Function fonts::font::map_platform_values_to_style_values

source ยท
pub(crate) fn map_platform_values_to_style_values(
    mapping: &[(f64, f64)],
    value: f64,
) -> f64
Expand description

Given a mapping array mapping and a value, map that value onto the value specified by the array. For instance, for FontConfig values of weights, we would map these onto the CSS [0..1000] range by creating an array as below. Values that fall between two mapped values, will be adjusted by the weighted mean.

let mapping = [
    (0., 0.),
    (FC_WEIGHT_REGULAR as f64, 400 as f64),
    (FC_WEIGHT_BOLD as f64, 700 as f64),
    (FC_WEIGHT_EXTRABLACK as f64, 1000 as f64),
let mapped_weight = apply_font_config_to_style_mapping(&mapping, weight as f64);