
Module ty




  • The binary interface of a function: extern "C".
  • An argument in a function type: the usize in fn(usize) -> bool.
  • The variadic argument of a function pointer like fn(usize, ...).
  • A fixed size array type: [T; n].
  • A bare function type: fn(usize) -> bool.
  • A type contained within invisible delimiters.
  • An impl Bound1 + Bound2 + Bound3 type where Bound is a trait or a lifetime.
  • Indication that a type should be inferred by the compiler: _.
  • A macro in the type position.
  • The never type: !.
  • A parenthesized type equivalent to the inner type.
  • A path like std::slice::Iter, optionally qualified with a self-type as in <Vec<T> as SomeTrait>::Associated.
  • A raw pointer type: *const T or *mut T.
  • A reference type: &'a T or &'a mut T.
  • A dynamically sized slice type: [T].
  • A trait object type dyn Bound1 + Bound2 + Bound3 where Bound is a trait or a lifetime.
  • A tuple type: (A, B, C, String).


  • Return type of a function signature.
  • The possible types that a Rust value could have.