
Trait WebViewDelegate

pub trait WebViewDelegate {
Show 30 methods // Provided methods fn notify_url_changed(&self, _webview: WebView, _url: Url) { ... } fn notify_page_title_changed( &self, _webview: WebView, _title: Option<String>, ) { ... } fn notify_status_text_changed( &self, _webview: WebView, _status: Option<String>, ) { ... } fn notify_focus_changed(&self, _webview: WebView, _focused: bool) { ... } fn notify_load_status_changed(&self, _webview: WebView, _status: LoadStatus) { ... } fn notify_cursor_changed(&self, _webview: WebView, _: Cursor) { ... } fn notify_favicon_url_changed(&self, _webview: WebView, _: Url) { ... } fn notify_new_frame_ready(&self, _webview: WebView) { ... } fn notify_history_changed(&self, _webview: WebView, _: Vec<Url>, _: usize) { ... } fn notify_closed(&self, _webview: WebView) { ... } fn notify_keyboard_event(&self, _webview: WebView, _: KeyboardEvent) { ... } fn notify_crashed( &self, _webview: WebView, _reason: String, _backtrace: Option<String>, ) { ... } fn notify_media_session_event( &self, _webview: WebView, _event: MediaSessionEvent, ) { ... } fn notify_fullscreen_state_changed(&self, _webview: WebView, _: bool) { ... } fn request_navigation( &self, _webview: WebView, _navigation_request: NavigationRequest, ) { ... } fn request_unload( &self, _webview: WebView, _unload_request: AllowOrDenyRequest, ) { ... } fn request_move_to(&self, _webview: WebView, _: DeviceIntPoint) { ... } fn request_resize_to(&self, _webview: WebView, _: DeviceIntSize) { ... } fn request_open_auxiliary_webview( &self, _parent_webview: WebView, ) -> Option<WebView> { ... } fn request_permission(&self, _webview: WebView, _: PermissionRequest) { ... } fn request_authentication( &self, _webview: WebView, _authentication_request: AuthenticationRequest, ) { ... } fn show_simple_dialog(&self, _webview: WebView, dialog: SimpleDialog) { ... } fn show_context_menu( &self, _webview: WebView, result_sender: IpcSender<ContextMenuResult>, _: Option<String>, _: Vec<String>, ) { ... } fn show_bluetooth_device_dialog( &self, _webview: WebView, _: Vec<String>, response_sender: IpcSender<Option<String>>, ) { ... } fn show_file_selection_dialog( &self, _webview: WebView, _filter_pattern: Vec<FilterPattern>, _allow_select_mutiple: bool, response_sender: IpcSender<Option<Vec<PathBuf>>>, ) { ... } fn show_ime( &self, _webview: WebView, _type: InputMethodType, _text: Option<(String, i32)>, _multiline: bool, _position: DeviceIntRect, ) { ... } fn hide_ime(&self, _webview: WebView) { ... } fn play_gamepad_haptic_effect( &self, _webview: WebView, _: usize, _: GamepadHapticEffectType, _: IpcSender<bool>, ) { ... } fn stop_gamepad_haptic_effect( &self, _webview: WebView, _: usize, _: IpcSender<bool>, ) { ... } fn load_web_resource(&self, _webview: WebView, _load: WebResourceLoad) { ... }

Provided Methods§


fn notify_url_changed(&self, _webview: WebView, _url: Url)

The URL of the currently loaded page in this WebView has changed. The new URL can accessed via WebView::url.


fn notify_page_title_changed(&self, _webview: WebView, _title: Option<String>)

The page title of the currently loaded page in this WebView has changed. The new title can accessed via WebView::page_title.


fn notify_status_text_changed(&self, _webview: WebView, _status: Option<String>)

The status text of the currently loaded page in this WebView has changed. The new status text can accessed via WebView::status_text.


fn notify_focus_changed(&self, _webview: WebView, _focused: bool)

This WebView has either become focused or lost focus. Whether or not the WebView is focused can be accessed via WebView::focused.


fn notify_load_status_changed(&self, _webview: WebView, _status: LoadStatus)

The LoadStatus of the currently loading or loaded page in this WebView has changed. The new status can accessed via WebView::load_status.


fn notify_cursor_changed(&self, _webview: WebView, _: Cursor)

The Cursor of the currently loaded page in this WebView has changed. The new cursor can accessed via WebView::cursor.


fn notify_favicon_url_changed(&self, _webview: WebView, _: Url)

The favicon Url of the currently loaded page in this WebView has changed. The new favicon Url can accessed via WebView::favicon_url.


fn notify_new_frame_ready(&self, _webview: WebView)

Notify the embedder that it needs to present a new frame.


