Expand description
- color32 ๐
- hex_
color_ ๐runtime Convert colors to and from the hex-color string format at runtime - hsva ๐
- hsva_
gamma ๐ - rgba ๐
- This format is used for space-efficient color representation (32 bits).
- Hue, saturation, value, alpha. All in the range [0, 1]. No premultiplied alpha.
- Like Hsva but with the
value (brightness) being gamma corrected so that it is somewhat perceptually even. - 0-1 linear space
color with premultiplied alpha.
- A wrapper around Color32 that converts to and from a hex-color string
- fast_
round ๐ - linear [0, 1] -> gamma [0, 1] (not clamped). Works for numbers outside this range (e.g. negative numbers).
- linear [0, 1] -> gamma [0, 255] (clamped). Values outside this range will be clamped to the range.
- All ranges in 0-1, rgb is linear.
- gamma [0, 255] -> linear [0, 1].
- linear [0, 255] -> linear [0, 1]. Useful for alpha-channel.
- gamma [0, 1] -> linear [0, 1] (not clamped). Works for numbers outside this range (e.g. negative numbers).
- linear [0, 1] -> linear [0, 255] (clamped). Useful for alpha-channel.
- All ranges in 0-1, rgb is linear.
- Cheap and ugly. Made for graying out disabled