Struct script::dom::webglrenderingcontext::WebGLRenderingContext
source · #[repr(C)]pub struct WebGLRenderingContext {Show 28 fields
reflector_: Reflector,
webgl_sender: WebGLMessageSender,
webrender_image: ImageKey,
webgl_version: WebGLVersion,
glsl_version: WebGLSLVersion,
limits: GLLimits,
canvas: HTMLCanvasElementOrOffscreenCanvas,
last_error: Cell<Option<WebGLError>>,
texture_packing_alignment: Cell<u8>,
texture_unpacking_settings: Cell<TextureUnpacking>,
texture_unpacking_alignment: Cell<u32>,
bound_draw_framebuffer: MutNullableDom<WebGLFramebuffer>,
bound_read_framebuffer: MutNullableDom<WebGLFramebuffer>,
bound_renderbuffer: MutNullableDom<WebGLRenderbuffer>,
bound_buffer_array: MutNullableDom<WebGLBuffer>,
current_program: MutNullableDom<WebGLProgram>,
current_vertex_attribs: DomRefCell<Box<[VertexAttrib]>>,
current_scissor: Cell<(i32, i32, u32, u32)>,
current_clear_color: Cell<(f32, f32, f32, f32)>,
size: Cell<Size2D<u32>>,
extension_manager: WebGLExtensions,
capabilities: Capabilities,
default_vao: DomOnceCell<WebGLVertexArrayObjectOES>,
current_vao: MutNullableDom<WebGLVertexArrayObjectOES>,
default_vao_webgl2: DomOnceCell<WebGLVertexArrayObject>,
current_vao_webgl2: MutNullableDom<WebGLVertexArrayObject>,
textures: Textures,
api_type: GlType,
§reflector_: Reflector
§webgl_sender: WebGLMessageSender
§webrender_image: ImageKey
§webgl_version: WebGLVersion
§glsl_version: WebGLSLVersion
§limits: GLLimits
§canvas: HTMLCanvasElementOrOffscreenCanvas
§last_error: Cell<Option<WebGLError>>
§texture_packing_alignment: Cell<u8>
§texture_unpacking_settings: Cell<TextureUnpacking>
§texture_unpacking_alignment: Cell<u32>
§bound_draw_framebuffer: MutNullableDom<WebGLFramebuffer>
§bound_read_framebuffer: MutNullableDom<WebGLFramebuffer>
§bound_renderbuffer: MutNullableDom<WebGLRenderbuffer>
§bound_buffer_array: MutNullableDom<WebGLBuffer>
§current_program: MutNullableDom<WebGLProgram>
§current_vertex_attribs: DomRefCell<Box<[VertexAttrib]>>
§current_scissor: Cell<(i32, i32, u32, u32)>
§current_clear_color: Cell<(f32, f32, f32, f32)>
§size: Cell<Size2D<u32>>
§extension_manager: WebGLExtensions
§capabilities: Capabilities
§default_vao: DomOnceCell<WebGLVertexArrayObjectOES>
§current_vao: MutNullableDom<WebGLVertexArrayObjectOES>
§default_vao_webgl2: DomOnceCell<WebGLVertexArrayObject>
§current_vao_webgl2: MutNullableDom<WebGLVertexArrayObject>
§textures: Textures
§api_type: GlType
source§impl WebGLRenderingContext
impl WebGLRenderingContext
fn __assert_parent_type(&self)
source§impl WebGLRenderingContext
impl WebGLRenderingContext
pub fn new_inherited( window: &Window, canvas: &HTMLCanvasElementOrOffscreenCanvas, webgl_version: WebGLVersion, size: Size2D<u32>, attrs: GLContextAttributes, ) -> Result<WebGLRenderingContext, String>
pub fn new( window: &Window, canvas: &HTMLCanvasElementOrOffscreenCanvas, webgl_version: WebGLVersion, size: Size2D<u32>, attrs: GLContextAttributes, can_gc: CanGc, ) -> Option<Root<Dom<WebGLRenderingContext>>>
pub fn webgl_version(&self) -> WebGLVersion
pub fn limits(&self) -> &GLLimits
pub fn texture_unpacking_alignment(&self) -> u32
pub fn current_vao(&self) -> Root<Dom<WebGLVertexArrayObjectOES>>
