pub struct SseMachine<S3, S4, NI>(PhantomData<(S3, S4, NI)>);

Tuple Fields§

§0: PhantomData<(S3, S4, NI)>

Trait Implementations§


impl<S3: Clone, S4: Clone, NI: Clone> Clone for SseMachine<S3, S4, NI>


fn clone(&self) -> SseMachine<S3, S4, NI>

Returns a copy of the value. Read more
1.0.0 · source§

fn clone_from(&mut self, source: &Self)

Performs copy-assignment from source. Read more

impl<S3: Copy, S4: Copy, NI: Copy> Machine for SseMachine<S3, S4, NI>
where u128x1_sse2<S3, S4, NI>: Swap64 + BSwap, u64x2_sse2<S3, S4, NI>: BSwap + RotateEachWord32 + MultiLane<[u64; 2]> + Vec2<u64>, u32x4_sse2<S3, S4, NI>: BSwap + RotateEachWord32 + MultiLane<[u32; 4]> + Vec4<u32>, x2<u64x2_sse2<S3, S4, NI>, G1>: BSwap + Words4, x2<u128x1_sse2<S3, S4, NI>, G0>: Into<x2<u64x2_sse2<S3, S4, NI>, G0>> + Into<x2<u64x2_sse2<S3, S4, NI>, G1>> + Into<x2<u32x4_sse2<S3, S4, NI>, G0>>, x4<u128x1_sse2<S3, S4, NI>>: Into<x4<u64x2_sse2<S3, S4, NI>>> + Into<x4<u32x4_sse2<S3, S4, NI>>>,


type u32x4 = u32x4_sse2<S3, S4, NI>


type u64x2 = u64x2_sse2<S3, S4, NI>


type u128x1 = u128x1_sse2<S3, S4, NI>


type u32x4x2 = x2<u32x4_sse2<S3, S4, NI>, G0>


type u64x2x2 = x2<u64x2_sse2<S3, S4, NI>, G0>


type u64x4 = x2<u64x2_sse2<S3, S4, NI>, G1>


type u128x2 = x2<u128x1_sse2<S3, S4, NI>, G0>


type u32x4x4 = x4<u32x4_sse2<S3, S4, NI>>


type u64x2x4 = x4<u64x2_sse2<S3, S4, NI>>


type u128x4 = x4<u128x1_sse2<S3, S4, NI>>


unsafe fn instance() -> Self

Safety Read more

fn unpack<S, V: Store<S>>(self, s: S) -> V


fn vec<V, A>(self, a: A) -> V
where V: MultiLane<A>,


fn read_le<V>(self, input: &[u8]) -> V
where V: StoreBytes,


fn read_be<V>(self, input: &[u8]) -> V
where V: StoreBytes,


impl<S3: Copy, S4: Copy, NI: Copy> Copy for SseMachine<S3, S4, NI>


impl<S3: Copy, S4: Copy, NI: Copy> u128x1<SseMachine<S3, S4, NI>> for u128x1_sse2<S3, S4, NI>
where u128x1_sse2<S3, S4, NI>: Swap64 + RotateEachWord64 + RotateEachWord32 + BSwap + Into<<SseMachine<S3, S4, NI> as Machine>::u32x4> + Into<<SseMachine<S3, S4, NI> as Machine>::u64x2>, SseMachine<S3, S4, NI>: Machine,


impl<S3: Copy, S4: Copy, NI: Copy> u128x2<SseMachine<S3, S4, NI>> for x2<u128x1_sse2<S3, S4, NI>, G0>
where u128x1_sse2<S3, S4, NI>: Swap64 + BSwap, SseMachine<S3, S4, NI>: Machine, x2<u128x1_sse2<S3, S4, NI>, G0>: MultiLane<[<SseMachine<S3, S4, NI> as Machine>::u128x1; 2]> + Vec2<<SseMachine<S3, S4, NI> as Machine>::u128x1> + Into<<SseMachine<S3, S4, NI> as Machine>::u32x4x2> + Into<<SseMachine<S3, S4, NI> as Machine>::u64x2x2> + Into<<SseMachine<S3, S4, NI> as Machine>::u64x4>,


impl<S3: Copy, S4: Copy, NI: Copy> u128x4<SseMachine<S3, S4, NI>> for x4<u128x1_sse2<S3, S4, NI>>
where u128x1_sse2<S3, S4, NI>: Swap64 + BSwap, SseMachine<S3, S4, NI>: Machine, x4<u128x1_sse2<S3, S4, NI>>: MultiLane<[<SseMachine<S3, S4, NI> as Machine>::u128x1; 4]> + Vec4<<SseMachine<S3, S4, NI> as Machine>::u128x1> + Into<<SseMachine<S3, S4, NI> as Machine>::u32x4x4> + Into<<SseMachine<S3, S4, NI> as Machine>::u64x2x4>,


impl<S3: Copy, S4: Copy, NI: Copy> u32x4<SseMachine<S3, S4, NI>> for u32x4_sse2<S3, S4, NI>
where u32x4_sse2<S3, S4, NI>: RotateEachWord32 + BSwap + MultiLane<[u32; 4]> + Vec4<u32>, SseMachine<S3, S4, NI>: Machine,


