Expand description
Computed values.
pub use self::align::AlignContent;
pub use self::align::AlignItems;
pub use self::align::JustifyContent;
pub use self::align::JustifyItems;
pub use self::align::SelfAlignment;
pub use self::align::AlignSelf;
pub use self::align::JustifySelf;
pub use self::angle::Angle;
pub use self::animation::AnimationComposition;
pub use self::animation::AnimationDirection;
pub use self::animation::AnimationDuration;
pub use self::animation::AnimationFillMode;
pub use self::animation::AnimationIterationCount;
pub use self::animation::AnimationName;
pub use self::animation::AnimationPlayState;
pub use self::animation::AnimationTimeline;
pub use self::animation::ScrollAxis;
pub use self::animation::TimelineName;
pub use self::animation::TransitionBehavior;
pub use self::animation::TransitionProperty;
pub use self::animation::ViewTimelineInset;
pub use self::animation::ViewTransitionName;
pub use self::background::BackgroundRepeat;
pub use self::background::BackgroundSize;
pub use self::basic_shape::FillRule;
pub use self::border::BorderCornerRadius;
pub use self::border::BorderImageRepeat;
pub use self::border::BorderImageSideWidth;
pub use self::border::BorderImageSlice;
pub use self::border::BorderImageWidth;
pub use self::border::BorderRadius;
pub use self::border::BorderSideWidth;
pub use self::border::BorderSpacing;
pub use self::border::LineWidth;
pub use self::box_::Appearance;
pub use self::box_::BaselineSource;
pub use self::box_::BreakBetween;
pub use self::box_::BreakWithin;
pub use self::box_::Clear;
pub use self::box_::Contain;
pub use self::box_::ContainIntrinsicSize;
pub use self::box_::ContainerName;
pub use self::box_::ContainerType;
pub use self::box_::ContentVisibility;
pub use self::box_::Display;
pub use self::box_::Float;
pub use self::box_::LineClamp;
pub use self::box_::Overflow;
pub use self::box_::OverflowAnchor;
pub use self::box_::OverflowClipBox;
pub use self::box_::OverscrollBehavior;
pub use self::box_::Perspective;
pub use self::box_::Resize;
pub use self::box_::ScrollSnapAlign;
pub use self::box_::ScrollSnapAxis;
pub use self::box_::ScrollSnapStop;
pub use self::box_::ScrollSnapStrictness;
pub use self::box_::ScrollSnapType;
pub use self::box_::ScrollbarGutter;
pub use self::box_::TouchAction;
pub use self::box_::VerticalAlign;
pub use self::box_::WillChange;
pub use self::box_::Zoom;
pub use self::color::Color;
pub use self::color::ColorOrAuto;
pub use self::color::ColorPropertyValue;
pub use self::color::ColorScheme;
pub use self::color::ForcedColorAdjust;
pub use self::color::PrintColorAdjust;
pub use self::column::ColumnCount;
pub use self::counters::Content;
pub use self::counters::ContentItem;
pub use self::counters::CounterIncrement;
pub use self::counters::CounterReset;
pub use self::counters::CounterSet;
pub use self::easing::TimingFunction;
pub use self::effects::BoxShadow;
pub use self::effects::Filter;
pub use self::effects::SimpleShadow;
pub use self::flex::FlexBasis;
pub use self::font::FontFamily;
pub use self::font::FontLanguageOverride;
pub use self::font::FontPalette;
pub use self::font::FontStyle;
pub use self::font::FontFeatureSettings;
pub use self::font::FontVariantLigatures;
pub use self::font::FontVariantNumeric;
pub use self::font::FontSize;
pub use self::font::FontSizeAdjust;
pub use self::font::FontStretch;
pub use self::font::FontSynthesis;
pub use self::font::LineHeight;
pub use self::font::FontVariantAlternates;
pub use self::font::FontWeight;
pub use self::font::FontVariantEastAsian;
pub use self::font::FontVariationSettings;
pub use self::font::MathDepth;
pub use self::font::MozScriptMinSize;
pub use self::font::MozScriptSizeMultiplier;
pub use self::font::XLang;
pub use self::font::XTextScale;
pub use self::image::Gradient;
pub use self::image::Image;
pub use self::image::ImageRendering;
pub use self::image::LineDirection;
pub use self::length::AnchorSizeFunction;
pub use self::length::CSSPixelLength;
pub use self::length::NonNegativeLength;
pub use self::length::Length;
pub use self::length::LengthOrNumber;
pub use self::length::LengthPercentage;
pub use self::length::NonNegativeLengthOrNumber;
pub use self::length::LengthOrAuto;
pub use self::length::LengthPercentageOrAuto;
pub use self::length::MaxSize;
pub use self::length::Margin;
pub use self::length::Size;
pub use self::length::NonNegativeLengthPercentage;
pub use self::length::NonNegativeLengthPercentageOrAuto;
pub use self::list::Quotes;
pub use self::motion::OffsetPath;
pub use self::motion::OffsetPosition;
pub use self::motion::OffsetRotate;
pub use self::outline::OutlineStyle;
pub use self::page::PageName;
pub use self::page::PageOrientation;
pub use self::page::PageSize;
pub use self::page::PageSizeOrientation;
pub use self::page::PaperSize;
pub use self::percentage::NonNegativePercentage;
pub use self::percentage::Percentage;
