Safety: src and dst must have len elements, src is valid for read, dst is valid for
Safety-usable invariant: will return Some() when it fails
to convert. The first value will be a u8 that is > 127.
Safety: src and dst must have len elements, src is valid for read, dst is valid for
Safety-usable invariant: will return Some() when it fails
to convert. The first value will be a u8 that is > 127.
Safety: src and dst must have len elements, src is valid for read, dst is valid for
Safety-usable invariant: will return Some() when it fails
to convert. The first value will be a u8 that is > 127.
Safety: dst must point to valid space for writing two usize
Safety: src and dst must have len elements, src is valid for read, dst is valid for
Safety: dst must point to valid space for writing four usize
Safety: src and dst must have len elements, src is valid for read, dst is valid for
Safety-usable invariant: will return Some() when it encounters non-ASCII, with the first element in the Some being
guaranteed to be non-ASCII (> 127), and the second being the offset where it is found
Safety: src
must be valid for the reads of two usize