Module style::values::specified

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Specified values.

TODO(emilio): Enhance docs.



  • Values for CSS Box Alignment properties
  • Specified angles.
  • Specified types for properties related to animations and transitions.
  • Specified types for CSS values related to backgrounds.
  • CSS handling for the specified value of basic-shapes
  • Specified types for CSS values related to borders.
  • Specified types for box properties.
  • Specified color values.
  • Specified types for the column properties.
  • Specified types for counter properties.
  • Specified types for CSS Easing functions.
  • Specified types for CSS values related to effects.
  • Specified types for CSS values related to flexbox.
  • Specified values for font properties
  • CSS handling for the computed value of grids
  • CSS handling for the specified value of images
  • list specified values.
  • Specified types for CSS values that are related to motion path.
  • Specified values for outline properties
  • Specified @page at-rule properties and named-page style properties
  • Specified percentages.
  • CSS handling for the specified value of positions
  • Specified types for .
  • Specified types for CSS borders.
  • Resolution values:
  • Specified types for SVG properties.
  • Specified types for SVG Path.
  • Specified types for CSS values related to tables.
  • Specified types for text properties.
  • Specified time values.
  • Specified types for CSS values that are related to transformations.
  • Specified types for UI properties.
  • Common handling for the specified value CSS url() values.


  • An attr(…) rule
  • A specified <integer>, optionally coming from a calc() expression.
  • A CSS <number> specified value.
  • The value of Opacity is , which is “ | ”. However, we serialize the specified value as number, so it’s ok to store the Opacity as Number.



Type Aliases§