTMLLinkElement
fn Href(&self) -> USVString
fn SetHref(&self, value: USVString)
fn Rel(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetRel(&self, rel: DOMString, can_gc: CanGc)
fn Media(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetMedia(&self, value: DOMString)
fn Integrity(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetIntegrity(&self, value: DOMString)
fn Hreflang(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetHreflang(&self, value: DOMString)
fn Type(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetType(&self, value: DOMString)
fn RelList(&self) -> Root<Dom<DOMTokenList>>
fn Charset(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetCharset(&self, value: DOMString)
fn Rev(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetRev(&self, value: DOMString)
fn Target(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetTarget(&self, value: DOMString)
fn GetCrossOrigin(&self) -> Option<DOMString>
fn SetCrossOrigin(&self, value: Option<DOMString>, can_gc: CanGc)
fn ReferrerPolicy(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetReferrerPolicy(&self, value: DOMString)
fn GetSheet(&self) -> Option<Root<Dom<DOMStyleSheet>>>
source§impl HTMLMediaElementMethods<DomTypeHolder> for HTMLMediaElement
impl HTMLMediaElementMethods<DomTypeHolder> for HTMLMediaElement
fn NetworkState(&self) -> u16
fn ReadyState(&self) -> u16
fn Autoplay(&self) -> bool
fn SetAutoplay(&self, value: bool)
fn Loop(&self) -> bool
fn SetLoop(&self, value: bool)
fn DefaultMuted(&self) -> bool
fn SetDefaultMuted(&self, value: bool)
fn Controls(&self) -> bool
fn SetControls(&self, value: bool)
fn Src(&self) -> USVString
fn SetSrc(&self, value: USVString)
fn GetCrossOrigin(&self) -> Option<DOMString>
fn SetCrossOrigin(&self, value: Option<DOMString>, can_gc: CanGc)
fn Muted(&self) -> bool
fn SetMuted(&self, value: bool)
fn GetSrcObject(&self) -> Option<MediaStreamOrBlob>
fn SetSrcObject(&self, value: Option<MediaStreamOrBlob>, can_gc: CanGc)
fn Preload(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetPreload(&self, value: DOMString)
fn CurrentSrc(&self) -> USVString
fn Load(&self, can_gc: CanGc)
fn CanPlayType(&self, type_: DOMString) -> CanPlayTypeResult
fn GetError(&self) -> Option<Root<Dom<MediaError>>>
fn Play(&self, comp: InRealm<'_>, can_gc: CanGc) -> Rc<Promise>
fn Pause(&self, can_gc: CanGc)
fn Paused(&self) -> bool
fn Duration(&self) -> f64
fn CurrentTime(&self) -> Finite<f64>
fn SetCurrentTime(&self, time: Finite<f64>)
fn Seeking(&self) -> bool
fn Ended(&self) -> bool
fn FastSeek(&self, time: Finite<f64>)
fn Played(&self) -> Root<Dom<TimeRanges>>
fn Buffered(&self) -> Root<Dom<TimeRanges>>
fn AudioTracks(&self) -> Root<Dom<AudioTrackList>>
fn VideoTracks(&self) -> Root<Dom<VideoTrackList>>
fn TextTracks(&self) -> Root<Dom<TextTrackList>>
fn AddTextTrack( &self, kind: TextTrackKind, label: DOMString, language: DOMString, ) -> Root<Dom<TextTrack>>
fn GetVolume(&self) -> Result<Finite<f64>, Error>
fn SetVolume(&self, value: Finite<f64>) -> Result<(), Error>
source§impl HTMLMetaElementMethods<DomTypeHolder> for HTMLMetaElement
impl HTMLMetaElementMethods<DomTypeHolder> for HTMLMetaElement
fn Name(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetName(&self, value: DOMString)
fn Content(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetContent(&self, value: DOMString)
fn HttpEquiv(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetHttpEquiv(&self, value: DOMString)
fn Scheme(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetScheme(&self, value: DOMString)
source§impl HTMLMeterElementMethods<DomTypeHolder> for HTMLMeterElement
impl HTMLMeterElementMethods<DomTypeHolder> for HTMLMeterElement
fn Labels(&self) -> Root<Dom<NodeList>>
source§impl HTMLObjectElementMethods<DomTypeHolder> for HTMLObjectElement
impl HTMLObjectElementMethods<DomTypeHolder> for HTMLObjectElement
fn Type(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetType(&self, value: DOMString)
fn GetForm(&self) -> Option<Root<Dom<HTMLFormElement>>>
fn WillValidate(&self) -> bool
fn Validity(&self) -> Root<Dom<ValidityState>>
fn CheckValidity(&self, can_gc: CanGc) -> bool
fn ReportValidity(&self, can_gc: CanGc) -> bool
fn ValidationMessage(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetCustomValidity(&self, error: DOMString)
source§impl HTMLOptionElementMethods<DomTypeHolder> for HTMLOptionElement
impl HTMLOptionElementMethods<DomTypeHolder> for HTMLOptionElement
fn Option( window: &Window, proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>, can_gc: CanGc, text: DOMString, value: Option<DOMString>, default_selected: bool, selected: bool, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<HTMLOptionElement>>, Error>
fn Disabled(&self) -> bool
fn SetDisabled(&self, value: bool)
fn Text(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetText(&self, value: DOMString, can_gc: CanGc)
fn GetForm(&self) -> Option<Root<Dom<HTMLFormElement>>>
fn Value(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetValue(&self, value: DOMString)
fn Label(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetLabel(&self, value: DOMString)
fn DefaultSelected(&self) -> bool
fn SetDefaultSelected(&self, value: bool)
fn Selected(&self) -> bool
fn SetSelected(&self, selected: bool)
fn Index(&self) -> i32
source§impl HTMLOptionsCollectionMethods<DomTypeHolder> for HTMLOptionsCollection
impl HTMLOptionsCollectionMethods<DomTypeHolder> for HTMLOptionsCollection
source§fn Add(
element: HTMLOptionElementOrHTMLOptGroupElement,
before: Option<HTMLElementOrLong>,
) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Add( &self, element: HTMLOptionElementOrHTMLOptGroupElement, before: Option<HTMLElementOrLong>, ) -> Result<(), Error>
source§fn SelectedIndex(&self) -> i32
fn SelectedIndex(&self) -> i32
source§fn SetSelectedIndex(&self, index: i32)
fn SetSelectedIndex(&self, index: i32)
fn NamedGetter(&self, name: DOMString) -> Option<Root<Dom<Element>>>
fn SupportedPropertyNames(&self) -> Vec<DOMString>
fn IndexedGetter(&self, index: u32) -> Option<Root<Dom<Element>>>
fn IndexedSetter( &self, index: u32, value: Option<&HTMLOptionElement>, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Result<(), Error>
source§impl HTMLOutputElementMethods<DomTypeHolder> for HTMLOutputElement
impl HTMLOutputElementMethods<DomTypeHolder> for HTMLOutputElement
fn GetForm(&self) -> Option<Root<Dom<HTMLFormElement>>>
fn Labels(&self) -> Root<Dom<NodeList>>
fn DefaultValue(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetDefaultValue(&self, value: DOMString, can_gc: CanGc)
fn Value(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetValue(&self, value: DOMString, can_gc: CanGc)
fn Type(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetName(&self, value: DOMString)
fn Name(&self) -> DOMString
fn WillValidate(&self) -> bool
fn Validity(&self) -> Root<Dom<ValidityState>>
fn CheckValidity(&self, can_gc: CanGc) -> bool
fn ReportValidity(&self, can_gc: CanGc) -> bool
fn ValidationMessage(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetCustomValidity(&self, error: DOMString)
source§impl HTMLProgressElementMethods<DomTypeHolder> for HTMLProgressElement
impl HTMLProgressElementMethods<DomTypeHolder> for HTMLProgressElement
source§impl HTMLScriptElementMethods<DomTypeHolder> for HTMLScriptElement
impl HTMLScriptElementMethods<DomTypeHolder> for HTMLScriptElement
fn Src(&self) -> USVString
fn SetSrc(&self, value: USVString)
fn Type(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetType(&self, value: DOMString)
fn Charset(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetCharset(&self, value: DOMString)
fn Async(&self) -> bool
fn SetAsync(&self, value: bool, can_gc: CanGc)
fn Defer(&self) -> bool
fn SetDefer(&self, value: bool)
fn NoModule(&self) -> bool
fn SetNoModule(&self, value: bool)
fn Integrity(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetIntegrity(&self, value: DOMString)
fn Event(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetEvent(&self, value: DOMString)
fn HtmlFor(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetHtmlFor(&self, value: DOMString)
fn GetCrossOrigin(&self) -> Option<DOMString>
fn SetCrossOrigin(&self, value: Option<DOMString>, can_gc: CanGc)
fn ReferrerPolicy(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetReferrerPolicy(&self, value: DOMString)
fn Text(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetText(&self, value: DOMString, can_gc: CanGc)
source§impl HTMLSelectElementMethods<DomTypeHolder> for HTMLSelectElement
impl HTMLSelectElementMethods<DomTypeHolder> for HTMLSelectElement
fn Add( &self, element: HTMLOptionElementOrHTMLOptGroupElement, before: Option<HTMLElementOrLong>, ) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Disabled(&self) -> bool
fn SetDisabled(&self, value: bool)
fn GetForm(&self) -> Option<Root<Dom<HTMLFormElement>>>
fn Multiple(&self) -> bool
fn SetMultiple(&self, value: bool)
fn Name(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetName(&self, value: DOMString)
fn Required(&self) -> bool
fn SetRequired(&self, value: bool)
fn Size(&self) -> u32
fn SetSize(&self, value: u32)
fn Type(&self) -> DOMString
fn Labels(&self) -> Root<Dom<NodeList>>
fn Options(&self) -> Root<Dom<HTMLOptionsCollection>>
fn Length(&self) -> u32
fn SetLength(&self, length: u32, can_gc: CanGc)
fn Item(&self, index: u32) -> Option<Root<Dom<Element>>>
fn IndexedGetter(&self, index: u32) -> Option<Root<Dom<Element>>>
fn IndexedSetter( &self, index: u32, value: Option<&HTMLOptionElement>, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Result<(), Error>
fn NamedItem(&self, name: DOMString) -> Option<Root<Dom<HTMLOptionElement>>>
fn Remove_(&self, index: i32)
fn Remove(&self)
fn Value(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetValue(&self, value: DOMString)
fn SelectedIndex(&self) -> i32
fn SetSelectedIndex(&self, index: i32)
fn WillValidate(&self) -> bool
fn Validity(&self) -> Root<Dom<ValidityState>>
fn CheckValidity(&self, can_gc: CanGc) -> bool
fn ReportValidity(&self, can_gc: CanGc) -> bool
fn ValidationMessage(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetCustomValidity(&self, error: DOMString)
source§impl HTMLSlotElementMethods<DomTypeHolder> for HTMLSlotElement
impl HTMLSlotElementMethods<DomTypeHolder> for HTMLSlotElement
source§fn AssignedNodes(&self, options: &AssignedNodesOptions) -> Vec<Root<Dom<Node>>>
fn AssignedNodes(&self, options: &AssignedNodesOptions) -> Vec<Root<Dom<Node>>>
source§fn AssignedElements(
options: &AssignedNodesOptions,
) -> Vec<Root<Dom<Element>>>
fn AssignedElements( &self, options: &AssignedNodesOptions, ) -> Vec<Root<Dom<Element>>>
source§fn Assign(&self, nodes: Vec<ElementOrText>)
fn Assign(&self, nodes: Vec<ElementOrText>)
fn Name(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetName(&self, value: DOMString)
source§impl HTMLSourceElementMethods<DomTypeHolder> for HTMLSourceElement
impl HTMLSourceElementMethods<DomTypeHolder> for HTMLSourceElement
fn Src(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetSrc(&self, value: DOMString)
fn Type(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetType(&self, value: DOMString)
fn Srcset(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetSrcset(&self, value: DOMString)
fn Sizes(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetSizes(&self, value: DOMString)
fn Media(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetMedia(&self, value: DOMString)
source§impl HTMLStyleElementMethods<DomTypeHolder> for HTMLStyleElement
impl HTMLStyleElementMethods<DomTypeHolder> for HTMLStyleElement
source§impl HTMLTableCellElementMethods<DomTypeHolder> for HTMLTableCellElement
impl HTMLTableCellElementMethods<DomTypeHolder> for HTMLTableCellElement
fn ColSpan(&self) -> u32
fn SetColSpan(&self, value: u32)
fn RowSpan(&self) -> u32
fn SetRowSpan(&self, value: u32)
fn BgColor(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBgColor(&self, value: DOMString)
fn Width(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetWidth(&self, value: DOMString)
fn CellIndex(&self) -> i32
source§impl HTMLTableElementMethods<DomTypeHolder> for HTMLTableElement
impl HTMLTableElementMethods<DomTypeHolder> for HTMLTableElement
fn Rows(&self) -> Root<Dom<HTMLCollection>>
fn GetCaption(&self) -> Option<Root<Dom<HTMLTableCaptionElement>>>
fn SetCaption( &self, new_caption: Option<&HTMLTableCaptionElement>, ) -> Result<(), Error>
fn CreateCaption(&self, can_gc: CanGc) -> Root<Dom<HTMLTableCaptionElement>>
fn DeleteCaption(&self)
fn GetTHead(&self) -> Option<Root<Dom<HTMLTableSectionElement>>>
fn SetTHead(&self, thead: Option<&HTMLTableSectionElement>) -> Result<(), Error>
fn CreateTHead(&self, can_gc: CanGc) -> Root<Dom<HTMLTableSectionElement>>
fn DeleteTHead(&self)
fn GetTFoot(&self) -> Option<Root<Dom<HTMLTableSectionElement>>>
fn SetTFoot(&self, tfoot: Option<&HTMLTableSectionElement>) -> Result<(), Error>
fn CreateTFoot(&self, can_gc: CanGc) -> Root<Dom<HTMLTableSectionElement>>
fn DeleteTFoot(&self)
fn TBodies(&self) -> Root<Dom<HTMLCollection>>
fn CreateTBody(&self, can_gc: CanGc) -> Root<Dom<HTMLTableSectionElement>>
fn InsertRow( &self, index: i32, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<HTMLTableRowElement>>, Error>
fn BgColor(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBgColor(&self, value: DOMString)
fn Width(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetWidth(&self, value: DOMString)
source§impl HTMLTableRowElementMethods<DomTypeHolder> for HTMLTableRowElement
impl HTMLTableRowElementMethods<DomTypeHolder> for HTMLTableRowElement
fn BgColor(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBgColor(&self, value: DOMString)
fn Cells(&self) -> Root<Dom<HTMLCollection>>
fn InsertCell( &self, index: i32, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<HTMLElement>>, Error>
fn DeleteCell(&self, index: i32) -> Result<(), Error>
fn RowIndex(&self) -> i32
fn SectionRowIndex(&self) -> i32
source§impl HTMLTemplateElementMethods<DomTypeHolder> for HTMLTemplateElement
impl HTMLTemplateElementMethods<DomTypeHolder> for HTMLTemplateElement
source§impl HTMLTextAreaElementMethods<DomTypeHolder> for HTMLTextAreaElement
impl HTMLTextAreaElementMethods<DomTypeHolder> for HTMLTextAreaElement
fn Cols(&self) -> u32
fn SetCols(&self, value: u32) -> Result<(), Error>
fn DirName(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetDirName(&self, value: DOMString)
fn Disabled(&self) -> bool
fn SetDisabled(&self, value: bool)
fn GetForm(&self) -> Option<Root<Dom<HTMLFormElement>>>
fn Name(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetName(&self, value: DOMString)
fn Placeholder(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetPlaceholder(&self, value: DOMString)
fn MaxLength(&self) -> i32
fn SetMaxLength(&self, value: i32) -> Result<(), Error>
fn MinLength(&self) -> i32
fn SetMinLength(&self, value: i32) -> Result<(), Error>
fn ReadOnly(&self) -> bool
fn SetReadOnly(&self, value: bool)
fn Required(&self) -> bool
fn SetRequired(&self, value: bool)
fn Rows(&self) -> u32
fn SetRows(&self, value: u32) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Wrap(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetWrap(&self, value: DOMString)
fn Type(&self) -> DOMString
fn DefaultValue(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetDefaultValue(&self, value: DOMString, can_gc: CanGc)
fn Value(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetValue(&self, value: DOMString)
fn TextLength(&self) -> u32
fn Labels(&self) -> Root<Dom<NodeList>>
fn Select(&self)
fn GetSelectionStart(&self) -> Option<u32>
fn SetSelectionStart(&self, start: Option<u32>) -> Result<(), Error>
fn GetSelectionEnd(&self) -> Option<u32>
fn SetSelectionEnd(&self, end: Option<u32>) -> Result<(), Error>
fn GetSelectionDirection(&self) -> Option<DOMString>
fn SetSelectionDirection( &self, direction: Option<DOMString>, ) -> Result<(), Error>
fn SetSelectionRange( &self, start: u32, end: u32, direction: Option<DOMString>, ) -> Result<(), Error>
fn SetRangeText(&self, replacement: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn SetRangeText_( &self, replacement: DOMString, start: u32, end: u32, selection_mode: SelectionMode, ) -> Result<(), Error>
fn WillValidate(&self) -> bool
fn Validity(&self) -> Root<Dom<ValidityState>>
fn CheckValidity(&self, can_gc: CanGc) -> bool
fn ReportValidity(&self, can_gc: CanGc) -> bool
fn ValidationMessage(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetCustomValidity(&self, error: DOMString)
source§impl HTMLTrackElementMethods<DomTypeHolder> for HTMLTrackElement
impl HTMLTrackElementMethods<DomTypeHolder> for HTMLTrackElement
fn Kind(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetKind(&self, value: DOMString)
fn Src(&self) -> USVString
fn SetSrc(&self, value: USVString)
fn Srclang(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetSrclang(&self, value: DOMString)
fn Label(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetLabel(&self, value: DOMString)
fn Default(&self) -> bool
fn SetDefault(&self, value: bool)
fn ReadyState(&self) -> u16
fn Track(&self) -> Root<Dom<TextTrack>>
source§impl HTMLVideoElementMethods<DomTypeHolder> for HTMLVideoElement
impl HTMLVideoElementMethods<DomTypeHolder> for HTMLVideoElement
fn VideoWidth(&self) -> u32
fn VideoHeight(&self) -> u32
fn Poster(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetPoster(&self, value: DOMString)
fn GetOnpostershown(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnpostershown(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
source§impl HeadersMethods<DomTypeHolder> for Headers
impl HeadersMethods<DomTypeHolder> for Headers
fn Constructor( global: &GlobalScope, proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>, can_gc: CanGc, init: Option<HeadersInit>, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<Headers>>, Error>
fn Append(&self, name: ByteString, value: ByteString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Delete(&self, name: ByteString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Get(&self, name: ByteString) -> Result<Option<ByteString>, Error>
fn GetSetCookie(&self) -> Vec<ByteString>
fn Has(&self, name: ByteString) -> Result<bool, Error>
fn Set(&self, name: ByteString, value: ByteString) -> Result<(), Error>
source§impl HistoryMethods<DomTypeHolder> for History
impl HistoryMethods<DomTypeHolder> for History
source§fn PushState(
cx: JSContext,
data: HandleValue<'_>,
title: DOMString,
url: Option<USVString>,
) -> Result<(), Error>
fn PushState( &self, cx: JSContext, data: HandleValue<'_>, title: DOMString, url: Option<USVString>, ) -> Result<(), Error>
source§impl IIRFilterNodeMethods<DomTypeHolder> for IIRFilterNode
impl IIRFilterNodeMethods<DomTypeHolder> for IIRFilterNode
source§fn Constructor(
window: &Window,
proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>,
can_gc: CanGc,
context: &BaseAudioContext,
options: &IIRFilterOptions,
) -> Result<Root<Dom<IIRFilterNode>>, Error>
fn Constructor( window: &Window, proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>, can_gc: CanGc, context: &BaseAudioContext, options: &IIRFilterOptions, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<IIRFilterNode>>, Error>
source§fn GetFrequencyResponse(
frequency_hz: CustomAutoRooterGuard<'_, Float32Array>,
mag_response: CustomAutoRooterGuard<'_, Float32Array>,
phase_response: CustomAutoRooterGuard<'_, Float32Array>,
) -> Result<(), Error>
fn GetFrequencyResponse( &self, frequency_hz: CustomAutoRooterGuard<'_, Float32Array>, mag_response: CustomAutoRooterGuard<'_, Float32Array>, phase_response: CustomAutoRooterGuard<'_, Float32Array>, ) -> Result<(), Error>
source§impl ImageDataMethods<DomTypeHolder> for ImageData
impl ImageDataMethods<DomTypeHolder> for ImageData
source§fn Constructor(
global: &GlobalScope,
proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>,
can_gc: CanGc,
width: u32,
height: u32,
) -> Result<Root<Dom<Self>>, Error>
fn Constructor( global: &GlobalScope, proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>, can_gc: CanGc, width: u32, height: u32, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<Self>>, Error>
source§impl InputEventMethods<DomTypeHolder> for InputEvent
impl InputEventMethods<DomTypeHolder> for InputEvent
source§impl IntersectionObserverEntryMethods<DomTypeHolder> for IntersectionObserverEntry
impl IntersectionObserverEntryMethods<DomTypeHolder> for IntersectionObserverEntry
source§fn Time(&self) -> Finite<f64>
fn Time(&self) -> Finite<f64>
The attribute must return a DOMHighResTimeStamp that corresponds to the time the intersection was recorded, relative to the time origin of the global object associated with the IntersectionObserver instance that generated the notification.
source§fn GetRootBounds(&self) -> Option<Root<Dom<DOMRectReadOnly>>>
fn GetRootBounds(&self) -> Option<Root<Dom<DOMRectReadOnly>>>
For a same-origin-domain target, this will be the root intersection rectangle. Otherwise, this will be null. Note that if the target is in a different browsing context than the intersection root, this will be in a different coordinate system than boundingClientRect and intersectionRect.
source§fn BoundingClientRect(&self) -> Root<Dom<DOMRectReadOnly>>
fn BoundingClientRect(&self) -> Root<Dom<DOMRectReadOnly>>
A DOMRectReadOnly obtained by getting the bounding box for target.
source§fn IntersectionRect(&self) -> Root<Dom<DOMRectReadOnly>>
fn IntersectionRect(&self) -> Root<Dom<DOMRectReadOnly>>
boundingClientRect, intersected by each of target’s ancestors’ clip rects (up to but not including root), intersected with the root intersection rectangle. This value represents the portion of target that intersects with the root intersection rectangle.
source§fn IsIntersecting(&self) -> bool
fn IsIntersecting(&self) -> bool
True if the target intersects with the root; false otherwise. This flag makes it possible to distinguish between an IntersectionObserverEntry signalling the transition from intersecting to not-intersecting; and an IntersectionObserverEntry signalling a transition from not-intersecting to intersecting with a zero-area intersection rect (as will happen with edge-adjacent intersections, or when the boundingClientRect has zero area).
source§fn IsVisible(&self) -> bool
fn IsVisible(&self) -> bool
Contains the result of running the visibility algorithm on target.
source§fn IntersectionRatio(&self) -> Finite<f64>
fn IntersectionRatio(&self) -> Finite<f64>
If the boundingClientRect has non-zero area, this will be the ratio of intersectionRect area to boundingClientRect area. Otherwise, this will be 1 if the isIntersecting is true, and 0 if not.
source§fn Target(&self) -> Root<Dom<Element>>
fn Target(&self) -> Root<Dom<Element>>
The Element whose intersection with the intersection root changed.
source§fn Constructor(
window: &Window,
proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>,
can_gc: CanGc,
init: &IntersectionObserverEntryInit,
) -> Root<Dom<IntersectionObserverEntry>>
fn Constructor( window: &Window, proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>, can_gc: CanGc, init: &IntersectionObserverEntryInit, ) -> Root<Dom<IntersectionObserverEntry>>
source§impl IntersectionObserverMethods<DomTypeHolder> for IntersectionObserver
impl IntersectionObserverMethods<DomTypeHolder> for IntersectionObserver
source§fn GetRoot(&self) -> Option<ElementOrDocument>
fn GetRoot(&self) -> Option<ElementOrDocument>
The root provided to the IntersectionObserver constructor, or null if none was provided.
source§fn RootMargin(&self) -> DOMString
fn RootMargin(&self) -> DOMString
Offsets applied to the root intersection rectangle, effectively growing or shrinking the box that is used to calculate intersections. These offsets are only applied when handling same-origin-domain targets; for cross-origin-domain targets they are ignored.
source§fn ScrollMargin(&self) -> DOMString
fn ScrollMargin(&self) -> DOMString
Offsets are applied to scrollports on the path from intersection root to target, effectively growing or shrinking the clip rects used to calculate intersections.
source§fn Thresholds(&self, context: JSContext, retval: MutableHandleValue<'_>)
fn Thresholds(&self, context: JSContext, retval: MutableHandleValue<'_>)
A list of thresholds, sorted in increasing numeric order, where each threshold is a ratio of intersection area to bounding box area of an observed target. Notifications for a target are generated when any of the thresholds are crossed for that target. If no options.threshold was provided to the IntersectionObserver constructor, or the sequence is empty, the value of this attribute will be
source§fn Delay(&self) -> i32
fn Delay(&self) -> i32
A number indicating the minimum delay in milliseconds between notifications from this observer for a given target.
source§fn TrackVisibility(&self) -> bool
fn TrackVisibility(&self) -> bool
A boolean indicating whether this IntersectionObserver will track changes in a target’s visibility.
source§fn Observe(&self, target: &Element)
fn Observe(&self, target: &Element)
Run the observe a target Element algorithm, providing this and target.
source§fn Unobserve(&self, target: &Element)
fn Unobserve(&self, target: &Element)
Run the unobserve a target Element algorithm, providing this and target.