pub use self::position::AnchorFunction;
pub use self::position::AnchorName;
pub use self::position::AnchorScope;
pub use self::position::AspectRatio;
pub use self::position::DashedIdentAndOrTryTactic;
pub use self::position::Inset;
pub use self::position::PositionAnchor;
pub use self::position::PositionTryFallbacks;
pub use self::position::PositionTryOrder;
pub use self::position::PositionVisibility;
pub use self::position::GridAutoFlow;
pub use self::position::GridTemplateAreas;
pub use self::position::MasonryAutoFlow;
pub use self::position::Position;
pub use self::position::PositionOrAuto;
pub use self::position::ZIndex;
pub use self::position::PositionArea;
pub use self::position::PositionAreaKeyword;
pub use self::ratio::Ratio;
pub use self::rect::NonNegativeLengthOrNumberRect;
pub use self::resolution::Resolution;
pub use self::svg::DProperty;
pub use self::svg::MozContextProperties;
pub use self::svg::SVGLength;
pub use self::svg::SVGOpacity;
pub use self::svg::SVGPaint;
pub use self::svg::SVGPaintKind;
pub use self::svg::SVGPaintOrder;
pub use self::svg::SVGStrokeDashArray;
pub use self::svg::SVGWidth;
pub use self::svg::VectorEffect;
pub use self::text::HyphenateCharacter;
pub use self::text::TextUnderlinePosition;
pub use self::text::InitialLetter;
pub use self::text::LetterSpacing;
pub use self::text::LineBreak;
pub use self::text::TextIndent;
pub use self::text::OverflowWrap;
pub use self::text::RubyPosition;
pub use self::text::TextOverflow;
pub use self::text::WordBreak;
pub use self::text::WordSpacing;
pub use self::text::TextAlign;
pub use self::text::TextAlignLast;
pub use self::text::TextEmphasisPosition;
pub use self::text::TextEmphasisStyle;
pub use self::text::TextDecorationLength;
pub use self::text::TextDecorationSkipInk;
pub use self::text::TextJustify;
pub use self::time::Time;
pub use self::transform::Rotate;
pub use self::transform::Scale;
pub use self::transform::Transform;
pub use self::transform::TransformBox;
pub use self::transform::TransformOperation;
pub use self::transform::TransformOrigin;
pub use self::transform::TransformStyle;
pub use self::transform::Translate;
pub use self::ui::BoolInteger;
pub use self::ui::Cursor;
pub use self::ui::Inert;
pub use self::ui::MozTheme;
pub use self::ui::PointerEvents;
pub use self::ui::ScrollbarColor;
pub use self::ui::UserFocus;
pub use self::ui::UserInput;
pub use self::ui::UserSelect;
pub use super::specified::TextTransform;
pub use super::specified::ViewportVariant;
pub use super::specified::BorderStyle;
pub use super::specified::TextDecorationLine;
- Values for CSS Box Alignment properties
- Computed angles.
- Computed values for properties related to animations and transitions
- Computed types for CSS values related to backgrounds.
- CSS handling for the computed value of
s - Computed types for CSS values related to borders.
- Computed types for box properties.
- Computed color values.
- Computed types for the column properties.
- Computed values for counter properties
- Computed types for CSS Easing functions.
- Computed types for CSS values related to effects.
- Computed types for CSS values related to flexbox.
- Computed values for font properties
- CSS handling for the computed value of
s <length>
computed values, and related ones.<length-percentage>
computed values, and related ones.list
computed values.- Computed types for CSS values that are related to motion path.
- Computed values for outline properties
- Computed @page at-rule properties and named-page style properties
- Computed percentages.
- CSS handling for the computed value of
values. <ratio>
computed values.- Computed types for CSS borders.
- Resolution values:
- Computed types for SVG properties.
- Computed types for CSS values related to tables.
- Computed types for text properties.
- Computed time values.
- Computed types for CSS values that are related to transformations.
- Computed values for UI properties
- Common handling for the computed value CSS url() values.
- An App Unit, the fundamental unit of length in Servo. Usually 1/60th of a pixel (see
) - An iterator over a slice of computed values
- A
is all the data a specified value could ever need to compute itself and be transformed to a computed value.
- A trait to represent the conversion between computed and specified values.
Type Aliases§
- rect(…) | auto
- rect(…) | auto
- A wrapper of Number, but the value >= 1.
- The computed value of a
. <grid-template-rows> | <grid-template-columns>
- The computed value of a grid
- A
value. - A wrapper of Number, but the value >= 0.
- A non-negative
. - A
value. - A type used for opacity.
- A wrapper of Integer, but only accept a value >= 1.
- The computed value of a grid
- The computed value of a grid
(could also be<auto-track-list>
) - The computed value of a grid
- A wrapper of Number, but the value between 0 and 1