pub fn current_vao_webgl2(&self) -> Root<Dom<WebGLVertexArrayObject>>
pub fn current_vertex_attribs(&self) -> RefMut<'_, Box<[VertexAttrib]>>
pub fn recreate(&self, size: Size2D<u32>)
pub fn context_id(&self) -> WebGLContextId
pub fn onscreen(&self) -> bool
pub fn send_command(&self, command: WebGLCommand)
pub fn send_command_ignored(&self, command: WebGLCommand)
pub fn webgl_error(&self, err: WebGLError)
pub fn validate_framebuffer(&self) -> WebGLResult<()>
pub fn validate_ownership<T>(&self, object: &T) -> WebGLResult<()>where
T: DerivedFrom<WebGLObject>,
pub fn with_location<F>(&self, location: Option<&WebGLUniformLocation>, f: F)
pub fn textures(&self) -> &Textures
fn tex_parameter(&self, target: u32, param: u32, value: TexParameterValue)
pub fn mark_as_dirty(&self)
fn vertex_attrib(&self, indx: u32, x: f32, y: f32, z: f32, w: f32)
pub fn get_current_framebuffer_size(&self) -> Option<(i32, i32)>
pub fn get_texture_packing_alignment(&self) -> u8
fn validate_filterable_texture( &self, texture: &WebGLTexture, target: TexImageTarget, level: u32, internal_format: TexFormat, size: Size2D<u32>, data_type: TexDataType, ) -> bool
fn validate_stencil_actions(&self, action: u32) -> bool
pub fn get_image_pixels( &self, source: TexImageSource, ) -> Result<Option<TexPixels>, Error>
pub fn validate_tex_image_2d_data( &self, width: u32, height: u32, format: TexFormat, data_type: TexDataType, unpacking_alignment: u32, data: Option<&ArrayBufferView>, ) -> Result<u32, ()>
pub fn tex_image_2d( &self, texture: &WebGLTexture, target: TexImageTarget, data_type: TexDataType, internal_format: TexFormat, format: TexFormat, level: u32, _border: u32, unpacking_alignment: u32, size: Size2D<u32>, source: TexSource, )
fn tex_sub_image_2d( &self, texture: Root<Dom<WebGLTexture>>, target: TexImageTarget, level: u32, xoffset: i32, yoffset: i32, format: TexFormat, data_type: TexDataType, unpacking_alignment: u32, pixels: TexPixels, )
fn get_gl_extensions(&self) -> String
pub(crate) fn layout_handle(&self) -> HTMLCanvasDataSource
pub fn draw_arrays_instanced( &self, mode: u32, first: i32, count: i32, primcount: i32, ) -> WebGLResult<()>
pub fn draw_elements_instanced( &self, mode: u32, count: i32, type_: u32, offset: i64, primcount: i32, ) -> WebGLResult<()>
pub fn vertex_attrib_divisor(&self, index: u32, divisor: u32)
pub fn get_image_data(&self, size: Size2D<u32>) -> Option<Vec<u8>>
pub fn array_buffer(&self) -> Option<Root<Dom<WebGLBuffer>>>
pub fn array_buffer_slot(&self) -> &MutNullableDom<WebGLBuffer>
pub fn bound_buffer( &self, target: u32, ) -> WebGLResult<Option<Root<Dom<WebGLBuffer>>>>
pub fn buffer_usage(&self, usage: u32) -> WebGLResult<u32>
pub fn create_vertex_array( &self, ) -> Option<Root<Dom<WebGLVertexArrayObjectOES>>>
pub fn create_vertex_array_webgl2( &self, ) -> Option<Root<Dom<WebGLVertexArrayObject>>>
pub fn delete_vertex_array(&self, vao: Option<&WebGLVertexArrayObjectOES>)
pub fn delete_vertex_array_webgl2(&self, vao: Option<&WebGLVertexArrayObject>)
pub fn is_vertex_array(&self, vao: Option<&WebGLVertexArrayObjectOES>) -> bool
pub fn is_vertex_array_webgl2( &self, vao: Option<&WebGLVertexArrayObject>, ) -> bool
pub fn bind_vertex_array(&self, vao: Option<&WebGLVertexArrayObjectOES>)
