Crate layout_2013

source Β·



  • block πŸ”’
    Layout for CSS block-level elements.
  • Creates flows and fragments from a DOM tree via a bottom-up, incremental traversal of the DOM.
  • Data needed by layout.
  • flex πŸ”’
    Layout for elements with a CSS display property of flex.
  • floats πŸ”’
  • Servo’s experimental layout system builds a tree of Flow and Fragment objects and solves layout constraints to obtain positions and display attributes of tree nodes. Positions are computed in several tree traversals driven by the fundamental data dependencies required by inline and block layout.
  • flow_list πŸ”’
  • Reference-counted pointers to flows.
  • fragment πŸ”’
    The Fragment type, which represents the leaves of the layout tree.
  • The generated content assignment phase.
  • inline πŸ”’
  • Supports writing a trace file created during each layout scope that can be viewed by an external tool to make layout debugging easier.
  • linked_list πŸ”’
    Utility functions for doubly-linked lists.
  • list_item πŸ”’
    Layout for elements with a CSS display property of list-item. These elements consist of a block and an extra inline fragment for the marker.
  • model πŸ”’
    Borders, padding, and margins.
  • multicol πŸ”’
  • Implements parallel traversals over the DOM and flow trees.
  • persistent_list πŸ”’
    A persistent, thread-safe singly-linked list.
  • Utilities for querying the layout, as needed by layout.
  • Implements sequential traversals over the DOM and flow trees.
  • table πŸ”’
    CSS table formatting contexts.
  • table_caption πŸ”’
    CSS table formatting contexts.
  • table_cell πŸ”’
    CSS table formatting contexts.
  • table_colgroup πŸ”’
    CSS table formatting contexts.
  • table_row πŸ”’
    CSS table formatting contexts.
  • table_rowgroup πŸ”’
    CSS table formatting contexts.
  • table_wrapper πŸ”’
    CSS tables.
  • text πŸ”’
    Text layout.
  • text_run πŸ”’
  • Traversals over the DOM and flow trees, running the layout computations.
  • A safe wrapper for DOM nodes that prevents layout from mutating the DOM, from letting DOM nodes escape, and from generally doing anything that it isn’t supposed to. This is accomplished via a simple whitelist of allowed operations, along with some lifetime magic to prevent nodes from escaping.



  • Fragments (struct Fragment) are the leaves of the layout tree. They cannot position themselves. In general, fragments do not have a simple correspondence with CSS fragments in the specification:
