Trait serde::lib::core::prelude::rust_2021::Ord

1.0.0 · source ·
pub trait Ord: Eq + PartialOrd {
    // Required method
    fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Ordering;

    // Provided methods
    fn max(self, other: Self) -> Self
       where Self: Sized { ... }
    fn min(self, other: Self) -> Self
       where Self: Sized { ... }
    fn clamp(self, min: Self, max: Self) -> Self
       where Self: Sized + PartialOrd { ... }
Expand description

Trait for types that form a total order.

Implementations must be consistent with the PartialOrd implementation, and ensure max, min, and clamp are consistent with cmp:

  • partial_cmp(a, b) == Some(cmp(a, b)).
  • max(a, b) == max_by(a, b, cmp) (ensured by the default implementation).
  • min(a, b) == min_by(a, b, cmp) (ensured by the default implementation).
  • For a.clamp(min, max), see the method docs (ensured by the default implementation).

It’s easy to accidentally make cmp and partial_cmp disagree by deriving some of the traits and manually implementing others.

Violating these requirements is a logic error. The behavior resulting from a logic error is not specified, but users of the trait must ensure that such logic errors do not result in undefined behavior. This means that unsafe code must not rely on the correctness of these methods.


From the above and the requirements of PartialOrd, it follows that for all a, b and c:

  • exactly one of a < b, a == b or a > b is true; and
  • < is transitive: a < b and b < c implies a < c. The same must hold for both == and >.

Mathematically speaking, the < operator defines a strict weak order. In cases where == conforms to mathematical equality, it also defines a strict total order.


This trait can be used with #[derive].

When derived on structs, it will produce a lexicographic ordering based on the top-to-bottom declaration order of the struct’s members.

When derived on enums, variants are ordered primarily by their discriminants. Secondarily, they are ordered by their fields. By default, the discriminant is smallest for variants at the top, and largest for variants at the bottom. Here’s an example:

#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
enum E {

assert!(E::Top < E::Bottom);

However, manually setting the discriminants can override this default behavior:

#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
enum E {
    Top = 2,
    Bottom = 1,

assert!(E::Bottom < E::Top);

§Lexicographical comparison

Lexicographical comparison is an operation with the following properties:

  • Two sequences are compared element by element.
  • The first mismatching element defines which sequence is lexicographically less or greater than the other.
  • If one sequence is a prefix of another, the shorter sequence is lexicographically less than the other.
  • If two sequences have equivalent elements and are of the same length, then the sequences are lexicographically equal.
  • An empty sequence is lexicographically less than any non-empty sequence.
  • Two empty sequences are lexicographically equal.

§How can I implement Ord?

Ord requires that the type also be PartialOrd and Eq (which requires PartialEq).

Then you must define an implementation for cmp. You may find it useful to use cmp on your type’s fields.

Here’s an example where you want to sort people by height only, disregarding id and name:

use std::cmp::Ordering;

struct Person {
    id: u32,
    name: String,
    height: u32,

impl Ord for Person {
    fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Ordering {

impl PartialOrd for Person {
    fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<Ordering> {

impl PartialEq for Person {
    fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
        self.height == other.height

Required Methods§


fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Ordering

This method returns an Ordering between self and other.

By convention, self.cmp(&other) returns the ordering matching the expression self <operator> other if true.

use std::cmp::Ordering;

assert_eq!(5.cmp(&10), Ordering::Less);
assert_eq!(10.cmp(&5), Ordering::Greater);
assert_eq!(5.cmp(&5), Ordering::Equal);

Provided Methods§

1.21.0 · source

fn max(self, other: Self) -> Self
where Self: Sized,

Compares and returns the maximum of two values.

Returns the second argument if the comparison determines them to be equal.

assert_eq!(1.max(2), 2);
assert_eq!(2.max(2), 2);
1.21.0 · source

fn min(self, other: Self) -> Self
where Self: Sized,

Compares and returns the minimum of two values.

Returns the first argument if the comparison determines them to be equal.

assert_eq!(1.min(2), 1);
assert_eq!(2.min(2), 2);
1.50.0 · source

fn clamp(self, min: Self, max: Self) -> Self
where Self: Sized + PartialOrd,

Restrict a value to a certain interval.

Returns max if self is greater than max, and min if self is less than min. Otherwise this returns self.


Panics if min > max.

assert_eq!((-3).clamp(-2, 1), -2);
assert_eq!(0.clamp(-2, 1), 0);
assert_eq!(2.clamp(-2, 1), 1);

Object Safety§

This trait is not object safe.



impl Ord for Ordering

1.34.0 · source§

impl Ord for Infallible

1.7.0 · source§

impl Ord for IpAddr


impl Ord for SocketAddr


impl Ord for AsciiChar


impl Ord for ErrorKind


impl Ord for bool


impl Ord for char


impl Ord for i8


impl Ord for i16


impl Ord for i32


impl Ord for i64


impl Ord for i128


impl Ord for isize


impl Ord for !


impl Ord for str

Implements ordering of strings.