fn notify_history_changed(&self, _webview: WebView, _: Vec<Url>, _: usize)

The history state has changed.


fn notify_closed(&self, _webview: WebView)

Page content has closed this WebView via window.close(). It’s the embedder’s responsibility to remove the WebView from the interface when this notification occurs.


fn notify_keyboard_event(&self, _webview: WebView, _: KeyboardEvent)

A keyboard event has been sent to Servo, but remains unprocessed. This allows the embedding application to handle key events while first letting the WebView have an opportunity to handle it first. Apart from builtin keybindings, page content may expose custom keybindings as well.


fn notify_crashed( &self, _webview: WebView, _reason: String, _backtrace: Option<String>, )

A pipeline in the webview panicked. First string is the reason, second one is the backtrace.


fn notify_media_session_event( &self, _webview: WebView, _event: MediaSessionEvent, )

Notifies the embedder about media session events (i.e. when there is metadata for the active media session, playback state changes…).


fn notify_fullscreen_state_changed(&self, _webview: WebView, _: bool)

A notification that the WebView has entered or exited fullscreen mode. This is an opportunity for the embedder to transition the containing window into or out of fullscreen mode and to show or hide extra UI elements. Regardless of how the notification is handled, the page will enter or leave fullscreen state internally according to the Fullscreen API.


fn request_navigation( &self, _webview: WebView, _navigation_request: NavigationRequest, )

Whether or not to allow a WebView to load a URL in its main frame or one of its nested <iframe>s. NavigationRequests are accepted by default.


fn request_unload(&self, _webview: WebView, _unload_request: AllowOrDenyRequest)

Whether or not to allow a WebView to unload a Document in its main frame or one of its nested <iframe>s. By default, unloads are allowed.


fn request_move_to(&self, _webview: WebView, _: DeviceIntPoint)

Move the window to a point


fn request_resize_to(&self, _webview: WebView, _: DeviceIntSize)

Resize the window to size


fn request_open_auxiliary_webview( &self, _parent_webview: WebView, ) -> Option<WebView>

Whether or not to allow script to open a new WebView. If not handled by the embedder, these requests are automatically denied.


fn request_permission(&self, _webview: WebView, _: PermissionRequest)

Content in a WebView is requesting permission to access a feature requiring permission from the user. The embedder should allow or deny the request, either by reading a cached value or querying the user for permission via the user interface.


fn request_authentication( &self, _webview: WebView, _authentication_request: AuthenticationRequest, )


fn show_simple_dialog(&self, _webview: WebView, dialog: SimpleDialog)

Show the user a simple dialog (alert(), confirm(), or prompt()). Since their messages are controlled by web content, they should be presented to the user in a way that makes them impossible to mistake for browser UI. TODO: This API needs to be reworked to match the new model of how responses are sent.


fn show_context_menu( &self, _webview: WebView, result_sender: IpcSender<ContextMenuResult>, _: Option<String>, _: Vec<String>, )

Show a context menu to the user


fn show_bluetooth_device_dialog( &self, _webview: WebView, _: Vec<String>, response_sender: IpcSender<Option<String>>, )

Open dialog to select bluetooth device. TODO: This API needs to be reworked to match the new model of how responses are sent.


fn show_file_selection_dialog( &self, _webview: WebView, _filter_pattern: Vec<FilterPattern>, _allow_select_mutiple: bool, response_sender: IpcSender<Option<Vec<PathBuf>>>, )

Open file dialog to select files. Set boolean flag to true allows to select multiple files.


fn show_ime( &self, _webview: WebView, _type: InputMethodType, _text: Option<(String, i32)>, _multiline: bool, _position: DeviceIntRect, )

Request to present an IME to the user when an editable element is focused. If type is InputMethodType::Text, then the text parameter specifies the pre-existing text content and the zero-based index into the string of the insertion point.


fn hide_ime(&self, _webview: WebView)

Request to hide the IME when the editable element is blurred.


fn play_gamepad_haptic_effect( &self, _webview: WebView, _: usize, _: GamepadHapticEffectType, _: IpcSender<bool>, )

Request to play a haptic effect on a connected gamepad.


fn stop_gamepad_haptic_effect( &self, _webview: WebView, _: usize, _: IpcSender<bool>, )

Request to stop a haptic effect on a connected gamepad.


fn load_web_resource(&self, _webview: WebView, _load: WebResourceLoad)

Triggered when this WebView will load a web (HTTP/HTTPS) resource. The load may be intercepted and alternate contents can be loaded by the client by calling WebResourceLoad::intercept. If not handled, the load will continue as normal.

Note: This delegate method is called for all resource loads associated with a WebView. For loads not associated with a WebView, such as those for service workers, Servo will call crate::ServoDelegate::load_web_resource.
