Module layout_2013::construct

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Creates flows and fragments from a DOM tree via a bottom-up, incremental traversal of the DOM.

Each step of the traversal considers the node and existing flow, if there is one. If a node is not dirty and an existing flow exists, then the traversal reuses that flow. Otherwise, it proceeds to construct either a flow or a ConstructionItem. A construction item is a piece of intermediate data that goes with a DOM node and hasn’t found its “home” yet-maybe it’s a box, maybe it’s an absolute or fixed position thing that hasn’t found its containing block yet. Construction items bubble up the tree from children to parents until they find their homes.


  • An object that knows how to create flows.
  • Represents an {ib} split that has not yet found the containing block that it belongs to. This is somewhat tricky. An example may be helpful. For this DOM fragment:
  • Holds inline fragments that we’re gathering for children of an inline node.
  • Represents inline fragments and {ib} splits that are bubbling up from an inline.
  • Holds inline fragments and absolute descendants.
  • Legalizer 🔒
    Maintains a stack of anonymous boxes needed to ensure that the flow tree is legal. The tree is legal if it follows the rules in CSS 2.1 § 17.2.1.


  • Represents the output of flow construction for a DOM node that has not yet resulted in a complete flow. Construction items bubble up the tree until they find a Flow to be attached to.
  • The results of flow construction for a DOM node.


  • NodeUtils 🔒
    A utility trait with some useful methods for node queries.
