Crate fonts






  • An index that refers to a byte offset in a text run. This could the middle of a glyph.
  • This data structure represents the various optional descriptors that can be applied to a @font-face rule in CSS. These are used to create a FontTemplate from the given font data used as the source of the @font-face rule. If values like weight, stretch, and style are not specified they are initialized based on the contents of the font itself.
  • The FontContext represents the per-thread/thread state necessary for working with fonts. It is the public API used by the layout and paint code. It talks directly to the system font service where required.
  • A data structure to store data for fonts. Data is stored internally in an IpcSharedMemory handle, so that it can be send without serialization across IPC channels.
  • FontDescriptor describes the parameters of a Font. It represents rendering a given font template at a particular size, with a particular font-variant-caps applied, etc. This contrasts with FontTemplateDescriptor in that the latter represents only the parameters inherent in the font data (weight, stretch, etc.).
  • The font family parameters for font selection.
  • A FontGroup is a prioritised list of fonts for a given set of font styles. It is used by TextRun to decide which font to render a character with. If none of the fonts listed in the styles are suitable, a fallback font may be used.
  • This describes all the information needed to create font instance handles. It contains a unique FontTemplateData structure that is platform specific.
  • Describes how to select a font from a given family. This is very basic at the moment and needs to be expanded or refactored when we support more of the font styling parameters.
  • A list of font templates that make up a given font family.
  • GlyphEntry is a port of Geckoโ€™s CompressedGlyph scheme for storing glyph data compactly.
  • A single series of glyphs within a text run.
  • Stores the glyph data belonging to a text run.
  • Various options that control text shaping.
  • The system font service. There is one of these for every Servo instance. This is a thread, responsible for reading the list of system fonts, handling requests to match against them, and ensuring that only one copy of system font data is loaded at a time.
  • The public interface to the SystemFontService, used by per-Document FontContext instances.





Type Aliasesยง