Trait layout_2013::flow::Flow

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pub trait Flow: HasBaseFlow + Debug + Sync + Send + 'static {
Show 46 methods // Required methods fn class(&self) -> FlowClass; fn collect_stacking_contexts( &mut self, state: &mut StackingContextCollectionState, ); fn build_display_list(&mut self, state: &mut DisplayListBuildState<'_>); fn compute_overflow(&self) -> Overflow; fn iterate_through_fragment_border_boxes( &self, iterator: &mut dyn FragmentBorderBoxIterator, level: i32, stacking_context_position: &Point2D<Au>, ); fn mutate_fragments(&mut self, mutator: &mut dyn FnMut(&mut Fragment)); fn update_late_computed_inline_position_if_necessary( &mut self, inline_position: Au, ); fn update_late_computed_block_position_if_necessary( &mut self, block_position: Au, ); fn generated_containing_block_size(&self, _: OpaqueFlow) -> LogicalSize<Au>; fn repair_style(&mut self, new_style: &Arc<ComputedValues>); // Provided methods fn as_block(&self) -> &BlockFlow { ... } fn as_mut_block(&mut self) -> &mut BlockFlow { ... } fn as_flex(&self) -> &FlexFlow { ... } fn as_inline(&self) -> &InlineFlow { ... } fn as_mut_inline(&mut self) -> &mut InlineFlow { ... } fn as_table_wrapper(&self) -> &TableWrapperFlow { ... } fn as_mut_table(&mut self) -> &mut TableFlow { ... } fn as_table(&self) -> &TableFlow { ... } fn as_mut_table_colgroup(&mut self) -> &mut TableColGroupFlow { ... } fn as_table_colgroup(&self) -> &TableColGroupFlow { ... } fn as_mut_table_rowgroup(&mut self) -> &mut TableRowGroupFlow { ... } fn as_table_rowgroup(&self) -> &TableRowGroupFlow { ... } fn as_mut_table_row(&mut self) -> &mut TableRowFlow { ... } fn as_table_row(&self) -> &TableRowFlow { ... } fn as_mut_table_cell(&mut self) -> &mut TableCellFlow { ... } fn as_table_cell(&self) -> &TableCellFlow { ... } fn bubble_inline_sizes(&mut self) { ... } fn assign_inline_sizes(&mut self, _ctx: &LayoutContext<'_>) { ... } fn assign_block_size(&mut self, _ctx: &LayoutContext<'_>) { ... } fn fragment( &mut self, layout_context: &LayoutContext<'_>, _fragmentation_context: Option<FragmentationContext>, ) -> Option<Arc<dyn Flow>> { ... } fn place_float_if_applicable(&mut self) { ... } fn assign_block_size_for_inorder_child_if_necessary( &mut self, layout_context: &LayoutContext<'_>, parent_thread_id: u8, _content_box: LogicalRect<Au>, ) -> bool { ... } fn has_non_invertible_transform_or_zero_scale(&self) -> bool { ... } fn get_overflow_in_parent_coordinates(&self) -> Overflow { ... } fn store_overflow(&mut self, _: &LayoutContext<'_>) { ... } fn compute_stacking_relative_position(&mut self, _: &LayoutContext<'_>) { ... } fn mark_as_root(&mut self) { ... } fn is_root(&self) -> bool { ... } fn positioning(&self) -> Position { ... } fn is_fixed(&self) -> bool { ... } fn contains_positioned_fragments(&self) -> bool { ... } fn contains_relatively_positioned_fragments(&self) -> bool { ... } fn is_absolute_containing_block(&self) -> bool { ... } fn contains_roots_of_absolute_flow_tree(&self) -> bool { ... } fn print_extra_flow_children(&self, _: &mut PrintTree) { ... } fn clipping_and_scrolling(&self) -> ClippingAndScrolling { ... }
Expand description

Virtual methods that make up a float context.

Note that virtual methods have a cost; we should not overuse them in Servo. Consider adding methods to ImmutableFlowUtils or MutableFlowUtils before adding more methods here.