pub fn bind_vertex_array_webgl2(&self, vao: Option<&WebGLVertexArrayObject>)
fn validate_blend_mode(&self, mode: u32) -> WebGLResult<()>
pub fn initialize_framebuffer(&self, clear_bits: u32)
pub fn extension_manager(&self) -> &WebGLExtensions
pub fn buffer_data( &self, target: u32, data: Option<ArrayBufferViewOrArrayBuffer>, usage: u32, bound_buffer: Option<Root<Dom<WebGLBuffer>>>, )
pub fn buffer_data_( &self, target: u32, size: i64, usage: u32, bound_buffer: Option<Root<Dom<WebGLBuffer>>>, )
pub fn buffer_sub_data( &self, target: u32, offset: i64, data: ArrayBufferViewOrArrayBuffer, bound_buffer: Option<Root<Dom<WebGLBuffer>>>, )
pub fn bind_buffer_maybe( &self, slot: &MutNullableDom<WebGLBuffer>, target: u32, buffer: Option<&WebGLBuffer>, )
pub fn current_program(&self) -> Option<Root<Dom<WebGLProgram>>>
pub fn uniform_check_program( &self, program: &WebGLProgram, location: &WebGLUniformLocation, ) -> WebGLResult<()>
fn uniform_vec_section_int( &self, vec: Int32ArrayOrLongSequence, offset: u32, length: u32, uniform_size: usize, uniform_location: &WebGLUniformLocation, ) -> WebGLResult<Vec<i32>>
fn uniform_vec_section_float( &self, vec: Float32ArrayOrUnrestrictedFloatSequence, offset: u32, length: u32, uniform_size: usize, uniform_location: &WebGLUniformLocation, ) -> WebGLResult<Vec<f32>>
pub fn uniform_vec_section<T: Clone>( &self, vec: Vec<T>, offset: u32, length: u32, uniform_size: usize, uniform_location: &WebGLUniformLocation, ) -> WebGLResult<Vec<T>>
pub fn uniform_matrix_section( &self, vec: Float32ArrayOrUnrestrictedFloatSequence, offset: u32, length: u32, transpose: bool, uniform_size: usize, uniform_location: &WebGLUniformLocation, ) -> WebGLResult<Vec<f32>>
pub fn get_draw_framebuffer_slot(&self) -> &MutNullableDom<WebGLFramebuffer>
pub fn get_read_framebuffer_slot(&self) -> &MutNullableDom<WebGLFramebuffer>
pub fn validate_new_framebuffer_binding( &self, framebuffer: Option<&WebGLFramebuffer>, ) -> WebGLResult<()>
pub fn bind_framebuffer_to( &self, target: u32, framebuffer: Option<&WebGLFramebuffer>, slot: &MutNullableDom<WebGLFramebuffer>, )
pub fn renderbuffer_storage( &self, target: u32, samples: i32, internal_format: u32, width: i32, height: i32, )
pub fn valid_color_attachment_enum(&self, attachment: u32) -> bool
pub fn compressed_tex_image_2d( &self, target: u32, level: i32, internal_format: u32, width: i32, height: i32, border: i32, data: &[u8], )
pub fn compressed_tex_sub_image_2d( &self, target: u32, level: i32, xoffset: i32, yoffset: i32, width: i32, height: i32, format: u32, data: &[u8], )
pub fn uniform1iv( &self, location: Option<&WebGLUniformLocation>, val: Int32ArrayOrLongSequence, src_offset: u32, src_length: u32, )
pub fn uniform1fv( &self, location: Option<&WebGLUniformLocation>, val: Float32ArrayOrUnrestrictedFloatSequence, src_offset: u32, src_length: u32, )
pub fn uniform2fv( &self, location: Option<&WebGLUniformLocation>, val: Float32ArrayOrUnrestrictedFloatSequence, src_offset: u32, src_length: u32, )
pub fn uniform2iv( &self, location: Option<&WebGLUniformLocation>, val: Int32ArrayOrLongSequence, src_offset: u32, src_length: u32, )