source§fn Disconnect(&self)
fn Disconnect(&self)
source§fn TakeRecords(&self) -> Vec<Root<Dom<IntersectionObserverEntry>>>
fn TakeRecords(&self) -> Vec<Root<Dom<IntersectionObserverEntry>>>
source§fn Constructor(
window: &Window,
proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>,
can_gc: CanGc,
callback: Rc<IntersectionObserverCallback>,
init: &IntersectionObserverInit,
) -> Result<Root<Dom<IntersectionObserver>>, Error>
fn Constructor( window: &Window, proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>, can_gc: CanGc, callback: Rc<IntersectionObserverCallback>, init: &IntersectionObserverInit, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<IntersectionObserver>>, Error>
source§impl KeyboardEventMethods<DomTypeHolder> for KeyboardEvent
impl KeyboardEventMethods<DomTypeHolder> for KeyboardEvent
source§fn Constructor(
window: &Window,
proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>,
can_gc: CanGc,
type_: DOMString,
init: &KeyboardEventInit,
) -> Result<Root<Dom<KeyboardEvent>>, Error>
fn Constructor( window: &Window, proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>, can_gc: CanGc, type_: DOMString, init: &KeyboardEventInit, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<KeyboardEvent>>, Error>
source§fn GetModifierState(&self, key_arg: DOMString) -> bool
fn GetModifierState(&self, key_arg: DOMString) -> bool
fn InitKeyboardEvent( &self, type_arg: DOMString, can_bubble_arg: bool, cancelable_arg: bool, view_arg: Option<&Window>, key_arg: DOMString, location_arg: u32, _modifiers_list_arg: DOMString, repeat: bool, _locale: DOMString, )
source§impl LocationMethods<DomTypeHolder> for Location
impl LocationMethods<DomTypeHolder> for Location
fn Assign(&self, url: USVString, can_gc: CanGc) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Reload(&self, can_gc: CanGc) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Replace(&self, url: USVString, can_gc: CanGc) -> Result<(), Error>
fn GetHash(&self) -> Result<USVString, Error>
fn SetHash(&self, value: USVString, can_gc: CanGc) -> Result<(), Error>
fn GetHost(&self) -> Result<USVString, Error>
fn SetHost(&self, value: USVString, can_gc: CanGc) -> Result<(), Error>
fn GetOrigin(&self) -> Result<USVString, Error>
fn GetHostname(&self) -> Result<USVString, Error>
fn SetHostname(&self, value: USVString, can_gc: CanGc) -> Result<(), Error>
fn GetHref(&self) -> Result<USVString, Error>
fn SetHref(&self, value: USVString, can_gc: CanGc) -> Result<(), Error>
fn GetPathname(&self) -> Result<USVString, Error>
fn SetPathname(&self, value: USVString, can_gc: CanGc) -> Result<(), Error>
fn GetPort(&self) -> Result<USVString, Error>
fn SetPort(&self, value: USVString, can_gc: CanGc) -> Result<(), Error>
fn GetProtocol(&self) -> Result<USVString, Error>
fn SetProtocol(&self, value: USVString, can_gc: CanGc) -> Result<(), Error>
fn GetSearch(&self) -> Result<USVString, Error>
fn SetSearch(&self, value: USVString, can_gc: CanGc) -> Result<(), Error>
source§impl MallocSizeOf for DomTypeHolder
impl MallocSizeOf for DomTypeHolder
source§fn size_of(&self, ops: &mut MallocSizeOfOps) -> usize
fn size_of(&self, ops: &mut MallocSizeOfOps) -> usize
source§impl MediaDeviceInfoMethods<DomTypeHolder> for MediaDeviceInfo
impl MediaDeviceInfoMethods<DomTypeHolder> for MediaDeviceInfo
source§impl MediaDevicesMethods<DomTypeHolder> for MediaDevices
impl MediaDevicesMethods<DomTypeHolder> for MediaDevices
source§fn GetUserMedia(
constraints: &MediaStreamConstraints,
comp: InRealm<'_>,
can_gc: CanGc,
) -> Rc<Promise>
fn GetUserMedia( &self, constraints: &MediaStreamConstraints, comp: InRealm<'_>, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Rc<Promise>
source§impl MediaElementAudioSourceNodeMethods<DomTypeHolder> for MediaElementAudioSourceNode
impl MediaElementAudioSourceNodeMethods<DomTypeHolder> for MediaElementAudioSourceNode
source§fn Constructor(
window: &Window,
proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>,
can_gc: CanGc,
context: &AudioContext,
options: &MediaElementAudioSourceOptions,
) -> Result<Root<Dom<MediaElementAudioSourceNode>>, Error>
fn Constructor( window: &Window, proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>, can_gc: CanGc, context: &AudioContext, options: &MediaElementAudioSourceOptions, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<MediaElementAudioSourceNode>>, Error>
source§impl MediaErrorMethods<DomTypeHolder> for MediaError
impl MediaErrorMethods<DomTypeHolder> for MediaError
source§impl MediaListMethods<DomTypeHolder> for MediaList
impl MediaListMethods<DomTypeHolder> for MediaList
source§impl MediaMetadataMethods<DomTypeHolder> for MediaMetadata
impl MediaMetadataMethods<DomTypeHolder> for MediaMetadata
source§impl MediaQueryListMethods<DomTypeHolder> for MediaQueryList
impl MediaQueryListMethods<DomTypeHolder> for MediaQueryList
fn Media(&self) -> DOMString
fn Matches(&self) -> bool
fn AddListener(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventListener>>)
fn RemoveListener(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventListener>>)
fn GetOnchange(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnchange(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
source§impl MediaSessionMethods<DomTypeHolder> for MediaSession
impl MediaSessionMethods<DomTypeHolder> for MediaSession
source§fn GetMetadata(&self, can_gc: CanGc) -> Option<Root<Dom<MediaMetadata>>>
fn GetMetadata(&self, can_gc: CanGc) -> Option<Root<Dom<MediaMetadata>>>
source§fn SetMetadata(&self, metadata: Option<&MediaMetadata>)
fn SetMetadata(&self, metadata: Option<&MediaMetadata>)
source§fn PlaybackState(&self) -> MediaSessionPlaybackState
fn PlaybackState(&self) -> MediaSessionPlaybackState
source§fn SetPlaybackState(&self, state: MediaSessionPlaybackState)
fn SetPlaybackState(&self, state: MediaSessionPlaybackState)
source§fn SetActionHandler(
action: MediaSessionAction,
handler: Option<Rc<MediaSessionActionHandler>>,
fn SetActionHandler( &self, action: MediaSessionAction, handler: Option<Rc<MediaSessionActionHandler>>, )
source§impl MediaStreamAudioDestinationNodeMethods<DomTypeHolder> for MediaStreamAudioDestinationNode
impl MediaStreamAudioDestinationNodeMethods<DomTypeHolder> for MediaStreamAudioDestinationNode
source§fn Constructor(
window: &Window,
proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>,
can_gc: CanGc,
context: &AudioContext,
options: &AudioNodeOptions,
) -> Result<Root<Dom<MediaStreamAudioDestinationNode>>, Error>
fn Constructor( window: &Window, proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>, can_gc: CanGc, context: &AudioContext, options: &AudioNodeOptions, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<MediaStreamAudioDestinationNode>>, Error>
source§impl MediaStreamAudioSourceNodeMethods<DomTypeHolder> for MediaStreamAudioSourceNode
impl MediaStreamAudioSourceNodeMethods<DomTypeHolder> for MediaStreamAudioSourceNode
source§fn Constructor(
window: &Window,
proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>,
can_gc: CanGc,
context: &AudioContext,
options: &MediaStreamAudioSourceOptions,
) -> Result<Root<Dom<MediaStreamAudioSourceNode>>, Error>
fn Constructor( window: &Window, proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>, can_gc: CanGc, context: &AudioContext, options: &MediaStreamAudioSourceOptions, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<MediaStreamAudioSourceNode>>, Error>
source§impl MediaStreamMethods<DomTypeHolder> for MediaStream
impl MediaStreamMethods<DomTypeHolder> for MediaStream
source§fn Constructor(
global: &Window,
proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>,
can_gc: CanGc,
) -> Result<Root<Dom<MediaStream>>, Error>
fn Constructor( global: &Window, proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<MediaStream>>, Error>
source§fn Constructor_(
_: &Window,
proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>,
can_gc: CanGc,
stream: &MediaStream,
) -> Result<Root<Dom<MediaStream>>, Error>
fn Constructor_( _: &Window, proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>, can_gc: CanGc, stream: &MediaStream, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<MediaStream>>, Error>
source§fn Constructor__(
global: &Window,
proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>,
can_gc: CanGc,
tracks: Vec<Root<Dom<MediaStreamTrack>>>,
) -> Result<Root<Dom<MediaStream>>, Error>
fn Constructor__( global: &Window, proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>, can_gc: CanGc, tracks: Vec<Root<Dom<MediaStreamTrack>>>, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<MediaStream>>, Error>
source§fn GetAudioTracks(&self) -> Vec<Root<Dom<MediaStreamTrack>>>
fn GetAudioTracks(&self) -> Vec<Root<Dom<MediaStreamTrack>>>
source§fn GetVideoTracks(&self) -> Vec<Root<Dom<MediaStreamTrack>>>
fn GetVideoTracks(&self) -> Vec<Root<Dom<MediaStreamTrack>>>
source§fn GetTrackById(&self, id: DOMString) -> Option<Root<Dom<MediaStreamTrack>>>
fn GetTrackById(&self, id: DOMString) -> Option<Root<Dom<MediaStreamTrack>>>
source§fn AddTrack(&self, track: &MediaStreamTrack)
fn AddTrack(&self, track: &MediaStreamTrack)
source§fn RemoveTrack(&self, track: &MediaStreamTrack)
fn RemoveTrack(&self, track: &MediaStreamTrack)
source§impl MediaStreamTrackAudioSourceNodeMethods<DomTypeHolder> for MediaStreamTrackAudioSourceNode
impl MediaStreamTrackAudioSourceNodeMethods<DomTypeHolder> for MediaStreamTrackAudioSourceNode
source§fn Constructor(
window: &Window,
proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>,
can_gc: CanGc,
context: &AudioContext,
options: &MediaStreamTrackAudioSourceOptions,
) -> Result<Root<Dom<MediaStreamTrackAudioSourceNode>>, Error>
fn Constructor( window: &Window, proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>, can_gc: CanGc, context: &AudioContext, options: &MediaStreamTrackAudioSourceOptions, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<MediaStreamTrackAudioSourceNode>>, Error>
source§impl MediaStreamTrackMethods<DomTypeHolder> for MediaStreamTrack
impl MediaStreamTrackMethods<DomTypeHolder> for MediaStreamTrack
source§impl MessageChannelMethods<DomTypeHolder> for MessageChannel
impl MessageChannelMethods<DomTypeHolder> for MessageChannel
source§fn Constructor(
global: &GlobalScope,
proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>,
can_gc: CanGc,
) -> Root<Dom<MessageChannel>>
fn Constructor( global: &GlobalScope, proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Root<Dom<MessageChannel>>
source§impl MessageEventMethods<DomTypeHolder> for MessageEvent
impl MessageEventMethods<DomTypeHolder> for MessageEvent
source§fn Constructor(
global: &GlobalScope,
proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>,
can_gc: CanGc,
type_: DOMString,
init: RootedTraceableBox<MessageEventInit>,
) -> Result<Root<Dom<MessageEvent>>, Error>
fn Constructor( global: &GlobalScope, proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>, can_gc: CanGc, type_: DOMString, init: RootedTraceableBox<MessageEventInit>, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<MessageEvent>>, Error>
source§fn Data(&self, _cx: JSContext, retval: MutableHandleValue<'_>)
fn Data(&self, _cx: JSContext, retval: MutableHandleValue<'_>)
source§fn LastEventId(&self) -> DOMString
fn LastEventId(&self) -> DOMString
source§fn Ports(&self, cx: JSContext, retval: MutableHandleValue<'_>)
fn Ports(&self, cx: JSContext, retval: MutableHandleValue<'_>)
source§fn InitMessageEvent(
_cx: JSContext,
type_: DOMString,
bubbles: bool,
cancelable: bool,
data: HandleValue<'_>,
origin: DOMString,
lastEventId: DOMString,
source: Option<WindowProxyOrMessagePortOrServiceWorker>,
ports: Vec<Root<Dom<MessagePort>>>,
fn InitMessageEvent( &self, _cx: JSContext, type_: DOMString, bubbles: bool, cancelable: bool, data: HandleValue<'_>, origin: DOMString, lastEventId: DOMString, source: Option<WindowProxyOrMessagePortOrServiceWorker>, ports: Vec<Root<Dom<MessagePort>>>, )
fn GetSource(&self) -> Option<WindowProxyOrMessagePortOrServiceWorker>
source§impl MessagePortMethods<DomTypeHolder> for MessagePort
impl MessagePortMethods<DomTypeHolder> for MessagePort
source§fn PostMessage(
cx: SafeJSContext,
message: HandleValue<'_>,
transfer: CustomAutoRooterGuard<'_, Vec<*mut JSObject>>,
) -> Result<(), Error>
fn PostMessage( &self, cx: SafeJSContext, message: HandleValue<'_>, transfer: CustomAutoRooterGuard<'_, Vec<*mut JSObject>>, ) -> Result<(), Error>
source§fn PostMessage_(
cx: SafeJSContext,
message: HandleValue<'_>,
options: RootedTraceableBox<StructuredSerializeOptions>,
) -> Result<(), Error>
fn PostMessage_( &self, cx: SafeJSContext, message: HandleValue<'_>, options: RootedTraceableBox<StructuredSerializeOptions>, ) -> Result<(), Error>
source§fn GetOnmessage(&self, can_gc: CanGc) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn GetOnmessage(&self, can_gc: CanGc) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
source§fn SetOnmessage(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn SetOnmessage(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnmessageerror(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnmessageerror(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
source§impl MimeTypeArrayMethods<DomTypeHolder> for MimeTypeArray
impl MimeTypeArrayMethods<DomTypeHolder> for MimeTypeArray
fn Length(&self) -> u32
fn Item(&self, _index: u32) -> Option<Root<Dom<MimeType>>>
fn NamedItem(&self, _name: DOMString) -> Option<Root<Dom<MimeType>>>
fn IndexedGetter(&self, _index: u32) -> Option<Root<Dom<MimeType>>>
fn NamedGetter(&self, _name: DOMString) -> Option<Root<Dom<MimeType>>>
fn SupportedPropertyNames(&self) -> Vec<DOMString>
source§impl MimeTypeMethods<DomTypeHolder> for MimeType
impl MimeTypeMethods<DomTypeHolder> for MimeType
source§impl MouseEventMethods<DomTypeHolder> for MouseEvent
impl MouseEventMethods<DomTypeHolder> for MouseEvent
fn Constructor( window: &Window, proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>, can_gc: CanGc, type_: DOMString, init: &MouseEventInit, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<MouseEvent>>, Error>
fn ScreenX(&self) -> i32
fn ScreenY(&self) -> i32
fn ClientX(&self) -> i32
fn ClientY(&self) -> i32
fn PageX(&self) -> i32
fn PageY(&self) -> i32
fn X(&self) -> i32
fn Y(&self) -> i32
fn OffsetX(&self, can_gc: CanGc) -> i32
fn OffsetY(&self, can_gc: CanGc) -> i32
fn CtrlKey(&self) -> bool
fn ShiftKey(&self) -> bool
fn AltKey(&self) -> bool
fn MetaKey(&self) -> bool
fn Button(&self) -> i16
fn Buttons(&self) -> u16
fn GetRelatedTarget(&self) -> Option<Root<Dom<EventTarget>>>
fn Which(&self) -> i32
fn InitMouseEvent( &self, type_arg: DOMString, can_bubble_arg: bool, cancelable_arg: bool, view_arg: Option<&Window>, detail_arg: i32, screen_x_arg: i32, screen_y_arg: i32, client_x_arg: i32, client_y_arg: i32, ctrl_key_arg: bool, alt_key_arg: bool, shift_key_arg: bool, meta_key_arg: bool, button_arg: i16, related_target_arg: Option<&EventTarget>, )
fn IsTrusted(&self) -> bool
source§impl MutationObserverMethods<DomTypeHolder> for MutationObserver
impl MutationObserverMethods<DomTypeHolder> for MutationObserver
source§fn Constructor(
global: &Window,
proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>,
can_gc: CanGc,
callback: Rc<MutationCallback>,
) -> Result<Root<Dom<MutationObserver>>, Error>
fn Constructor( global: &Window, proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>, can_gc: CanGc, callback: Rc<MutationCallback>, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<MutationObserver>>, Error>
source§fn TakeRecords(&self) -> Vec<Root<Dom<MutationRecord>>>
fn TakeRecords(&self) -> Vec<Root<Dom<MutationRecord>>>
source§impl MutationRecordMethods<DomTypeHolder> for MutationRecord
impl MutationRecordMethods<DomTypeHolder> for MutationRecord
fn Type(&self) -> DOMString
fn Target(&self) -> Root<Dom<Node>>
fn GetAttributeName(&self) -> Option<DOMString>
fn GetAttributeNamespace(&self) -> Option<DOMString>
fn GetOldValue(&self) -> Option<DOMString>
fn AddedNodes(&self) -> Root<Dom<NodeList>>
fn RemovedNodes(&self) -> Root<Dom<NodeList>>
fn GetPreviousSibling(&self) -> Option<Root<Dom<Node>>>
fn GetNextSibling(&self) -> Option<Root<Dom<Node>>>
source§impl NamedNodeMapMethods<DomTypeHolder> for NamedNodeMap
impl NamedNodeMapMethods<DomTypeHolder> for NamedNodeMap
fn Length(&self) -> u32
fn Item(&self, index: u32) -> Option<Root<Dom<Attr>>>
fn GetNamedItem(&self, name: DOMString) -> Option<Root<Dom<Attr>>>
fn GetNamedItemNS( &self, namespace: Option<DOMString>, local_name: DOMString, ) -> Option<Root<Dom<Attr>>>
fn SetNamedItem(&self, attr: &Attr) -> Result<Option<Root<Dom<Attr>>>, Error>
fn SetNamedItemNS(&self, attr: &Attr) -> Result<Option<Root<Dom<Attr>>>, Error>
fn RemoveNamedItem(&self, name: DOMString) -> Result<Root<Dom<Attr>>, Error>
fn RemoveNamedItemNS( &self, namespace: Option<DOMString>, local_name: DOMString, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<Attr>>, Error>
fn IndexedGetter(&self, index: u32) -> Option<Root<Dom<Attr>>>
fn NamedGetter(&self, name: DOMString) -> Option<Root<Dom<Attr>>>
fn SupportedPropertyNames(&self) -> Vec<DOMString>
fn Enable(&self, comp: InRealm<'_>, can_gc: CanGc) -> Rc<Promise>
fn Disable(&self, comp: InRealm<'_>, can_gc: CanGc) -> Rc<Promise>
fn SetHeaderValue( &self, value: ByteString, comp: InRealm<'_>, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Rc<Promise>
fn GetState(&self, comp: InRealm<'_>, can_gc: CanGc) -> Rc<Promise>
source§fn MediaDevices(&self) -> Root<Dom<MediaDevices>>
fn MediaDevices(&self) -> Root<Dom<MediaDevices>>
source§fn MediaSession(&self) -> Root<Dom<MediaSession>>
fn MediaSession(&self) -> Root<Dom<MediaSession>>
source§fn HardwareConcurrency(&self) -> u64
fn HardwareConcurrency(&self) -> u64
fn Product(&self) -> DOMString
fn ProductSub(&self) -> DOMString
fn Vendor(&self) -> DOMString
fn VendorSub(&self) -> DOMString
fn TaintEnabled(&self) -> bool
fn AppName(&self) -> DOMString
fn AppCodeName(&self) -> DOMString
fn Platform(&self) -> DOMString
fn UserAgent(&self) -> DOMString
fn AppVersion(&self) -> DOMString
fn Bluetooth(&self) -> Root<Dom<Bluetooth>>
fn Language(&self) -> DOMString
fn Languages(&self, cx: JSContext, retval: MutableHandleValue<'_>)
fn Plugins(&self) -> Root<Dom<PluginArray>>
fn MimeTypes(&self) -> Root<Dom<MimeTypeArray>>
fn JavaEnabled(&self) -> bool
fn ServiceWorker(&self) -> Root<Dom<ServiceWorkerContainer>>
fn CookieEnabled(&self) -> bool
fn Permissions(&self) -> Root<Dom<Permissions>>
fn Gpu(&self) -> Root<Dom<GPU>>
source§impl NodeIteratorMethods<DomTypeHolder> for NodeIterator
impl NodeIteratorMethods<DomTypeHolder> for NodeIterator
fn Root(&self) -> Root<Dom<Node>>
fn WhatToShow(&self) -> u32
fn GetFilter(&self) -> Option<Rc<NodeFilter>>
fn ReferenceNode(&self) -> Root<Dom<Node>>
fn PointerBeforeReferenceNode(&self) -> bool
fn NextNode(&self) -> Result<Option<Root<Dom<Node>>>, Error>
fn PreviousNode(&self) -> Result<Option<Root<Dom<Node>>>, Error>
fn Detach(&self)
source§impl NodeListMethods<DomTypeHolder> for NodeList
impl NodeListMethods<DomTypeHolder> for NodeList
source§impl NodeMethods<DomTypeHolder> for Node
impl NodeMethods<DomTypeHolder> for Node
source§fn GetRootNode(&self, options: &GetRootNodeOptions) -> Root<Dom<Node>>
fn GetRootNode(&self, options: &GetRootNodeOptions) -> Root<Dom<Node>>
source§fn SetNodeValue(&self, val: Option<DOMString>)
fn SetNodeValue(&self, val: Option<DOMString>)
source§fn GetTextContent(&self) -> Option<DOMString>
fn GetTextContent(&self) -> Option<DOMString>
source§fn InsertBefore(
node: &Node,
child: Option<&Node>,
) -> Result<Root<Dom<Node>>, Error>
fn InsertBefore( &self, node: &Node, child: Option<&Node>, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<Node>>, Error>
source§fn CompareDocumentPosition(&self, other: &Node) -> u16
fn CompareDocumentPosition(&self, other: &Node) -> u16
source§impl NotificationMethods<DomTypeHolder> for Notification
impl NotificationMethods<DomTypeHolder> for Notification
source§fn Constructor(
global: &GlobalScope,
proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>,
can_gc: CanGc,
title: DOMString,
options: RootedTraceableBox<NotificationOptions>,
) -> Result<Root<Dom<Notification>>, Error>
fn Constructor( global: &GlobalScope, proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>, can_gc: CanGc, title: DOMString, options: RootedTraceableBox<NotificationOptions>, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<Notification>>, Error>
source§fn GetPermission(global: &GlobalScope) -> Result<NotificationPermission, Error>
fn GetPermission(global: &GlobalScope) -> Result<NotificationPermission, Error>
source§fn RequestPermission(
global: &GlobalScope,
permission_callback: Option<Rc<NotificationPermissionCallback>>,
can_gc: CanGc,
) -> Rc<Promise>
fn RequestPermission( global: &GlobalScope, permission_callback: Option<Rc<NotificationPermissionCallback>>, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Rc<Promise>
source§fn MaxActions(_global: &GlobalScope) -> u32
fn MaxActions(_global: &GlobalScope) -> u32
source§fn Dir(&self) -> NotificationDirection
fn Dir(&self) -> NotificationDirection
source§fn RequireInteraction(&self) -> bool
fn RequireInteraction(&self) -> bool
source§fn Data(&self, _cx: SafeJSContext, retval: MutableHandleValue<'_>)
fn Data(&self, _cx: SafeJSContext, retval: MutableHandleValue<'_>)
source§fn Actions(&self, cx: SafeJSContext, retval: MutableHandleValue<'_>)
fn Actions(&self, cx: SafeJSContext, retval: MutableHandleValue<'_>)
source§fn Vibrate(&self, cx: SafeJSContext, retval: MutableHandleValue<'_>)
fn Vibrate(&self, cx: SafeJSContext, retval: MutableHandleValue<'_>)
fn GetOnclick(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnclick(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnshow(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnshow(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnerror(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnerror(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnclose(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnclose(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
source§impl OESVertexArrayObjectMethods<DomTypeHolder> for OESVertexArrayObject
impl OESVertexArrayObjectMethods<DomTypeHolder> for OESVertexArrayObject
fn CreateVertexArrayOES(&self) -> Option<Root<Dom<WebGLVertexArrayObjectOES>>>
fn DeleteVertexArrayOES(&self, vao: Option<&WebGLVertexArrayObjectOES>)
fn IsVertexArrayOES(&self, vao: Option<&WebGLVertexArrayObjectOES>) -> bool
fn BindVertexArrayOES(&self, vao: Option<&WebGLVertexArrayObjectOES>)
source§impl OfflineAudioCompletionEventMethods<DomTypeHolder> for OfflineAudioCompletionEvent
impl OfflineAudioCompletionEventMethods<DomTypeHolder> for OfflineAudioCompletionEvent
fn Constructor( window: &Window, proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>, can_gc: CanGc, type_: DOMString, init: &OfflineAudioCompletionEventInit, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<OfflineAudioCompletionEvent>>, Error>
fn RenderedBuffer(&self) -> Root<Dom<AudioBuffer>>
fn IsTrusted(&self) -> bool
source§impl OfflineAudioContextMethods<DomTypeHolder> for OfflineAudioContext
impl OfflineAudioContextMethods<DomTypeHolder> for OfflineAudioContext
fn Constructor( window: &Window, proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>, can_gc: CanGc, options: &OfflineAudioContextOptions, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<OfflineAudioContext>>, Error>
fn Constructor_( window: &Window, proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>, can_gc: CanGc, number_of_channels: u32, length: u32, sample_rate: Finite<f32>, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<OfflineAudioContext>>, Error>
fn GetOncomplete(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOncomplete(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn Length(&self) -> u32
fn StartRendering(&self, comp: InRealm<'_>, can_gc: CanGc) -> Rc<Promise>
source§impl OffscreenCanvasMethods<DomTypeHolder> for OffscreenCanvas
impl OffscreenCanvasMethods<DomTypeHolder> for OffscreenCanvas
fn Constructor( global: &GlobalScope, proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>, can_gc: CanGc, width: u64, height: u64, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<OffscreenCanvas>>, Error>
fn GetContext( &self, _cx: JSContext, id: DOMString, _options: HandleValue<'_>, ) -> Result<Option<OffscreenRenderingContext>, Error>
fn Width(&self) -> u64
fn SetWidth(&self, value: u64)
fn Height(&self) -> u64
fn SetHeight(&self, value: u64)
source§impl OffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2DMethods<DomTypeHolder> for OffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2D
impl OffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2DMethods<DomTypeHolder> for OffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2D
fn Canvas(&self) -> Root<Dom<OffscreenCanvas>>
fn FillRect(&self, x: f64, y: f64, width: f64, height: f64)
fn ClearRect(&self, x: f64, y: f64, width: f64, height: f64)
fn StrokeRect(&self, x: f64, y: f64, width: f64, height: f64)
fn ShadowOffsetX(&self) -> f64
fn SetShadowOffsetX(&self, value: f64)
fn ShadowOffsetY(&self) -> f64
fn SetShadowOffsetY(&self, value: f64)
fn ShadowBlur(&self) -> f64
fn SetShadowBlur(&self, value: f64)
fn ShadowColor(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetShadowColor(&self, value: DOMString, can_gc: CanGc)
fn StrokeStyle(&self) -> StringOrCanvasGradientOrCanvasPattern
fn SetStrokeStyle( &self, value: StringOrCanvasGradientOrCanvasPattern, can_gc: CanGc, )
fn FillStyle(&self) -> StringOrCanvasGradientOrCanvasPattern
fn SetFillStyle( &self, value: StringOrCanvasGradientOrCanvasPattern, can_gc: CanGc, )
fn CreateLinearGradient( &self, x0: Finite<f64>, y0: Finite<f64>, x1: Finite<f64>, y1: Finite<f64>, ) -> Root<Dom<CanvasGradient>>
fn CreateRadialGradient( &self, x0: Finite<f64>, y0: Finite<f64>, r0: Finite<f64>, x1: Finite<f64>, y1: Finite<f64>, r1: Finite<f64>, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<CanvasGradient>>, Error>
fn CreatePattern( &self, image: CanvasImageSource, repetition: DOMString, ) -> Result<Option<Root<Dom<CanvasPattern>>>, Error>
fn Save(&self)
fn Restore(&self)
fn GlobalAlpha(&self) -> f64
fn SetGlobalAlpha(&self, alpha: f64)
fn GlobalCompositeOperation(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetGlobalCompositeOperation(&self, op_str: DOMString)
fn ImageSmoothingEnabled(&self) -> bool
fn SetImageSmoothingEnabled(&self, value: bool)
fn FillText( &self, text: DOMString, x: f64, y: f64, max_width: Option<f64>, can_gc: CanGc, )
fn MeasureText(&self, text: DOMString, can_gc: CanGc) -> Root<Dom<TextMetrics>>
fn Font(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetFont(&self, value: DOMString, can_gc: CanGc)
fn TextAlign(&self) -> CanvasTextAlign
fn SetTextAlign(&self, value: CanvasTextAlign)
fn TextBaseline(&self) -> CanvasTextBaseline
fn SetTextBaseline(&self, value: CanvasTextBaseline)
fn Direction(&self) -> CanvasDirection
fn SetDirection(&self, value: CanvasDirection)
fn LineWidth(&self) -> f64
fn SetLineWidth(&self, width: f64)
fn LineCap(&self) -> CanvasLineCap
fn SetLineCap(&self, cap: CanvasLineCap)
fn LineJoin(&self) -> CanvasLineJoin
fn SetLineJoin(&self, join: CanvasLineJoin)
fn MiterLimit(&self) -> f64
fn SetMiterLimit(&self, limit: f64)
fn CreateImageData( &self, sw: i32, sh: i32, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<ImageData>>, Error>
fn CreateImageData_( &self, imagedata: &ImageData, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<ImageData>>, Error>
fn GetImageData( &self, sx: i32, sy: i32, sw: i32, sh: i32, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<ImageData>>, Error>
fn PutImageData(&self, imagedata: &ImageData, dx: i32, dy: i32)
fn PutImageData_( &self, imagedata: &ImageData, dx: i32, dy: i32, dirty_x: i32, dirty_y: i32, dirty_width: i32, dirty_height: i32, )
fn DrawImage( &self, image: CanvasImageSource, dx: f64, dy: f64, ) -> Result<(), Error>
fn DrawImage_( &self, image: CanvasImageSource, dx: f64, dy: f64, dw: f64, dh: f64, ) -> Result<(), Error>
fn DrawImage__( &self, image: CanvasImageSource, sx: f64, sy: f64, sw: f64, sh: f64, dx: f64, dy: f64, dw: f64, dh: f64, ) -> Result<(), Error>
fn BeginPath(&self)
fn Fill(&self, fill_rule: CanvasFillRule)
fn Stroke(&self)
fn Clip(&self, fill_rule: CanvasFillRule)
fn IsPointInPath(&self, x: f64, y: f64, fill_rule: CanvasFillRule) -> bool
fn Scale(&self, x: f64, y: f64)
fn Rotate(&self, angle: f64)
fn Translate(&self, x: f64, y: f64)
fn Transform(&self, a: f64, b: f64, c: f64, d: f64, e: f64, f: f64)
fn GetTransform(&self, can_gc: CanGc) -> Root<Dom<DOMMatrix>>
fn SetTransform(&self, a: f64, b: f64, c: f64, d: f64, e: f64, f: f64)
fn ResetTransform(&self)
fn ClosePath(&self)
fn MoveTo(&self, x: f64, y: f64)
fn LineTo(&self, x: f64, y: f64)
fn Rect(&self, x: f64, y: f64, width: f64, height: f64)
fn QuadraticCurveTo(&self, cpx: f64, cpy: f64, x: f64, y: f64)
fn BezierCurveTo( &self, cp1x: f64, cp1y: f64, cp2x: f64, cp2y: f64, x: f64, y: f64, )
fn Arc( &self, x: f64, y: f64, r: f64, start: f64, end: f64, ccw: bool, ) -> Result<(), Error>
fn ArcTo( &self, cp1x: f64, cp1y: f64, cp2x: f64, cp2y: f64, r: f64, ) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Ellipse( &self, x: f64, y: f64, rx: f64, ry: f64, rotation: f64, start: f64, end: f64, ccw: bool, ) -> Result<(), Error>
source§impl OscillatorNodeMethods<DomTypeHolder> for OscillatorNode
impl OscillatorNodeMethods<DomTypeHolder> for OscillatorNode
fn Constructor( window: &Window, proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>, can_gc: CanGc, context: &BaseAudioContext, options: &OscillatorOptions, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<OscillatorNode>>, Error>
fn Frequency(&self) -> Root<Dom<AudioParam>>
fn Detune(&self) -> Root<Dom<AudioParam>>
fn Type(&self) -> OscillatorType
fn SetType(&self, type_: OscillatorType) -> Result<(), Error>
source§impl PaintRenderingContext2DMethods<DomTypeHolder> for PaintRenderingContext2D
impl PaintRenderingContext2DMethods<DomTypeHolder> for PaintRenderingContext2D
fn Save(&self)
fn Restore(&self)
fn Scale(&self, x: f64, y: f64)
fn Rotate(&self, angle: f64)
fn Translate(&self, x: f64, y: f64)
fn Transform(&self, a: f64, b: f64, c: f64, d: f64, e: f64, f: f64)
fn GetTransform(&self, can_gc: CanGc) -> Root<Dom<DOMMatrix>>
fn SetTransform(&self, a: f64, b: f64, c: f64, d: f64, e: f64, f: f64)
