Module layout_2013::fragment

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The Fragment type, which represents the leaves of the layout tree.


  • DebugId πŸ”’
  • Fragments (struct Fragment) are the leaves of the layout tree. They cannot position themselves. In general, fragments do not have a simple correspondence with CSS fragments in the specification:
  • A fragment that represents an inline frame (iframe). This stores the frame ID so that the size of this iframe can be communicated via the constellation to the iframe’s own layout.
  • A fragment that represents a replaced content image and its accompanying borders, shadows, etc.
  • An inline fragment that establishes an absolute containing block for its descendants (i.e. a positioned inline fragment).
  • A hypothetical box (see CSS 2.1 Β§ 10.3.7) for an absolutely-positioned block that was declared with display: inline;.
  • A fragment that represents an inline-block element.
  • The overflow area. We need two different notions of overflow: paint overflow and scrollable overflow.
  • A scanned text fragment represents a single run of text with a distinct style. A TextFragment may be split into two or more fragments across line breaks. Several TextFragments may correspond to a single DOM text node. Split text fragments are implemented by referring to subsets of a single TextRun object.
  • Specified distances from the margin edge of a block to its content in the inline direction. These are returned by guess_inline_content_edge_offsets() and are used in the float placement speculation logic.
  • Describes how to split a fragment. This is used during line breaking as part of the return value of find_split_info_for_inline_size().
  • SplitOptions πŸ”’
  • Describes how to split a fragment into two. This contains up to two SplitInfos.
  • A fragment that represents a table column.
  • A wrapper for fragments that have been truncated by the text-overflow property. This may have an associated text node, or, if the fragment was completely truncated, it may act as an invisible marker for incremental reflow.
  • TruncationResult πŸ”’
    Describes how a fragment should be truncated.
  • Data for an unscanned text fragment. Unscanned text fragments are the results of flow construction that have not yet had their inline-size determined.


