Module layout_2020::table

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§HTML Tables (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

This implementation is based on the table section of the HTML 5 Specification, the draft CSS Table Module Level! 3 and the LayoutNG implementation of tables in Blink. In general, the draft specification differs greatly from what other browsers do, so we generally follow LayoutNG when in question.

Table layout is divided into two phases:

  1. Box Tree Construction
  2. Fragment Tree Construction

§Box Tree Construction

During box tree construction, table layout ( will traverse the DOM and construct the basic box tree representation of a table, using the structs defined in this file (Table, TableTrackGroup, TableTrack, etc). When processing the DOM, elements are handled differently depending on their display value. For instance, an element with display: table-cell is treated as a table cell. HTML table elements like <table> and <td> are assigned the corresponding display value from the user agent stylesheet.

Every Table holds an array of TableSlot. A TableSlot represents either a cell, a cell location occupied by a cell originating from another place in the table, or is empty. In addition, when there are table model errors, a slot may spanned by more than one cell.

During processing, the box tree construction agorithm will also fix up table structure, for instance, creating anonymous rows for lone table cells and putting non-table content into anonymous cells. In addition, flow layout will collect table elements outside of tables and create anonymous tables for them.

After processing, box tree construction does a fix up pass on tables, converting rowspan=0 into definite rowspan values and making sure that rowspan and celspan values are not larger than the table itself. Finally, row groups may be reordered to enforce the fact that the first <thead> comes before <tbody> which comes before the first <tfoot>.

§Fragment Tree Construction

Fragment tree construction involves calculating the size and positioning of all table elements, given their style, content, and cell and row spans. This happens both during intrinsic inline size computation as well as layout into Fragments. In both of these cases, measurement and layout is done by layout::TableLayout, though for intrinsic size computation only a partial layout is done.

In general, we follow the following steps when laying out table content:

  1. Compute track constrainedness and has originating cells
  2. Compute cell measures
  3. Compute column measures
  4. Compute intrinsic inline sizes for columns and the table
  5. Compute the final table inline size
  6. Distribute size to columns
  7. Do first pass cell layout
  8. Do row layout
  9. Compute table height and final row sizes
  10. Create fragments for table elements (columns, column groups, rows, row groups, cells)

For intrinsic size computation this process stops at step 4.




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