fn ResetTransform(&self)
fn GlobalAlpha(&self) -> f64
fn SetGlobalAlpha(&self, alpha: f64)
fn GlobalCompositeOperation(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetGlobalCompositeOperation(&self, op_str: DOMString)
fn FillRect(&self, x: f64, y: f64, width: f64, height: f64)
fn ClearRect(&self, x: f64, y: f64, width: f64, height: f64)
fn StrokeRect(&self, x: f64, y: f64, width: f64, height: f64)
fn BeginPath(&self)
fn ClosePath(&self)
fn Fill(&self, fill_rule: CanvasFillRule)
fn Stroke(&self)
fn Clip(&self, fill_rule: CanvasFillRule)
fn IsPointInPath(&self, x: f64, y: f64, fill_rule: CanvasFillRule) -> bool
fn DrawImage( &self, image: CanvasImageSource, dx: f64, dy: f64, ) -> Result<(), Error>
fn DrawImage_( &self, image: CanvasImageSource, dx: f64, dy: f64, dw: f64, dh: f64, ) -> Result<(), Error>
fn DrawImage__( &self, image: CanvasImageSource, sx: f64, sy: f64, sw: f64, sh: f64, dx: f64, dy: f64, dw: f64, dh: f64, ) -> Result<(), Error>
fn MoveTo(&self, x: f64, y: f64)
fn LineTo(&self, x: f64, y: f64)
fn Rect(&self, x: f64, y: f64, width: f64, height: f64)
fn QuadraticCurveTo(&self, cpx: f64, cpy: f64, x: f64, y: f64)
fn BezierCurveTo( &self, cp1x: f64, cp1y: f64, cp2x: f64, cp2y: f64, x: f64, y: f64, )
fn Arc( &self, x: f64, y: f64, r: f64, start: f64, end: f64, ccw: bool, ) -> Result<(), Error>
fn ArcTo( &self, cp1x: f64, cp1y: f64, cp2x: f64, cp2y: f64, r: f64, ) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Ellipse( &self, x: f64, y: f64, rx: f64, ry: f64, rotation: f64, start: f64, end: f64, ccw: bool, ) -> Result<(), Error>
fn ImageSmoothingEnabled(&self) -> bool
fn SetImageSmoothingEnabled(&self, value: bool)
fn StrokeStyle(&self) -> StringOrCanvasGradientOrCanvasPattern
fn SetStrokeStyle( &self, value: StringOrCanvasGradientOrCanvasPattern, can_gc: CanGc, )
fn FillStyle(&self) -> StringOrCanvasGradientOrCanvasPattern
fn SetFillStyle( &self, value: StringOrCanvasGradientOrCanvasPattern, can_gc: CanGc, )
fn CreateLinearGradient( &self, x0: Finite<f64>, y0: Finite<f64>, x1: Finite<f64>, y1: Finite<f64>, ) -> Root<Dom<CanvasGradient>>
fn CreateRadialGradient( &self, x0: Finite<f64>, y0: Finite<f64>, r0: Finite<f64>, x1: Finite<f64>, y1: Finite<f64>, r1: Finite<f64>, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<CanvasGradient>>, Error>
fn CreatePattern( &self, image: CanvasImageSource, repetition: DOMString, ) -> Result<Option<Root<Dom<CanvasPattern>>>, Error>
fn LineWidth(&self) -> f64
fn SetLineWidth(&self, width: f64)
fn LineCap(&self) -> CanvasLineCap
fn SetLineCap(&self, cap: CanvasLineCap)
fn LineJoin(&self) -> CanvasLineJoin
fn SetLineJoin(&self, join: CanvasLineJoin)
fn MiterLimit(&self) -> f64
fn SetMiterLimit(&self, limit: f64)
fn ShadowOffsetX(&self) -> f64
fn SetShadowOffsetX(&self, value: f64)
fn ShadowOffsetY(&self) -> f64
fn SetShadowOffsetY(&self, value: f64)
fn ShadowBlur(&self) -> f64
fn SetShadowBlur(&self, value: f64)
fn ShadowColor(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetShadowColor(&self, value: DOMString, can_gc: CanGc)
source§impl PaintSizeMethods<DomTypeHolder> for PaintSize
impl PaintSizeMethods<DomTypeHolder> for PaintSize
source§impl PaintWorkletGlobalScopeMethods<DomTypeHolder> for PaintWorkletGlobalScope
impl PaintWorkletGlobalScopeMethods<DomTypeHolder> for PaintWorkletGlobalScope
source§fn RegisterPaint(
name: DOMString,
paint_ctor: Rc<VoidFunction>,
) -> Result<(), Error>
fn RegisterPaint( &self, name: DOMString, paint_ctor: Rc<VoidFunction>, ) -> Result<(), Error>
source§fn Sleep(&self, ms: u64)
fn Sleep(&self, ms: u64)
This is a blocking sleep function available in the paint worklet global scope behind the dom.worklet.enabled + dom.worklet.blockingsleep.enabled prefs. It is to be used only for testing, e.g., timeouts, where otherwise one would need busy waiting to make sure a certain timeout is triggered. check-tidy: no specs after this line
source§impl PannerNodeMethods<DomTypeHolder> for PannerNode
impl PannerNodeMethods<DomTypeHolder> for PannerNode
fn Constructor( window: &Window, proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>, can_gc: CanGc, context: &BaseAudioContext, options: &PannerOptions, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<PannerNode>>, Error>
fn PositionX(&self) -> Root<Dom<AudioParam>>
fn PositionY(&self) -> Root<Dom<AudioParam>>
fn PositionZ(&self) -> Root<Dom<AudioParam>>
fn OrientationX(&self) -> Root<Dom<AudioParam>>
fn OrientationY(&self) -> Root<Dom<AudioParam>>
fn OrientationZ(&self) -> Root<Dom<AudioParam>>
fn DistanceModel(&self) -> DistanceModelType
fn SetDistanceModel(&self, model: DistanceModelType)
fn PanningModel(&self) -> PanningModelType
fn SetPanningModel(&self, model: PanningModelType)
fn RefDistance(&self) -> Finite<f64>
fn SetRefDistance(&self, val: Finite<f64>) -> Result<(), Error>
fn MaxDistance(&self) -> Finite<f64>
fn SetMaxDistance(&self, val: Finite<f64>) -> Result<(), Error>
fn RolloffFactor(&self) -> Finite<f64>
fn SetRolloffFactor(&self, val: Finite<f64>) -> Result<(), Error>
fn ConeInnerAngle(&self) -> Finite<f64>
fn SetConeInnerAngle(&self, val: Finite<f64>)
fn ConeOuterAngle(&self) -> Finite<f64>
fn SetConeOuterAngle(&self, val: Finite<f64>)
fn ConeOuterGain(&self) -> Finite<f64>
fn SetConeOuterGain(&self, val: Finite<f64>) -> Result<(), Error>
fn SetPosition(&self, x: Finite<f32>, y: Finite<f32>, z: Finite<f32>)
fn SetOrientation(&self, x: Finite<f32>, y: Finite<f32>, z: Finite<f32>)
source§impl PartialEq for DomTypeHolder
impl PartialEq for DomTypeHolder
source§impl PerformanceMethods<DomTypeHolder> for Performance
impl PerformanceMethods<DomTypeHolder> for Performance
fn Timing(&self) -> Root<Dom<PerformanceNavigationTiming>>
fn Now(&self) -> Finite<f64>
fn TimeOrigin(&self) -> Finite<f64>
fn GetEntries(&self) -> Vec<Root<Dom<PerformanceEntry>>>
fn GetEntriesByType( &self, entry_type: DOMString, ) -> Vec<Root<Dom<PerformanceEntry>>>
fn GetEntriesByName( &self, name: DOMString, entry_type: Option<DOMString>, ) -> Vec<Root<Dom<PerformanceEntry>>>
fn Mark(&self, mark_name: DOMString, can_gc: CanGc) -> Result<(), Error>
fn ClearMarks(&self, mark_name: Option<DOMString>)
fn Measure( &self, measure_name: DOMString, start_mark: Option<DOMString>, end_mark: Option<DOMString>, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Result<(), Error>
fn ClearMeasures(&self, measure_name: Option<DOMString>)
fn ClearResourceTimings(&self)
fn SetResourceTimingBufferSize(&self, max_size: u32)
fn GetOnresourcetimingbufferfull(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnresourcetimingbufferfull( &self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>, )
fn UnloadEventStart(&self) -> Finite<f64>
fn UnloadEventEnd(&self) -> Finite<f64>
fn DomInteractive(&self) -> Finite<f64>
fn DomContentLoadedEventStart(&self) -> Finite<f64>
fn DomContentLoadedEventEnd(&self) -> Finite<f64>
fn DomComplete(&self) -> Finite<f64>
fn LoadEventStart(&self) -> Finite<f64>
fn LoadEventEnd(&self) -> Finite<f64>
fn Type(&self) -> NavigationTimingType
fn RedirectCount(&self) -> u16
fn TopLevelDomComplete(&self) -> Finite<f64>
source§impl PerformanceObserverEntryListMethods<DomTypeHolder> for PerformanceObserverEntryList
impl PerformanceObserverEntryListMethods<DomTypeHolder> for PerformanceObserverEntryList
fn GetEntries(&self) -> Vec<Root<Dom<PerformanceEntry>>>
fn GetEntriesByType( &self, entry_type: DOMString, ) -> Vec<Root<Dom<PerformanceEntry>>>
fn GetEntriesByName( &self, name: DOMString, entry_type: Option<DOMString>, ) -> Vec<Root<Dom<PerformanceEntry>>>
source§impl PerformanceObserverMethods<DomTypeHolder> for PerformanceObserver
impl PerformanceObserverMethods<DomTypeHolder> for PerformanceObserver
fn Constructor( global: &GlobalScope, proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>, can_gc: CanGc, callback: Rc<PerformanceObserverCallback>, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<PerformanceObserver>>, Error>
fn SupportedEntryTypes( cx: JSContext, global: &GlobalScope, retval: MutableHandleValue<'_>, )
fn Observe(&self, options: &PerformanceObserverInit) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Disconnect(&self)
fn TakeRecords(&self) -> Vec<Root<Dom<PerformanceEntry>>>
source§impl PerformanceResourceTimingMethods<DomTypeHolder> for PerformanceResourceTiming
impl PerformanceResourceTimingMethods<DomTypeHolder> for PerformanceResourceTiming
fn InitiatorType(&self) -> DOMString
fn NextHopProtocol(&self) -> DOMString
fn DomainLookupStart(&self) -> Finite<f64>
fn DomainLookupEnd(&self) -> Finite<f64>
fn SecureConnectionStart(&self) -> Finite<f64>
fn TransferSize(&self) -> u64
fn EncodedBodySize(&self) -> u64
fn DecodedBodySize(&self) -> u64
fn RequestStart(&self) -> Finite<f64>
fn RedirectStart(&self) -> Finite<f64>
fn RedirectEnd(&self) -> Finite<f64>
fn ResponseStart(&self) -> Finite<f64>
fn FetchStart(&self) -> Finite<f64>
fn ConnectStart(&self) -> Finite<f64>
fn ConnectEnd(&self) -> Finite<f64>
fn ResponseEnd(&self) -> Finite<f64>
source§impl PermissionStatusMethods<DomTypeHolder> for PermissionStatus
impl PermissionStatusMethods<DomTypeHolder> for PermissionStatus
fn State(&self) -> PermissionState
fn GetOnchange(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnchange(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
source§impl PermissionsMethods<DomTypeHolder> for Permissions
impl PermissionsMethods<DomTypeHolder> for Permissions
fn Query( &self, cx: JSContext, permissionDesc: *mut JSObject, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Rc<Promise>
fn Request( &self, cx: JSContext, permissionDesc: *mut JSObject, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Rc<Promise>
fn Revoke( &self, cx: JSContext, permissionDesc: *mut JSObject, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Rc<Promise>
source§impl PluginArrayMethods<DomTypeHolder> for PluginArray
impl PluginArrayMethods<DomTypeHolder> for PluginArray
fn Refresh(&self, _reload: bool)
fn Length(&self) -> u32
fn Item(&self, _index: u32) -> Option<Root<Dom<Plugin>>>
fn NamedItem(&self, _name: DOMString) -> Option<Root<Dom<Plugin>>>
fn IndexedGetter(&self, _index: u32) -> Option<Root<Dom<Plugin>>>
fn NamedGetter(&self, _name: DOMString) -> Option<Root<Dom<Plugin>>>
fn SupportedPropertyNames(&self) -> Vec<DOMString>
source§impl PluginMethods<DomTypeHolder> for Plugin
impl PluginMethods<DomTypeHolder> for Plugin
fn Name(&self) -> DOMString
fn Description(&self) -> DOMString
fn Filename(&self) -> DOMString
fn Length(&self) -> u32
fn Item(&self, _index: u32) -> Option<Root<Dom<MimeType>>>
fn NamedItem(&self, _name: DOMString) -> Option<Root<Dom<MimeType>>>
fn IndexedGetter(&self, _index: u32) -> Option<Root<Dom<MimeType>>>
fn NamedGetter(&self, _name: DOMString) -> Option<Root<Dom<MimeType>>>
fn SupportedPropertyNames(&self) -> Vec<DOMString>
source§impl PointerEventMethods<DomTypeHolder> for PointerEvent
impl PointerEventMethods<DomTypeHolder> for PointerEvent
source§fn Constructor(
window: &Window,
proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>,
can_gc: CanGc,
type_: DOMString,
init: &PointerEventInit,
) -> Root<Dom<PointerEvent>>
fn Constructor( window: &Window, proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>, can_gc: CanGc, type_: DOMString, init: &PointerEventInit, ) -> Root<Dom<PointerEvent>>
source§fn TangentialPressure(&self) -> Finite<f32>
fn TangentialPressure(&self) -> Finite<f32>
source§fn AltitudeAngle(&self) -> Finite<f64>
fn AltitudeAngle(&self) -> Finite<f64>
source§fn AzimuthAngle(&self) -> Finite<f64>
fn AzimuthAngle(&self) -> Finite<f64>
source§fn PointerType(&self) -> DOMString
fn PointerType(&self) -> DOMString
source§fn GetCoalescedEvents(&self) -> Vec<Root<Dom<PointerEvent>>>
fn GetCoalescedEvents(&self) -> Vec<Root<Dom<PointerEvent>>>
source§fn GetPredictedEvents(&self) -> Vec<Root<Dom<PointerEvent>>>
fn GetPredictedEvents(&self) -> Vec<Root<Dom<PointerEvent>>>
source§impl PopStateEventMethods<DomTypeHolder> for PopStateEvent
impl PopStateEventMethods<DomTypeHolder> for PopStateEvent
fn Constructor( window: &Window, proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>, can_gc: CanGc, type_: DOMString, init: RootedTraceableBox<PopStateEventInit>, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<PopStateEvent>>, Error>
fn State(&self, _cx: JSContext, retval: MutableHandleValue<'_>)
fn IsTrusted(&self) -> bool
source§impl ProgressEventMethods<DomTypeHolder> for ProgressEvent
impl ProgressEventMethods<DomTypeHolder> for ProgressEvent
fn Constructor( global: &GlobalScope, proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>, can_gc: CanGc, type_: DOMString, init: &ProgressEventInit, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<ProgressEvent>>, Error>
fn LengthComputable(&self) -> bool
fn Loaded(&self) -> u64
fn Total(&self) -> u64
fn IsTrusted(&self) -> bool
source§impl PromiseRejectionEventMethods<DomTypeHolder> for PromiseRejectionEvent
impl PromiseRejectionEventMethods<DomTypeHolder> for PromiseRejectionEvent
fn Constructor( global: &GlobalScope, proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>, can_gc: CanGc, type_: DOMString, init: RootedTraceableBox<PromiseRejectionEventInit>, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<Self>>, Error>
fn Promise(&self, _cx: JSContext) -> NonNull<JSObject>
fn Reason(&self, _cx: JSContext, retval: MutableHandleValue<'_>)
fn IsTrusted(&self) -> bool
source§impl RTCDataChannelEventMethods<DomTypeHolder> for RTCDataChannelEvent
impl RTCDataChannelEventMethods<DomTypeHolder> for RTCDataChannelEvent
fn Constructor( window: &Window, proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>, can_gc: CanGc, type_: DOMString, init: &RTCDataChannelEventInit, ) -> Root<Dom<RTCDataChannelEvent>>
fn Channel(&self) -> Root<Dom<RTCDataChannel>>
fn IsTrusted(&self) -> bool
source§impl RTCDataChannelMethods<DomTypeHolder> for RTCDataChannel
impl RTCDataChannelMethods<DomTypeHolder> for RTCDataChannel
fn GetOnopen(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnopen(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnbufferedamountlow(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnbufferedamountlow(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnerror(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnerror(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnclosing(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnclosing(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnclose(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnclose(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnmessage(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnmessage(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn Label(&self) -> USVString
fn Ordered(&self) -> bool
fn GetMaxPacketLifeTime(&self) -> Option<u16>
fn GetMaxRetransmits(&self) -> Option<u16>
fn Protocol(&self) -> USVString
fn Negotiated(&self) -> bool
fn GetId(&self) -> Option<u16>
fn ReadyState(&self) -> RTCDataChannelState
fn Close(&self)
fn BinaryType(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBinaryType(&self, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Send(&self, data: USVString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Send_(&self, data: &Blob) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Send__( &self, data: CustomAutoRooterGuard<'_, ArrayBuffer>, ) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Send___( &self, data: CustomAutoRooterGuard<'_, ArrayBufferView>, ) -> Result<(), Error>
source§impl RTCErrorMethods<DomTypeHolder> for RTCError
impl RTCErrorMethods<DomTypeHolder> for RTCError
fn Constructor( window: &Window, proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>, can_gc: CanGc, init: &RTCErrorInit, message: DOMString, ) -> Root<Dom<RTCError>>
fn ErrorDetail(&self) -> RTCErrorDetailType
fn GetSdpLineNumber(&self) -> Option<i32>
fn GetHttpRequestStatusCode(&self) -> Option<i32>
fn GetSctpCauseCode(&self) -> Option<i32>
fn GetReceivedAlert(&self) -> Option<u32>
fn GetSentAlert(&self) -> Option<u32>
source§impl RTCIceCandidateMethods<DomTypeHolder> for RTCIceCandidate
impl RTCIceCandidateMethods<DomTypeHolder> for RTCIceCandidate
source§fn Constructor(
window: &Window,
proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>,
can_gc: CanGc,
config: &RTCIceCandidateInit,
) -> Result<Root<Dom<RTCIceCandidate>>, Error>
fn Constructor( window: &Window, proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>, can_gc: CanGc, config: &RTCIceCandidateInit, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<RTCIceCandidate>>, Error>
source§fn GetSdpMLineIndex(&self) -> Option<u16>
fn GetSdpMLineIndex(&self) -> Option<u16>
source§fn GetUsernameFragment(&self) -> Option<DOMString>
fn GetUsernameFragment(&self) -> Option<DOMString>
source§impl RTCPeerConnectionIceEventMethods<DomTypeHolder> for RTCPeerConnectionIceEvent
impl RTCPeerConnectionIceEventMethods<DomTypeHolder> for RTCPeerConnectionIceEvent
source§fn Constructor(
window: &Window,
proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>,
can_gc: CanGc,
ty: DOMString,
init: &RTCPeerConnectionIceEventInit,
) -> Result<Root<Dom<RTCPeerConnectionIceEvent>>, Error>
fn Constructor( window: &Window, proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>, can_gc: CanGc, ty: DOMString, init: &RTCPeerConnectionIceEventInit, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<RTCPeerConnectionIceEvent>>, Error>
source§fn GetCandidate(&self) -> Option<Root<Dom<RTCIceCandidate>>>
fn GetCandidate(&self) -> Option<Root<Dom<RTCIceCandidate>>>
source§impl RTCPeerConnectionMethods<DomTypeHolder> for RTCPeerConnection
impl RTCPeerConnectionMethods<DomTypeHolder> for RTCPeerConnection
source§fn AddIceCandidate(
candidate: &RTCIceCandidateInit,
comp: InRealm<'_>,
can_gc: CanGc,
) -> Rc<Promise>
fn AddIceCandidate( &self, candidate: &RTCIceCandidateInit, comp: InRealm<'_>, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Rc<Promise>
source§fn CreateOffer(
_options: &RTCOfferOptions,
comp: InRealm<'_>,
can_gc: CanGc,
) -> Rc<Promise>
fn CreateOffer( &self, _options: &RTCOfferOptions, comp: InRealm<'_>, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Rc<Promise>
source§fn CreateAnswer(
_options: &RTCAnswerOptions,
comp: InRealm<'_>,
can_gc: CanGc,
) -> Rc<Promise>
fn CreateAnswer( &self, _options: &RTCAnswerOptions, comp: InRealm<'_>, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Rc<Promise>
source§fn GetLocalDescription(&self) -> Option<Root<Dom<RTCSessionDescription>>>
fn GetLocalDescription(&self) -> Option<Root<Dom<RTCSessionDescription>>>
source§fn GetRemoteDescription(&self) -> Option<Root<Dom<RTCSessionDescription>>>
fn GetRemoteDescription(&self) -> Option<Root<Dom<RTCSessionDescription>>>
source§fn SetLocalDescription(
desc: &RTCSessionDescriptionInit,
comp: InRealm<'_>,
can_gc: CanGc,
) -> Rc<Promise>
fn SetLocalDescription( &self, desc: &RTCSessionDescriptionInit, comp: InRealm<'_>, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Rc<Promise>
source§fn SetRemoteDescription(
desc: &RTCSessionDescriptionInit,
comp: InRealm<'_>,
can_gc: CanGc,
) -> Rc<Promise>
fn SetRemoteDescription( &self, desc: &RTCSessionDescriptionInit, comp: InRealm<'_>, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Rc<Promise>
source§fn IceGatheringState(&self) -> RTCIceGatheringState
fn IceGatheringState(&self) -> RTCIceGatheringState
source§fn IceConnectionState(&self) -> RTCIceConnectionState
fn IceConnectionState(&self) -> RTCIceConnectionState
source§fn SignalingState(&self) -> RTCSignalingState
fn SignalingState(&self) -> RTCSignalingState
source§fn CreateDataChannel(
label: USVString,
init: &RTCDataChannelInit,
) -> Root<Dom<RTCDataChannel>>
fn CreateDataChannel( &self, label: USVString, init: &RTCDataChannelInit, ) -> Root<Dom<RTCDataChannel>>
source§fn AddTransceiver(
_track_or_kind: MediaStreamTrackOrString,
init: &RTCRtpTransceiverInit,
) -> Root<Dom<RTCRtpTransceiver>>
fn AddTransceiver( &self, _track_or_kind: MediaStreamTrackOrString, init: &RTCRtpTransceiverInit, ) -> Root<Dom<RTCRtpTransceiver>>
fn Constructor( window: &Window, proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>, can_gc: CanGc, config: &RTCConfiguration, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<RTCPeerConnection>>, Error>
fn GetOnicecandidate(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnicecandidate(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOntrack(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOntrack(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOniceconnectionstatechange(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOniceconnectionstatechange( &self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>, )
fn GetOnicegatheringstatechange(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnicegatheringstatechange( &self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>, )
fn GetOnnegotiationneeded(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnnegotiationneeded(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnsignalingstatechange(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnsignalingstatechange(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOndatachannel(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOndatachannel(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn AddStream(&self, stream: &MediaStream)
source§impl RTCRtpSenderMethods<DomTypeHolder> for RTCRtpSender
impl RTCRtpSenderMethods<DomTypeHolder> for RTCRtpSender
fn GetParameters(&self) -> RTCRtpSendParameters
fn SetParameters( &self, _parameters: &RTCRtpSendParameters, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Rc<Promise>
source§impl RTCRtpTransceiverMethods<DomTypeHolder> for RTCRtpTransceiver
impl RTCRtpTransceiverMethods<DomTypeHolder> for RTCRtpTransceiver
source§fn Direction(&self) -> RTCRtpTransceiverDirection
fn Direction(&self) -> RTCRtpTransceiverDirection
source§fn SetDirection(&self, direction: RTCRtpTransceiverDirection)
fn SetDirection(&self, direction: RTCRtpTransceiverDirection)
source§impl RTCSessionDescriptionMethods<DomTypeHolder> for RTCSessionDescription
impl RTCSessionDescriptionMethods<DomTypeHolder> for RTCSessionDescription
source§fn Constructor(
window: &Window,
proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>,
can_gc: CanGc,
config: &RTCSessionDescriptionInit,
) -> Result<Root<Dom<RTCSessionDescription>>, Error>
fn Constructor( window: &Window, proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>, can_gc: CanGc, config: &RTCSessionDescriptionInit, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<RTCSessionDescription>>, Error>
source§impl RTCTrackEventMethods<DomTypeHolder> for RTCTrackEvent
impl RTCTrackEventMethods<DomTypeHolder> for RTCTrackEvent
fn Constructor( window: &Window, proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>, can_gc: CanGc, type_: DOMString, init: &RTCTrackEventInit, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<RTCTrackEvent>>, Error>
fn Track(&self) -> Root<Dom<MediaStreamTrack>>
fn IsTrusted(&self) -> bool
source§impl RangeMethods<DomTypeHolder> for Range
impl RangeMethods<DomTypeHolder> for Range
source§fn Constructor(
window: &Window,
proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>,
can_gc: CanGc,
) -> Result<Root<Dom<Range>>, Error>
fn Constructor( window: &Window, proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<Range>>, Error>
source§fn IntersectsNode(&self, node: &Node) -> bool
fn IntersectsNode(&self, node: &Node) -> bool
source§fn CloneContents(
can_gc: CanGc,
) -> Result<Root<Dom<DocumentFragment>>, Error>
fn CloneContents( &self, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<DocumentFragment>>, Error>
source§fn ExtractContents(
can_gc: CanGc,
) -> Result<Root<Dom<DocumentFragment>>, Error>
fn ExtractContents( &self, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<DocumentFragment>>, Error>
source§fn CreateContextualFragment(
fragment: DOMString,
can_gc: CanGc,
) -> Result<Root<Dom<DocumentFragment>>, Error>
fn CreateContextualFragment( &self, fragment: DOMString, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<DocumentFragment>>, Error>
source§impl ReadableByteStreamControllerMethods<DomTypeHolder> for ReadableByteStreamController
impl ReadableByteStreamControllerMethods<DomTypeHolder> for ReadableByteStreamController
source§fn GetByobRequest(
) -> Result<Option<Root<Dom<ReadableStreamBYOBRequest>>>, Error>
fn GetByobRequest( &self, ) -> Result<Option<Root<Dom<ReadableStreamBYOBRequest>>>, Error>
source§fn GetDesiredSize(&self) -> Option<f64>
fn GetDesiredSize(&self) -> Option<f64>
source§fn Enqueue(
_chunk: CustomAutoRooterGuard<'_, ArrayBufferView>,
) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Enqueue( &self, _chunk: CustomAutoRooterGuard<'_, ArrayBufferView>, ) -> Result<(), Error>
source§fn Error(
_cx: SafeJSContext,
_e: SafeHandleValue<'_>,
) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Error( &self, _cx: SafeJSContext, _e: SafeHandleValue<'_>, ) -> Result<(), Error>
source§impl ReadableStreamBYOBReaderMethods<DomTypeHolder> for ReadableStreamBYOBReader
impl ReadableStreamBYOBReaderMethods<DomTypeHolder> for ReadableStreamBYOBReader
source§fn Constructor(
global: &GlobalScope,
proto: Option<SafeHandleObject<'_>>,
can_gc: CanGc,
stream: &ReadableStream,
) -> Result<Root<Dom<Self>>, Error>
fn Constructor( global: &GlobalScope, proto: Option<SafeHandleObject<'_>>, can_gc: CanGc, stream: &ReadableStream, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<Self>>, Error>
source§fn Read(
view: CustomAutoRooterGuard<'_, ArrayBufferView>,
options: &ReadableStreamBYOBReaderReadOptions,
can_gc: CanGc,
) -> Rc<Promise>
fn Read( &self, view: CustomAutoRooterGuard<'_, ArrayBufferView>, options: &ReadableStreamBYOBReaderReadOptions, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Rc<Promise>
source§fn Cancel(
_cx: SafeJSContext,
reason: SafeHandleValue<'_>,
can_gc: CanGc,
) -> Rc<Promise>
fn Cancel( &self, _cx: SafeJSContext, reason: SafeHandleValue<'_>, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Rc<Promise>
source§impl ReadableStreamBYOBRequestMethods<DomTypeHolder> for ReadableStreamBYOBRequest
impl ReadableStreamBYOBRequestMethods<DomTypeHolder> for ReadableStreamBYOBRequest
source§impl ReadableStreamDefaultControllerMethods<DomTypeHolder> for ReadableStreamDefaultController
impl ReadableStreamDefaultControllerMethods<DomTypeHolder> for ReadableStreamDefaultController
source§impl ReadableStreamDefaultReaderMethods<DomTypeHolder> for ReadableStreamDefaultReader
impl ReadableStreamDefaultReaderMethods<DomTypeHolder> for ReadableStreamDefaultReader
source§fn Constructor(
global: &GlobalScope,
proto: Option<SafeHandleObject<'_>>,
can_gc: CanGc,
stream: &ReadableStream,
) -> Result<Root<Dom<Self>>, Error>
fn Constructor( global: &GlobalScope, proto: Option<SafeHandleObject<'_>>, can_gc: CanGc, stream: &ReadableStream, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<Self>>, Error>
source§fn Cancel(
_cx: SafeJSContext,
reason: SafeHandleValue<'_>,
can_gc: CanGc,
) -> Rc<Promise>
fn Cancel( &self, _cx: SafeJSContext, reason: SafeHandleValue<'_>, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Rc<Promise>
source§impl ReadableStreamMethods<DomTypeHolder> for ReadableStream
impl ReadableStreamMethods<DomTypeHolder> for ReadableStream
source§fn Constructor(
cx: SafeJSContext,
global: &GlobalScope,
proto: Option<SafeHandleObject<'_>>,
can_gc: CanGc,
underlying_source: Option<*mut JSObject>,
strategy: &QueuingStrategy,
) -> Result<Root<Dom<Self>>, Error>
fn Constructor( cx: SafeJSContext, global: &GlobalScope, proto: Option<SafeHandleObject<'_>>, can_gc: CanGc, underlying_source: Option<*mut JSObject>, strategy: &QueuingStrategy, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<Self>>, Error>
source§fn Cancel(
_cx: SafeJSContext,
reason: SafeHandleValue<'_>,
can_gc: CanGc,
) -> Rc<Promise>
fn Cancel( &self, _cx: SafeJSContext, reason: SafeHandleValue<'_>, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Rc<Promise>
source§fn GetReader(
options: &ReadableStreamGetReaderOptions,
can_gc: CanGc,
) -> Result<ReadableStreamReader, Error>
fn GetReader( &self, options: &ReadableStreamGetReaderOptions, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Result<ReadableStreamReader, Error>
source§impl RequestMethods<DomTypeHolder> for Request
impl RequestMethods<DomTypeHolder> for Request
fn Constructor( global: &GlobalScope, proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>, can_gc: CanGc, input: RequestInfo, init: RootedTraceableBox<RequestInit>, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<Request>>, Error>
fn Method(&self) -> ByteString
fn Url(&self) -> USVString
fn Headers(&self, can_gc: CanGc) -> Root<Dom<Headers>>
fn Destination(&self) -> RequestDestination
fn Referrer(&self) -> USVString
fn ReferrerPolicy(&self) -> ReferrerPolicy
fn Mode(&self) -> RequestMode
fn Credentials(&self) -> RequestCredentials
fn Cache(&self) -> RequestCache
fn Redirect(&self) -> RequestRedirect
fn Integrity(&self) -> DOMString
fn BodyUsed(&self) -> bool
fn Clone(&self, can_gc: CanGc) -> Result<Root<Dom<Request>>, Error>
fn Text(&self, can_gc: CanGc) -> Rc<Promise>
fn Blob(&self, can_gc: CanGc) -> Rc<Promise>
fn FormData(&self, can_gc: CanGc) -> Rc<Promise>
fn Json(&self, can_gc: CanGc) -> Rc<Promise>
fn ArrayBuffer(&self, can_gc: CanGc) -> Rc<Promise>
source§impl ResizeObserverEntryMethods<DomTypeHolder> for ResizeObserverEntry
impl ResizeObserverEntryMethods<DomTypeHolder> for ResizeObserverEntry
source§fn ContentRect(&self) -> Root<Dom<DOMRectReadOnly>>
fn ContentRect(&self) -> Root<Dom<DOMRectReadOnly>>
source§fn BorderBoxSize(&self, cx: SafeJSContext, retval: MutableHandleValue<'_>)
fn BorderBoxSize(&self, cx: SafeJSContext, retval: MutableHandleValue<'_>)
source§fn ContentBoxSize(&self, cx: SafeJSContext, retval: MutableHandleValue<'_>)
fn ContentBoxSize(&self, cx: SafeJSContext, retval: MutableHandleValue<'_>)
source§impl ResizeObserverMethods<DomTypeHolder> for ResizeObserver
impl ResizeObserverMethods<DomTypeHolder> for ResizeObserver
source§fn Constructor(
window: &Window,
proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>,
can_gc: CanGc,
callback: Rc<ResizeObserverCallback>,
) -> Root<Dom<ResizeObserver>>
fn Constructor( window: &Window, proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>, can_gc: CanGc, callback: Rc<ResizeObserverCallback>, ) -> Root<Dom<ResizeObserver>>
source§fn Observe(&self, target: &Element, options: &ResizeObserverOptions)
fn Observe(&self, target: &Element, options: &ResizeObserverOptions)
source§impl ResponseMethods<DomTypeHolder> for Response
impl ResponseMethods<DomTypeHolder> for Response
fn Constructor( global: &GlobalScope, proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>, can_gc: CanGc, body: Option<BodyInit>, init: &ResponseInit, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<Response>>, Error>
fn Error(global: &GlobalScope, can_gc: CanGc) -> Root<Dom<Response>>
fn Redirect( global: &GlobalScope, url: USVString, status: u16, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<Response>>, Error>
fn Type(&self) -> DOMResponseType
fn Url(&self) -> USVString
fn Redirected(&self) -> bool
fn Status(&self) -> u16
fn Ok(&self) -> bool
fn StatusText(&self) -> ByteString
fn Headers(&self, can_gc: CanGc) -> Root<Dom<Headers>>
fn Clone(&self, can_gc: CanGc) -> Result<Root<Dom<Response>>, Error>
fn BodyUsed(&self) -> bool
fn Text(&self, can_gc: CanGc) -> Rc<Promise>
fn Blob(&self, can_gc: CanGc) -> Rc<Promise>
fn FormData(&self, can_gc: CanGc) -> Rc<Promise>
fn Json(&self, can_gc: CanGc) -> Rc<Promise>
fn ArrayBuffer(&self, can_gc: CanGc) -> Rc<Promise>
source§impl SVGElementMethods<DomTypeHolder> for SVGElement
impl SVGElementMethods<DomTypeHolder> for SVGElement
source§impl ScreenMethods<DomTypeHolder> for Screen
impl ScreenMethods<DomTypeHolder> for Screen
source§impl SecurityPolicyViolationEventMethods<DomTypeHolder> for SecurityPolicyViolationEvent
impl SecurityPolicyViolationEventMethods<DomTypeHolder> for SecurityPolicyViolationEvent
source§fn Constructor(
global: &GlobalScope,
proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>,
can_gc: CanGc,
type_: DOMString,
init: &SecurityPolicyViolationEventInit,
) -> Root<Dom<Self>>
fn Constructor( global: &GlobalScope, proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>, can_gc: CanGc, type_: DOMString, init: &SecurityPolicyViolationEventInit, ) -> Root<Dom<Self>>
source§fn DocumentURI(&self) -> USVString
fn DocumentURI(&self) -> USVString
source§fn BlockedURI(&self) -> USVString
fn BlockedURI(&self) -> USVString
source§fn EffectiveDirective(&self) -> DOMString
fn EffectiveDirective(&self) -> DOMString
source§fn ViolatedDirective(&self) -> DOMString
fn ViolatedDirective(&self) -> DOMString
source§fn OriginalPolicy(&self) -> DOMString
fn OriginalPolicy(&self) -> DOMString
source§fn SourceFile(&self) -> USVString
fn SourceFile(&self) -> USVString
source§fn StatusCode(&self) -> u16
fn StatusCode(&self) -> u16
source§fn LineNumber(&self) -> u32
fn LineNumber(&self) -> u32
source§fn ColumnNumber(&self) -> u32
fn ColumnNumber(&self) -> u32
source§impl SelectionMethods<DomTypeHolder> for Selection
impl SelectionMethods<DomTypeHolder> for Selection
fn GetAnchorNode(&self) -> Option<Root<Dom<Node>>>
fn AnchorOffset(&self) -> u32
fn GetFocusNode(&self) -> Option<Root<Dom<Node>>>
fn FocusOffset(&self) -> u32
fn IsCollapsed(&self) -> bool
fn RangeCount(&self) -> u32
fn Type(&self) -> DOMString
fn GetRangeAt(&self, index: u32) -> Result<Root<Dom<Range>>, Error>
fn AddRange(&self, range: &Range)
fn RemoveRange(&self, range: &Range) -> Result<(), Error>
fn RemoveAllRanges(&self)
fn Empty(&self)
fn Collapse( &self, node: Option<&Node>, offset: u32, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Result<(), Error>
fn SetPosition( &self, node: Option<&Node>, offset: u32, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Result<(), Error>
fn CollapseToStart(&self, can_gc: CanGc) -> Result<(), Error>
fn CollapseToEnd(&self, can_gc: CanGc) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Extend(&self, node: &Node, offset: u32, can_gc: CanGc) -> Result<(), Error>
fn SetBaseAndExtent( &self, anchor_node: &Node, anchor_offset: u32, focus_node: &Node, focus_offset: u32, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Result<(), Error>
fn SelectAllChildren(&self, node: &Node, can_gc: CanGc) -> Result<(), Error>
fn DeleteFromDocument(&self) -> Result<(), Error>
fn ContainsNode(&self, node: &Node, allow_partial_containment: bool) -> bool
fn Stringifier(&self) -> DOMString
source§impl ServiceWorkerContainerMethods<DomTypeHolder> for ServiceWorkerContainer
impl ServiceWorkerContainerMethods<DomTypeHolder> for ServiceWorkerContainer
source§impl ServiceWorkerGlobalScopeMethods<DomTypeHolder> for ServiceWorkerGlobalScope
impl ServiceWorkerGlobalScopeMethods<DomTypeHolder> for ServiceWorkerGlobalScope
fn GetOnmessage(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnmessage(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnmessageerror(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnmessageerror(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
source§impl ServiceWorkerMethods<DomTypeHolder> for ServiceWorker
impl ServiceWorkerMethods<DomTypeHolder> for ServiceWorker
source§fn PostMessage(
cx: JSContext,
message: HandleValue<'_>,
transfer: CustomAutoRooterGuard<'_, Vec<*mut JSObject>>,
) -> Result<(), Error>
fn PostMessage( &self, cx: JSContext, message: HandleValue<'_>, transfer: CustomAutoRooterGuard<'_, Vec<*mut JSObject>>, ) -> Result<(), Error>
source§fn PostMessage_(
cx: JSContext,
message: HandleValue<'_>,
options: RootedTraceableBox<StructuredSerializeOptions>,
) -> Result<(), Error>
fn PostMessage_( &self, cx: JSContext, message: HandleValue<'_>, options: RootedTraceableBox<StructuredSerializeOptions>, ) -> Result<(), Error>
fn State(&self) -> ServiceWorkerState
fn ScriptURL(&self) -> USVString
fn GetOnerror(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnerror(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnstatechange(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnstatechange(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
source§impl ServiceWorkerRegistrationMethods<DomTypeHolder> for ServiceWorkerRegistration
impl ServiceWorkerRegistrationMethods<DomTypeHolder> for ServiceWorkerRegistration
fn GetInstalling(&self) -> Option<Root<Dom<ServiceWorker>>>
fn GetActive(&self) -> Option<Root<Dom<ServiceWorker>>>
fn GetWaiting(&self) -> Option<Root<Dom<ServiceWorker>>>
fn Scope(&self) -> USVString
fn UpdateViaCache(&self) -> ServiceWorkerUpdateViaCache
source§impl ShadowRootMethods<DomTypeHolder> for ShadowRoot
impl ShadowRootMethods<DomTypeHolder> for ShadowRoot
source§fn SetInnerHTML(&self, value: DOMString, can_gc: CanGc)
fn SetInnerHTML(&self, value: DOMString, can_gc: CanGc)
source§fn SlotAssignment(&self) -> SlotAssignmentMode
fn SlotAssignment(&self) -> SlotAssignmentMode
fn GetActiveElement(&self) -> Option<Root<Dom<Element>>>
fn ElementFromPoint( &self, x: Finite<f64>, y: Finite<f64>, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Option<Root<Dom<Element>>>
fn ElementsFromPoint( &self, x: Finite<f64>, y: Finite<f64>, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Vec<Root<Dom<Element>>>
fn StyleSheets(&self) -> Root<Dom<StyleSheetList>>
fn GetOnslotchange(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnslotchange(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
source§impl StaticRangeMethods<DomTypeHolder> for StaticRange
impl StaticRangeMethods<DomTypeHolder> for StaticRange
source§fn Constructor(
window: &Window,
proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>,
can_gc: CanGc,
init: &StaticRangeInit,
) -> Result<Root<Dom<StaticRange>>, Error>
fn Constructor( window: &Window, proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>, can_gc: CanGc, init: &StaticRangeInit, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<StaticRange>>, Error>
source§impl StereoPannerNodeMethods<DomTypeHolder> for StereoPannerNode
impl StereoPannerNodeMethods<DomTypeHolder> for StereoPannerNode
fn Constructor( window: &Window, proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>, can_gc: CanGc, context: &BaseAudioContext, options: &StereoPannerOptions, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<StereoPannerNode>>, Error>
fn Pan(&self) -> Root<Dom<AudioParam>>
source§impl StorageEventMethods<DomTypeHolder> for StorageEvent
impl StorageEventMethods<DomTypeHolder> for StorageEvent
fn Constructor( global: &Window, proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>, can_gc: CanGc, type_: DOMString, init: &StorageEventInit, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<StorageEvent>>, Error>
fn GetKey(&self) -> Option<DOMString>
fn GetOldValue(&self) -> Option<DOMString>
fn GetNewValue(&self) -> Option<DOMString>
fn Url(&self) -> DOMString
fn GetStorageArea(&self) -> Option<Root<Dom<Storage>>>
fn IsTrusted(&self) -> bool
fn InitStorageEvent( &self, type_: DOMString, bubbles: bool, cancelable: bool, key: Option<DOMString>, oldValue: Option<DOMString>, newValue: Option<DOMString>, url: USVString, storageArea: Option<&Storage>, )
source§impl StorageMethods<DomTypeHolder> for Storage
impl StorageMethods<DomTypeHolder> for Storage
fn Length(&self) -> u32
fn Key(&self, index: u32) -> Option<DOMString>
fn GetItem(&self, name: DOMString) -> Option<DOMString>
fn SetItem(&self, name: DOMString, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn RemoveItem(&self, name: DOMString)
fn Clear(&self)
fn SupportedPropertyNames(&self) -> Vec<DOMString>
fn NamedGetter(&self, name: DOMString) -> Option<DOMString>
fn NamedSetter(&self, name: DOMString, value: DOMString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn NamedDeleter(&self, name: DOMString)
source§impl StylePropertyMapReadOnlyMethods<DomTypeHolder> for StylePropertyMapReadOnly
impl StylePropertyMapReadOnlyMethods<DomTypeHolder> for StylePropertyMapReadOnly
source§impl StyleSheetMethods<DomTypeHolder> for StyleSheet
impl StyleSheetMethods<DomTypeHolder> for StyleSheet
fn Type_(&self) -> DOMString
fn GetHref(&self) -> Option<DOMString>
fn GetOwnerNode(&self) -> Option<Root<Dom<Element>>>
fn Media(&self) -> Root<Dom<MediaList>>
fn GetTitle(&self) -> Option<DOMString>
fn Disabled(&self) -> bool
fn SetDisabled(&self, disabled: bool)
source§impl SubmitEventMethods<DomTypeHolder> for SubmitEvent
impl SubmitEventMethods<DomTypeHolder> for SubmitEvent
source§fn Constructor(
window: &Window,
proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>,
can_gc: CanGc,
type_: DOMString,
init: &SubmitEventInit,
) -> Root<Dom<SubmitEvent>>
fn Constructor( window: &Window, proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>, can_gc: CanGc, type_: DOMString, init: &SubmitEventInit, ) -> Root<Dom<SubmitEvent>>
source§impl SubtleCryptoMethods<DomTypeHolder> for SubtleCrypto
impl SubtleCryptoMethods<DomTypeHolder> for SubtleCrypto
source§fn Encrypt(
cx: JSContext,
algorithm: AlgorithmIdentifier,
key: &CryptoKey,
data: ArrayBufferViewOrArrayBuffer,
comp: InRealm<'_>,
can_gc: CanGc,
) -> Rc<Promise>
fn Encrypt( &self, cx: JSContext, algorithm: AlgorithmIdentifier, key: &CryptoKey, data: ArrayBufferViewOrArrayBuffer, comp: InRealm<'_>, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Rc<Promise>
source§fn Decrypt(
cx: JSContext,
algorithm: AlgorithmIdentifier,
key: &CryptoKey,
data: ArrayBufferViewOrArrayBuffer,
comp: InRealm<'_>,
can_gc: CanGc,
) -> Rc<Promise>
fn Decrypt( &self, cx: JSContext, algorithm: AlgorithmIdentifier, key: &CryptoKey, data: ArrayBufferViewOrArrayBuffer, comp: InRealm<'_>, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Rc<Promise>
source§fn Sign(
cx: SafeJSContext,
algorithm: AlgorithmIdentifier,
key: &CryptoKey,
data: ArrayBufferViewOrArrayBuffer,
comp: InRealm<'_>,
can_gc: CanGc,
) -> Rc<Promise>
fn Sign( &self, cx: SafeJSContext, algorithm: AlgorithmIdentifier, key: &CryptoKey, data: ArrayBufferViewOrArrayBuffer, comp: InRealm<'_>, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Rc<Promise>
source§fn Verify(
cx: SafeJSContext,
algorithm: AlgorithmIdentifier,
key: &CryptoKey,
signature: ArrayBufferViewOrArrayBuffer,
data: ArrayBufferViewOrArrayBuffer,
comp: InRealm<'_>,
can_gc: CanGc,
) -> Rc<Promise>
fn Verify( &self, cx: SafeJSContext, algorithm: AlgorithmIdentifier, key: &CryptoKey, signature: ArrayBufferViewOrArrayBuffer, data: ArrayBufferViewOrArrayBuffer, comp: InRealm<'_>, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Rc<Promise>
source§fn Digest(
cx: SafeJSContext,
algorithm: AlgorithmIdentifier,
data: ArrayBufferViewOrArrayBuffer,
comp: InRealm<'_>,
can_gc: CanGc,
) -> Rc<Promise>
fn Digest( &self, cx: SafeJSContext, algorithm: AlgorithmIdentifier, data: ArrayBufferViewOrArrayBuffer, comp: InRealm<'_>, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Rc<Promise>
source§fn GenerateKey(
cx: JSContext,
algorithm: AlgorithmIdentifier,
extractable: bool,
key_usages: Vec<KeyUsage>,
comp: InRealm<'_>,
can_gc: CanGc,
) -> Rc<Promise>
fn GenerateKey( &self, cx: JSContext, algorithm: AlgorithmIdentifier, extractable: bool, key_usages: Vec<KeyUsage>, comp: InRealm<'_>, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Rc<Promise>
source§fn DeriveKey(
cx: SafeJSContext,
algorithm: AlgorithmIdentifier,
base_key: &CryptoKey,
derived_key_type: AlgorithmIdentifier,
extractable: bool,
key_usages: Vec<KeyUsage>,
comp: InRealm<'_>,
can_gc: CanGc,
) -> Rc<Promise>
fn DeriveKey( &self, cx: SafeJSContext, algorithm: AlgorithmIdentifier, base_key: &CryptoKey, derived_key_type: AlgorithmIdentifier, extractable: bool, key_usages: Vec<KeyUsage>, comp: InRealm<'_>, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Rc<Promise>
source§fn DeriveBits(
cx: SafeJSContext,
algorithm: AlgorithmIdentifier,
base_key: &CryptoKey,
length: Option<u32>,
comp: InRealm<'_>,
can_gc: CanGc,
) -> Rc<Promise>
fn DeriveBits( &self, cx: SafeJSContext, algorithm: AlgorithmIdentifier, base_key: &CryptoKey, length: Option<u32>, comp: InRealm<'_>, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Rc<Promise>
source§fn ImportKey(
cx: JSContext,
format: KeyFormat,
key_data: ArrayBufferViewOrArrayBufferOrJsonWebKey,
algorithm: AlgorithmIdentifier,
extractable: bool,
key_usages: Vec<KeyUsage>,
comp: InRealm<'_>,
can_gc: CanGc,
) -> Rc<Promise>
fn ImportKey( &self, cx: JSContext, format: KeyFormat, key_data: ArrayBufferViewOrArrayBufferOrJsonWebKey, algorithm: AlgorithmIdentifier, extractable: bool, key_usages: Vec<KeyUsage>, comp: InRealm<'_>, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Rc<Promise>
source§fn ExportKey(
format: KeyFormat,
key: &CryptoKey,
comp: InRealm<'_>,
can_gc: CanGc,
) -> Rc<Promise>
fn ExportKey( &self, format: KeyFormat, key: &CryptoKey, comp: InRealm<'_>, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Rc<Promise>
source§fn WrapKey(
cx: JSContext,
format: KeyFormat,
key: &CryptoKey,
wrapping_key: &CryptoKey,
wrap_algorithm: AlgorithmIdentifier,
comp: InRealm<'_>,
can_gc: CanGc,
) -> Rc<Promise>
fn WrapKey( &self, cx: JSContext, format: KeyFormat, key: &CryptoKey, wrapping_key: &CryptoKey, wrap_algorithm: AlgorithmIdentifier, comp: InRealm<'_>, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Rc<Promise>
source§fn UnwrapKey(
cx: JSContext,
format: KeyFormat,
wrapped_key: ArrayBufferViewOrArrayBuffer,
unwrapping_key: &CryptoKey,
unwrap_algorithm: AlgorithmIdentifier,
unwrapped_key_algorithm: AlgorithmIdentifier,
extractable: bool,
key_usages: Vec<KeyUsage>,
comp: InRealm<'_>,
can_gc: CanGc,
) -> Rc<Promise>
fn UnwrapKey( &self, cx: JSContext, format: KeyFormat, wrapped_key: ArrayBufferViewOrArrayBuffer, unwrapping_key: &CryptoKey, unwrap_algorithm: AlgorithmIdentifier, unwrapped_key_algorithm: AlgorithmIdentifier, extractable: bool, key_usages: Vec<KeyUsage>, comp: InRealm<'_>, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Rc<Promise>
source§impl TestBindingIterableMethods<DomTypeHolder> for TestBindingIterable
impl TestBindingIterableMethods<DomTypeHolder> for TestBindingIterable
fn Constructor( global: &GlobalScope, proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<TestBindingIterable>>, Error>
fn Add(&self, v: DOMString)
fn Length(&self) -> u32
fn GetItem(&self, n: u32) -> DOMString
fn IndexedGetter(&self, n: u32) -> Option<DOMString>
source§impl TestBindingMaplikeMethods<DomTypeHolder> for TestBindingMaplike
impl TestBindingMaplikeMethods<DomTypeHolder> for TestBindingMaplike
fn Constructor( global: &GlobalScope, proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<TestBindingMaplike>>, Error>
fn SetInternal(&self, key: DOMString, value: i32)
fn ClearInternal(&self)
fn DeleteInternal(&self, key: DOMString) -> bool
fn HasInternal(&self, key: DOMString) -> bool
fn GetInternal(&self, key: DOMString) -> Result<i32, Error>
fn Size(&self) -> u32
source§impl TestBindingMethods<DomTypeHolder> for TestBinding
impl TestBindingMethods<DomTypeHolder> for TestBinding
fn Constructor( global: &GlobalScope, proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<TestBinding>>, Error>
fn Constructor_( global: &GlobalScope, proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>, can_gc: CanGc, nums: Vec<f64>, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<TestBinding>>, Error>
fn Constructor__( global: &GlobalScope, proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>, can_gc: CanGc, num: f64, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<TestBinding>>, Error>
fn BooleanAttribute(&self) -> bool
fn SetBooleanAttribute(&self, _: bool)
fn ByteAttribute(&self) -> i8
fn SetByteAttribute(&self, _: i8)
fn OctetAttribute(&self) -> u8
fn SetOctetAttribute(&self, _: u8)
fn ShortAttribute(&self) -> i16
fn SetShortAttribute(&self, _: i16)
fn UnsignedShortAttribute(&self) -> u16
fn SetUnsignedShortAttribute(&self, _: u16)
fn LongAttribute(&self) -> i32
fn SetLongAttribute(&self, _: i32)
fn UnsignedLongAttribute(&self) -> u32
fn SetUnsignedLongAttribute(&self, _: u32)
fn LongLongAttribute(&self) -> i64
fn SetLongLongAttribute(&self, _: i64)
fn UnsignedLongLongAttribute(&self) -> u64
fn SetUnsignedLongLongAttribute(&self, _: u64)
fn UnrestrictedFloatAttribute(&self) -> f32
fn SetUnrestrictedFloatAttribute(&self, _: f32)
fn FloatAttribute(&self) -> Finite<f32>
fn SetFloatAttribute(&self, _: Finite<f32>)
fn UnrestrictedDoubleAttribute(&self) -> f64
fn SetUnrestrictedDoubleAttribute(&self, _: f64)
fn DoubleAttribute(&self) -> Finite<f64>
fn SetDoubleAttribute(&self, _: Finite<f64>)
fn StringAttribute(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetStringAttribute(&self, _: DOMString)
fn UsvstringAttribute(&self) -> USVString
fn SetUsvstringAttribute(&self, _: USVString)
fn ByteStringAttribute(&self) -> ByteString
fn SetByteStringAttribute(&self, _: ByteString)
fn EnumAttribute(&self) -> TestEnum
fn SetEnumAttribute(&self, _: TestEnum)
fn InterfaceAttribute(&self, can_gc: CanGc) -> Root<Dom<Blob>>
fn SetInterfaceAttribute(&self, _: &Blob)
fn UnionAttribute(&self) -> HTMLElementOrLong
fn SetUnionAttribute(&self, _: HTMLElementOrLong)
fn Union2Attribute(&self) -> EventOrString
fn SetUnion2Attribute(&self, _: EventOrString)
fn Union3Attribute(&self) -> EventOrUSVString
fn SetUnion3Attribute(&self, _: EventOrUSVString)
fn Union4Attribute(&self) -> StringOrUnsignedLong
fn SetUnion4Attribute(&self, _: StringOrUnsignedLong)
fn Union5Attribute(&self) -> StringOrBoolean
fn SetUnion5Attribute(&self, _: StringOrBoolean)
fn Union6Attribute(&self) -> UnsignedLongOrBoolean
fn SetUnion6Attribute(&self, _: UnsignedLongOrBoolean)
fn Union7Attribute(&self) -> BlobOrBoolean
fn SetUnion7Attribute(&self, _: BlobOrBoolean)
fn Union8Attribute(&self) -> BlobOrUnsignedLong
fn SetUnion8Attribute(&self, _: BlobOrUnsignedLong)
fn Union9Attribute(&self) -> ByteStringOrLong
fn SetUnion9Attribute(&self, _: ByteStringOrLong)
fn ArrayAttribute(&self, cx: SafeJSContext) -> Uint8ClampedArray
fn AnyAttribute(&self, _: SafeJSContext, _: MutableHandleValue<'_>)
fn SetAnyAttribute(&self, _: SafeJSContext, _: HandleValue<'_>)
fn ObjectAttribute(&self, cx: SafeJSContext) -> NonNull<JSObject>
fn SetObjectAttribute(&self, _: SafeJSContext, _: *mut JSObject)
fn GetBooleanAttributeNullable(&self) -> Option<bool>
fn SetBooleanAttributeNullable(&self, _: Option<bool>)
fn GetByteAttributeNullable(&self) -> Option<i8>
fn SetByteAttributeNullable(&self, _: Option<i8>)
fn GetOctetAttributeNullable(&self) -> Option<u8>
fn SetOctetAttributeNullable(&self, _: Option<u8>)
fn GetShortAttributeNullable(&self) -> Option<i16>
fn SetShortAttributeNullable(&self, _: Option<i16>)
fn GetUnsignedShortAttributeNullable(&self) -> Option<u16>
fn SetUnsignedShortAttributeNullable(&self, _: Option<u16>)
fn GetLongAttributeNullable(&self) -> Option<i32>
fn SetLongAttributeNullable(&self, _: Option<i32>)
fn GetUnsignedLongAttributeNullable(&self) -> Option<u32>
fn SetUnsignedLongAttributeNullable(&self, _: Option<u32>)
fn GetLongLongAttributeNullable(&self) -> Option<i64>
fn SetLongLongAttributeNullable(&self, _: Option<i64>)
fn GetUnsignedLongLongAttributeNullable(&self) -> Option<u64>
fn SetUnsignedLongLongAttributeNullable(&self, _: Option<u64>)
fn GetUnrestrictedFloatAttributeNullable(&self) -> Option<f32>
fn SetUnrestrictedFloatAttributeNullable(&self, _: Option<f32>)
fn GetFloatAttributeNullable(&self) -> Option<Finite<f32>>
fn SetFloatAttributeNullable(&self, _: Option<Finite<f32>>)
fn GetUnrestrictedDoubleAttributeNullable(&self) -> Option<f64>
fn SetUnrestrictedDoubleAttributeNullable(&self, _: Option<f64>)
fn GetDoubleAttributeNullable(&self) -> Option<Finite<f64>>
fn SetDoubleAttributeNullable(&self, _: Option<Finite<f64>>)
fn GetByteStringAttributeNullable(&self) -> Option<ByteString>
fn SetByteStringAttributeNullable(&self, _: Option<ByteString>)
fn GetStringAttributeNullable(&self) -> Option<DOMString>
fn SetStringAttributeNullable(&self, _: Option<DOMString>)
fn GetUsvstringAttributeNullable(&self) -> Option<USVString>
fn SetUsvstringAttributeNullable(&self, _: Option<USVString>)
fn SetBinaryRenamedAttribute(&self, _: DOMString)
fn ForwardedAttribute(&self) -> Root<Dom<TestBinding>>
fn BinaryRenamedAttribute(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetBinaryRenamedAttribute2(&self, _: DOMString)
fn BinaryRenamedAttribute2(&self) -> DOMString
fn Attr_to_automatically_rename(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetAttr_to_automatically_rename(&self, _: DOMString)
fn GetEnumAttributeNullable(&self) -> Option<TestEnum>
fn GetInterfaceAttributeNullable( &self, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Option<Root<Dom<Blob>>>
fn SetInterfaceAttributeNullable(&self, _: Option<&Blob>)
fn GetInterfaceAttributeWeak(&self) -> Option<Root<Dom<URL>>>
fn SetInterfaceAttributeWeak(&self, url: Option<&URL>)
fn GetObjectAttributeNullable( &self, _: SafeJSContext, ) -> Option<NonNull<JSObject>>
fn SetObjectAttributeNullable(&self, _: SafeJSContext, _: *mut JSObject)
fn GetUnionAttributeNullable(&self) -> Option<HTMLElementOrLong>
fn SetUnionAttributeNullable(&self, _: Option<HTMLElementOrLong>)
fn GetUnion2AttributeNullable(&self) -> Option<EventOrString>
fn SetUnion2AttributeNullable(&self, _: Option<EventOrString>)
fn GetUnion3AttributeNullable(&self) -> Option<BlobOrBoolean>
fn SetUnion3AttributeNullable(&self, _: Option<BlobOrBoolean>)
fn GetUnion4AttributeNullable(&self) -> Option<UnsignedLongOrBoolean>
fn SetUnion4AttributeNullable(&self, _: Option<UnsignedLongOrBoolean>)
fn GetUnion5AttributeNullable(&self) -> Option<StringOrBoolean>
fn SetUnion5AttributeNullable(&self, _: Option<StringOrBoolean>)
fn GetUnion6AttributeNullable(&self) -> Option<ByteStringOrLong>
fn SetUnion6AttributeNullable(&self, _: Option<ByteStringOrLong>)
fn BinaryRenamedMethod(&self)
fn ReceiveVoid(&self)
fn ReceiveBoolean(&self) -> bool
fn ReceiveByte(&self) -> i8
fn ReceiveOctet(&self) -> u8
fn ReceiveShort(&self) -> i16
fn ReceiveUnsignedShort(&self) -> u16
fn ReceiveLong(&self) -> i32
fn ReceiveUnsignedLong(&self) -> u32
fn ReceiveLongLong(&self) -> i64
fn ReceiveUnsignedLongLong(&self) -> u64
fn ReceiveUnrestrictedFloat(&self) -> f32
fn ReceiveFloat(&self) -> Finite<f32>
fn ReceiveUnrestrictedDouble(&self) -> f64
fn ReceiveDouble(&self) -> Finite<f64>
fn ReceiveString(&self) -> DOMString
fn ReceiveUsvstring(&self) -> USVString
fn ReceiveByteString(&self) -> ByteString
fn ReceiveEnum(&self) -> TestEnum
fn ReceiveInterface(&self, can_gc: CanGc) -> Root<Dom<Blob>>
fn ReceiveAny(&self, _: SafeJSContext, _: MutableHandleValue<'_>)
fn ReceiveObject(&self, cx: SafeJSContext) -> NonNull<JSObject>
fn ReceiveUnion(&self) -> HTMLElementOrLong
fn ReceiveUnion2(&self) -> EventOrString
fn ReceiveUnion3(&self) -> StringOrLongSequence
fn ReceiveUnion4(&self) -> StringOrStringSequence
fn ReceiveUnion5(&self) -> BlobOrBlobSequence
fn ReceiveUnion6(&self) -> StringOrUnsignedLong
fn ReceiveUnion7(&self) -> StringOrBoolean
fn ReceiveUnion8(&self) -> UnsignedLongOrBoolean
fn ReceiveUnion9(&self) -> HTMLElementOrUnsignedLongOrStringOrBoolean
fn ReceiveUnion10(&self) -> ByteStringOrLong
fn ReceiveUnion11(&self) -> ByteStringSequenceOrLongOrString
fn ReceiveSequence(&self) -> Vec<i32>
fn ReceiveInterfaceSequence(&self, can_gc: CanGc) -> Vec<Root<Dom<Blob>>>
fn ReceiveUnionIdentity( &self, _: SafeJSContext, arg: StringOrObject, ) -> StringOrObject
fn ReceiveNullableBoolean(&self) -> Option<bool>
fn ReceiveNullableByte(&self) -> Option<i8>
fn ReceiveNullableOctet(&self) -> Option<u8>
fn ReceiveNullableShort(&self) -> Option<i16>
fn ReceiveNullableUnsignedShort(&self) -> Option<u16>
fn ReceiveNullableLong(&self) -> Option<i32>
fn ReceiveNullableUnsignedLong(&self) -> Option<u32>
fn ReceiveNullableLongLong(&self) -> Option<i64>
fn ReceiveNullableUnsignedLongLong(&self) -> Option<u64>
fn ReceiveNullableUnrestrictedFloat(&self) -> Option<f32>
fn ReceiveNullableFloat(&self) -> Option<Finite<f32>>
fn ReceiveNullableUnrestrictedDouble(&self) -> Option<f64>
fn ReceiveNullableDouble(&self) -> Option<Finite<f64>>
fn ReceiveNullableString(&self) -> Option<DOMString>
fn ReceiveNullableUsvstring(&self) -> Option<USVString>
fn ReceiveNullableByteString(&self) -> Option<ByteString>
fn ReceiveNullableEnum(&self) -> Option<TestEnum>
fn ReceiveNullableInterface(&self, can_gc: CanGc) -> Option<Root<Dom<Blob>>>
fn ReceiveNullableObject(&self, cx: SafeJSContext) -> Option<NonNull<JSObject>>
fn ReceiveNullableUnion(&self) -> Option<HTMLElementOrLong>
fn ReceiveNullableUnion2(&self) -> Option<EventOrString>
fn ReceiveNullableUnion3(&self) -> Option<StringOrLongSequence>
fn ReceiveNullableUnion4(&self) -> Option<LongSequenceOrBoolean>
fn ReceiveNullableUnion5(&self) -> Option<UnsignedLongOrBoolean>
fn ReceiveNullableUnion6(&self) -> Option<ByteStringOrLong>
fn ReceiveNullableSequence(&self) -> Option<Vec<i32>>
fn ReceiveTestDictionaryWithSuccessOnKeyword( &self, ) -> RootedTraceableBox<TestDictionary>
fn DictMatchesPassedValues( &self, arg: RootedTraceableBox<TestDictionary>, ) -> bool
fn PassBoolean(&self, _: bool)
fn PassByte(&self, _: i8)
fn PassOctet(&self, _: u8)
fn PassShort(&self, _: i16)
fn PassUnsignedShort(&self, _: u16)
fn PassLong(&self, _: i32)
fn PassUnsignedLong(&self, _: u32)
fn PassLongLong(&self, _: i64)
fn PassUnsignedLongLong(&self, _: u64)
fn PassUnrestrictedFloat(&self, _: f32)
fn PassFloat(&self, _: Finite<f32>)
fn PassUnrestrictedDouble(&self, _: f64)
fn PassDouble(&self, _: Finite<f64>)
fn PassString(&self, _: DOMString)
fn PassUsvstring(&self, _: USVString)
fn PassByteString(&self, _: ByteString)
fn PassEnum(&self, _: TestEnum)
fn PassInterface(&self, _: &Blob)
fn PassTypedArray(&self, _: CustomAutoRooterGuard<'_, Int8Array>)
fn PassTypedArray2(&self, _: CustomAutoRooterGuard<'_, ArrayBuffer>)
fn PassTypedArray3(&self, _: CustomAutoRooterGuard<'_, ArrayBufferView>)
fn PassUnion(&self, _: HTMLElementOrLong)
fn PassUnion2(&self, _: EventOrString)
fn PassUnion3(&self, _: BlobOrString)
fn PassUnion4(&self, _: StringOrStringSequence)
fn PassUnion5(&self, _: StringOrBoolean)
fn PassUnion6(&self, _: UnsignedLongOrBoolean)
fn PassUnion7(&self, _: StringSequenceOrUnsignedLong)
fn PassUnion8(&self, _: ByteStringSequenceOrLong)
fn PassUnion9(&self, _: TestDictionaryOrLong)
fn PassUnion10(&self, _: SafeJSContext, _: StringOrObject)
fn PassUnion11(&self, _: ArrayBufferOrArrayBufferView)
fn PassUnionWithTypedef(&self, _: DocumentOrStringOrURLOrBlob)
fn PassUnionWithTypedef2(&self, _: LongSequenceOrStringOrURLOrBlob)
fn PassAny(&self, _: SafeJSContext, _: HandleValue<'_>)
fn PassObject(&self, _: SafeJSContext, _: *mut JSObject)
fn PassCallbackFunction(&self, _: Rc<Function>)
fn PassCallbackInterface(&self, _: Rc<EventListener>)
fn PassSequence(&self, _: Vec<i32>)
fn PassAnySequence( &self, _: SafeJSContext, _: CustomAutoRooterGuard<'_, Vec<JSVal>>, )
fn AnySequencePassthrough( &self, _: SafeJSContext, seq: CustomAutoRooterGuard<'_, Vec<JSVal>>, ) -> Vec<JSVal>
fn PassObjectSequence( &self, _: SafeJSContext, _: CustomAutoRooterGuard<'_, Vec<*mut JSObject>>, )
fn PassStringSequence(&self, _: Vec<DOMString>)
fn PassInterfaceSequence(&self, _: Vec<Root<Dom<Blob>>>)
fn PassOverloaded(&self, _: CustomAutoRooterGuard<'_, ArrayBuffer>)
fn PassOverloaded_(&self, _: DOMString)
fn PassOverloadedDict(&self, _: &Node) -> DOMString
fn PassOverloadedDict_(&self, u: &TestURLLike) -> DOMString
fn PassNullableBoolean(&self, _: Option<bool>)
fn PassNullableByte(&self, _: Option<i8>)
fn PassNullableOctet(&self, _: Option<u8>)
fn PassNullableShort(&self, _: Option<i16>)
fn PassNullableUnsignedShort(&self, _: Option<u16>)
fn PassNullableLong(&self, _: Option<i32>)
fn PassNullableUnsignedLong(&self, _: Option<u32>)
fn PassNullableLongLong(&self, _: Option<i64>)
fn PassNullableUnsignedLongLong(&self, _: Option<u64>)
fn PassNullableUnrestrictedFloat(&self, _: Option<f32>)
fn PassNullableFloat(&self, _: Option<Finite<f32>>)
fn PassNullableUnrestrictedDouble(&self, _: Option<f64>)
fn PassNullableDouble(&self, _: Option<Finite<f64>>)
fn PassNullableString(&self, _: Option<DOMString>)
fn PassNullableUsvstring(&self, _: Option<USVString>)
fn PassNullableByteString(&self, _: Option<ByteString>)
fn PassNullableInterface(&self, _: Option<&Blob>)
fn PassNullableObject(&self, _: SafeJSContext, _: *mut JSObject)
fn PassNullableTypedArray( &self, _: CustomAutoRooterGuard<'_, Option<Int8Array>>, )
fn PassNullableUnion(&self, _: Option<HTMLElementOrLong>)
fn PassNullableUnion2(&self, _: Option<EventOrString>)
fn PassNullableUnion3(&self, _: Option<StringOrLongSequence>)
fn PassNullableUnion4(&self, _: Option<LongSequenceOrBoolean>)
fn PassNullableUnion5(&self, _: Option<UnsignedLongOrBoolean>)
fn PassNullableUnion6(&self, _: Option<ByteStringOrLong>)
fn PassNullableCallbackFunction(&self, _: Option<Rc<Function>>)
fn PassNullableCallbackInterface(&self, _: Option<Rc<EventListener>>)