pub fn uniform3fv( &self, location: Option<&WebGLUniformLocation>, val: Float32ArrayOrUnrestrictedFloatSequence, src_offset: u32, src_length: u32, )
pub fn uniform3iv( &self, location: Option<&WebGLUniformLocation>, val: Int32ArrayOrLongSequence, src_offset: u32, src_length: u32, )
pub fn uniform4iv( &self, location: Option<&WebGLUniformLocation>, val: Int32ArrayOrLongSequence, src_offset: u32, src_length: u32, )
pub fn uniform4fv( &self, location: Option<&WebGLUniformLocation>, val: Float32ArrayOrUnrestrictedFloatSequence, src_offset: u32, src_length: u32, )
pub fn uniform_matrix_2fv( &self, location: Option<&WebGLUniformLocation>, transpose: bool, val: Float32ArrayOrUnrestrictedFloatSequence, src_offset: u32, src_length: u32, )
pub fn uniform_matrix_3fv( &self, location: Option<&WebGLUniformLocation>, transpose: bool, val: Float32ArrayOrUnrestrictedFloatSequence, src_offset: u32, src_length: u32, )
pub fn uniform_matrix_4fv( &self, location: Option<&WebGLUniformLocation>, transpose: bool, val: Float32ArrayOrUnrestrictedFloatSequence, src_offset: u32, src_length: u32, )
pub fn get_buffer_param( &self, buffer: Option<Root<Dom<WebGLBuffer>>>, parameter: u32, retval: MutableHandleValue<'_>, )
Trait Implementations§
source§impl DomObject for WebGLRenderingContext
impl DomObject for WebGLRenderingContext
source§impl DomObjectWrap for WebGLRenderingContext
impl DomObjectWrap for WebGLRenderingContext
source§const WRAP: unsafe fn(_: SafeJSContext, _: &GlobalScope, _: Option<HandleObject<'_>>, _: Box<Self>, _: CanGc) -> Root<Dom<Self>> = {dom::bindings::codegen::Bindings::WebGLRenderingContextBinding::WebGLRenderingContext_Binding::Wrap as for<'a, 'b> unsafe fn(script_runtime::JSContext, &'a dom::globalscope::GlobalScope, std::option::Option<js::rust::Handle<'b, *mut js::jsapi::JSObject>>, std::boxed::Box<dom::webglrenderingcontext::WebGLRenderingContext>, script_runtime::CanGc) -> dom::bindings::root::Root<dom::bindings::root::Dom<dom::webglrenderingcontext::WebGLRenderingContext>>}
const WRAP: unsafe fn(_: SafeJSContext, _: &GlobalScope, _: Option<HandleObject<'_>>, _: Box<Self>, _: CanGc) -> Root<Dom<Self>> = {dom::bindings::codegen::Bindings::WebGLRenderingContextBinding::WebGLRenderingContext_Binding::Wrap as for<'a, 'b> unsafe fn(script_runtime::JSContext, &'a dom::globalscope::GlobalScope, std::option::Option<js::rust::Handle<'b, *mut js::jsapi::JSObject>>, std::boxed::Box<dom::webglrenderingcontext::WebGLRenderingContext>, script_runtime::CanGc) -> dom::bindings::root::Root<dom::bindings::root::Dom<dom::webglrenderingcontext::WebGLRenderingContext>>}
Function pointer to the general wrap function type
source§impl Drop for WebGLRenderingContext
impl Drop for WebGLRenderingContext
source§impl HasParent for WebGLRenderingContext
impl HasParent for WebGLRenderingContext
source§impl IDLInterface for WebGLRenderingContext
impl IDLInterface for WebGLRenderingContext
source§impl MallocSizeOf for WebGLRenderingContext
impl MallocSizeOf for WebGLRenderingContext
source§fn size_of(&self, ops: &mut MallocSizeOfOps) -> usize
fn size_of(&self, ops: &mut MallocSizeOfOps) -> usize
Measure the heap usage of all descendant heap-allocated structures, but
not the space taken up by the value itself.
