
Module limited

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This module defines two bespoke reverse DFA searching routines. (One for the lazy DFA and one for the fully compiled DFA.) These routines differ from the usual ones by permitting the caller to specify a minimum starting position. That is, the search will begin at input.end() and will usually stop at input.start(), unless min_start > input.start(), in which case, the search will stop at min_start.

In other words, this lets you say, “no, the search must not extend past this point, even if it’s within the bounds of the given Input.” And if the search does want to go past that point, it stops and returns a “may be quadratic” error, which indicates that the caller should retry using some other technique.

These routines specifically exist to protect against quadratic behavior when employing the “reverse suffix” and “reverse inner” optimizations. Without the backstop these routines provide, it is possible for parts of the haystack to get re-scanned over and over again. The backstop not only prevents this, but tells you when it is happening so that you can change the strategy.

Why can’t we just use the normal search routines? We could use the normal search routines and just set the start bound on the provided Input to our min_start position. The problem here is that it’s impossible to distinguish between “no match because we reached the end of input” and “determined there was no match well before the end of input.” The former case is what we care about with respect to quadratic behavior. The latter case is totally fine.

Why don’t we modify the normal search routines to report the position at which the search stops? I considered this, and I still wonder if it is indeed the right thing to do. However, I think the straight-forward thing to do there would be to complicate the return type signature of almost every search routine in this crate, which I really do not want to do. It therefore might make more sense to provide a richer way for search routines to report meta data, but that was beyond my bandwidth to work on at the time of writing.

See the ‘opt/reverse-inner’ and ‘opt/reverse-suffix’ benchmarks in rebar for a real demonstration of how quadratic behavior is mitigated.