fn PassNullableSequence(&self, _: Option<Vec<i32>>)
fn PassOptionalBoolean(&self, _: Option<bool>)
fn PassOptionalByte(&self, _: Option<i8>)
fn PassOptionalOctet(&self, _: Option<u8>)
fn PassOptionalShort(&self, _: Option<i16>)
fn PassOptionalUnsignedShort(&self, _: Option<u16>)
fn PassOptionalLong(&self, _: Option<i32>)
fn PassOptionalUnsignedLong(&self, _: Option<u32>)
fn PassOptionalLongLong(&self, _: Option<i64>)
fn PassOptionalUnsignedLongLong(&self, _: Option<u64>)
fn PassOptionalUnrestrictedFloat(&self, _: Option<f32>)
fn PassOptionalFloat(&self, _: Option<Finite<f32>>)
fn PassOptionalUnrestrictedDouble(&self, _: Option<f64>)
fn PassOptionalDouble(&self, _: Option<Finite<f64>>)
fn PassOptionalString(&self, _: Option<DOMString>)
fn PassOptionalUsvstring(&self, _: Option<USVString>)
fn PassOptionalByteString(&self, _: Option<ByteString>)
fn PassOptionalEnum(&self, _: Option<TestEnum>)
fn PassOptionalInterface(&self, _: Option<&Blob>)
fn PassOptionalUnion(&self, _: Option<HTMLElementOrLong>)
fn PassOptionalUnion2(&self, _: Option<EventOrString>)
fn PassOptionalUnion3(&self, _: Option<StringOrLongSequence>)
fn PassOptionalUnion4(&self, _: Option<LongSequenceOrBoolean>)
fn PassOptionalUnion5(&self, _: Option<UnsignedLongOrBoolean>)
fn PassOptionalUnion6(&self, _: Option<ByteStringOrLong>)
fn PassOptionalAny(&self, _: SafeJSContext, _: HandleValue<'_>)
fn PassOptionalObject(&self, _: SafeJSContext, _: Option<*mut JSObject>)
fn PassOptionalCallbackFunction(&self, _: Option<Rc<Function>>)
fn PassOptionalCallbackInterface(&self, _: Option<Rc<EventListener>>)
fn PassOptionalSequence(&self, _: Option<Vec<i32>>)
fn PassOptionalNullableBoolean(&self, _: Option<Option<bool>>)
fn PassOptionalNullableByte(&self, _: Option<Option<i8>>)
fn PassOptionalNullableOctet(&self, _: Option<Option<u8>>)
fn PassOptionalNullableShort(&self, _: Option<Option<i16>>)
fn PassOptionalNullableUnsignedShort(&self, _: Option<Option<u16>>)
fn PassOptionalNullableLong(&self, _: Option<Option<i32>>)
fn PassOptionalNullableUnsignedLong(&self, _: Option<Option<u32>>)
fn PassOptionalNullableLongLong(&self, _: Option<Option<i64>>)
fn PassOptionalNullableUnsignedLongLong(&self, _: Option<Option<u64>>)
fn PassOptionalNullableUnrestrictedFloat(&self, _: Option<Option<f32>>)
fn PassOptionalNullableFloat(&self, _: Option<Option<Finite<f32>>>)
fn PassOptionalNullableUnrestrictedDouble(&self, _: Option<Option<f64>>)
fn PassOptionalNullableDouble(&self, _: Option<Option<Finite<f64>>>)
fn PassOptionalNullableString(&self, _: Option<Option<DOMString>>)
fn PassOptionalNullableUsvstring(&self, _: Option<Option<USVString>>)
fn PassOptionalNullableByteString(&self, _: Option<Option<ByteString>>)
fn PassOptionalNullableInterface(&self, _: Option<Option<&Blob>>)
fn PassOptionalNullableObject(&self, _: SafeJSContext, _: Option<*mut JSObject>)
fn PassOptionalNullableUnion(&self, _: Option<Option<HTMLElementOrLong>>)
fn PassOptionalNullableUnion2(&self, _: Option<Option<EventOrString>>)
fn PassOptionalNullableUnion3(&self, _: Option<Option<StringOrLongSequence>>)
fn PassOptionalNullableUnion4(&self, _: Option<Option<LongSequenceOrBoolean>>)
fn PassOptionalNullableUnion5(&self, _: Option<Option<UnsignedLongOrBoolean>>)
fn PassOptionalNullableUnion6(&self, _: Option<Option<ByteStringOrLong>>)
fn PassOptionalNullableCallbackFunction(&self, _: Option<Option<Rc<Function>>>)
fn PassOptionalNullableCallbackInterface( &self, _: Option<Option<Rc<EventListener>>>, )
fn PassOptionalNullableSequence(&self, _: Option<Option<Vec<i32>>>)
fn PassOptionalBooleanWithDefault(&self, _: bool)
fn PassOptionalByteWithDefault(&self, _: i8)
fn PassOptionalOctetWithDefault(&self, _: u8)
fn PassOptionalShortWithDefault(&self, _: i16)
fn PassOptionalUnsignedShortWithDefault(&self, _: u16)
fn PassOptionalLongWithDefault(&self, _: i32)
fn PassOptionalUnsignedLongWithDefault(&self, _: u32)
fn PassOptionalLongLongWithDefault(&self, _: i64)
fn PassOptionalUnsignedLongLongWithDefault(&self, _: u64)
fn PassOptionalStringWithDefault(&self, _: DOMString)
fn PassOptionalUsvstringWithDefault(&self, _: USVString)
fn PassOptionalBytestringWithDefault(&self, _: ByteString)
fn PassOptionalEnumWithDefault(&self, _: TestEnum)
fn PassOptionalSequenceWithDefault(&self, _: Vec<i32>)
fn PassOptionalNullableBooleanWithDefault(&self, _: Option<bool>)
fn PassOptionalNullableByteWithDefault(&self, _: Option<i8>)
fn PassOptionalNullableOctetWithDefault(&self, _: Option<u8>)
fn PassOptionalNullableShortWithDefault(&self, _: Option<i16>)
fn PassOptionalNullableUnsignedShortWithDefault(&self, _: Option<u16>)
fn PassOptionalNullableLongWithDefault(&self, _: Option<i32>)
fn PassOptionalNullableUnsignedLongWithDefault(&self, _: Option<u32>)
fn PassOptionalNullableLongLongWithDefault(&self, _: Option<i64>)
fn PassOptionalNullableUnsignedLongLongWithDefault(&self, _: Option<u64>)
fn PassOptionalNullableStringWithDefault(&self, _: Option<DOMString>)
fn PassOptionalNullableUsvstringWithDefault(&self, _: Option<USVString>)
fn PassOptionalNullableByteStringWithDefault(&self, _: Option<ByteString>)
fn PassOptionalNullableInterfaceWithDefault(&self, _: Option<&Blob>)
fn PassOptionalNullableObjectWithDefault( &self, _: SafeJSContext, _: *mut JSObject, )
fn PassOptionalNullableUnionWithDefault(&self, _: Option<HTMLElementOrLong>)
fn PassOptionalNullableUnion2WithDefault(&self, _: Option<EventOrString>)
fn PassOptionalNullableCallbackInterfaceWithDefault( &self, _: Option<Rc<EventListener>>, )
fn PassOptionalAnyWithDefault(&self, _: SafeJSContext, _: HandleValue<'_>)
fn PassOptionalNullableBooleanWithNonNullDefault(&self, _: Option<bool>)
fn PassOptionalNullableByteWithNonNullDefault(&self, _: Option<i8>)
fn PassOptionalNullableOctetWithNonNullDefault(&self, _: Option<u8>)
fn PassOptionalNullableShortWithNonNullDefault(&self, _: Option<i16>)
fn PassOptionalNullableUnsignedShortWithNonNullDefault(&self, _: Option<u16>)
fn PassOptionalNullableLongWithNonNullDefault(&self, _: Option<i32>)
fn PassOptionalNullableUnsignedLongWithNonNullDefault(&self, _: Option<u32>)
fn PassOptionalNullableLongLongWithNonNullDefault(&self, _: Option<i64>)
fn PassOptionalNullableUnsignedLongLongWithNonNullDefault(&self, _: Option<u64>)
fn PassOptionalNullableStringWithNonNullDefault(&self, _: Option<DOMString>)
fn PassOptionalNullableUsvstringWithNonNullDefault(&self, _: Option<USVString>)
fn PassOptionalOverloaded( &self, a: &TestBinding, _: u32, _: u32, ) -> Root<Dom<TestBinding>>
fn PassOptionalOverloaded_(&self, _: &Blob, _: u32)
fn PassVariadicBoolean(&self, _: Vec<bool>)
fn PassVariadicBooleanAndDefault(&self, _: bool, _: Vec<bool>)
fn PassVariadicByte(&self, _: Vec<i8>)
fn PassVariadicOctet(&self, _: Vec<u8>)
fn PassVariadicShort(&self, _: Vec<i16>)
fn PassVariadicUnsignedShort(&self, _: Vec<u16>)
fn PassVariadicLong(&self, _: Vec<i32>)
fn PassVariadicUnsignedLong(&self, _: Vec<u32>)
fn PassVariadicLongLong(&self, _: Vec<i64>)
fn PassVariadicUnsignedLongLong(&self, _: Vec<u64>)
fn PassVariadicUnrestrictedFloat(&self, _: Vec<f32>)
fn PassVariadicFloat(&self, _: Vec<Finite<f32>>)
fn PassVariadicUnrestrictedDouble(&self, _: Vec<f64>)
fn PassVariadicDouble(&self, _: Vec<Finite<f64>>)
fn PassVariadicString(&self, _: Vec<DOMString>)
fn PassVariadicUsvstring(&self, _: Vec<USVString>)
fn PassVariadicByteString(&self, _: Vec<ByteString>)
fn PassVariadicEnum(&self, _: Vec<TestEnum>)
fn PassVariadicInterface(&self, _: &[&Blob])
fn PassVariadicUnion(&self, _: Vec<HTMLElementOrLong>)
fn PassVariadicUnion2(&self, _: Vec<EventOrString>)
fn PassVariadicUnion3(&self, _: Vec<BlobOrString>)
fn PassVariadicUnion4(&self, _: Vec<BlobOrBoolean>)
fn PassVariadicUnion5(&self, _: Vec<StringOrUnsignedLong>)
fn PassVariadicUnion6(&self, _: Vec<UnsignedLongOrBoolean>)
fn PassVariadicUnion7(&self, _: Vec<ByteStringOrLong>)
fn PassVariadicAny(&self, _: SafeJSContext, _: Vec<HandleValue<'_>>)
fn PassVariadicObject(&self, _: SafeJSContext, _: Vec<*mut JSObject>)
fn BooleanMozPreference(&self, pref_name: DOMString) -> bool
fn StringMozPreference(&self, pref_name: DOMString) -> DOMString
fn PrefControlledAttributeDisabled(&self) -> bool
fn PrefControlledAttributeEnabled(&self) -> bool
fn PrefControlledMethodDisabled(&self)
fn PrefControlledMethodEnabled(&self)
fn FuncControlledAttributeDisabled(&self) -> bool
fn FuncControlledAttributeEnabled(&self) -> bool
fn FuncControlledMethodDisabled(&self)
fn FuncControlledMethodEnabled(&self)
fn PassRecord(&self, _: Record<DOMString, i32>)
fn PassRecordWithUSVStringKey(&self, _: Record<USVString, i32>)
fn PassRecordWithByteStringKey(&self, _: Record<ByteString, i32>)
fn PassNullableRecord(&self, _: Option<Record<DOMString, i32>>)
fn PassRecordOfNullableInts(&self, _: Record<DOMString, Option<i32>>)
fn PassOptionalRecordOfNullableInts( &self, _: Option<Record<DOMString, Option<i32>>>, )
fn PassOptionalNullableRecordOfNullableInts( &self, _: Option<Option<Record<DOMString, Option<i32>>>>, )
fn PassCastableObjectRecord(&self, _: Record<DOMString, Root<Dom<TestBinding>>>)
fn PassNullableCastableObjectRecord( &self, _: Record<DOMString, Option<Root<Dom<TestBinding>>>>, )
fn PassCastableObjectNullableRecord( &self, _: Option<Record<DOMString, Root<Dom<TestBinding>>>>, )
fn PassNullableCastableObjectNullableRecord( &self, _: Option<Record<DOMString, Option<Root<Dom<TestBinding>>>>>, )
fn PassOptionalRecord(&self, _: Option<Record<DOMString, i32>>)
fn PassOptionalNullableRecord(&self, _: Option<Option<Record<DOMString, i32>>>)
fn PassOptionalNullableRecordWithDefaultValue( &self, _: Option<Record<DOMString, i32>>, )
fn PassOptionalObjectRecord( &self, _: Option<Record<DOMString, Root<Dom<TestBinding>>>>, )
fn PassStringRecord(&self, _: Record<DOMString, DOMString>)
fn PassByteStringRecord(&self, _: Record<DOMString, ByteString>)
fn PassRecordOfRecords(&self, _: Record<DOMString, Record<DOMString, i32>>)
fn PassRecordUnion(&self, _: LongOrStringByteStringRecord)
fn PassRecordUnion2(&self, _: TestBindingOrStringByteStringRecord)
fn PassRecordUnion3( &self, _: TestBindingOrByteStringSequenceSequenceOrStringByteStringRecord, )
fn ReceiveRecord(&self) -> Record<DOMString, i32>
fn ReceiveRecordWithUSVStringKey(&self) -> Record<USVString, i32>
fn ReceiveRecordWithByteStringKey(&self) -> Record<ByteString, i32>
fn ReceiveNullableRecord(&self) -> Option<Record<DOMString, i32>>
fn ReceiveRecordOfNullableInts(&self) -> Record<DOMString, Option<i32>>
fn ReceiveNullableRecordOfNullableInts( &self, ) -> Option<Record<DOMString, Option<i32>>>
fn ReceiveRecordOfRecords(&self) -> Record<DOMString, Record<DOMString, i32>>
fn ReceiveAnyRecord(&self) -> Record<DOMString, JSVal>
fn ReturnResolvedPromise( &self, cx: SafeJSContext, v: HandleValue<'_>, ) -> Rc<Promise>
fn ReturnRejectedPromise( &self, cx: SafeJSContext, v: HandleValue<'_>, ) -> Rc<Promise>
fn PromiseResolveNative( &self, cx: SafeJSContext, p: &Promise, v: HandleValue<'_>, )
fn PromiseRejectNative( &self, cx: SafeJSContext, p: &Promise, v: HandleValue<'_>, )
fn PromiseRejectWithTypeError(&self, p: &Promise, s: USVString)
fn ResolvePromiseDelayed(&self, p: &Promise, value: DOMString, delay: u64)
fn PromiseNativeHandler( &self, resolve: Option<Rc<SimpleCallback>>, reject: Option<Rc<SimpleCallback>>, comp: InRealm<'_>, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Rc<Promise>
fn PromiseAttribute(&self, comp: InRealm<'_>, can_gc: CanGc) -> Rc<Promise>
fn AcceptPromise(&self, _promise: &Promise)
fn PassSequenceSequence(&self, _seq: Vec<Vec<i32>>)
fn ReturnSequenceSequence(&self) -> Vec<Vec<i32>>
fn PassUnionSequenceSequence(&self, seq: LongOrLongSequenceSequence)
fn CrashHard(&self)
fn AdvanceClock(&self, ms: i32)
fn Panic(&self)
fn EntryGlobal(&self) -> Root<Dom<GlobalScope>>
fn IncumbentGlobal(&self) -> Root<Dom<GlobalScope>>
fn SemiExposedBoolFromInterface(&self) -> bool
fn BoolFromSemiExposedPartialInterface(&self) -> bool
fn SemiExposedBoolFromPartialInterface(&self) -> bool
fn GetDictionaryWithParent( &self, s1: DOMString, s2: DOMString, ) -> TestDictionaryWithParent
fn MethodThrowToRejectPromise(&self) -> Result<Rc<Promise>, Error>
fn GetGetterThrowToRejectPromise(&self) -> Result<Rc<Promise>, Error>
fn MethodInternalThrowToRejectPromise(&self, _arg: u64) -> Rc<Promise>
fn StaticThrowToRejectPromise(_: &GlobalScope) -> Result<Rc<Promise>, Error>
fn StaticInternalThrowToRejectPromise(_: &GlobalScope, _arg: u64) -> Rc<Promise>
fn BooleanAttributeStatic(_: &GlobalScope) -> bool
fn SetBooleanAttributeStatic(_: &GlobalScope, _: bool)
fn ReceiveVoidStatic(_: &GlobalScope)
fn PrefControlledStaticAttributeDisabled(_: &GlobalScope) -> bool
fn PrefControlledStaticAttributeEnabled(_: &GlobalScope) -> bool
fn PrefControlledStaticMethodDisabled(_: &GlobalScope)
fn PrefControlledStaticMethodEnabled(_: &GlobalScope)
fn FuncControlledStaticAttributeDisabled(_: &GlobalScope) -> bool
fn FuncControlledStaticAttributeEnabled(_: &GlobalScope) -> bool
fn FuncControlledStaticMethodDisabled(_: &GlobalScope)
fn FuncControlledStaticMethodEnabled(_: &GlobalScope)
source§impl TestBindingPairIterableMethods<DomTypeHolder> for TestBindingPairIterable
impl TestBindingPairIterableMethods<DomTypeHolder> for TestBindingPairIterable
fn Constructor( global: &GlobalScope, proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<TestBindingPairIterable>>, Error>
fn Add(&self, key: DOMString, value: u32)
source§impl TestBindingProxyMethods<DomTypeHolder> for TestBindingProxy
impl TestBindingProxyMethods<DomTypeHolder> for TestBindingProxy
fn Length(&self) -> u32
fn SupportedPropertyNames(&self) -> Vec<DOMString>
fn GetNamedItem(&self, _: DOMString) -> DOMString
fn SetNamedItem(&self, _: DOMString, _: DOMString)
fn GetItem(&self, _: u32) -> DOMString
fn SetItem(&self, _: u32, _: DOMString)
fn RemoveItem(&self, _: DOMString)
fn Stringifier(&self) -> DOMString
fn IndexedGetter(&self, _: u32) -> Option<DOMString>
fn NamedDeleter(&self, _: DOMString)
fn IndexedSetter(&self, _: u32, _: DOMString)
fn NamedSetter(&self, _: DOMString, _: DOMString)
fn NamedGetter(&self, _: DOMString) -> Option<DOMString>
source§impl TestBindingSetlikeMethods<DomTypeHolder> for TestBindingSetlike
impl TestBindingSetlikeMethods<DomTypeHolder> for TestBindingSetlike
fn Constructor( global: &GlobalScope, proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<TestBindingSetlike>>, Error>
fn Size(&self) -> u32
source§impl TestRunnerMethods<DomTypeHolder> for TestRunner
impl TestRunnerMethods<DomTypeHolder> for TestRunner
source§impl TestWorkletGlobalScopeMethods<DomTypeHolder> for TestWorkletGlobalScope
impl TestWorkletGlobalScopeMethods<DomTypeHolder> for TestWorkletGlobalScope
fn RegisterKeyValue(&self, key: DOMString, value: DOMString)
source§impl TestWorkletMethods<DomTypeHolder> for TestWorklet
impl TestWorkletMethods<DomTypeHolder> for TestWorklet
fn Constructor( window: &Window, proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<TestWorklet>>, Error>
fn AddModule( &self, moduleURL: USVString, options: &WorkletOptions, comp: InRealm<'_>, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Rc<Promise>
fn Lookup(&self, key: DOMString) -> Option<DOMString>
source§impl TextDecoderMethods<DomTypeHolder> for TextDecoder
impl TextDecoderMethods<DomTypeHolder> for TextDecoder
source§fn Constructor(
global: &GlobalScope,
proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>,
can_gc: CanGc,
label: DOMString,
options: &TextDecoderOptions,
) -> Result<Root<Dom<TextDecoder>>, Error>
fn Constructor( global: &GlobalScope, proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>, can_gc: CanGc, label: DOMString, options: &TextDecoderOptions, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<TextDecoder>>, Error>
fn Encoding(&self) -> DOMString
fn Fatal(&self) -> bool
fn IgnoreBOM(&self) -> bool
fn Decode( &self, input: Option<ArrayBufferViewOrArrayBuffer>, options: &TextDecodeOptions, ) -> Result<USVString, Error>
source§impl TextEncoderMethods<DomTypeHolder> for TextEncoder
impl TextEncoderMethods<DomTypeHolder> for TextEncoder
source§fn Constructor(
global: &GlobalScope,
proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>,
can_gc: CanGc,
) -> Result<Root<Dom<TextEncoder>>, Error>
fn Constructor( global: &GlobalScope, proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<TextEncoder>>, Error>
source§fn EncodeInto(
source: USVString,
destination: CustomAutoRooterGuard<'_, Uint8Array>,
) -> TextEncoderEncodeIntoResult
fn EncodeInto( &self, source: USVString, destination: CustomAutoRooterGuard<'_, Uint8Array>, ) -> TextEncoderEncodeIntoResult
source§impl TextMethods<DomTypeHolder> for Text
impl TextMethods<DomTypeHolder> for Text
source§fn GetAssignedSlot(&self) -> Option<Root<Dom<HTMLSlotElement>>>
fn GetAssignedSlot(&self) -> Option<Root<Dom<HTMLSlotElement>>>
fn Constructor( window: &Window, proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>, can_gc: CanGc, text: DOMString, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<Text>>, Error>
fn SplitText( &self, offset: u32, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<Text>>, Error>
fn WholeText(&self) -> DOMString
source§impl TextMetricsMethods<DomTypeHolder> for TextMetrics
impl TextMetricsMethods<DomTypeHolder> for TextMetrics
source§fn ActualBoundingBoxLeft(&self) -> Finite<f64>
fn ActualBoundingBoxLeft(&self) -> Finite<f64>
source§fn ActualBoundingBoxRight(&self) -> Finite<f64>
fn ActualBoundingBoxRight(&self) -> Finite<f64>
source§fn FontBoundingBoxAscent(&self) -> Finite<f64>
fn FontBoundingBoxAscent(&self) -> Finite<f64>
source§fn FontBoundingBoxDescent(&self) -> Finite<f64>
fn FontBoundingBoxDescent(&self) -> Finite<f64>
source§fn ActualBoundingBoxAscent(&self) -> Finite<f64>
fn ActualBoundingBoxAscent(&self) -> Finite<f64>
source§fn ActualBoundingBoxDescent(&self) -> Finite<f64>
fn ActualBoundingBoxDescent(&self) -> Finite<f64>
source§fn EmHeightAscent(&self) -> Finite<f64>
fn EmHeightAscent(&self) -> Finite<f64>
source§fn EmHeightDescent(&self) -> Finite<f64>
fn EmHeightDescent(&self) -> Finite<f64>
source§fn HangingBaseline(&self) -> Finite<f64>
fn HangingBaseline(&self) -> Finite<f64>
source§fn AlphabeticBaseline(&self) -> Finite<f64>
fn AlphabeticBaseline(&self) -> Finite<f64>
source§impl TextTrackCueListMethods<DomTypeHolder> for TextTrackCueList
impl TextTrackCueListMethods<DomTypeHolder> for TextTrackCueList
fn Length(&self) -> u32
fn IndexedGetter(&self, idx: u32) -> Option<Root<Dom<TextTrackCue>>>
fn GetCueById(&self, id: DOMString) -> Option<Root<Dom<TextTrackCue>>>
source§impl TextTrackCueMethods<DomTypeHolder> for TextTrackCue
impl TextTrackCueMethods<DomTypeHolder> for TextTrackCue
fn Id(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetId(&self, value: DOMString)
fn GetTrack(&self) -> Option<Root<Dom<TextTrack>>>
fn StartTime(&self) -> Finite<f64>
fn SetStartTime(&self, value: Finite<f64>)
fn EndTime(&self) -> Finite<f64>
fn SetEndTime(&self, value: Finite<f64>)
fn PauseOnExit(&self) -> bool
fn SetPauseOnExit(&self, value: bool)
fn GetOnenter(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnenter(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnexit(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnexit(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
source§impl TextTrackListMethods<DomTypeHolder> for TextTrackList
impl TextTrackListMethods<DomTypeHolder> for TextTrackList
fn Length(&self) -> u32
fn IndexedGetter(&self, idx: u32) -> Option<Root<Dom<TextTrack>>>
fn GetTrackById(&self, id: DOMString) -> Option<Root<Dom<TextTrack>>>
fn GetOnchange(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnchange(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnaddtrack(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnaddtrack(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnremovetrack(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnremovetrack(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
source§impl TextTrackMethods<DomTypeHolder> for TextTrack
impl TextTrackMethods<DomTypeHolder> for TextTrack
fn Kind(&self) -> TextTrackKind
fn Label(&self) -> DOMString
fn Language(&self) -> DOMString
fn Id(&self) -> DOMString
fn Mode(&self) -> TextTrackMode
fn SetMode(&self, value: TextTrackMode)
fn GetCues(&self) -> Option<Root<Dom<TextTrackCueList>>>
fn GetActiveCues(&self) -> Option<Root<Dom<TextTrackCueList>>>
fn AddCue(&self, cue: &TextTrackCue) -> Result<(), Error>
fn RemoveCue(&self, cue: &TextTrackCue) -> Result<(), Error>
fn GetOncuechange(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOncuechange(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
source§impl TimeRangesMethods<DomTypeHolder> for TimeRanges
impl TimeRangesMethods<DomTypeHolder> for TimeRanges
source§impl TouchEventMethods<DomTypeHolder> for TouchEvent
impl TouchEventMethods<DomTypeHolder> for TouchEvent
source§impl TouchListMethods<DomTypeHolder> for TouchList
impl TouchListMethods<DomTypeHolder> for TouchList
source§impl TouchMethods<DomTypeHolder> for Touch
impl TouchMethods<DomTypeHolder> for Touch
source§impl Traceable for DomTypeHolder
impl Traceable for DomTypeHolder
source§impl TrackEventMethods<DomTypeHolder> for TrackEvent
impl TrackEventMethods<DomTypeHolder> for TrackEvent
fn Constructor( window: &Window, proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>, can_gc: CanGc, type_: DOMString, init: &TrackEventInit, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<TrackEvent>>, Error>
fn GetTrack(&self) -> Option<VideoTrackOrAudioTrackOrTextTrack>
fn IsTrusted(&self) -> bool
source§impl TransitionEventMethods<DomTypeHolder> for TransitionEvent
impl TransitionEventMethods<DomTypeHolder> for TransitionEvent
fn Constructor( window: &Window, proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>, can_gc: CanGc, type_: DOMString, init: &TransitionEventInit, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<TransitionEvent>>, Error>
fn PropertyName(&self) -> DOMString
fn ElapsedTime(&self) -> Finite<f32>
fn PseudoElement(&self) -> DOMString
fn IsTrusted(&self) -> bool
source§impl TreeWalkerMethods<DomTypeHolder> for TreeWalker
impl TreeWalkerMethods<DomTypeHolder> for TreeWalker
fn Root(&self) -> Root<Dom<Node>>
fn WhatToShow(&self) -> u32
fn GetFilter(&self) -> Option<Rc<NodeFilter>>
fn CurrentNode(&self) -> Root<Dom<Node>>
fn SetCurrentNode(&self, node: &Node)
fn ParentNode(&self) -> Result<Option<Root<Dom<Node>>>, Error>
fn FirstChild(&self) -> Result<Option<Root<Dom<Node>>>, Error>
fn LastChild(&self) -> Result<Option<Root<Dom<Node>>>, Error>
fn PreviousSibling(&self) -> Result<Option<Root<Dom<Node>>>, Error>
fn NextSibling(&self) -> Result<Option<Root<Dom<Node>>>, Error>
fn PreviousNode(&self) -> Result<Option<Root<Dom<Node>>>, Error>
fn NextNode(&self) -> Result<Option<Root<Dom<Node>>>, Error>
source§impl UIEventMethods<DomTypeHolder> for UIEvent
impl UIEventMethods<DomTypeHolder> for UIEvent
source§fn Constructor(
window: &Window,
proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>,
can_gc: CanGc,
type_: DOMString,
init: &UIEventInit,
) -> Result<Root<Dom<UIEvent>>, Error>
fn Constructor( window: &Window, proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>, can_gc: CanGc, type_: DOMString, init: &UIEventInit, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<UIEvent>>, Error>
fn GetView(&self) -> Option<Root<Dom<Window>>>
fn Detail(&self) -> i32
fn InitUIEvent( &self, type_: DOMString, can_bubble: bool, cancelable: bool, view: Option<&Window>, detail: i32, )
fn IsTrusted(&self) -> bool
source§impl URLMethods<DomTypeHolder> for URL
impl URLMethods<DomTypeHolder> for URL
source§fn Constructor(
global: &GlobalScope,
proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>,
can_gc: CanGc,
url: USVString,
base: Option<USVString>,
) -> Result<Root<Dom<URL>>, Error>
fn Constructor( global: &GlobalScope, proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>, can_gc: CanGc, url: USVString, base: Option<USVString>, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<URL>>, Error>
source§fn Parse(
global: &GlobalScope,
url: USVString,
base: Option<USVString>,
can_gc: CanGc,
) -> Option<Root<Dom<URL>>>
fn Parse( global: &GlobalScope, url: USVString, base: Option<USVString>, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Option<Root<Dom<URL>>>
source§fn CreateObjectURL(global: &GlobalScope, blob: &Blob) -> DOMString
fn CreateObjectURL(global: &GlobalScope, blob: &Blob) -> DOMString
source§fn RevokeObjectURL(global: &GlobalScope, url: DOMString)
fn RevokeObjectURL(global: &GlobalScope, url: DOMString)
source§fn SetHostname(&self, value: USVString)
fn SetHostname(&self, value: USVString)
source§fn SetPassword(&self, value: USVString)
fn SetPassword(&self, value: USVString)
source§fn SetPathname(&self, value: USVString)
fn SetPathname(&self, value: USVString)
source§fn SetProtocol(&self, value: USVString)
fn SetProtocol(&self, value: USVString)
source§fn SearchParams(&self, can_gc: CanGc) -> Root<Dom<URLSearchParams>>
fn SearchParams(&self, can_gc: CanGc) -> Root<Dom<URLSearchParams>>
source§fn SetUsername(&self, value: USVString)
fn SetUsername(&self, value: USVString)
source§impl URLSearchParamsMethods<DomTypeHolder> for URLSearchParams
impl URLSearchParamsMethods<DomTypeHolder> for URLSearchParams
source§fn Constructor(
global: &GlobalScope,
proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>,
can_gc: CanGc,
init: USVStringSequenceSequenceOrUSVStringUSVStringRecordOrUSVString,
) -> Result<Root<Dom<URLSearchParams>>, Error>
fn Constructor( global: &GlobalScope, proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>, can_gc: CanGc, init: USVStringSequenceSequenceOrUSVStringUSVStringRecordOrUSVString, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<URLSearchParams>>, Error>
source§impl VTTCueMethods<DomTypeHolder> for VTTCue
impl VTTCueMethods<DomTypeHolder> for VTTCue
fn Constructor( window: &Window, proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>, can_gc: CanGc, start_time: Finite<f64>, end_time: Finite<f64>, text: DOMString, ) -> Root<Dom<Self>>
fn GetRegion(&self) -> Option<Root<Dom<VTTRegion>>>
fn SetRegion(&self, value: Option<&VTTRegion>)
fn Vertical(&self) -> DirectionSetting
fn SetVertical(&self, value: DirectionSetting)
fn SnapToLines(&self) -> bool
fn SetSnapToLines(&self, value: bool)
fn Line(&self) -> DoubleOrAutoKeyword
fn SetLine(&self, value: DoubleOrAutoKeyword)
fn LineAlign(&self) -> LineAlignSetting
fn SetLineAlign(&self, value: LineAlignSetting)
fn Position(&self) -> DoubleOrAutoKeyword
fn SetPosition(&self, value: DoubleOrAutoKeyword) -> Result<(), Error>
fn PositionAlign(&self) -> PositionAlignSetting
fn SetPositionAlign(&self, value: PositionAlignSetting)
fn Size(&self) -> Finite<f64>
fn SetSize(&self, value: Finite<f64>) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Align(&self) -> AlignSetting
fn SetAlign(&self, value: AlignSetting)
fn Text(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetText(&self, value: DOMString)
fn GetCueAsHTML(&self) -> Root<Dom<DocumentFragment>>
source§impl VTTRegionMethods<DomTypeHolder> for VTTRegion
impl VTTRegionMethods<DomTypeHolder> for VTTRegion
fn Constructor( window: &Window, proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<Self>>, Error>
fn Id(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetId(&self, value: DOMString)
fn Width(&self) -> Finite<f64>
fn SetWidth(&self, value: Finite<f64>) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Lines(&self) -> u32
fn SetLines(&self, value: u32) -> Result<(), Error>
fn RegionAnchorX(&self) -> Finite<f64>
fn SetRegionAnchorX(&self, value: Finite<f64>) -> Result<(), Error>
fn RegionAnchorY(&self) -> Finite<f64>
fn SetRegionAnchorY(&self, value: Finite<f64>) -> Result<(), Error>
fn ViewportAnchorX(&self) -> Finite<f64>
fn SetViewportAnchorX(&self, value: Finite<f64>) -> Result<(), Error>
fn ViewportAnchorY(&self) -> Finite<f64>
fn SetViewportAnchorY(&self, value: Finite<f64>) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Scroll(&self) -> ScrollSetting
fn SetScroll(&self, value: ScrollSetting)
source§impl ValidityStateMethods<DomTypeHolder> for ValidityState
impl ValidityStateMethods<DomTypeHolder> for ValidityState
fn ValueMissing(&self) -> bool
fn TypeMismatch(&self) -> bool
fn PatternMismatch(&self) -> bool
fn TooLong(&self) -> bool
fn TooShort(&self) -> bool
fn RangeUnderflow(&self) -> bool
fn RangeOverflow(&self) -> bool
fn StepMismatch(&self) -> bool
fn BadInput(&self) -> bool
fn CustomError(&self) -> bool
fn Valid(&self) -> bool
source§impl VideoTrackListMethods<DomTypeHolder> for VideoTrackList
impl VideoTrackListMethods<DomTypeHolder> for VideoTrackList
fn Length(&self) -> u32
fn IndexedGetter(&self, idx: u32) -> Option<Root<Dom<VideoTrack>>>
fn GetTrackById(&self, id: DOMString) -> Option<Root<Dom<VideoTrack>>>
fn SelectedIndex(&self) -> i32
fn GetOnchange(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnchange(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnaddtrack(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnaddtrack(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnremovetrack(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnremovetrack(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
source§impl VideoTrackMethods<DomTypeHolder> for VideoTrack
impl VideoTrackMethods<DomTypeHolder> for VideoTrack
source§impl VisibilityStateEntryMethods<DomTypeHolder> for VisibilityStateEntry
impl VisibilityStateEntryMethods<DomTypeHolder> for VisibilityStateEntry
source§impl WebGL2RenderingContextMethods<DomTypeHolder> for WebGL2RenderingContext
impl WebGL2RenderingContextMethods<DomTypeHolder> for WebGL2RenderingContext
source§fn Canvas(&self) -> HTMLCanvasElementOrOffscreenCanvas
fn Canvas(&self) -> HTMLCanvasElementOrOffscreenCanvas
source§fn DrawingBufferWidth(&self) -> i32
fn DrawingBufferWidth(&self) -> i32
source§fn DrawingBufferHeight(&self) -> i32
fn DrawingBufferHeight(&self) -> i32
source§fn GetBufferParameter(
_cx: JSContext,
target: u32,
parameter: u32,
retval: MutableHandleValue<'_>,
fn GetBufferParameter( &self, _cx: JSContext, target: u32, parameter: u32, retval: MutableHandleValue<'_>, )
source§fn GetParameter(
cx: JSContext,
parameter: u32,
rval: MutableHandleValue<'_>,
fn GetParameter( &self, cx: JSContext, parameter: u32, rval: MutableHandleValue<'_>, )
source§fn GetTexParameter(
cx: JSContext,
target: u32,
pname: u32,
retval: MutableHandleValue<'_>,
fn GetTexParameter( &self, cx: JSContext, target: u32, pname: u32, retval: MutableHandleValue<'_>, )