source§impl MutDomObject for WebGLRenderingContext
impl MutDomObject for WebGLRenderingContext
source§impl PartialEq for WebGLRenderingContext
impl PartialEq for WebGLRenderingContext
source§impl Traceable for WebGLRenderingContext
impl Traceable for WebGLRenderingContext
source§impl WebGLRenderingContextMethods<DomTypeHolder> for WebGLRenderingContext
impl WebGLRenderingContextMethods<DomTypeHolder> for WebGLRenderingContext
source§fn GetAttachedShaders(
program: &WebGLProgram,
) -> Option<Vec<Root<Dom<WebGLShader>>>>
fn GetAttachedShaders( &self, program: &WebGLProgram, ) -> Option<Vec<Root<Dom<WebGLShader>>>>
fn Canvas(&self) -> HTMLCanvasElementOrOffscreenCanvas
fn Flush(&self)
fn Finish(&self)
fn DrawingBufferWidth(&self) -> i32
fn DrawingBufferHeight(&self) -> i32
fn GetBufferParameter( &self, _cx: SafeJSContext, target: u32, parameter: u32, retval: MutableHandleValue<'_>, )
fn GetParameter( &self, cx: SafeJSContext, parameter: u32, retval: MutableHandleValue<'_>, )
fn GetTexParameter( &self, _cx: SafeJSContext, target: u32, pname: u32, retval: MutableHandleValue<'_>, )
fn GetError(&self) -> u32
fn GetContextAttributes(&self) -> Option<WebGLContextAttributes>
fn IsContextLost(&self) -> bool
fn GetSupportedExtensions(&self) -> Option<Vec<DOMString>>
fn GetExtension( &self, _cx: SafeJSContext, name: DOMString, ) -> Option<NonNull<JSObject>>
fn ActiveTexture(&self, texture: u32)
fn BlendColor(&self, r: f32, g: f32, b: f32, a: f32)
fn BlendEquation(&self, mode: u32)
fn BlendEquationSeparate(&self, mode_rgb: u32, mode_alpha: u32)
fn BlendFunc(&self, src_factor: u32, dest_factor: u32)
fn BlendFuncSeparate( &self, src_rgb: u32, dest_rgb: u32, src_alpha: u32, dest_alpha: u32, )
fn AttachShader(&self, program: &WebGLProgram, shader: &WebGLShader)
fn DetachShader(&self, program: &WebGLProgram, shader: &WebGLShader)
fn BindAttribLocation( &self, program: &WebGLProgram, index: u32, name: DOMString, )
fn BindBuffer(&self, target: u32, buffer: Option<&WebGLBuffer>)
fn BindFramebuffer(&self, target: u32, framebuffer: Option<&WebGLFramebuffer>)
fn BindRenderbuffer( &self, target: u32, renderbuffer: Option<&WebGLRenderbuffer>, )
fn BindTexture(&self, target: u32, texture: Option<&WebGLTexture>)
fn GenerateMipmap(&self, target: u32)
fn BufferData_( &self, target: u32, data: Option<ArrayBufferViewOrArrayBuffer>, usage: u32, )
fn BufferData(&self, target: u32, size: i64, usage: u32)
fn BufferSubData( &self, target: u32, offset: i64, data: ArrayBufferViewOrArrayBuffer, )
fn CompressedTexImage2D( &self, target: u32, level: i32, internal_format: u32, width: i32, height: i32, border: i32, data: CustomAutoRooterGuard<'_, ArrayBufferView>, )
fn CompressedTexSubImage2D( &self, target: u32, level: i32, xoffset: i32, yoffset: i32, width: i32, height: i32, format: u32, data: CustomAutoRooterGuard<'_, ArrayBufferView>, )
fn CopyTexImage2D( &self, target: u32, level: i32, internal_format: u32, x: i32, y: i32, width: i32, height: i32, border: i32, )
fn CopyTexSubImage2D( &self, target: u32, level: i32, xoffset: i32, yoffset: i32, x: i32, y: i32, width: i32, height: i32, )
fn Clear(&self, mask: u32)
fn ClearColor(&self, red: f32, green: f32, blue: f32, alpha: f32)
fn ClearDepth(&self, depth: f32)
fn ClearStencil(&self, stencil: i32)
fn ColorMask(&self, r: bool, g: bool, b: bool, a: bool)
fn CullFace(&self, mode: u32)
fn FrontFace(&self, mode: u32)
fn DepthFunc(&self, func: u32)
fn DepthMask(&self, flag: bool)
fn DepthRange(&self, near: f32, far: f32)
fn Enable(&self, cap: u32)
fn Disable(&self, cap: u32)
fn CompileShader(&self, shader: &WebGLShader)
fn CreateBuffer(&self) -> Option<Root<Dom<WebGLBuffer>>>
fn CreateFramebuffer(&self) -> Option<Root<Dom<WebGLFramebuffer>>>
fn CreateRenderbuffer(&self) -> Option<Root<Dom<WebGLRenderbuffer>>>
fn CreateTexture(&self) -> Option<Root<Dom<WebGLTexture>>>
fn CreateProgram(&self) -> Option<Root<Dom<WebGLProgram>>>
fn CreateShader(&self, shader_type: u32) -> Option<Root<Dom<WebGLShader>>>
fn DeleteBuffer(&self, buffer: Option<&WebGLBuffer>)
fn DeleteFramebuffer(&self, framebuffer: Option<&WebGLFramebuffer>)
fn DeleteRenderbuffer(&self, renderbuffer: Option<&WebGLRenderbuffer>)
fn DeleteTexture(&self, texture: Option<&WebGLTexture>)
fn DeleteProgram(&self, program: Option<&WebGLProgram>)
fn DeleteShader(&self, shader: Option<&WebGLShader>)
fn DrawArrays(&self, mode: u32, first: i32, count: i32)
fn DrawElements(&self, mode: u32, count: i32, type_: u32, offset: i64)
fn EnableVertexAttribArray(&self, attrib_id: u32)
fn DisableVertexAttribArray(&self, attrib_id: u32)
fn GetActiveUniform( &self, program: &WebGLProgram, index: u32, ) -> Option<Root<Dom<WebGLActiveInfo>>>
fn GetActiveAttrib( &self, program: &WebGLProgram, index: u32, ) -> Option<Root<Dom<WebGLActiveInfo>>>
fn GetAttribLocation(&self, program: &WebGLProgram, name: DOMString) -> i32
fn GetFramebufferAttachmentParameter( &self, cx: SafeJSContext, target: u32, attachment: u32, pname: u32, retval: MutableHandleValue<'_>, )
fn GetRenderbufferParameter( &self, _cx: SafeJSContext, target: u32, pname: u32, retval: MutableHandleValue<'_>, )
fn GetProgramInfoLog(&self, program: &WebGLProgram) -> Option<DOMString>
fn GetProgramParameter( &self, _: SafeJSContext, program: &WebGLProgram, param: u32, retval: MutableHandleValue<'_>, )
fn GetShaderInfoLog(&self, shader: &WebGLShader) -> Option<DOMString>
fn GetShaderParameter( &self, _: SafeJSContext, shader: &WebGLShader, param: u32, retval: MutableHandleValue<'_>, )
fn GetShaderPrecisionFormat( &self, shader_type: u32, precision_type: u32, ) -> Option<Root<Dom<WebGLShaderPrecisionFormat>>>
fn GetUniformLocation( &self, program: &WebGLProgram, name: DOMString, ) -> Option<Root<Dom<WebGLUniformLocation>>>
fn GetVertexAttrib( &self, cx: SafeJSContext, index: u32, param: u32, retval: MutableHandleValue<'_>, )
fn GetVertexAttribOffset(&self, index: u32, pname: u32) -> i64
fn Hint(&self, target: u32, mode: u32)
fn IsBuffer(&self, buffer: Option<&WebGLBuffer>) -> bool
fn IsEnabled(&self, cap: u32) -> bool
fn IsFramebuffer(&self, frame_buffer: Option<&WebGLFramebuffer>) -> bool
fn IsProgram(&self, program: Option<&WebGLProgram>) -> bool
fn IsRenderbuffer(&self, render_buffer: Option<&WebGLRenderbuffer>) -> bool
fn IsShader(&self, shader: Option<&WebGLShader>) -> bool
fn IsTexture(&self, texture: Option<&WebGLTexture>) -> bool
fn LineWidth(&self, width: f32)
fn PixelStorei(&self, param_name: u32, param_value: i32)
fn PolygonOffset(&self, factor: f32, units: f32)
fn ReadPixels( &self, x: i32, y: i32, width: i32, height: i32, format: u32, pixel_type: u32, pixels: CustomAutoRooterGuard<'_, Option<ArrayBufferView>>, )
fn SampleCoverage(&self, value: f32, invert: bool)
fn Scissor(&self, x: i32, y: i32, width: i32, height: i32)
fn StencilFunc(&self, func: u32, ref_: i32, mask: u32)
fn StencilFuncSeparate(&self, face: u32, func: u32, ref_: i32, mask: u32)
fn StencilMask(&self, mask: u32)
fn StencilMaskSeparate(&self, face: u32, mask: u32)
fn StencilOp(&self, fail: u32, zfail: u32, zpass: u32)