impl<S3: Copy, S4: Copy, NI: Copy> u32x4x2<SseMachine<S3, S4, NI>> for x2<u32x4_sse2<S3, S4, NI>, G0>
where u32x4_sse2<S3, S4, NI>: RotateEachWord32 + BSwap, SseMachine<S3, S4, NI>: Machine, x2<u32x4_sse2<S3, S4, NI>, G0>: MultiLane<[<SseMachine<S3, S4, NI> as Machine>::u32x4; 2]> + Vec2<<SseMachine<S3, S4, NI> as Machine>::u32x4>,


impl<S3: Copy, S4: Copy, NI: Copy> u32x4x4<SseMachine<S3, S4, NI>> for x4<u32x4_sse2<S3, S4, NI>>
where u32x4_sse2<S3, S4, NI>: RotateEachWord32 + BSwap, SseMachine<S3, S4, NI>: Machine, x4<u32x4_sse2<S3, S4, NI>>: MultiLane<[<SseMachine<S3, S4, NI> as Machine>::u32x4; 4]> + Vec4<<SseMachine<S3, S4, NI> as Machine>::u32x4> + Vec4Ext<<SseMachine<S3, S4, NI> as Machine>::u32x4> + Vector<[u32; 16]>,


impl<S3: Copy, S4: Copy, NI: Copy> u64x2<SseMachine<S3, S4, NI>> for u64x2_sse2<S3, S4, NI>
where u64x2_sse2<S3, S4, NI>: RotateEachWord64 + RotateEachWord32 + BSwap + MultiLane<[u64; 2]> + Vec2<u64>, SseMachine<S3, S4, NI>: Machine,


impl<S3: Copy, S4: Copy, NI: Copy> u64x2x2<SseMachine<S3, S4, NI>> for x2<u64x2_sse2<S3, S4, NI>, G0>
where u64x2_sse2<S3, S4, NI>: RotateEachWord64 + RotateEachWord32 + BSwap, SseMachine<S3, S4, NI>: Machine, x2<u64x2_sse2<S3, S4, NI>, G0>: MultiLane<[<SseMachine<S3, S4, NI> as Machine>::u64x2; 2]> + Vec2<<SseMachine<S3, S4, NI> as Machine>::u64x2>,


impl<S3: Copy, S4: Copy, NI: Copy> u64x2x4<SseMachine<S3, S4, NI>> for x4<u64x2_sse2<S3, S4, NI>>
where u64x2_sse2<S3, S4, NI>: RotateEachWord64 + RotateEachWord32 + BSwap, SseMachine<S3, S4, NI>: Machine, x4<u64x2_sse2<S3, S4, NI>>: MultiLane<[<SseMachine<S3, S4, NI> as Machine>::u64x2; 4]> + Vec4<<SseMachine<S3, S4, NI> as Machine>::u64x2>,


impl<S3: Copy, S4: Copy, NI: Copy> u64x4<SseMachine<S3, S4, NI>> for x2<u64x2_sse2<S3, S4, NI>, G1>
where u64x2_sse2<S3, S4, NI>: RotateEachWord64 + RotateEachWord32 + BSwap, SseMachine<S3, S4, NI>: Machine, x2<u64x2_sse2<S3, S4, NI>, G1>: MultiLane<[u64; 4]> + Vec4<u64> + Words4,

Auto Trait Implementations§


impl<S3, S4, NI> Freeze for SseMachine<S3, S4, NI>


impl<S3, S4, NI> RefUnwindSafe for SseMachine<S3, S4, NI>


impl<S3, S4, NI> Send for SseMachine<S3, S4, NI>
where NI: Send, S3: Send, S4: Send,


impl<S3, S4, NI> Sync for SseMachine<S3, S4, NI>
where NI: Sync, S3: Sync, S4: Sync,


impl<S3, S4, NI> Unpin for SseMachine<S3, S4, NI>
where NI: Unpin, S3: Unpin, S4: Unpin,


impl<S3, S4, NI> UnwindSafe for SseMachine<S3, S4, NI>
where NI: UnwindSafe, S3: UnwindSafe, S4: UnwindSafe,

Blanket Implementations§


impl<T> Any for T
where T: 'static + ?Sized,


fn type_id(&self) -> TypeId

Gets the TypeId of self. Read more

impl<T> Borrow<T> for T
where T: ?Sized,


fn borrow(&self) -> &T

Immutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for T
where T: ?Sized,


fn borrow_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T

Mutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> From<T> for T


fn from(t: T) -> T

Returns the argument unchanged.


impl<T, U> Into<U> for T
where U: From<T>,


fn into(self) -> U

Calls U::from(self).

That is, this conversion is whatever the implementation of From<T> for U chooses to do.


impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for T
where U: Into<T>,


type Error = Infallible

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_from(value: U) -> Result<T, <T as TryFrom<U>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.

impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for T
where U: TryFrom<T>,


type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_into(self) -> Result<U, <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.

impl<V, T> VZip<V> for T
where V: MultiLane<T>,


fn vzip(self) -> V