source§fn GetContextAttributes(&self) -> Option<WebGLContextAttributes>
fn GetContextAttributes(&self) -> Option<WebGLContextAttributes>
source§fn GetFramebufferAttachmentParameter(
cx: JSContext,
target: u32,
attachment: u32,
pname: u32,
rval: MutableHandleValue<'_>,
fn GetFramebufferAttachmentParameter( &self, cx: JSContext, target: u32, attachment: u32, pname: u32, rval: MutableHandleValue<'_>, )
source§fn GetRenderbufferParameter(
cx: JSContext,
target: u32,
pname: u32,
retval: MutableHandleValue<'_>,
fn GetRenderbufferParameter( &self, cx: JSContext, target: u32, pname: u32, retval: MutableHandleValue<'_>, )
source§fn ActiveTexture(&self, texture: u32)
fn ActiveTexture(&self, texture: u32)
source§fn BlendEquation(&self, mode: u32)
fn BlendEquation(&self, mode: u32)
source§fn BlendEquationSeparate(&self, mode_rgb: u32, mode_alpha: u32)
fn BlendEquationSeparate(&self, mode_rgb: u32, mode_alpha: u32)
source§fn AttachShader(&self, program: &WebGLProgram, shader: &WebGLShader)
fn AttachShader(&self, program: &WebGLProgram, shader: &WebGLShader)
source§fn DetachShader(&self, program: &WebGLProgram, shader: &WebGLShader)
fn DetachShader(&self, program: &WebGLProgram, shader: &WebGLShader)
source§fn BindAttribLocation(
program: &WebGLProgram,
index: u32,
name: DOMString,
fn BindAttribLocation( &self, program: &WebGLProgram, index: u32, name: DOMString, )
source§fn BindBuffer(&self, target: u32, buffer: Option<&WebGLBuffer>)
fn BindBuffer(&self, target: u32, buffer: Option<&WebGLBuffer>)
source§fn BindFramebuffer(&self, target: u32, framebuffer: Option<&WebGLFramebuffer>)
fn BindFramebuffer(&self, target: u32, framebuffer: Option<&WebGLFramebuffer>)
source§fn BindRenderbuffer(
target: u32,
renderbuffer: Option<&WebGLRenderbuffer>,
fn BindRenderbuffer( &self, target: u32, renderbuffer: Option<&WebGLRenderbuffer>, )
source§fn BindTexture(&self, target: u32, texture: Option<&WebGLTexture>)
fn BindTexture(&self, target: u32, texture: Option<&WebGLTexture>)
source§fn GenerateMipmap(&self, target: u32)
fn GenerateMipmap(&self, target: u32)
source§fn BufferData_(
target: u32,
data: Option<ArrayBufferViewOrArrayBuffer>,
usage: u32,
fn BufferData_( &self, target: u32, data: Option<ArrayBufferViewOrArrayBuffer>, usage: u32, )
source§fn BufferData__(
target: u32,
data: CustomAutoRooterGuard<'_, ArrayBufferView>,
usage: u32,
elem_offset: u32,
length: u32,
fn BufferData__( &self, target: u32, data: CustomAutoRooterGuard<'_, ArrayBufferView>, usage: u32, elem_offset: u32, length: u32, )
source§fn BufferSubData(
target: u32,
offset: i64,
data: ArrayBufferViewOrArrayBuffer,
fn BufferSubData( &self, target: u32, offset: i64, data: ArrayBufferViewOrArrayBuffer, )
source§fn BufferSubData_(
target: u32,
dst_byte_offset: i64,
src_data: CustomAutoRooterGuard<'_, ArrayBufferView>,
src_elem_offset: u32,
length: u32,
fn BufferSubData_( &self, target: u32, dst_byte_offset: i64, src_data: CustomAutoRooterGuard<'_, ArrayBufferView>, src_elem_offset: u32, length: u32, )
source§fn CopyBufferSubData(
read_target: u32,
write_target: u32,
read_offset: i64,
write_offset: i64,
size: i64,
fn CopyBufferSubData( &self, read_target: u32, write_target: u32, read_offset: i64, write_offset: i64, size: i64, )
source§fn GetBufferSubData(
target: u32,
src_byte_offset: i64,
dst_buffer: CustomAutoRooterGuard<'_, ArrayBufferView>,
dst_elem_offset: u32,
length: u32,
fn GetBufferSubData( &self, target: u32, src_byte_offset: i64, dst_buffer: CustomAutoRooterGuard<'_, ArrayBufferView>, dst_elem_offset: u32, length: u32, )
source§fn CompressedTexImage2D(
target: u32,
level: i32,
internal_format: u32,
width: i32,
height: i32,
border: i32,
pixels: CustomAutoRooterGuard<'_, ArrayBufferView>,
src_offset: u32,
src_length_override: u32,
fn CompressedTexImage2D( &self, target: u32, level: i32, internal_format: u32, width: i32, height: i32, border: i32, pixels: CustomAutoRooterGuard<'_, ArrayBufferView>, src_offset: u32, src_length_override: u32, )
source§fn CompressedTexSubImage2D(
target: u32,
level: i32,
xoffset: i32,
yoffset: i32,
width: i32,
height: i32,
format: u32,
pixels: CustomAutoRooterGuard<'_, ArrayBufferView>,
src_offset: u32,
src_length_override: u32,
fn CompressedTexSubImage2D( &self, target: u32, level: i32, xoffset: i32, yoffset: i32, width: i32, height: i32, format: u32, pixels: CustomAutoRooterGuard<'_, ArrayBufferView>, src_offset: u32, src_length_override: u32, )
source§fn CopyTexImage2D(
target: u32,
level: i32,
internal_format: u32,
x: i32,
y: i32,
width: i32,
height: i32,
border: i32,
fn CopyTexImage2D( &self, target: u32, level: i32, internal_format: u32, x: i32, y: i32, width: i32, height: i32, border: i32, )
source§fn CopyTexSubImage2D(
target: u32,
level: i32,
xoffset: i32,
yoffset: i32,
x: i32,
y: i32,
width: i32,
height: i32,
fn CopyTexSubImage2D( &self, target: u32, level: i32, xoffset: i32, yoffset: i32, x: i32, y: i32, width: i32, height: i32, )
source§fn ClearDepth(&self, depth: f32)
fn ClearDepth(&self, depth: f32)
source§fn ClearStencil(&self, stencil: i32)
fn ClearStencil(&self, stencil: i32)
source§fn DepthRange(&self, near: f32, far: f32)
fn DepthRange(&self, near: f32, far: f32)
source§fn CompileShader(&self, shader: &WebGLShader)
fn CompileShader(&self, shader: &WebGLShader)
source§fn CreateBuffer(&self) -> Option<Root<Dom<WebGLBuffer>>>
fn CreateBuffer(&self) -> Option<Root<Dom<WebGLBuffer>>>
source§fn CreateFramebuffer(&self) -> Option<Root<Dom<WebGLFramebuffer>>>
fn CreateFramebuffer(&self) -> Option<Root<Dom<WebGLFramebuffer>>>
source§fn CreateRenderbuffer(&self) -> Option<Root<Dom<WebGLRenderbuffer>>>
fn CreateRenderbuffer(&self) -> Option<Root<Dom<WebGLRenderbuffer>>>
source§fn CreateTexture(&self) -> Option<Root<Dom<WebGLTexture>>>
fn CreateTexture(&self) -> Option<Root<Dom<WebGLTexture>>>
source§fn CreateProgram(&self) -> Option<Root<Dom<WebGLProgram>>>
fn CreateProgram(&self) -> Option<Root<Dom<WebGLProgram>>>
source§fn CreateShader(&self, shader_type: u32) -> Option<Root<Dom<WebGLShader>>>
fn CreateShader(&self, shader_type: u32) -> Option<Root<Dom<WebGLShader>>>
source§fn CreateVertexArray(&self) -> Option<Root<Dom<WebGLVertexArrayObject>>>
fn CreateVertexArray(&self) -> Option<Root<Dom<WebGLVertexArrayObject>>>
source§fn DeleteBuffer(&self, buffer: Option<&WebGLBuffer>)
fn DeleteBuffer(&self, buffer: Option<&WebGLBuffer>)
source§fn DeleteFramebuffer(&self, framebuffer: Option<&WebGLFramebuffer>)
fn DeleteFramebuffer(&self, framebuffer: Option<&WebGLFramebuffer>)
source§fn DeleteRenderbuffer(&self, renderbuffer: Option<&WebGLRenderbuffer>)
fn DeleteRenderbuffer(&self, renderbuffer: Option<&WebGLRenderbuffer>)
source§fn DeleteTexture(&self, texture: Option<&WebGLTexture>)
fn DeleteTexture(&self, texture: Option<&WebGLTexture>)
source§fn DeleteProgram(&self, program: Option<&WebGLProgram>)
fn DeleteProgram(&self, program: Option<&WebGLProgram>)
source§fn DeleteShader(&self, shader: Option<&WebGLShader>)
fn DeleteShader(&self, shader: Option<&WebGLShader>)
source§fn DeleteVertexArray(&self, vertex_array: Option<&WebGLVertexArrayObject>)
fn DeleteVertexArray(&self, vertex_array: Option<&WebGLVertexArrayObject>)
source§fn EnableVertexAttribArray(&self, attrib_id: u32)
fn EnableVertexAttribArray(&self, attrib_id: u32)
source§fn DisableVertexAttribArray(&self, attrib_id: u32)
fn DisableVertexAttribArray(&self, attrib_id: u32)
source§fn GetActiveUniform(
program: &WebGLProgram,
index: u32,
) -> Option<Root<Dom<WebGLActiveInfo>>>
fn GetActiveUniform( &self, program: &WebGLProgram, index: u32, ) -> Option<Root<Dom<WebGLActiveInfo>>>
source§fn GetActiveAttrib(
program: &WebGLProgram,
index: u32,
) -> Option<Root<Dom<WebGLActiveInfo>>>
fn GetActiveAttrib( &self, program: &WebGLProgram, index: u32, ) -> Option<Root<Dom<WebGLActiveInfo>>>
source§fn GetAttribLocation(&self, program: &WebGLProgram, name: DOMString) -> i32
fn GetAttribLocation(&self, program: &WebGLProgram, name: DOMString) -> i32
source§fn GetFragDataLocation(&self, program: &WebGLProgram, name: DOMString) -> i32
fn GetFragDataLocation(&self, program: &WebGLProgram, name: DOMString) -> i32
source§fn GetProgramInfoLog(&self, program: &WebGLProgram) -> Option<DOMString>
fn GetProgramInfoLog(&self, program: &WebGLProgram) -> Option<DOMString>
source§fn GetProgramParameter(
cx: JSContext,
program: &WebGLProgram,
param_id: u32,
retval: MutableHandleValue<'_>,
fn GetProgramParameter( &self, cx: JSContext, program: &WebGLProgram, param_id: u32, retval: MutableHandleValue<'_>, )
source§fn GetShaderInfoLog(&self, shader: &WebGLShader) -> Option<DOMString>
fn GetShaderInfoLog(&self, shader: &WebGLShader) -> Option<DOMString>
source§fn GetShaderParameter(
cx: JSContext,
shader: &WebGLShader,
param_id: u32,
retval: MutableHandleValue<'_>,
fn GetShaderParameter( &self, cx: JSContext, shader: &WebGLShader, param_id: u32, retval: MutableHandleValue<'_>, )
source§fn GetShaderPrecisionFormat(
shader_type: u32,
precision_type: u32,
) -> Option<Root<Dom<WebGLShaderPrecisionFormat>>>
fn GetShaderPrecisionFormat( &self, shader_type: u32, precision_type: u32, ) -> Option<Root<Dom<WebGLShaderPrecisionFormat>>>
source§fn GetIndexedParameter(
cx: JSContext,
target: u32,
index: u32,
retval: MutableHandleValue<'_>,
fn GetIndexedParameter( &self, cx: JSContext, target: u32, index: u32, retval: MutableHandleValue<'_>, )
source§fn GetUniformLocation(
program: &WebGLProgram,
name: DOMString,
) -> Option<Root<Dom<WebGLUniformLocation>>>
fn GetUniformLocation( &self, program: &WebGLProgram, name: DOMString, ) -> Option<Root<Dom<WebGLUniformLocation>>>
source§fn GetVertexAttrib(
cx: JSContext,
index: u32,
pname: u32,
retval: MutableHandleValue<'_>,
fn GetVertexAttrib( &self, cx: JSContext, index: u32, pname: u32, retval: MutableHandleValue<'_>, )
source§fn IsFramebuffer(&self, frame_buffer: Option<&WebGLFramebuffer>) -> bool
fn IsFramebuffer(&self, frame_buffer: Option<&WebGLFramebuffer>) -> bool
source§fn IsRenderbuffer(&self, render_buffer: Option<&WebGLRenderbuffer>) -> bool
fn IsRenderbuffer(&self, render_buffer: Option<&WebGLRenderbuffer>) -> bool
source§fn IsVertexArray(&self, vertex_array: Option<&WebGLVertexArrayObject>) -> bool
fn IsVertexArray(&self, vertex_array: Option<&WebGLVertexArrayObject>) -> bool
source§fn PixelStorei(&self, param_name: u32, param_value: i32)
fn PixelStorei(&self, param_name: u32, param_value: i32)
source§fn PolygonOffset(&self, factor: f32, units: f32)
fn PolygonOffset(&self, factor: f32, units: f32)
source§fn ReadPixels(
x: i32,
y: i32,
width: i32,
height: i32,
format: u32,
pixel_type: u32,
pixels: CustomAutoRooterGuard<'_, Option<ArrayBufferView>>,
fn ReadPixels( &self, x: i32, y: i32, width: i32, height: i32, format: u32, pixel_type: u32, pixels: CustomAutoRooterGuard<'_, Option<ArrayBufferView>>, )
source§fn ReadPixels_(
x: i32,
y: i32,
width: i32,
height: i32,
format: u32,
pixel_type: u32,
dst_byte_offset: i64,
fn ReadPixels_( &self, x: i32, y: i32, width: i32, height: i32, format: u32, pixel_type: u32, dst_byte_offset: i64, )
source§fn ReadPixels__(
x: i32,
y: i32,
width: i32,
height: i32,
format: u32,
pixel_type: u32,
dst: CustomAutoRooterGuard<'_, ArrayBufferView>,
dst_elem_offset: u32,
fn ReadPixels__( &self, x: i32, y: i32, width: i32, height: i32, format: u32, pixel_type: u32, dst: CustomAutoRooterGuard<'_, ArrayBufferView>, dst_elem_offset: u32, )
source§fn SampleCoverage(&self, value: f32, invert: bool)
fn SampleCoverage(&self, value: f32, invert: bool)
source§fn StencilMask(&self, mask: u32)
fn StencilMask(&self, mask: u32)
source§fn StencilMaskSeparate(&self, face: u32, mask: u32)
fn StencilMaskSeparate(&self, face: u32, mask: u32)
source§fn LinkProgram(&self, program: &WebGLProgram)
fn LinkProgram(&self, program: &WebGLProgram)
source§fn ShaderSource(&self, shader: &WebGLShader, source: DOMString)
fn ShaderSource(&self, shader: &WebGLShader, source: DOMString)
source§fn GetShaderSource(&self, shader: &WebGLShader) -> Option<DOMString>
fn GetShaderSource(&self, shader: &WebGLShader) -> Option<DOMString>
source§fn Uniform1iv(
location: Option<&WebGLUniformLocation>,
v: Int32ArrayOrLongSequence,
src_offset: u32,
src_length: u32,
fn Uniform1iv( &self, location: Option<&WebGLUniformLocation>, v: Int32ArrayOrLongSequence, src_offset: u32, src_length: u32, )
source§fn Uniform1fv(
location: Option<&WebGLUniformLocation>,
v: Float32ArrayOrUnrestrictedFloatSequence,
src_offset: u32,
src_length: u32,
fn Uniform1fv( &self, location: Option<&WebGLUniformLocation>, v: Float32ArrayOrUnrestrictedFloatSequence, src_offset: u32, src_length: u32, )
source§fn Uniform2fv(
location: Option<&WebGLUniformLocation>,
v: Float32ArrayOrUnrestrictedFloatSequence,
src_offset: u32,
src_length: u32,
fn Uniform2fv( &self, location: Option<&WebGLUniformLocation>, v: Float32ArrayOrUnrestrictedFloatSequence, src_offset: u32, src_length: u32, )
source§fn Uniform2iv(
location: Option<&WebGLUniformLocation>,
v: Int32ArrayOrLongSequence,
src_offset: u32,
src_length: u32,
fn Uniform2iv( &self, location: Option<&WebGLUniformLocation>, v: Int32ArrayOrLongSequence, src_offset: u32, src_length: u32, )
source§fn Uniform3fv(
location: Option<&WebGLUniformLocation>,
v: Float32ArrayOrUnrestrictedFloatSequence,
src_offset: u32,
src_length: u32,
fn Uniform3fv( &self, location: Option<&WebGLUniformLocation>, v: Float32ArrayOrUnrestrictedFloatSequence, src_offset: u32, src_length: u32, )
source§fn Uniform3iv(
location: Option<&WebGLUniformLocation>,
v: Int32ArrayOrLongSequence,
src_offset: u32,
src_length: u32,
fn Uniform3iv( &self, location: Option<&WebGLUniformLocation>, v: Int32ArrayOrLongSequence, src_offset: u32, src_length: u32, )
source§fn Uniform4i(
location: Option<&WebGLUniformLocation>,
x: i32,
y: i32,
z: i32,
w: i32,
fn Uniform4i( &self, location: Option<&WebGLUniformLocation>, x: i32, y: i32, z: i32, w: i32, )
source§fn Uniform4iv(
location: Option<&WebGLUniformLocation>,
v: Int32ArrayOrLongSequence,
src_offset: u32,
src_length: u32,
fn Uniform4iv( &self, location: Option<&WebGLUniformLocation>, v: Int32ArrayOrLongSequence, src_offset: u32, src_length: u32, )
source§fn Uniform4f(
location: Option<&WebGLUniformLocation>,
x: f32,
y: f32,
z: f32,
w: f32,
fn Uniform4f( &self, location: Option<&WebGLUniformLocation>, x: f32, y: f32, z: f32, w: f32, )
source§fn Uniform4fv(
location: Option<&WebGLUniformLocation>,
v: Float32ArrayOrUnrestrictedFloatSequence,
src_offset: u32,
src_length: u32,
fn Uniform4fv( &self, location: Option<&WebGLUniformLocation>, v: Float32ArrayOrUnrestrictedFloatSequence, src_offset: u32, src_length: u32, )
source§fn UniformMatrix2fv(
location: Option<&WebGLUniformLocation>,
transpose: bool,
v: Float32ArrayOrUnrestrictedFloatSequence,
src_offset: u32,
src_length: u32,
fn UniformMatrix2fv( &self, location: Option<&WebGLUniformLocation>, transpose: bool, v: Float32ArrayOrUnrestrictedFloatSequence, src_offset: u32, src_length: u32, )
source§fn UniformMatrix3fv(
location: Option<&WebGLUniformLocation>,
transpose: bool,
v: Float32ArrayOrUnrestrictedFloatSequence,
src_offset: u32,
src_length: u32,
fn UniformMatrix3fv( &self, location: Option<&WebGLUniformLocation>, transpose: bool, v: Float32ArrayOrUnrestrictedFloatSequence, src_offset: u32, src_length: u32, )
source§fn UniformMatrix4fv(
location: Option<&WebGLUniformLocation>,
transpose: bool,
v: Float32ArrayOrUnrestrictedFloatSequence,
src_offset: u32,
src_length: u32,
fn UniformMatrix4fv( &self, location: Option<&WebGLUniformLocation>, transpose: bool, v: Float32ArrayOrUnrestrictedFloatSequence, src_offset: u32, src_length: u32, )
source§fn UniformMatrix3x2fv(
location: Option<&WebGLUniformLocation>,
transpose: bool,
val: Float32ArrayOrUnrestrictedFloatSequence,
src_offset: u32,
src_length: u32,
fn UniformMatrix3x2fv( &self, location: Option<&WebGLUniformLocation>, transpose: bool, val: Float32ArrayOrUnrestrictedFloatSequence, src_offset: u32, src_length: u32, )
source§fn UniformMatrix4x2fv(
location: Option<&WebGLUniformLocation>,
transpose: bool,
val: Float32ArrayOrUnrestrictedFloatSequence,
src_offset: u32,
src_length: u32,
fn UniformMatrix4x2fv( &self, location: Option<&WebGLUniformLocation>, transpose: bool, val: Float32ArrayOrUnrestrictedFloatSequence, src_offset: u32, src_length: u32, )
source§fn UniformMatrix2x3fv(
location: Option<&WebGLUniformLocation>,
transpose: bool,
val: Float32ArrayOrUnrestrictedFloatSequence,
src_offset: u32,
src_length: u32,
fn UniformMatrix2x3fv( &self, location: Option<&WebGLUniformLocation>, transpose: bool, val: Float32ArrayOrUnrestrictedFloatSequence, src_offset: u32, src_length: u32, )
source§fn UniformMatrix4x3fv(
location: Option<&WebGLUniformLocation>,
transpose: bool,
val: Float32ArrayOrUnrestrictedFloatSequence,
src_offset: u32,
src_length: u32,
fn UniformMatrix4x3fv( &self, location: Option<&WebGLUniformLocation>, transpose: bool, val: Float32ArrayOrUnrestrictedFloatSequence, src_offset: u32, src_length: u32, )
source§fn UniformMatrix2x4fv(
location: Option<&WebGLUniformLocation>,
transpose: bool,
val: Float32ArrayOrUnrestrictedFloatSequence,
src_offset: u32,
src_length: u32,
fn UniformMatrix2x4fv( &self, location: Option<&WebGLUniformLocation>, transpose: bool, val: Float32ArrayOrUnrestrictedFloatSequence, src_offset: u32, src_length: u32, )
source§fn UniformMatrix3x4fv(
location: Option<&WebGLUniformLocation>,
transpose: bool,
val: Float32ArrayOrUnrestrictedFloatSequence,
src_offset: u32,
src_length: u32,
fn UniformMatrix3x4fv( &self, location: Option<&WebGLUniformLocation>, transpose: bool, val: Float32ArrayOrUnrestrictedFloatSequence, src_offset: u32, src_length: u32, )
source§fn GetUniform(
cx: JSContext,
program: &WebGLProgram,
location: &WebGLUniformLocation,
retval: MutableHandleValue<'_>,
fn GetUniform( &self, cx: JSContext, program: &WebGLProgram, location: &WebGLUniformLocation, retval: MutableHandleValue<'_>, )
source§fn UseProgram(&self, program: Option<&WebGLProgram>)
fn UseProgram(&self, program: Option<&WebGLProgram>)
source§fn ValidateProgram(&self, program: &WebGLProgram)
fn ValidateProgram(&self, program: &WebGLProgram)
source§fn VertexAttrib1f(&self, indx: u32, x: f32)
fn VertexAttrib1f(&self, indx: u32, x: f32)
source§fn VertexAttrib1fv(&self, indx: u32, v: Float32ArrayOrUnrestrictedFloatSequence)
fn VertexAttrib1fv(&self, indx: u32, v: Float32ArrayOrUnrestrictedFloatSequence)
source§fn VertexAttrib2fv(&self, indx: u32, v: Float32ArrayOrUnrestrictedFloatSequence)
fn VertexAttrib2fv(&self, indx: u32, v: Float32ArrayOrUnrestrictedFloatSequence)
source§fn VertexAttrib3fv(&self, indx: u32, v: Float32ArrayOrUnrestrictedFloatSequence)
fn VertexAttrib3fv(&self, indx: u32, v: Float32ArrayOrUnrestrictedFloatSequence)
source§fn VertexAttrib4fv(&self, indx: u32, v: Float32ArrayOrUnrestrictedFloatSequence)
fn VertexAttrib4fv(&self, indx: u32, v: Float32ArrayOrUnrestrictedFloatSequence)
source§fn VertexAttribI4iv(&self, index: u32, v: Int32ArrayOrLongSequence)
fn VertexAttribI4iv(&self, index: u32, v: Int32ArrayOrLongSequence)
source§fn VertexAttribI4uiv(&self, index: u32, v: Uint32ArrayOrUnsignedLongSequence)
fn VertexAttribI4uiv(&self, index: u32, v: Uint32ArrayOrUnsignedLongSequence)
source§fn VertexAttribPointer(
attrib_id: u32,
size: i32,
data_type: u32,
normalized: bool,
stride: i32,
offset: i64,
fn VertexAttribPointer( &self, attrib_id: u32, size: i32, data_type: u32, normalized: bool, stride: i32, offset: i64, )
source§fn VertexAttribIPointer(
index: u32,
size: i32,
type_: u32,
stride: i32,
offset: i64,
fn VertexAttribIPointer( &self, index: u32, size: i32, type_: u32, stride: i32, offset: i64, )
source§fn TexImage2D(
target: u32,
level: i32,
internal_format: i32,
width: i32,
height: i32,
border: i32,
format: u32,
data_type: u32,
pixels: CustomAutoRooterGuard<'_, Option<ArrayBufferView>>,
) -> Result<(), Error>
fn TexImage2D( &self, target: u32, level: i32, internal_format: i32, width: i32, height: i32, border: i32, format: u32, data_type: u32, pixels: CustomAutoRooterGuard<'_, Option<ArrayBufferView>>, ) -> Result<(), Error>
source§fn TexImage2D_(
target: u32,
level: i32,
internal_format: i32,
format: u32,
data_type: u32,
source: ImageDataOrHTMLImageElementOrHTMLCanvasElementOrHTMLVideoElement,
) -> Result<(), Error>
fn TexImage2D_( &self, target: u32, level: i32, internal_format: i32, format: u32, data_type: u32, source: ImageDataOrHTMLImageElementOrHTMLCanvasElementOrHTMLVideoElement, ) -> Result<(), Error>
source§fn TexImage2D__(
target: u32,
level: i32,
internalformat: i32,
width: i32,
height: i32,
border: i32,
format: u32,
type_: u32,
pbo_offset: i64,
) -> Result<(), Error>
fn TexImage2D__( &self, target: u32, level: i32, internalformat: i32, width: i32, height: i32, border: i32, format: u32, type_: u32, pbo_offset: i64, ) -> Result<(), Error>
source§fn TexImage2D___(
target: u32,
level: i32,
internalformat: i32,
width: i32,
height: i32,
border: i32,
format: u32,
type_: u32,
source: ImageDataOrHTMLImageElementOrHTMLCanvasElementOrHTMLVideoElement,
) -> Result<(), Error>
fn TexImage2D___( &self, target: u32, level: i32, internalformat: i32, width: i32, height: i32, border: i32, format: u32, type_: u32, source: ImageDataOrHTMLImageElementOrHTMLCanvasElementOrHTMLVideoElement, ) -> Result<(), Error>
source§fn TexImage2D____(
target: u32,
level: i32,
internalformat: i32,
width: i32,
height: i32,
border: i32,
format: u32,
type_: u32,
src_data: CustomAutoRooterGuard<'_, ArrayBufferView>,
src_offset: u32,
) -> Result<(), Error>
fn TexImage2D____( &self, target: u32, level: i32, internalformat: i32, width: i32, height: i32, border: i32, format: u32, type_: u32, src_data: CustomAutoRooterGuard<'_, ArrayBufferView>, src_offset: u32, ) -> Result<(), Error>
source§fn TexSubImage2D(
target: u32,
level: i32,
xoffset: i32,
yoffset: i32,
width: i32,
height: i32,
format: u32,
data_type: u32,
pixels: CustomAutoRooterGuard<'_, Option<ArrayBufferView>>,
) -> Result<(), Error>
fn TexSubImage2D( &self, target: u32, level: i32, xoffset: i32, yoffset: i32, width: i32, height: i32, format: u32, data_type: u32, pixels: CustomAutoRooterGuard<'_, Option<ArrayBufferView>>, ) -> Result<(), Error>
source§fn TexSubImage2D_(
target: u32,
level: i32,
xoffset: i32,
yoffset: i32,
format: u32,
data_type: u32,
source: ImageDataOrHTMLImageElementOrHTMLCanvasElementOrHTMLVideoElement,
) -> Result<(), Error>
fn TexSubImage2D_( &self, target: u32, level: i32, xoffset: i32, yoffset: i32, format: u32, data_type: u32, source: ImageDataOrHTMLImageElementOrHTMLCanvasElementOrHTMLVideoElement, ) -> Result<(), Error>
source§fn CheckFramebufferStatus(&self, target: u32) -> u32
fn CheckFramebufferStatus(&self, target: u32) -> u32
source§fn BlitFramebuffer(
src_x0: i32,
src_y0: i32,
src_x1: i32,
src_y1: i32,
dst_x0: i32,
dst_y0: i32,
dst_x1: i32,
dst_y1: i32,
mask: u32,
filter: u32,
fn BlitFramebuffer( &self, src_x0: i32, src_y0: i32, src_x1: i32, src_y1: i32, dst_x0: i32, dst_y0: i32, dst_x1: i32, dst_y1: i32, mask: u32, filter: u32, )
source§fn FramebufferRenderbuffer(
target: u32,
attachment: u32,
renderbuffertarget: u32,
rb: Option<&WebGLRenderbuffer>,
fn FramebufferRenderbuffer( &self, target: u32, attachment: u32, renderbuffertarget: u32, rb: Option<&WebGLRenderbuffer>, )
source§fn FramebufferTexture2D(
target: u32,
attachment: u32,
textarget: u32,
texture: Option<&WebGLTexture>,
level: i32,
fn FramebufferTexture2D( &self, target: u32, attachment: u32, textarget: u32, texture: Option<&WebGLTexture>, level: i32, )
source§fn GetAttachedShaders(
program: &WebGLProgram,
) -> Option<Vec<Root<Dom<WebGLShader>>>>
fn GetAttachedShaders( &self, program: &WebGLProgram, ) -> Option<Vec<Root<Dom<WebGLShader>>>>
source§fn DrawElementsInstanced(
mode: u32,
count: i32,
type_: u32,
offset: i64,
primcount: i32,
fn DrawElementsInstanced( &self, mode: u32, count: i32, type_: u32, offset: i64, primcount: i32, )
source§fn DrawRangeElements(
mode: u32,
start: u32,
end: u32,
count: i32,
type_: u32,
offset: i64,
fn DrawRangeElements( &self, mode: u32, start: u32, end: u32, count: i32, type_: u32, offset: i64, )
source§fn VertexAttribDivisor(&self, index: u32, divisor: u32)
fn VertexAttribDivisor(&self, index: u32, divisor: u32)
source§fn CreateQuery(&self) -> Option<Root<Dom<WebGLQuery>>>
fn CreateQuery(&self) -> Option<Root<Dom<WebGLQuery>>>
source§fn DeleteQuery(&self, query: Option<&WebGLQuery>)
fn DeleteQuery(&self, query: Option<&WebGLQuery>)
source§fn CreateSampler(&self) -> Option<Root<Dom<WebGLSampler>>>
fn CreateSampler(&self) -> Option<Root<Dom<WebGLSampler>>>
source§fn DeleteSampler(&self, sampler: Option<&WebGLSampler>)
fn DeleteSampler(&self, sampler: Option<&WebGLSampler>)
source§fn BeginQuery(&self, target: u32, query: &WebGLQuery)
fn BeginQuery(&self, target: u32, query: &WebGLQuery)
source§fn GetQueryParameter(
_cx: JSContext,
query: &WebGLQuery,
pname: u32,
retval: MutableHandleValue<'_>,
fn GetQueryParameter( &self, _cx: JSContext, query: &WebGLQuery, pname: u32, retval: MutableHandleValue<'_>, )
source§fn GetSyncParameter(
_cx: JSContext,
sync: &WebGLSync,
pname: u32,
retval: MutableHandleValue<'_>,
fn GetSyncParameter( &self, _cx: JSContext, sync: &WebGLSync, pname: u32, retval: MutableHandleValue<'_>, )
source§fn DeleteSync(&self, sync: Option<&WebGLSync>)
fn DeleteSync(&self, sync: Option<&WebGLSync>)
source§fn BindSampler(&self, unit: u32, sampler: Option<&WebGLSampler>)
fn BindSampler(&self, unit: u32, sampler: Option<&WebGLSampler>)
source§fn BindVertexArray(&self, array: Option<&WebGLVertexArrayObject>)
fn BindVertexArray(&self, array: Option<&WebGLVertexArrayObject>)
source§fn SamplerParameteri(&self, sampler: &WebGLSampler, pname: u32, param: i32)
fn SamplerParameteri(&self, sampler: &WebGLSampler, pname: u32, param: i32)
source§fn SamplerParameterf(&self, sampler: &WebGLSampler, pname: u32, param: f32)
fn SamplerParameterf(&self, sampler: &WebGLSampler, pname: u32, param: f32)
source§fn GetSamplerParameter(
_cx: JSContext,
sampler: &WebGLSampler,
pname: u32,
retval: MutableHandleValue<'_>,
fn GetSamplerParameter( &self, _cx: JSContext, sampler: &WebGLSampler, pname: u32, retval: MutableHandleValue<'_>, )
source§fn CreateTransformFeedback(&self) -> Option<Root<Dom<WebGLTransformFeedback>>>
fn CreateTransformFeedback(&self) -> Option<Root<Dom<WebGLTransformFeedback>>>
source§fn DeleteTransformFeedback(&self, tf: Option<&WebGLTransformFeedback>)
fn DeleteTransformFeedback(&self, tf: Option<&WebGLTransformFeedback>)
source§fn IsTransformFeedback(&self, tf: Option<&WebGLTransformFeedback>) -> bool
fn IsTransformFeedback(&self, tf: Option<&WebGLTransformFeedback>) -> bool
source§fn BindTransformFeedback(
target: u32,
tf: Option<&WebGLTransformFeedback>,
fn BindTransformFeedback( &self, target: u32, tf: Option<&WebGLTransformFeedback>, )
source§fn BeginTransformFeedback(&self, primitiveMode: u32)
fn BeginTransformFeedback(&self, primitiveMode: u32)
source§fn EndTransformFeedback(&self)
fn EndTransformFeedback(&self)
source§fn ResumeTransformFeedback(&self)
fn ResumeTransformFeedback(&self)
source§fn PauseTransformFeedback(&self)
fn PauseTransformFeedback(&self)
source§fn TransformFeedbackVaryings(
program: &WebGLProgram,
varyings: Vec<DOMString>,
bufferMode: u32,
fn TransformFeedbackVaryings( &self, program: &WebGLProgram, varyings: Vec<DOMString>, bufferMode: u32, )
source§fn GetTransformFeedbackVarying(
program: &WebGLProgram,
index: u32,
) -> Option<Root<Dom<WebGLActiveInfo>>>
fn GetTransformFeedbackVarying( &self, program: &WebGLProgram, index: u32, ) -> Option<Root<Dom<WebGLActiveInfo>>>
source§fn BindBufferBase(&self, target: u32, index: u32, buffer: Option<&WebGLBuffer>)
fn BindBufferBase(&self, target: u32, index: u32, buffer: Option<&WebGLBuffer>)
source§fn BindBufferRange(
target: u32,
index: u32,
buffer: Option<&WebGLBuffer>,
offset: i64,
size: i64,
fn BindBufferRange( &self, target: u32, index: u32, buffer: Option<&WebGLBuffer>, offset: i64, size: i64, )
source§fn GetUniformIndices(
program: &WebGLProgram,
names: Vec<DOMString>,
) -> Option<Vec<u32>>
fn GetUniformIndices( &self, program: &WebGLProgram, names: Vec<DOMString>, ) -> Option<Vec<u32>>
source§fn GetActiveUniforms(
cx: JSContext,
program: &WebGLProgram,
indices: Vec<u32>,
pname: u32,
rval: MutableHandleValue<'_>,
fn GetActiveUniforms( &self, cx: JSContext, program: &WebGLProgram, indices: Vec<u32>, pname: u32, rval: MutableHandleValue<'_>, )
source§fn GetUniformBlockIndex(
program: &WebGLProgram,
block_name: DOMString,
) -> u32
fn GetUniformBlockIndex( &self, program: &WebGLProgram, block_name: DOMString, ) -> u32
source§fn GetActiveUniformBlockParameter(
cx: JSContext,
program: &WebGLProgram,
block_index: u32,
pname: u32,
retval: MutableHandleValue<'_>,
fn GetActiveUniformBlockParameter( &self, cx: JSContext, program: &WebGLProgram, block_index: u32, pname: u32, retval: MutableHandleValue<'_>, )
source§fn GetActiveUniformBlockName(
program: &WebGLProgram,
block_index: u32,
) -> Option<DOMString>
fn GetActiveUniformBlockName( &self, program: &WebGLProgram, block_index: u32, ) -> Option<DOMString>
source§fn UniformBlockBinding(
program: &WebGLProgram,
block_index: u32,
block_binding: u32,
fn UniformBlockBinding( &self, program: &WebGLProgram, block_index: u32, block_binding: u32, )
source§fn ClearBufferfv(
buffer: u32,
draw_buffer: i32,
values: Float32ArrayOrUnrestrictedFloatSequence,
src_offset: u32,
fn ClearBufferfv( &self, buffer: u32, draw_buffer: i32, values: Float32ArrayOrUnrestrictedFloatSequence, src_offset: u32, )
source§fn ClearBufferiv(
buffer: u32,
draw_buffer: i32,
values: Int32ArrayOrLongSequence,
src_offset: u32,
fn ClearBufferiv( &self, buffer: u32, draw_buffer: i32, values: Int32ArrayOrLongSequence, src_offset: u32, )
source§fn ClearBufferuiv(
buffer: u32,
draw_buffer: i32,
values: Uint32ArrayOrUnsignedLongSequence,
src_offset: u32,
fn ClearBufferuiv( &self, buffer: u32, draw_buffer: i32, values: Uint32ArrayOrUnsignedLongSequence, src_offset: u32, )
source§fn InvalidateSubFramebuffer(
target: u32,
attachments: Vec<u32>,
x: i32,
y: i32,
width: i32,
height: i32,
fn InvalidateSubFramebuffer( &self, target: u32, attachments: Vec<u32>, x: i32, y: i32, width: i32, height: i32, )
source§fn FramebufferTextureLayer(
target: u32,
attachment: u32,
texture: Option<&WebGLTexture>,
level: i32,
layer: i32,
fn FramebufferTextureLayer( &self, target: u32, attachment: u32, texture: Option<&WebGLTexture>, level: i32, layer: i32, )
source§fn GetInternalformatParameter(
cx: JSContext,
target: u32,
internal_format: u32,
pname: u32,
retval: MutableHandleValue<'_>,
