fn solve_inline_margins_avoiding_floats(
    sequential_layout_state: &SequentialLayoutState,
    containing_block: &ContainingBlock<'_>,
    pbm: &PaddingBorderMargin,
    inline_size: Au,
    placement_rect: LogicalRect<Au>,
) -> ((Au, Au), Au)
Expand description

Resolves ‘auto’ margins of an in-flow block-level box in the inline axis similarly to |solve_inline_margins_for_in_flow_block_level|. However, they align within the provided rect (instead of the containing block), to avoid overlapping floats. In addition to the used margins, it also returns the effective margin-inline-start (see ContainingBlockPaddingAndBorder). It may differ from the used inline-start margin if the computed value wasn’t ‘auto’ and there are floats to avoid or the box is justified. See https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/9174