fn StencilOpSeparate(&self, face: u32, fail: u32, zfail: u32, zpass: u32)
fn LinkProgram(&self, program: &WebGLProgram)
fn ShaderSource(&self, shader: &WebGLShader, source: DOMString)
fn GetShaderSource(&self, shader: &WebGLShader) -> Option<DOMString>
fn Uniform1f(&self, location: Option<&WebGLUniformLocation>, val: f32)
fn Uniform1i(&self, location: Option<&WebGLUniformLocation>, val: i32)
fn Uniform1iv( &self, location: Option<&WebGLUniformLocation>, val: Int32ArrayOrLongSequence, )
fn Uniform1fv( &self, location: Option<&WebGLUniformLocation>, val: Float32ArrayOrUnrestrictedFloatSequence, )
fn Uniform2f(&self, location: Option<&WebGLUniformLocation>, x: f32, y: f32)
fn Uniform2fv( &self, location: Option<&WebGLUniformLocation>, val: Float32ArrayOrUnrestrictedFloatSequence, )
fn Uniform2i(&self, location: Option<&WebGLUniformLocation>, x: i32, y: i32)
fn Uniform2iv( &self, location: Option<&WebGLUniformLocation>, val: Int32ArrayOrLongSequence, )
fn Uniform3f( &self, location: Option<&WebGLUniformLocation>, x: f32, y: f32, z: f32, )
fn Uniform3fv( &self, location: Option<&WebGLUniformLocation>, val: Float32ArrayOrUnrestrictedFloatSequence, )
fn Uniform3i( &self, location: Option<&WebGLUniformLocation>, x: i32, y: i32, z: i32, )
fn Uniform3iv( &self, location: Option<&WebGLUniformLocation>, val: Int32ArrayOrLongSequence, )
fn Uniform4i( &self, location: Option<&WebGLUniformLocation>, x: i32, y: i32, z: i32, w: i32, )
fn Uniform4iv( &self, location: Option<&WebGLUniformLocation>, val: Int32ArrayOrLongSequence, )
fn Uniform4f( &self, location: Option<&WebGLUniformLocation>, x: f32, y: f32, z: f32, w: f32, )
fn Uniform4fv( &self, location: Option<&WebGLUniformLocation>, val: Float32ArrayOrUnrestrictedFloatSequence, )
fn UniformMatrix2fv( &self, location: Option<&WebGLUniformLocation>, transpose: bool, val: Float32ArrayOrUnrestrictedFloatSequence, )
fn UniformMatrix3fv( &self, location: Option<&WebGLUniformLocation>, transpose: bool, val: Float32ArrayOrUnrestrictedFloatSequence, )
fn UniformMatrix4fv( &self, location: Option<&WebGLUniformLocation>, transpose: bool, val: Float32ArrayOrUnrestrictedFloatSequence, )
fn GetUniform( &self, cx: SafeJSContext, program: &WebGLProgram, location: &WebGLUniformLocation, rval: MutableHandleValue<'_>, )
fn UseProgram(&self, program: Option<&WebGLProgram>)
fn ValidateProgram(&self, program: &WebGLProgram)
fn VertexAttrib1f(&self, indx: u32, x: f32)
fn VertexAttrib1fv(&self, indx: u32, v: Float32ArrayOrUnrestrictedFloatSequence)
fn VertexAttrib2f(&self, indx: u32, x: f32, y: f32)
fn VertexAttrib2fv(&self, indx: u32, v: Float32ArrayOrUnrestrictedFloatSequence)
fn VertexAttrib3f(&self, indx: u32, x: f32, y: f32, z: f32)
fn VertexAttrib3fv(&self, indx: u32, v: Float32ArrayOrUnrestrictedFloatSequence)
fn VertexAttrib4f(&self, indx: u32, x: f32, y: f32, z: f32, w: f32)
fn VertexAttrib4fv(&self, indx: u32, v: Float32ArrayOrUnrestrictedFloatSequence)
fn VertexAttribPointer( &self, index: u32, size: i32, type_: u32, normalized: bool, stride: i32, offset: i64, )
fn Viewport(&self, x: i32, y: i32, width: i32, height: i32)
fn TexImage2D( &self, target: u32, level: i32, internal_format: i32, width: i32, height: i32, border: i32, format: u32, data_type: u32, pixels: CustomAutoRooterGuard<'_, Option<ArrayBufferView>>, ) -> Result<(), Error>
fn TexImage2D_( &self, target: u32, level: i32, internal_format: i32, format: u32, data_type: u32, source: TexImageSource, ) -> Result<(), Error>