Strings are ordered lexicographically by their byte values. This orders Unicode code points based on their positions in the code charts. This is not necessarily the same as “alphabetical” order, which varies by language and locale. Sorting strings according to culturally-accepted standards requires locale-specific data that is outside the scope of the str type.


impl Ord for u8


impl Ord for u16


impl Ord for u32


impl Ord for u64


impl Ord for u128


impl Ord for ()


impl Ord for usize


impl Ord for Error

1.33.0 · source§

impl Ord for PhantomPinned


impl Ord for Ipv4Addr


impl Ord for Ipv6Addr


impl Ord for SocketAddrV4


impl Ord for SocketAddrV6

const: unstable · source§

impl Ord for Alignment


impl Ord for CStr

1.64.0 · source§

impl Ord for CString

1.3.0 · source§

impl Ord for Duration


impl Ord for OsStr


impl Ord for OsString


impl Ord for Path


impl Ord for PathBuf


impl Ord for String

1.8.0 · source§

impl Ord for SystemTime


impl Ord for TypeId

1.27.0 · source§

impl Ord for CpuidResult


impl Ord for Components<'_>


impl Ord for PrefixComponent<'_>

1.8.0 · source§

impl Ord for Instant


impl<'a> Ord for Component<'a>


impl<'a> Ord for Prefix<'a>

1.10.0 · source§

impl<'a> Ord for Location<'a>


impl<A> Ord for &A
where A: Ord + ?Sized,


impl<A> Ord for &mut A
where A: Ord + ?Sized,


impl<B> Ord for Cow<'_, B>
where B: Ord + ToOwned + ?Sized,


impl<Dyn> Ord for DynMetadata<Dyn>
where Dyn: ?Sized,

1.4.0 · source§

impl<F> Ord for F
where F: FnPtr,


impl<K, V, A> Ord for BTreeMap<K, V, A>
where K: Ord, V: Ord, A: Allocator + Clone,

1.41.0 · source§

impl<Ptr> Ord for Pin<Ptr>
where Ptr: Deref, <Ptr as Deref>::Target: Ord,


impl<T> Ord for Option<T>
where T: Ord,

1.36.0 · source§

impl<T> Ord for Poll<T>
where T: Ord,


impl<T> Ord for *const T
where T: ?Sized,


impl<T> Ord for *mut T
where T: ?Sized,


impl<T> Ord for [T]
where T: Ord,

Implements comparison of slices lexicographically.


impl<T> Ord for (T₁, T₂, …, Tₙ)
where T: Ord + ?Sized,

This trait is implemented for tuples up to twelve items long.

1.20.0 · source§

impl<T> Ord for ManuallyDrop<T>
where T: Ord + ?Sized,

1.28.0 · source§

impl<T> Ord for NonZero<T>

1.25.0 · source§

impl<T> Ord for NonNull<T>
where T: ?Sized,

1.10.0 · source§

impl<T> Ord for Cell<T>
where T: Ord + Copy,


impl<T> Ord for PhantomData<T>
where T: ?Sized,

1.10.0 · source§

impl<T> Ord for RefCell<T>
where T: Ord + ?Sized,

1.19.0 · source§

impl<T> Ord for Reverse<T>
where T: Ord,

1.74.0 · source§

impl<T> Ord for Saturating<T>
where T: Ord,


impl<T> Ord for Wrapping<T>
where T: Ord,


impl<T, A> Ord for Arc<T, A>
where T: Ord + ?Sized, A: Allocator,


impl<T, A> Ord for BTreeSet<T, A>
where T: Ord, A: Allocator + Clone,


impl<T, A> Ord for Box<T, A>
where T: Ord + ?Sized, A: Allocator,


impl<T, A> Ord for LinkedList<T, A>
where T: Ord, A: Allocator,


impl<T, A> Ord for Rc<T, A>
where T: Ord + ?Sized, A: Allocator,


impl<T, A> Ord for Vec<T, A>
where T: Ord, A: Allocator,

Implements ordering of vectors, lexicographically.


impl<T, A> Ord for VecDeque<T, A>
where T: Ord, A: Allocator,


impl<T, E> Ord for Result<T, E>
where T: Ord, E: Ord,


impl<T, const N: usize> Ord for [T; N]
where T: Ord,

Implements comparison of arrays lexicographically.


impl<T, const N: usize> Ord for Simd<T, N>


impl<Y, R> Ord for CoroutineState<Y, R>
where Y: Ord, R: Ord,