Module layout_2020::flow::inline

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§Inline Formatting Context Layout

Inline layout is divided into three phases:

  1. Box Tree Construction
  2. Box to Line Layout
  3. Line to Fragment Layout

The first phase happens during normal box tree constrution, while the second two phases happen during fragment tree construction (sometimes called just “layout”).

§Box Tree Construction

During box tree construction, DOM elements are transformed into a box tree. This phase collects all of the inline boxes, text, atomic inline elements (boxes with display: inline-block or display: inline-table as well as things like images and canvas), absolutely positioned blocks, and floated blocks.

During the last part of this phase, whitespace is collapsed and text is segmented into TextRuns based on script, chosen font, and line breaking opportunities. In addition, default fonts are selected for every inline box. Each segment of text is shaped using HarfBuzz and turned into a series of glyphs, which all have a size and a position relative to the origin of the TextRun (calculated in later phases).

The code for this phase is mainly in, but text handling can also be found in

§Box to Line Layout

During the first phase of fragment tree construction, box tree items are laid out into LineItems and fragmented based on line boundaries. This is where line breaking happens. This part of layout fragments boxes and their contents across multiple lines while positioning floats and making sure non-floated contents flow around them. In addition, all atomic elements are laid out, which may descend into their respective trees and create fragments. Finally, absolutely positioned content is collected in order to later hoist it to the containing block for absolutes.

Note that during this phase, layout does not know the final block position of content. Only during line to fragment layout, are the final block positions calculated based on the line’s final content and its vertical alignment. Instead, positions and line heights are calculated relative to the line’s final baseline which will be determined in the final phase.

LineItems represent a particular set of content on a line. Currently this is represented by a linear series of items that describe the line’s hierarchy of inline boxes and content. The item types are:

The code for this can be found by looking for methods of the form layout_into_line_item().

§Line to Fragment Layout

During the second phase of fragment tree construction, the final block position of LineItems is calculated and they are converted into Fragments. After layout, the LineItems are discarded and the new fragments are incorporated into the fragment tree. The final static position of absolutely positioned content is calculated and it is hoisted to its containing block via PositioningContext.

The code for this phase, can mainly be found in




