
Module path




  • Angle bracketed arguments of a path segment: the <K, V> in HashMap<K, V>.
  • An equality constraint on an associated constant: the PANIC = false in Trait<PANIC = false>.
  • A binding (equality constraint) on an associated type: the Item = u8 in Iterator<Item = u8>.
  • An associated type bound: Iterator<Item: Display>.
  • Arguments of a function path segment: the (A, B) -> C in Fn(A,B) -> C.
  • A path at which a named item is exported (e.g. std::collections::HashMap).
  • A segment of a path together with any path arguments on that segment.
  • The explicit Self type in a qualified path: the T in <T as Display>::fmt.


  • An individual generic argument, like 'a, T, or Item = T.
  • Angle bracketed or parenthesized arguments of a path segment.