fn GetInternalformatParameter( &self, cx: JSContext, target: u32, internal_format: u32, pname: u32, retval: MutableHandleValue<'_>, )
source§fn RenderbufferStorageMultisample(
target: u32,
samples: i32,
internal_format: u32,
width: i32,
height: i32,
fn RenderbufferStorageMultisample( &self, target: u32, samples: i32, internal_format: u32, width: i32, height: i32, )
source§fn DrawBuffers(&self, buffers: Vec<u32>)
fn DrawBuffers(&self, buffers: Vec<u32>)
source§fn TexStorage2D(
target: u32,
levels: i32,
internal_format: u32,
width: i32,
height: i32,
fn TexStorage2D( &self, target: u32, levels: i32, internal_format: u32, width: i32, height: i32, )
source§fn TexStorage3D(
target: u32,
levels: i32,
internal_format: u32,
width: i32,
height: i32,
depth: i32,
fn TexStorage3D( &self, target: u32, levels: i32, internal_format: u32, width: i32, height: i32, depth: i32, )
fn IsContextLost(&self) -> bool
fn Uniform1ui(&self, location: Option<&WebGLUniformLocation>, val: u32)
fn Uniform1uiv( &self, location: Option<&WebGLUniformLocation>, val: Uint32ArrayOrUnsignedLongSequence, src_offset: u32, src_length: u32, )
fn Uniform2ui(&self, location: Option<&WebGLUniformLocation>, x: u32, y: u32)
fn Uniform2uiv( &self, location: Option<&WebGLUniformLocation>, val: Uint32ArrayOrUnsignedLongSequence, src_offset: u32, src_length: u32, )
fn Uniform3ui( &self, location: Option<&WebGLUniformLocation>, x: u32, y: u32, z: u32, )
fn Uniform3uiv( &self, location: Option<&WebGLUniformLocation>, val: Uint32ArrayOrUnsignedLongSequence, src_offset: u32, src_length: u32, )
fn Uniform4ui( &self, location: Option<&WebGLUniformLocation>, x: u32, y: u32, z: u32, w: u32, )
fn Uniform4uiv( &self, location: Option<&WebGLUniformLocation>, val: Uint32ArrayOrUnsignedLongSequence, src_offset: u32, src_length: u32, )
source§impl WebGLContextEventMethods<DomTypeHolder> for WebGLContextEvent
impl WebGLContextEventMethods<DomTypeHolder> for WebGLContextEvent
fn Constructor( window: &Window, proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>, can_gc: CanGc, type_: DOMString, init: &WebGLContextEventInit, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<WebGLContextEvent>>, Error>
fn StatusMessage(&self) -> DOMString
fn IsTrusted(&self) -> bool
source§impl WebGLRenderingContextMethods<DomTypeHolder> for WebGLRenderingContext
impl WebGLRenderingContextMethods<DomTypeHolder> for WebGLRenderingContext
source§fn GetAttachedShaders(
program: &WebGLProgram,
) -> Option<Vec<Root<Dom<WebGLShader>>>>
fn GetAttachedShaders( &self, program: &WebGLProgram, ) -> Option<Vec<Root<Dom<WebGLShader>>>>
fn Canvas(&self) -> HTMLCanvasElementOrOffscreenCanvas
fn Flush(&self)
fn Finish(&self)
fn DrawingBufferWidth(&self) -> i32
fn DrawingBufferHeight(&self) -> i32
fn GetBufferParameter( &self, _cx: SafeJSContext, target: u32, parameter: u32, retval: MutableHandleValue<'_>, )
fn GetParameter( &self, cx: SafeJSContext, parameter: u32, retval: MutableHandleValue<'_>, )
fn GetTexParameter( &self, _cx: SafeJSContext, target: u32, pname: u32, retval: MutableHandleValue<'_>, )
fn GetError(&self) -> u32
fn GetContextAttributes(&self) -> Option<WebGLContextAttributes>
fn IsContextLost(&self) -> bool
fn GetSupportedExtensions(&self) -> Option<Vec<DOMString>>
fn GetExtension( &self, _cx: SafeJSContext, name: DOMString, ) -> Option<NonNull<JSObject>>
fn ActiveTexture(&self, texture: u32)
fn BlendColor(&self, r: f32, g: f32, b: f32, a: f32)
fn BlendEquation(&self, mode: u32)
fn BlendEquationSeparate(&self, mode_rgb: u32, mode_alpha: u32)
fn BlendFunc(&self, src_factor: u32, dest_factor: u32)
fn BlendFuncSeparate( &self, src_rgb: u32, dest_rgb: u32, src_alpha: u32, dest_alpha: u32, )
fn AttachShader(&self, program: &WebGLProgram, shader: &WebGLShader)
fn DetachShader(&self, program: &WebGLProgram, shader: &WebGLShader)
fn BindAttribLocation( &self, program: &WebGLProgram, index: u32, name: DOMString, )
fn BindBuffer(&self, target: u32, buffer: Option<&WebGLBuffer>)
fn BindFramebuffer(&self, target: u32, framebuffer: Option<&WebGLFramebuffer>)
fn BindRenderbuffer( &self, target: u32, renderbuffer: Option<&WebGLRenderbuffer>, )
fn BindTexture(&self, target: u32, texture: Option<&WebGLTexture>)
fn GenerateMipmap(&self, target: u32)
fn BufferData_( &self, target: u32, data: Option<ArrayBufferViewOrArrayBuffer>, usage: u32, )
fn BufferData(&self, target: u32, size: i64, usage: u32)
fn BufferSubData( &self, target: u32, offset: i64, data: ArrayBufferViewOrArrayBuffer, )
fn CompressedTexImage2D( &self, target: u32, level: i32, internal_format: u32, width: i32, height: i32, border: i32, data: CustomAutoRooterGuard<'_, ArrayBufferView>, )
fn CompressedTexSubImage2D( &self, target: u32, level: i32, xoffset: i32, yoffset: i32, width: i32, height: i32, format: u32, data: CustomAutoRooterGuard<'_, ArrayBufferView>, )
fn CopyTexImage2D( &self, target: u32, level: i32, internal_format: u32, x: i32, y: i32, width: i32, height: i32, border: i32, )
fn CopyTexSubImage2D( &self, target: u32, level: i32, xoffset: i32, yoffset: i32, x: i32, y: i32, width: i32, height: i32, )
fn Clear(&self, mask: u32)
fn ClearColor(&self, red: f32, green: f32, blue: f32, alpha: f32)
fn ClearDepth(&self, depth: f32)
fn ClearStencil(&self, stencil: i32)
fn ColorMask(&self, r: bool, g: bool, b: bool, a: bool)
fn CullFace(&self, mode: u32)
fn FrontFace(&self, mode: u32)
fn DepthFunc(&self, func: u32)
fn DepthMask(&self, flag: bool)
fn DepthRange(&self, near: f32, far: f32)
fn Enable(&self, cap: u32)
fn Disable(&self, cap: u32)
fn CompileShader(&self, shader: &WebGLShader)
fn CreateBuffer(&self) -> Option<Root<Dom<WebGLBuffer>>>
fn CreateFramebuffer(&self) -> Option<Root<Dom<WebGLFramebuffer>>>
fn CreateRenderbuffer(&self) -> Option<Root<Dom<WebGLRenderbuffer>>>
fn CreateTexture(&self) -> Option<Root<Dom<WebGLTexture>>>
fn CreateProgram(&self) -> Option<Root<Dom<WebGLProgram>>>
fn CreateShader(&self, shader_type: u32) -> Option<Root<Dom<WebGLShader>>>
fn DeleteBuffer(&self, buffer: Option<&WebGLBuffer>)
fn DeleteFramebuffer(&self, framebuffer: Option<&WebGLFramebuffer>)
fn DeleteRenderbuffer(&self, renderbuffer: Option<&WebGLRenderbuffer>)
fn DeleteTexture(&self, texture: Option<&WebGLTexture>)
fn DeleteProgram(&self, program: Option<&WebGLProgram>)
fn DeleteShader(&self, shader: Option<&WebGLShader>)
fn DrawArrays(&self, mode: u32, first: i32, count: i32)
fn DrawElements(&self, mode: u32, count: i32, type_: u32, offset: i64)
fn EnableVertexAttribArray(&self, attrib_id: u32)
fn DisableVertexAttribArray(&self, attrib_id: u32)
fn GetActiveUniform( &self, program: &WebGLProgram, index: u32, ) -> Option<Root<Dom<WebGLActiveInfo>>>
fn GetActiveAttrib( &self, program: &WebGLProgram, index: u32, ) -> Option<Root<Dom<WebGLActiveInfo>>>
fn GetAttribLocation(&self, program: &WebGLProgram, name: DOMString) -> i32
fn GetFramebufferAttachmentParameter( &self, cx: SafeJSContext, target: u32, attachment: u32, pname: u32, retval: MutableHandleValue<'_>, )
fn GetRenderbufferParameter( &self, _cx: SafeJSContext, target: u32, pname: u32, retval: MutableHandleValue<'_>, )
fn GetProgramInfoLog(&self, program: &WebGLProgram) -> Option<DOMString>
fn GetProgramParameter( &self, _: SafeJSContext, program: &WebGLProgram, param: u32, retval: MutableHandleValue<'_>, )
fn GetShaderInfoLog(&self, shader: &WebGLShader) -> Option<DOMString>
fn GetShaderParameter( &self, _: SafeJSContext, shader: &WebGLShader, param: u32, retval: MutableHandleValue<'_>, )
fn GetShaderPrecisionFormat( &self, shader_type: u32, precision_type: u32, ) -> Option<Root<Dom<WebGLShaderPrecisionFormat>>>
fn GetUniformLocation( &self, program: &WebGLProgram, name: DOMString, ) -> Option<Root<Dom<WebGLUniformLocation>>>
fn GetVertexAttrib( &self, cx: SafeJSContext, index: u32, param: u32, retval: MutableHandleValue<'_>, )
fn GetVertexAttribOffset(&self, index: u32, pname: u32) -> i64
fn Hint(&self, target: u32, mode: u32)
fn IsBuffer(&self, buffer: Option<&WebGLBuffer>) -> bool
fn IsEnabled(&self, cap: u32) -> bool
fn IsFramebuffer(&self, frame_buffer: Option<&WebGLFramebuffer>) -> bool
fn IsProgram(&self, program: Option<&WebGLProgram>) -> bool
fn IsRenderbuffer(&self, render_buffer: Option<&WebGLRenderbuffer>) -> bool
fn IsShader(&self, shader: Option<&WebGLShader>) -> bool
fn IsTexture(&self, texture: Option<&WebGLTexture>) -> bool
fn LineWidth(&self, width: f32)
fn PixelStorei(&self, param_name: u32, param_value: i32)
fn PolygonOffset(&self, factor: f32, units: f32)
fn ReadPixels( &self, x: i32, y: i32, width: i32, height: i32, format: u32, pixel_type: u32, pixels: CustomAutoRooterGuard<'_, Option<ArrayBufferView>>, )
fn SampleCoverage(&self, value: f32, invert: bool)
fn Scissor(&self, x: i32, y: i32, width: i32, height: i32)
fn StencilFunc(&self, func: u32, ref_: i32, mask: u32)
fn StencilFuncSeparate(&self, face: u32, func: u32, ref_: i32, mask: u32)
fn StencilMask(&self, mask: u32)
fn StencilMaskSeparate(&self, face: u32, mask: u32)
fn StencilOp(&self, fail: u32, zfail: u32, zpass: u32)
fn StencilOpSeparate(&self, face: u32, fail: u32, zfail: u32, zpass: u32)
fn LinkProgram(&self, program: &WebGLProgram)
fn ShaderSource(&self, shader: &WebGLShader, source: DOMString)
fn GetShaderSource(&self, shader: &WebGLShader) -> Option<DOMString>
fn Uniform1f(&self, location: Option<&WebGLUniformLocation>, val: f32)
fn Uniform1i(&self, location: Option<&WebGLUniformLocation>, val: i32)
fn Uniform1iv( &self, location: Option<&WebGLUniformLocation>, val: Int32ArrayOrLongSequence, )
fn Uniform1fv( &self, location: Option<&WebGLUniformLocation>, val: Float32ArrayOrUnrestrictedFloatSequence, )
fn Uniform2f(&self, location: Option<&WebGLUniformLocation>, x: f32, y: f32)
fn Uniform2fv( &self, location: Option<&WebGLUniformLocation>, val: Float32ArrayOrUnrestrictedFloatSequence, )
fn Uniform2i(&self, location: Option<&WebGLUniformLocation>, x: i32, y: i32)
fn Uniform2iv( &self, location: Option<&WebGLUniformLocation>, val: Int32ArrayOrLongSequence, )
fn Uniform3f( &self, location: Option<&WebGLUniformLocation>, x: f32, y: f32, z: f32, )
fn Uniform3fv( &self, location: Option<&WebGLUniformLocation>, val: Float32ArrayOrUnrestrictedFloatSequence, )
fn Uniform3i( &self, location: Option<&WebGLUniformLocation>, x: i32, y: i32, z: i32, )
fn Uniform3iv( &self, location: Option<&WebGLUniformLocation>, val: Int32ArrayOrLongSequence, )
fn Uniform4i( &self, location: Option<&WebGLUniformLocation>, x: i32, y: i32, z: i32, w: i32, )
fn Uniform4iv( &self, location: Option<&WebGLUniformLocation>, val: Int32ArrayOrLongSequence, )
fn Uniform4f( &self, location: Option<&WebGLUniformLocation>, x: f32, y: f32, z: f32, w: f32, )
fn Uniform4fv( &self, location: Option<&WebGLUniformLocation>, val: Float32ArrayOrUnrestrictedFloatSequence, )
fn UniformMatrix2fv( &self, location: Option<&WebGLUniformLocation>, transpose: bool, val: Float32ArrayOrUnrestrictedFloatSequence, )
fn UniformMatrix3fv( &self, location: Option<&WebGLUniformLocation>, transpose: bool, val: Float32ArrayOrUnrestrictedFloatSequence, )
fn UniformMatrix4fv( &self, location: Option<&WebGLUniformLocation>, transpose: bool, val: Float32ArrayOrUnrestrictedFloatSequence, )
fn GetUniform( &self, cx: SafeJSContext, program: &WebGLProgram, location: &WebGLUniformLocation, rval: MutableHandleValue<'_>, )
fn UseProgram(&self, program: Option<&WebGLProgram>)
fn ValidateProgram(&self, program: &WebGLProgram)
fn VertexAttrib1f(&self, indx: u32, x: f32)
fn VertexAttrib1fv(&self, indx: u32, v: Float32ArrayOrUnrestrictedFloatSequence)
fn VertexAttrib2f(&self, indx: u32, x: f32, y: f32)
fn VertexAttrib2fv(&self, indx: u32, v: Float32ArrayOrUnrestrictedFloatSequence)
fn VertexAttrib3f(&self, indx: u32, x: f32, y: f32, z: f32)
fn VertexAttrib3fv(&self, indx: u32, v: Float32ArrayOrUnrestrictedFloatSequence)
fn VertexAttrib4f(&self, indx: u32, x: f32, y: f32, z: f32, w: f32)
fn VertexAttrib4fv(&self, indx: u32, v: Float32ArrayOrUnrestrictedFloatSequence)
fn VertexAttribPointer( &self, index: u32, size: i32, type_: u32, normalized: bool, stride: i32, offset: i64, )
fn Viewport(&self, x: i32, y: i32, width: i32, height: i32)
fn TexImage2D( &self, target: u32, level: i32, internal_format: i32, width: i32, height: i32, border: i32, format: u32, data_type: u32, pixels: CustomAutoRooterGuard<'_, Option<ArrayBufferView>>, ) -> Result<(), Error>
fn TexImage2D_( &self, target: u32, level: i32, internal_format: i32, format: u32, data_type: u32, source: TexImageSource, ) -> Result<(), Error>
fn TexSubImage2D( &self, target: u32, level: i32, xoffset: i32, yoffset: i32, width: i32, height: i32, format: u32, data_type: u32, pixels: CustomAutoRooterGuard<'_, Option<ArrayBufferView>>, ) -> Result<(), Error>
fn TexSubImage2D_( &self, target: u32, level: i32, xoffset: i32, yoffset: i32, format: u32, data_type: u32, source: TexImageSource, ) -> Result<(), Error>
fn TexParameterf(&self, target: u32, name: u32, value: f32)
fn TexParameteri(&self, target: u32, name: u32, value: i32)
fn CheckFramebufferStatus(&self, target: u32) -> u32
fn RenderbufferStorage( &self, target: u32, internal_format: u32, width: i32, height: i32, )
fn FramebufferRenderbuffer( &self, target: u32, attachment: u32, renderbuffertarget: u32, rb: Option<&WebGLRenderbuffer>, )
fn FramebufferTexture2D( &self, target: u32, attachment: u32, textarget: u32, texture: Option<&WebGLTexture>, level: i32, )
source§impl WebSocketMethods<DomTypeHolder> for WebSocket
impl WebSocketMethods<DomTypeHolder> for WebSocket
source§fn Constructor(
global: &GlobalScope,
proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>,
can_gc: CanGc,
url: DOMString,
protocols: Option<StringOrStringSequence>,
) -> Result<Root<Dom<WebSocket>>, Error>
fn Constructor( global: &GlobalScope, proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>, can_gc: CanGc, url: DOMString, protocols: Option<StringOrStringSequence>, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<WebSocket>>, Error>
fn GetOnopen(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnopen(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnclose(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnclose(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnerror(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnerror(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnmessage(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnmessage(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn Url(&self) -> DOMString
fn ReadyState(&self) -> u16
fn BufferedAmount(&self) -> u64
fn BinaryType(&self) -> BinaryType
fn SetBinaryType(&self, btype: BinaryType)
fn Protocol(&self) -> DOMString
fn Send(&self, data: USVString) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Send_(&self, blob: &Blob) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Send__( &self, array: CustomAutoRooterGuard<'_, ArrayBuffer>, ) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Send___( &self, array: CustomAutoRooterGuard<'_, ArrayBufferView>, ) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Close( &self, code: Option<u16>, reason: Option<USVString>, ) -> Result<(), Error>
source§impl WheelEventMethods<DomTypeHolder> for WheelEvent
impl WheelEventMethods<DomTypeHolder> for WheelEvent
fn Constructor( window: &Window, proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>, can_gc: CanGc, type_: DOMString, init: &WheelEventInit, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<WheelEvent>>, Error>
fn DeltaX(&self) -> Finite<f64>
fn DeltaY(&self) -> Finite<f64>
fn DeltaZ(&self) -> Finite<f64>
fn DeltaMode(&self) -> u32
fn InitWheelEvent( &self, type_arg: DOMString, can_bubble_arg: bool, cancelable_arg: bool, view_arg: Option<&Window>, detail_arg: i32, delta_x_arg: Finite<f64>, delta_y_arg: Finite<f64>, delta_z_arg: Finite<f64>, delta_mode_arg: u32, )
fn IsTrusted(&self) -> bool
source§impl WindowMethods<DomTypeHolder> for Window
impl WindowMethods<DomTypeHolder> for Window
source§fn RequestAnimationFrame(&self, callback: Rc<FrameRequestCallback>) -> u32
fn RequestAnimationFrame(&self, callback: Rc<FrameRequestCallback>) -> u32
source§fn CancelAnimationFrame(&self, ident: u32)
fn CancelAnimationFrame(&self, ident: u32)
source§fn PostMessage_(
cx: JSContext,
message: HandleValue<'_>,
options: RootedTraceableBox<WindowPostMessageOptions>,
) -> Result<(), Error>
fn PostMessage_( &self, cx: JSContext, message: HandleValue<'_>, options: RootedTraceableBox<WindowPostMessageOptions>, ) -> Result<(), Error>
source§fn NamedGetter(&self, name: DOMString) -> Option<NamedPropertyValue>
fn NamedGetter(&self, name: DOMString) -> Option<NamedPropertyValue>
source§fn StructuredClone(
cx: JSContext,
value: HandleValue<'_>,
options: RootedTraceableBox<StructuredSerializeOptions>,
retval: MutableHandleValue<'_>,
) -> Result<(), Error>
fn StructuredClone( &self, cx: JSContext, value: HandleValue<'_>, options: RootedTraceableBox<StructuredSerializeOptions>, retval: MutableHandleValue<'_>, ) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Alert_(&self)
fn Alert(&self, s: DOMString)
fn Confirm(&self, s: DOMString) -> bool
fn Prompt(&self, message: DOMString, default: DOMString) -> Option<DOMString>
fn Stop(&self, can_gc: CanGc)
fn Open( &self, url: USVString, target: DOMString, features: DOMString, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Result<Option<Root<Dom<WindowProxy>>>, Error>
fn GetOpener( &self, cx: JSContext, in_realm_proof: InRealm<'_>, retval: MutableHandleValue<'_>, ) -> Result<(), Error>
fn SetOpener(&self, cx: JSContext, value: HandleValue<'_>) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Closed(&self) -> bool
fn Close(&self)
fn Document(&self) -> Root<Dom<Document>>
fn History(&self) -> Root<Dom<History>>
fn CustomElements(&self) -> Root<Dom<CustomElementRegistry>>
fn Location(&self) -> Root<Dom<Location>>
fn SessionStorage(&self) -> Root<Dom<Storage>>
fn LocalStorage(&self) -> Root<Dom<Storage>>
fn Crypto(&self) -> Root<Dom<Crypto>>
fn GetFrameElement(&self) -> Option<Root<Dom<Element>>>
fn SetTimeout( &self, _cx: JSContext, callback: StringOrFunction, timeout: i32, args: Vec<HandleValue<'_>>, ) -> i32
fn ClearTimeout(&self, handle: i32)
fn SetInterval( &self, _cx: JSContext, callback: StringOrFunction, timeout: i32, args: Vec<HandleValue<'_>>, ) -> i32
fn ClearInterval(&self, handle: i32)
fn QueueMicrotask(&self, callback: Rc<VoidFunction>)
fn CreateImageBitmap( &self, image: ImageBitmapSource, options: &ImageBitmapOptions, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Rc<Promise>
fn Window(&self) -> Root<Dom<WindowProxy>>
fn Self_(&self) -> Root<Dom<WindowProxy>>
fn Frames(&self) -> Root<Dom<WindowProxy>>
fn Length(&self) -> u32
fn GetParent(&self) -> Option<Root<Dom<WindowProxy>>>
fn GetTop(&self) -> Option<Root<Dom<WindowProxy>>>
fn Performance(&self) -> Root<Dom<Performance>>
fn GetOnblur(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnblur(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnerror(&self) -> Option<Rc<OnErrorEventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnerror(&self, listener: Option<Rc<OnErrorEventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnfocus(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnfocus(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnload(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnload(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnresize(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnresize(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnscroll(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnscroll(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnabort(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnabort(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnanimationend(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnanimationend(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnanimationiteration(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnanimationiteration(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOncancel(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOncancel(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOncanplay(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOncanplay(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOncanplaythrough(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOncanplaythrough(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnchange(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnchange(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnclick(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnclick(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnclose(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnclose(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOncuechange(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOncuechange(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOndblclick(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOndblclick(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOndrag(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOndrag(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOndragend(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOndragend(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOndragenter(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOndragenter(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOndragexit(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOndragexit(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOndragleave(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOndragleave(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOndragover(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOndragover(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOndragstart(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOndragstart(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOndrop(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOndrop(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOndurationchange(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOndurationchange(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnemptied(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnemptied(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnended(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnended(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnformdata(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnformdata(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOninput(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOninput(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOninvalid(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOninvalid(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnkeydown(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnkeydown(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnkeypress(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnkeypress(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnkeyup(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnkeyup(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnloadeddata(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnloadeddata(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnloadedmetadata(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnloadedmetadata(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnloadstart(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnloadstart(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnmousedown(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnmousedown(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnmouseenter(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnmouseenter(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnmouseleave(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnmouseleave(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnmousemove(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnmousemove(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnmouseout(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnmouseout(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnmouseover(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnmouseover(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnmouseup(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnmouseup(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnwheel(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnwheel(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnpause(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnpause(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnplay(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnplay(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnplaying(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnplaying(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnprogress(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnprogress(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnratechange(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnratechange(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnreset(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnreset(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnsecuritypolicyviolation(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnsecuritypolicyviolation( &self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>, )
fn GetOnseeked(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnseeked(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnseeking(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnseeking(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnselect(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnselect(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnselectionchange(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnselectionchange(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnselectstart(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnselectstart(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnshow(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnshow(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnstalled(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnstalled(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnsubmit(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnsubmit(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnsuspend(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnsuspend(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOntimeupdate(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOntimeupdate(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOntoggle(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOntoggle(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOntransitioncancel(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOntransitioncancel(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOntransitionend(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOntransitionend(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOntransitionrun(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOntransitionrun(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnvolumechange(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnvolumechange(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnwaiting(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnwaiting(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnafterprint(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnafterprint(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnbeforeprint(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnbeforeprint(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnbeforeunload(&self) -> Option<Rc<OnBeforeUnloadEventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnbeforeunload( &self, listener: Option<Rc<OnBeforeUnloadEventHandlerNonNull>>, )
fn GetOnhashchange(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnhashchange(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnlanguagechange(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnlanguagechange(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnmessage(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnmessage(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnmessageerror(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnmessageerror(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnoffline(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnoffline(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnonline(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnonline(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnpagehide(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnpagehide(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnpageshow(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnpageshow(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnpopstate(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnpopstate(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnrejectionhandled(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnrejectionhandled(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnstorage(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnstorage(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnunhandledrejection(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnunhandledrejection(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnunload(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnunload(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOngamepadconnected(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOngamepadconnected(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOngamepaddisconnected(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOngamepaddisconnected(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn Screen(&self) -> Root<Dom<Screen>>
fn Btoa(&self, btoa: DOMString) -> Result<DOMString, Error>
fn Atob(&self, atob: DOMString) -> Result<DOMString, Error>
fn PostMessage( &self, cx: JSContext, message: HandleValue<'_>, target_origin: USVString, transfer: CustomAutoRooterGuard<'_, Vec<*mut JSObject>>, ) -> Result<(), Error>
fn CaptureEvents(&self)
fn ReleaseEvents(&self)
fn Debug(&self, message: DOMString)
fn Gc(&self)
fn Js_backtrace(&self)
