
Module renderer

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The high-level module responsible for interfacing with the GPU.

Much of WebRender’s design is driven by separating work into different threads. To avoid the complexities of multi-threaded GPU access, we restrict all communication with the GPU to one thread, the render thread. But since issuing GPU commands is often a bottleneck, we move everything else (i.e. the computation of what commands to issue) to another thread, the RenderBackend thread. The RenderBackend, in turn, may delegate work to other thread (like the SceneBuilder threads or Rayon workers), but the Render-vs-RenderBackend distinction is the most important.

The consumer is responsible for initializing the render thread before calling into WebRender, which means that this module also serves as the initial entry point into WebRender, and is responsible for spawning the various other threads discussed above. That said, WebRender initialization returns both the Renderer instance as well as a channel for communicating directly with the RenderBackend. Aside from a few high-level operations like ‘render now’, most of interesting commands from the consumer go over that channel and operate on the RenderBackend.

§Space conversion guidelines

At this stage, we shuld be operating with DevicePixel and FramebufferPixel only. “Framebuffer” space represents the final destination of our rendeing, and it happens to be Y-flipped on OpenGL. The conversion is done as follows:

  • for rasterized primitives, the orthographics projection transforms the content rectangle to -1 to 1
  • the viewport transformation is setup to map the whole range to the framebuffer rectangle provided by the document view, stored in DrawTarget
  • all the direct framebuffer operations, like blitting, reading pixels, and setting up the scissor, are accepting already transformed coordinates, which we can get by calling DrawTarget::to_framebuffer_rect



  • debug 🔒
  • gpu_buffer 🔒
  • gpu_cache 🔒
  • init 🔒
  • shade 🔒
  • tests 🔒
  • upload 🔒
    This module contains the convoluted logic that goes into uploading content into the texture cache’s textures.
  • vertex 🔒
    Rendering logic related to the vertex shaders and their states, uncluding



