Module style::context

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The context within which style is calculated.


  • The structure holds various intermediate inputs that are eventually used by by the cascade.
  • A list of cascade inputs for eagerly-cascaded pseudo-elements. The list is stored inline.
  • The cascade inputs associated with a node, including those for any pseudo-elements.
  • Statistics gathered during the traversal. We gather statistics on each thread and then combine them after the threads join via the Add implementation below.
  • A list of SequentialTasks that get executed on Drop.
  • A shared style context.
  • A helper type for stack limit checking. This assumes that stacks grow down, which is true for all non-ancient CPU architectures.
  • A StyleContext is just a simple container for a immutable reference to a shared style context, and a mutable reference to a local one.
  • A global options structure for the style system. We use this instead of opts to abstract across Gecko and Servo.
  • A thread-local style context.
  • Statistics gathered during the traversal plus some information from other sources including stylist.


  • Which quirks mode is this document in.
  • A task to be run in sequential mode on the parent (non-worker) thread. This is used by the style system to queue up work which is not safe to do during the parallel traversal.