fn WebdriverCallback(&self, cx: JSContext, val: HandleValue<'_>)
fn WebdriverTimeout(&self)
fn GetComputedStyle( &self, element: &Element, pseudo: Option<DOMString>, ) -> Root<Dom<CSSStyleDeclaration>>
fn InnerHeight(&self) -> i32
fn InnerWidth(&self) -> i32
fn ScrollX(&self) -> i32
fn PageXOffset(&self) -> i32
fn ScrollY(&self) -> i32
fn PageYOffset(&self) -> i32
fn Scroll(&self, options: &ScrollToOptions, can_gc: CanGc)
fn Scroll_(&self, x: f64, y: f64, can_gc: CanGc)
fn ScrollTo(&self, options: &ScrollToOptions)
fn ScrollTo_(&self, x: f64, y: f64)
fn ScrollBy(&self, options: &ScrollToOptions, can_gc: CanGc)
fn ScrollBy_(&self, x: f64, y: f64, can_gc: CanGc)
fn ResizeTo(&self, width: i32, height: i32)
fn ResizeBy(&self, x: i32, y: i32)
fn MoveTo(&self, x: i32, y: i32)
fn MoveBy(&self, x: i32, y: i32)
fn ScreenX(&self) -> i32
fn ScreenY(&self) -> i32
fn OuterHeight(&self) -> i32
fn OuterWidth(&self) -> i32
fn DevicePixelRatio(&self) -> Finite<f64>
fn Status(&self) -> DOMString
fn SetStatus(&self, status: DOMString)
fn MatchMedia(&self, query: DOMString) -> Root<Dom<MediaQueryList>>
fn Fetch( &self, input: RequestOrUSVString, init: RootedTraceableBox<RequestInit>, comp: InRealm<'_>, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Rc<Promise>
fn TestRunner(&self) -> Root<Dom<TestRunner>>
fn RunningAnimationCount(&self) -> u32
fn SetName(&self, name: DOMString)
fn Name(&self) -> DOMString
fn Origin(&self) -> USVString
fn GetSelection(&self) -> Option<Root<Dom<Selection>>>
fn Event(&self, cx: JSContext, rval: MutableHandleValue<'_>)
fn IsSecureContext(&self) -> bool
fn SupportedPropertyNames(&self) -> Vec<DOMString>
source§impl WorkerGlobalScopeMethods<DomTypeHolder> for WorkerGlobalScope
impl WorkerGlobalScopeMethods<DomTypeHolder> for WorkerGlobalScope
source§fn StructuredClone(
cx: JSContext,
value: HandleValue<'_>,
options: RootedTraceableBox<StructuredSerializeOptions>,
retval: MutableHandleValue<'_>,
) -> Result<(), Error>
fn StructuredClone( &self, cx: JSContext, value: HandleValue<'_>, options: RootedTraceableBox<StructuredSerializeOptions>, retval: MutableHandleValue<'_>, ) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Self_(&self) -> Root<Dom<WorkerGlobalScope>>
fn Location(&self) -> Root<Dom<WorkerLocation>>
fn GetOnerror(&self) -> Option<Rc<OnErrorEventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnerror(&self, listener: Option<Rc<OnErrorEventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn ImportScripts( &self, url_strings: Vec<DOMString>, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Crypto(&self) -> Root<Dom<Crypto>>
fn Btoa(&self, btoa: DOMString) -> Result<DOMString, Error>
fn Atob(&self, atob: DOMString) -> Result<DOMString, Error>
fn SetTimeout( &self, _cx: JSContext, callback: StringOrFunction, timeout: i32, args: Vec<HandleValue<'_>>, ) -> i32
fn ClearTimeout(&self, handle: i32)
fn SetInterval( &self, _cx: JSContext, callback: StringOrFunction, timeout: i32, args: Vec<HandleValue<'_>>, ) -> i32
fn ClearInterval(&self, handle: i32)
fn QueueMicrotask(&self, callback: Rc<VoidFunction>)
fn CreateImageBitmap( &self, image: ImageBitmapSource, options: &ImageBitmapOptions, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Rc<Promise>
fn Fetch( &self, input: RequestOrUSVString, init: RootedTraceableBox<RequestInit>, comp: InRealm<'_>, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Rc<Promise>
fn Performance(&self) -> Root<Dom<Performance>>
fn Origin(&self) -> USVString
fn IsSecureContext(&self) -> bool
source§impl WorkerLocationMethods<DomTypeHolder> for WorkerLocation
impl WorkerLocationMethods<DomTypeHolder> for WorkerLocation
fn Hash(&self) -> USVString
fn Host(&self) -> USVString
fn Hostname(&self) -> USVString
fn Href(&self) -> USVString
fn Origin(&self) -> USVString
fn Pathname(&self) -> USVString
fn Port(&self) -> USVString
fn Protocol(&self) -> USVString
fn Search(&self) -> USVString
source§impl WorkerMethods<DomTypeHolder> for Worker
impl WorkerMethods<DomTypeHolder> for Worker
source§fn PostMessage(
cx: JSContext,
message: HandleValue<'_>,
transfer: CustomAutoRooterGuard<'_, Vec<*mut JSObject>>,
) -> Result<(), Error>
fn PostMessage( &self, cx: JSContext, message: HandleValue<'_>, transfer: CustomAutoRooterGuard<'_, Vec<*mut JSObject>>, ) -> Result<(), Error>
source§fn PostMessage_(
cx: JSContext,
message: HandleValue<'_>,
options: RootedTraceableBox<StructuredSerializeOptions>,
) -> Result<(), Error>
fn PostMessage_( &self, cx: JSContext, message: HandleValue<'_>, options: RootedTraceableBox<StructuredSerializeOptions>, ) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Constructor( global: &GlobalScope, proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>, can_gc: CanGc, script_url: USVString, worker_options: &WorkerOptions, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<Worker>>, Error>
fn Terminate(&self)
fn GetOnmessage(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnmessage(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnmessageerror(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnmessageerror(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnerror(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnerror(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
source§fn HardwareConcurrency(&self) -> u64
fn HardwareConcurrency(&self) -> u64
fn Product(&self) -> DOMString
fn ProductSub(&self) -> DOMString
fn Vendor(&self) -> DOMString
fn VendorSub(&self) -> DOMString
fn TaintEnabled(&self) -> bool
fn AppName(&self) -> DOMString
fn AppCodeName(&self) -> DOMString
fn Platform(&self) -> DOMString
fn UserAgent(&self) -> DOMString
fn AppVersion(&self) -> DOMString
fn Language(&self) -> DOMString
fn Languages(&self, cx: JSContext, retval: MutableHandleValue<'_>)
fn Permissions(&self) -> Root<Dom<Permissions>>
fn Gpu(&self) -> Root<Dom<GPU>>
source§impl WorkletMethods<DomTypeHolder> for Worklet
impl WorkletMethods<DomTypeHolder> for Worklet
source§impl XMLDocumentMethods<DomTypeHolder> for XMLDocument
impl XMLDocumentMethods<DomTypeHolder> for XMLDocument
fn GetLocation(&self) -> Option<Root<Dom<Location>>>
fn SupportedPropertyNames(&self) -> Vec<DOMString>
fn NamedGetter(&self, name: DOMString) -> Option<NamedPropertyValue>
source§impl XMLHttpRequestEventTargetMethods<DomTypeHolder> for XMLHttpRequestEventTarget
impl XMLHttpRequestEventTargetMethods<DomTypeHolder> for XMLHttpRequestEventTarget
fn GetOnloadstart(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnloadstart(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnprogress(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnprogress(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnabort(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnabort(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnerror(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnerror(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnload(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnload(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOntimeout(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOntimeout(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnloadend(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnloadend(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
source§impl XMLHttpRequestMethods<DomTypeHolder> for XMLHttpRequest
impl XMLHttpRequestMethods<DomTypeHolder> for XMLHttpRequest
source§fn Constructor(
global: &GlobalScope,
proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>,
can_gc: CanGc,
) -> Result<Root<Dom<XMLHttpRequest>>, Error>
fn Constructor( global: &GlobalScope, proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<XMLHttpRequest>>, Error>
source§fn Open_(
method: ByteString,
url: USVString,
asynch: bool,
username: Option<USVString>,
password: Option<USVString>,
) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Open_( &self, method: ByteString, url: USVString, asynch: bool, username: Option<USVString>, password: Option<USVString>, ) -> Result<(), Error>
source§fn SetRequestHeader(
name: ByteString,
value: ByteString,
) -> Result<(), Error>
fn SetRequestHeader( &self, name: ByteString, value: ByteString, ) -> Result<(), Error>
source§fn Send(
data: Option<DocumentOrXMLHttpRequestBodyInit>,
can_gc: CanGc,
) -> Result<(), Error>
fn Send( &self, data: Option<DocumentOrXMLHttpRequestBodyInit>, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Result<(), Error>
source§fn GetResponseHeader(&self, name: ByteString) -> Option<ByteString>
fn GetResponseHeader(&self, name: ByteString) -> Option<ByteString>
source§fn GetAllResponseHeaders(&self) -> ByteString
fn GetAllResponseHeaders(&self) -> ByteString
source§fn ResponseType(&self) -> XMLHttpRequestResponseType
fn ResponseType(&self) -> XMLHttpRequestResponseType
source§fn SetResponseType(
response_type: XMLHttpRequestResponseType,
) -> Result<(), Error>
fn SetResponseType( &self, response_type: XMLHttpRequestResponseType, ) -> Result<(), Error>
fn GetOnreadystatechange(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnreadystatechange(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
source§impl XMLSerializerMethods<DomTypeHolder> for XMLSerializer
impl XMLSerializerMethods<DomTypeHolder> for XMLSerializer
fn Constructor( window: &Window, proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<XMLSerializer>>, Error>
fn SerializeToString(&self, root: &Node) -> Result<DOMString, Error>
source§impl XPathEvaluatorMethods<DomTypeHolder> for XPathEvaluator
impl XPathEvaluatorMethods<DomTypeHolder> for XPathEvaluator
source§fn Constructor(
window: &Window,
proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>,
can_gc: CanGc,
) -> Root<Dom<XPathEvaluator>>
fn Constructor( window: &Window, proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Root<Dom<XPathEvaluator>>
source§fn CreateExpression(
expression: DOMString,
_resolver: Option<Rc<XPathNSResolver>>,
can_gc: CanGc,
) -> Result<Root<Dom<XPathExpression>>, Error>
fn CreateExpression( &self, expression: DOMString, _resolver: Option<Rc<XPathNSResolver>>, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<XPathExpression>>, Error>
source§impl XPathExpressionMethods<DomTypeHolder> for XPathExpression
impl XPathExpressionMethods<DomTypeHolder> for XPathExpression
source§impl XPathResultMethods<DomTypeHolder> for XPathResult
impl XPathResultMethods<DomTypeHolder> for XPathResult
source§impl XRBoundedReferenceSpaceMethods<DomTypeHolder> for XRBoundedReferenceSpace
impl XRBoundedReferenceSpaceMethods<DomTypeHolder> for XRBoundedReferenceSpace
source§fn BoundsGeometry(
cx: JSContext,
can_gc: CanGc,
retval: MutableHandleValue<'_>,
fn BoundsGeometry( &self, cx: JSContext, can_gc: CanGc, retval: MutableHandleValue<'_>, )
source§impl XRFrameMethods<DomTypeHolder> for XRFrame
impl XRFrameMethods<DomTypeHolder> for XRFrame
source§fn PredictedDisplayTime(&self) -> Finite<f64>
fn PredictedDisplayTime(&self) -> Finite<f64>
source§fn GetViewerPose(
reference: &XRReferenceSpace,
can_gc: CanGc,
) -> Result<Option<Root<Dom<XRViewerPose>>>, Error>
fn GetViewerPose( &self, reference: &XRReferenceSpace, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Result<Option<Root<Dom<XRViewerPose>>>, Error>
source§fn GetPose(
space: &XRSpace,
base_space: &XRSpace,
can_gc: CanGc,
) -> Result<Option<Root<Dom<XRPose>>>, Error>
fn GetPose( &self, space: &XRSpace, base_space: &XRSpace, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Result<Option<Root<Dom<XRPose>>>, Error>
source§fn GetJointPose(
space: &XRJointSpace,
base_space: &XRSpace,
can_gc: CanGc,
) -> Result<Option<Root<Dom<XRJointPose>>>, Error>
fn GetJointPose( &self, space: &XRJointSpace, base_space: &XRSpace, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Result<Option<Root<Dom<XRJointPose>>>, Error>
source§fn GetHitTestResults(
source: &XRHitTestSource,
) -> Vec<Root<Dom<XRHitTestResult>>>
fn GetHitTestResults( &self, source: &XRHitTestSource, ) -> Vec<Root<Dom<XRHitTestResult>>>
source§fn FillJointRadii(
joint_spaces: Vec<Root<Dom<XRJointSpace>>>,
radii: CustomAutoRooterGuard<'_, Float32Array>,
) -> Result<bool, Error>
fn FillJointRadii( &self, joint_spaces: Vec<Root<Dom<XRJointSpace>>>, radii: CustomAutoRooterGuard<'_, Float32Array>, ) -> Result<bool, Error>
source§impl XRHandMethods<DomTypeHolder> for XRHand
impl XRHandMethods<DomTypeHolder> for XRHand
source§impl XRInputSourceEventMethods<DomTypeHolder> for XRInputSourceEvent
impl XRInputSourceEventMethods<DomTypeHolder> for XRInputSourceEvent
fn Constructor( window: &Window, proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>, can_gc: CanGc, type_: DOMString, init: &XRInputSourceEventInit, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<XRInputSourceEvent>>, Error>
fn Frame(&self) -> Root<Dom<XRFrame>>
fn InputSource(&self) -> Root<Dom<XRInputSource>>
fn IsTrusted(&self) -> bool
source§impl XRInputSourceMethods<DomTypeHolder> for XRInputSource
impl XRInputSourceMethods<DomTypeHolder> for XRInputSource
source§fn Handedness(&self) -> XRHandedness
fn Handedness(&self) -> XRHandedness
source§fn TargetRayMode(&self) -> XRTargetRayMode
fn TargetRayMode(&self) -> XRTargetRayMode
fn Profiles(&self, _cx: JSContext, retval: MutableHandleValue<'_>)
fn GetHand(&self) -> Option<Root<Dom<XRHand>>>
source§impl XRInputSourcesChangeEventMethods<DomTypeHolder> for XRInputSourcesChangeEvent
impl XRInputSourcesChangeEventMethods<DomTypeHolder> for XRInputSourcesChangeEvent
fn Constructor( window: &Window, proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>, can_gc: CanGc, type_: DOMString, init: &XRInputSourcesChangeEventInit, ) -> Root<Dom<XRInputSourcesChangeEvent>>
fn Session(&self) -> Root<Dom<XRSession>>
fn Added(&self, _cx: JSContext, retval: MutableHandleValue<'_>)
fn Removed(&self, _cx: JSContext, retval: MutableHandleValue<'_>)
fn IsTrusted(&self) -> bool
source§impl XRMediaBindingMethods<DomTypeHolder> for XRMediaBinding
impl XRMediaBindingMethods<DomTypeHolder> for XRMediaBinding
source§fn Constructor(
global: &Window,
proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>,
can_gc: CanGc,
session: &XRSession,
) -> Result<Root<Dom<XRMediaBinding>>, Error>
fn Constructor( global: &Window, proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>, can_gc: CanGc, session: &XRSession, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<XRMediaBinding>>, Error>
source§fn CreateQuadLayer(
_: &HTMLVideoElement,
_: &XRMediaLayerInit,
) -> Result<Root<Dom<XRQuadLayer>>, Error>
fn CreateQuadLayer( &self, _: &HTMLVideoElement, _: &XRMediaLayerInit, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<XRQuadLayer>>, Error>
source§fn CreateCylinderLayer(
_: &HTMLVideoElement,
_: &XRMediaLayerInit,
) -> Result<Root<Dom<XRCylinderLayer>>, Error>
fn CreateCylinderLayer( &self, _: &HTMLVideoElement, _: &XRMediaLayerInit, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<XRCylinderLayer>>, Error>
source§impl XRPoseMethods<DomTypeHolder> for XRPose
impl XRPoseMethods<DomTypeHolder> for XRPose
source§fn GetLinearVelocity(&self) -> Option<Root<Dom<DOMPointReadOnly>>>
fn GetLinearVelocity(&self) -> Option<Root<Dom<DOMPointReadOnly>>>
source§fn GetAngularVelocity(&self) -> Option<Root<Dom<DOMPointReadOnly>>>
fn GetAngularVelocity(&self) -> Option<Root<Dom<DOMPointReadOnly>>>
source§impl XRRayMethods<DomTypeHolder> for XRRay
impl XRRayMethods<DomTypeHolder> for XRRay
source§fn Constructor(
window: &Window,
proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>,
can_gc: CanGc,
origin: &DOMPointInit,
direction: &XRRayDirectionInit,
) -> Result<Root<Dom<Self>>, Error>
fn Constructor( window: &Window, proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>, can_gc: CanGc, origin: &DOMPointInit, direction: &XRRayDirectionInit, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<Self>>, Error>
source§fn Constructor_(
window: &Window,
proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>,
can_gc: CanGc,
transform: &XRRigidTransform,
) -> Result<Root<Dom<Self>>, Error>
fn Constructor_( window: &Window, proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>, can_gc: CanGc, transform: &XRRigidTransform, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<Self>>, Error>
source§impl XRReferenceSpaceEventMethods<DomTypeHolder> for XRReferenceSpaceEvent
impl XRReferenceSpaceEventMethods<DomTypeHolder> for XRReferenceSpaceEvent
source§fn Constructor(
window: &Window,
proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>,
can_gc: CanGc,
type_: DOMString,
init: &XRReferenceSpaceEventInit,
) -> Result<Root<Dom<XRReferenceSpaceEvent>>, Error>
fn Constructor( window: &Window, proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>, can_gc: CanGc, type_: DOMString, init: &XRReferenceSpaceEventInit, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<XRReferenceSpaceEvent>>, Error>
source§fn ReferenceSpace(&self) -> Root<Dom<XRReferenceSpace>>
fn ReferenceSpace(&self) -> Root<Dom<XRReferenceSpace>>
source§fn GetTransform(&self) -> Option<Root<Dom<XRRigidTransform>>>
fn GetTransform(&self) -> Option<Root<Dom<XRRigidTransform>>>
source§impl XRReferenceSpaceMethods<DomTypeHolder> for XRReferenceSpace
impl XRReferenceSpaceMethods<DomTypeHolder> for XRReferenceSpace
source§fn GetOffsetReferenceSpace(
new: &XRRigidTransform,
can_gc: CanGc,
) -> Root<Dom<Self>>
fn GetOffsetReferenceSpace( &self, new: &XRRigidTransform, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Root<Dom<Self>>
fn GetOnreset(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnreset(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
source§impl XRRenderStateMethods<DomTypeHolder> for XRRenderState
impl XRRenderStateMethods<DomTypeHolder> for XRRenderState
source§impl XRRigidTransformMethods<DomTypeHolder> for XRRigidTransform
impl XRRigidTransformMethods<DomTypeHolder> for XRRigidTransform
fn Constructor( window: &Window, proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>, can_gc: CanGc, position: &DOMPointInit, orientation: &DOMPointInit, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<Self>>, Error>
fn Position(&self, can_gc: CanGc) -> Root<Dom<DOMPointReadOnly>>
fn Orientation(&self, can_gc: CanGc) -> Root<Dom<DOMPointReadOnly>>
fn Inverse(&self, can_gc: CanGc) -> Root<Dom<XRRigidTransform>>
fn Matrix(&self, _cx: JSContext) -> Float32Array
source§impl XRSessionMethods<DomTypeHolder> for XRSession
impl XRSessionMethods<DomTypeHolder> for XRSession
source§fn UpdateRenderState(
init: &XRRenderStateInit,
_: InRealm<'_>,
) -> Result<(), Error>
fn UpdateRenderState( &self, init: &XRRenderStateInit, _: InRealm<'_>, ) -> Result<(), Error>
source§fn RequestAnimationFrame(&self, callback: Rc<XRFrameRequestCallback>) -> i32
fn RequestAnimationFrame(&self, callback: Rc<XRFrameRequestCallback>) -> i32
source§fn CancelAnimationFrame(&self, frame: i32)
fn CancelAnimationFrame(&self, frame: i32)
source§fn EnvironmentBlendMode(&self) -> XREnvironmentBlendMode
fn EnvironmentBlendMode(&self) -> XREnvironmentBlendMode
source§fn VisibilityState(&self) -> XRVisibilityState
fn VisibilityState(&self) -> XRVisibilityState
source§fn RequestReferenceSpace(
ty: XRReferenceSpaceType,
comp: InRealm<'_>,
can_gc: CanGc,
) -> Rc<Promise>
fn RequestReferenceSpace( &self, ty: XRReferenceSpaceType, comp: InRealm<'_>, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Rc<Promise>
source§fn InputSources(&self) -> Root<Dom<XRInputSourceArray>>
fn InputSources(&self) -> Root<Dom<XRInputSourceArray>>
source§fn InteractionMode(&self) -> XRInteractionMode
fn InteractionMode(&self) -> XRInteractionMode
source§fn GetSupportedFrameRates(&self, cx: JSContext) -> Option<Float32Array>
fn GetSupportedFrameRates(&self, cx: JSContext) -> Option<Float32Array>
source§fn EnabledFeatures(&self, cx: JSContext, retval: MutableHandleValue<'_>)
fn EnabledFeatures(&self, cx: JSContext, retval: MutableHandleValue<'_>)
source§fn IsSystemKeyboardSupported(&self) -> bool
fn IsSystemKeyboardSupported(&self) -> bool
source§fn UpdateTargetFrameRate(
rate: Finite<f32>,
comp: InRealm<'_>,
can_gc: CanGc,
) -> Rc<Promise>
fn UpdateTargetFrameRate( &self, rate: Finite<f32>, comp: InRealm<'_>, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Rc<Promise>
fn GetOnend(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnend(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnselect(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnselect(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnselectstart(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnselectstart(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnselectend(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnselectend(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnsqueeze(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnsqueeze(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnsqueezestart(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnsqueezestart(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnsqueezeend(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnsqueezeend(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnvisibilitychange(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnvisibilitychange(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOninputsourceschange(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOninputsourceschange(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn GetOnframeratechange(&self) -> Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>
fn SetOnframeratechange(&self, listener: Option<Rc<EventHandlerNonNull>>)
fn RenderState(&self) -> Root<Dom<XRRenderState>>
fn RequestHitTestSource( &self, options: &XRHitTestOptionsInit, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Rc<Promise>
source§impl XRSubImageMethods<DomTypeHolder> for XRSubImage
impl XRSubImageMethods<DomTypeHolder> for XRSubImage
source§impl XRSystemMethods<DomTypeHolder> for XRSystem
impl XRSystemMethods<DomTypeHolder> for XRSystem
source§fn IsSessionSupported(&self, mode: XRSessionMode, can_gc: CanGc) -> Rc<Promise>
fn IsSessionSupported(&self, mode: XRSessionMode, can_gc: CanGc) -> Rc<Promise>
source§fn RequestSession(
mode: XRSessionMode,
init: RootedTraceableBox<XRSessionInit>,
comp: InRealm<'_>,
can_gc: CanGc,
) -> Rc<Promise>
fn RequestSession( &self, mode: XRSessionMode, init: RootedTraceableBox<XRSessionInit>, comp: InRealm<'_>, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Rc<Promise>
fn Test(&self) -> Root<Dom<XRTest>>
source§impl XRTestMethods<DomTypeHolder> for XRTest
impl XRTestMethods<DomTypeHolder> for XRTest
source§fn SimulateDeviceConnection(
init: &FakeXRDeviceInit,
can_gc: CanGc,
) -> Rc<Promise>
fn SimulateDeviceConnection( &self, init: &FakeXRDeviceInit, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Rc<Promise>
source§fn SimulateUserActivation(&self, f: Rc<Function>)
fn SimulateUserActivation(&self, f: Rc<Function>)
source§impl XRViewMethods<DomTypeHolder> for XRView
impl XRViewMethods<DomTypeHolder> for XRView
source§fn ProjectionMatrix(&self, _cx: JSContext) -> Float32Array
fn ProjectionMatrix(&self, _cx: JSContext) -> Float32Array
source§impl XRViewerPoseMethods<DomTypeHolder> for XRViewerPose
impl XRViewerPoseMethods<DomTypeHolder> for XRViewerPose
source§fn Views(&self, _cx: JSContext, retval: MutableHandleValue<'_>)
fn Views(&self, _cx: JSContext, retval: MutableHandleValue<'_>)
source§impl XRViewportMethods<DomTypeHolder> for XRViewport
impl XRViewportMethods<DomTypeHolder> for XRViewport
source§impl XRWebGLBindingMethods<DomTypeHolder> for XRWebGLBinding
impl XRWebGLBindingMethods<DomTypeHolder> for XRWebGLBinding
source§fn Constructor(
global: &Window,
proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>,
can_gc: CanGc,
session: &XRSession,
context: WebGLRenderingContextOrWebGL2RenderingContext,
) -> Result<Root<Dom<XRWebGLBinding>>, Error>
fn Constructor( global: &Window, proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>, can_gc: CanGc, session: &XRSession, context: WebGLRenderingContextOrWebGL2RenderingContext, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<XRWebGLBinding>>, Error>
source§fn CreateProjectionLayer(
_: XRTextureType,
_: &XRProjectionLayerInit,
) -> Result<Root<Dom<XRProjectionLayer>>, Error>
fn CreateProjectionLayer( &self, _: XRTextureType, _: &XRProjectionLayerInit, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<XRProjectionLayer>>, Error>
source§fn CreateQuadLayer(
_: XRTextureType,
_: &Option<XRQuadLayerInit>,
) -> Result<Root<Dom<XRQuadLayer>>, Error>
fn CreateQuadLayer( &self, _: XRTextureType, _: &Option<XRQuadLayerInit>, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<XRQuadLayer>>, Error>
source§fn CreateCylinderLayer(
_: XRTextureType,
_: &Option<XRCylinderLayerInit>,
) -> Result<Root<Dom<XRCylinderLayer>>, Error>
fn CreateCylinderLayer( &self, _: XRTextureType, _: &Option<XRCylinderLayerInit>, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<XRCylinderLayer>>, Error>
source§fn CreateEquirectLayer(
_: XRTextureType,
_: &Option<XREquirectLayerInit>,
) -> Result<Root<Dom<XREquirectLayer>>, Error>
fn CreateEquirectLayer( &self, _: XRTextureType, _: &Option<XREquirectLayerInit>, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<XREquirectLayer>>, Error>
source§fn CreateCubeLayer(
_: &Option<XRCubeLayerInit>,
) -> Result<Root<Dom<XRCubeLayer>>, Error>
fn CreateCubeLayer( &self, _: &Option<XRCubeLayerInit>, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<XRCubeLayer>>, Error>
source§fn GetSubImage(
_: &XRCompositionLayer,
_: &XRFrame,
_: XREye,
) -> Result<Root<Dom<XRWebGLSubImage>>, Error>
fn GetSubImage( &self, _: &XRCompositionLayer, _: &XRFrame, _: XREye, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<XRWebGLSubImage>>, Error>
source§impl XRWebGLLayerMethods<DomTypeHolder> for XRWebGLLayer
impl XRWebGLLayerMethods<DomTypeHolder> for XRWebGLLayer
source§fn Constructor(
global: &Window,
proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>,
can_gc: CanGc,
session: &XRSession,
context: XRWebGLRenderingContext,
init: &XRWebGLLayerInit,
) -> Result<Root<Dom<Self>>, Error>
fn Constructor( global: &Window, proto: Option<HandleObject<'_>>, can_gc: CanGc, session: &XRSession, context: XRWebGLRenderingContext, init: &XRWebGLLayerInit, ) -> Result<Root<Dom<Self>>, Error>
source§fn IgnoreDepthValues(&self) -> bool
fn IgnoreDepthValues(&self) -> bool
source§fn GetFramebuffer(&self) -> Option<Root<Dom<WebGLFramebuffer>>>
fn GetFramebuffer(&self) -> Option<Root<Dom<WebGLFramebuffer>>>
source§fn FramebufferWidth(&self) -> u32
fn FramebufferWidth(&self) -> u32
source§fn FramebufferHeight(&self) -> u32
fn FramebufferHeight(&self) -> u32
source§fn GetViewport(&self, view: &XRView) -> Option<Root<Dom<XRViewport>>>
fn GetViewport(&self, view: &XRView) -> Option<Root<Dom<XRViewport>>>
source§impl XRWebGLSubImageMethods<DomTypeHolder> for XRWebGLSubImage
impl XRWebGLSubImageMethods<DomTypeHolder> for XRWebGLSubImage
source§fn ColorTexture(&self) -> Root<Dom<WebGLTexture>>
fn ColorTexture(&self) -> Root<Dom<WebGLTexture>>
source§fn GetDepthStencilTexture(&self) -> Option<Root<Dom<WebGLTexture>>>
fn GetDepthStencilTexture(&self) -> Option<Root<Dom<WebGLTexture>>>
source§fn GetImageIndex(&self) -> Option<u32>
fn GetImageIndex(&self) -> Option<u32>
source§fn TextureWidth(&self) -> u32
fn TextureWidth(&self) -> u32
source§impl consoleMethods<DomTypeHolder> for Console
impl consoleMethods<DomTypeHolder> for Console
source§fn Trace(_cx: JSContext, global: &GlobalScope, messages: Vec<HandleValue<'_>>)
fn Trace(_cx: JSContext, global: &GlobalScope, messages: Vec<HandleValue<'_>>)
source§fn Count(global: &GlobalScope, label: DOMString)
fn Count(global: &GlobalScope, label: DOMString)
source§fn CountReset(global: &GlobalScope, label: DOMString)
fn CountReset(global: &GlobalScope, label: DOMString)
fn Log(_cx: JSContext, global: &GlobalScope, messages: Vec<HandleValue<'_>>)
fn Clear(global: &GlobalScope)
fn Debug(_cx: JSContext, global: &GlobalScope, messages: Vec<HandleValue<'_>>)
fn Info(_cx: JSContext, global: &GlobalScope, messages: Vec<HandleValue<'_>>)
fn Warn(_cx: JSContext, global: &GlobalScope, messages: Vec<HandleValue<'_>>)
fn Error(_cx: JSContext, global: &GlobalScope, messages: Vec<HandleValue<'_>>)
fn Assert( _cx: JSContext, global: &GlobalScope, condition: bool, messages: Vec<HandleValue<'_>>, )
fn Time(global: &GlobalScope, label: DOMString)
fn TimeLog( _cx: JSContext, global: &GlobalScope, label: DOMString, data: Vec<HandleValue<'_>>, )
fn TimeEnd(global: &GlobalScope, label: DOMString)
fn Group(_cx: JSContext, global: &GlobalScope, messages: Vec<HandleValue<'_>>)
fn GroupCollapsed( _cx: JSContext, global: &GlobalScope, messages: Vec<HandleValue<'_>>, )
fn GroupEnd(global: &GlobalScope)
impl StructuralPartialEq for DomTypeHolder
Auto Trait Implementations§
impl Freeze for DomTypeHolder
impl RefUnwindSafe for DomTypeHolder
impl Send for DomTypeHolder
impl Sync for DomTypeHolder
impl Unpin for DomTypeHolder
impl UnwindSafe for DomTypeHolder
Blanket Implementations§
source§impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for Twhere
T: ?Sized,
impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for Twhere
T: ?Sized,
source§fn borrow_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T
fn borrow_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T
source§impl<T> Filterable for T
impl<T> Filterable for T
source§fn filterable(
filter_name: &'static str,
) -> RequestFilterDataProvider<T, fn(_: DataRequest<'_>) -> bool>
fn filterable( self, filter_name: &'static str, ) -> RequestFilterDataProvider<T, fn(_: DataRequest<'_>) -> bool>
source§impl<T> Instrument for T
impl<T> Instrument for T
source§fn instrument(self, span: Span) -> Instrumented<Self>
fn instrument(self, span: Span) -> Instrumented<Self>
source§fn in_current_span(self) -> Instrumented<Self>
fn in_current_span(self) -> Instrumented<Self>
source§impl<T> IntoEither for T
impl<T> IntoEither for T
source§fn into_either(self, into_left: bool) -> Either<Self, Self>
fn into_either(self, into_left: bool) -> Either<Self, Self>
into a Left
variant of Either<Self, Self>
if into_left
is true
Converts self
into a Right
variant of Either<Self, Self>
otherwise. Read moresource§fn into_either_with<F>(self, into_left: F) -> Either<Self, Self>
fn into_either_with<F>(self, into_left: F) -> Either<Self, Self>
into a Left
variant of Either<Self, Self>
if into_left(&self)
returns true
Converts self
into a Right
variant of Either<Self, Self>
otherwise. Read more