fn TexSubImage2D( &self, target: u32, level: i32, xoffset: i32, yoffset: i32, width: i32, height: i32, format: u32, data_type: u32, pixels: CustomAutoRooterGuard<'_, Option<ArrayBufferView>>, ) -> Result<(), Error>
fn TexSubImage2D_( &self, target: u32, level: i32, xoffset: i32, yoffset: i32, format: u32, data_type: u32, source: TexImageSource, ) -> Result<(), Error>
fn TexParameterf(&self, target: u32, name: u32, value: f32)
fn TexParameteri(&self, target: u32, name: u32, value: i32)
fn CheckFramebufferStatus(&self, target: u32) -> u32
fn RenderbufferStorage( &self, target: u32, internal_format: u32, width: i32, height: i32, )
fn FramebufferRenderbuffer( &self, target: u32, attachment: u32, renderbuffertarget: u32, rb: Option<&WebGLRenderbuffer>, )
fn FramebufferTexture2D( &self, target: u32, attachment: u32, textarget: u32, texture: Option<&WebGLTexture>, level: i32, )
impl Eq for WebGLRenderingContext
Auto Trait Implementations§
impl !Freeze for WebGLRenderingContext
impl !RefUnwindSafe for WebGLRenderingContext
impl !Send for WebGLRenderingContext
impl !Sync for WebGLRenderingContext
impl Unpin for WebGLRenderingContext
impl !UnwindSafe for WebGLRenderingContext
Blanket Implementations§
source§impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for Twhere
T: ?Sized,
impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for Twhere
T: ?Sized,
source§fn borrow_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T
fn borrow_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T
Mutably borrows from an owned value. Read more
source§impl<Q, K> Equivalent<K> for Q
impl<Q, K> Equivalent<K> for Q
source§impl<Q, K> Equivalent<K> for Q
impl<Q, K> Equivalent<K> for Q
source§fn equivalent(&self, key: &K) -> bool
fn equivalent(&self, key: &K) -> bool
Compare self to
and return true
if they are equal.source§impl<Q, K> Equivalent<K> for Q
impl<Q, K> Equivalent<K> for Q
source§fn equivalent(&self, key: &K) -> bool
fn equivalent(&self, key: &K) -> bool
Compare self to
and return true
if they are equal.source§impl<T> Filterable for T
impl<T> Filterable for T
source§fn filterable(
filter_name: &'static str,
) -> RequestFilterDataProvider<T, fn(_: DataRequest<'_>) -> bool>
fn filterable( self, filter_name: &'static str, ) -> RequestFilterDataProvider<T, fn(_: DataRequest<'_>) -> bool>
Creates a filterable data provider with the given name for debugging. Read more
source§impl<T> Instrument for T
impl<T> Instrument for T
source§fn instrument(self, span: Span) -> Instrumented<Self>
fn instrument(self, span: Span) -> Instrumented<Self>
source§fn in_current_span(self) -> Instrumented<Self>
fn in_current_span(self) -> Instrumented<Self>
source§impl<T> IntoEither for T
impl<T> IntoEither for T
source§fn into_either(self, into_left: bool) -> Either<Self, Self>
fn into_either(self, into_left: bool) -> Either<Self, Self>
into a Left
variant of Either<Self, Self>
if into_left
is true
Converts self
into a Right
variant of Either<Self, Self>
otherwise. Read moresource§fn into_either_with<F>(self, into_left: F) -> Either<Self, Self>
fn into_either_with<F>(self, into_left: F) -> Either<Self, Self>
into a Left
variant of Either<Self, Self>
if into_left(&self)
returns true
Converts self
into a Right
variant of Either<Self, Self>
otherwise. Read moresource§impl<T> MaybeBoxed<Box<T>> for T
impl<T> MaybeBoxed<Box<T>> for T
source§fn maybe_boxed(self) -> Box<T>
fn maybe_boxed(self) -> Box<T>
source§impl<T> MaybeBoxed<T> for T
impl<T> MaybeBoxed<T> for T
source§fn maybe_boxed(self) -> T
fn maybe_boxed(self) -> T