Required Methods§


fn class(&self) -> FlowClass

Returns the class of flow that this is.


fn collect_stacking_contexts( &mut self, state: &mut StackingContextCollectionState, )


fn build_display_list(&mut self, state: &mut DisplayListBuildState<'_>)

Phase 5 of reflow: builds display lists.


fn compute_overflow(&self) -> Overflow

Returns the union of all overflow rects of all of this flow’s fragments.


fn iterate_through_fragment_border_boxes( &self, iterator: &mut dyn FragmentBorderBoxIterator, level: i32, stacking_context_position: &Point2D<Au>, )

Iterates through border boxes of all of this flow’s fragments. Level provides a zero based index indicating the current depth of the flow tree during fragment iteration.


fn mutate_fragments(&mut self, mutator: &mut dyn FnMut(&mut Fragment))

Mutably iterates through fragments in this flow.


fn update_late_computed_inline_position_if_necessary( &mut self, inline_position: Au, )

Updates the inline position of a child flow during the assign-height traversal. At present, this is only used for absolutely-positioned inline-blocks.


fn update_late_computed_block_position_if_necessary( &mut self, block_position: Au, )

Updates the block position of a child flow during the assign-height traversal. At present, this is only used for absolutely-positioned inline-blocks.


fn generated_containing_block_size(&self, _: OpaqueFlow) -> LogicalSize<Au>

Return the size of the containing block generated by this flow for the absolutely- positioned descendant referenced by for_flow. For block flows, this is the padding box.

NB: Do not change this &self to &mut self under any circumstances! It has security implications because this can be called on parents concurrently from descendants!


fn repair_style(&mut self, new_style: &Arc<ComputedValues>)

Attempts to perform incremental fixup of this flow by replacing its fragment’s style with the new style. This can only succeed if the flow has exactly one fragment.

Provided Methods§


fn as_block(&self) -> &BlockFlow

If this is a block flow, returns the underlying object. Fails otherwise.


fn as_mut_block(&mut self) -> &mut BlockFlow

If this is a block flow, returns the underlying object, borrowed mutably. Fails otherwise.


fn as_flex(&self) -> &FlexFlow

If this is a flex flow, returns the underlying object. Fails otherwise.


fn as_inline(&self) -> &InlineFlow

If this is an inline flow, returns the underlying object. Fails otherwise.


fn as_mut_inline(&mut self) -> &mut InlineFlow

If this is an inline flow, returns the underlying object, borrowed mutably. Fails otherwise.


fn as_table_wrapper(&self) -> &TableWrapperFlow

If this is a table wrapper flow, returns the underlying object. Fails otherwise.


fn as_mut_table(&mut self) -> &mut TableFlow

If this is a table flow, returns the underlying object, borrowed mutably. Fails otherwise.


fn as_table(&self) -> &TableFlow

If this is a table flow, returns the underlying object. Fails otherwise.


fn as_mut_table_colgroup(&mut self) -> &mut TableColGroupFlow

If this is a table colgroup flow, returns the underlying object, borrowed mutably. Fails otherwise.


fn as_table_colgroup(&self) -> &TableColGroupFlow

If this is a table colgroup flow, returns the underlying object. Fails otherwise.


fn as_mut_table_rowgroup(&mut self) -> &mut TableRowGroupFlow

If this is a table rowgroup flow, returns the underlying object, borrowed mutably. Fails otherwise.


fn as_table_rowgroup(&self) -> &TableRowGroupFlow

If this is a table rowgroup flow, returns the underlying object. Fails otherwise.


fn as_mut_table_row(&mut self) -> &mut TableRowFlow

If this is a table row flow, returns the underlying object, borrowed mutably. Fails otherwise.


fn as_table_row(&self) -> &TableRowFlow

If this is a table row flow, returns the underlying object. Fails otherwise.


fn as_mut_table_cell(&mut self) -> &mut TableCellFlow

If this is a table cell flow, returns the underlying object, borrowed mutably. Fails otherwise.


fn as_table_cell(&self) -> &TableCellFlow

If this is a table cell flow, returns the underlying object. Fails otherwise.


fn bubble_inline_sizes(&mut self)

Pass 1 of reflow: computes minimum and preferred inline-sizes.

Recursively (bottom-up) determine the flow’s minimum and preferred inline-sizes. When called on this flow, all child flows have had their minimum and preferred inline-sizes set. This function must decide minimum/preferred inline-sizes based on its children’s inline- sizes and the dimensions of any boxes it is responsible for flowing.


fn assign_inline_sizes(&mut self, _ctx: &LayoutContext<'_>)

Pass 2 of reflow: computes inline-size.


fn assign_block_size(&mut self, _ctx: &LayoutContext<'_>)

Pass 3a of reflow: computes block-size.


fn fragment( &mut self, layout_context: &LayoutContext<'_>, _fragmentation_context: Option<FragmentationContext>, ) -> Option<Arc<dyn Flow>>

Like assign_block_size, but is recurses explicitly into descendants. Fit as much content as possible within available_block_size. If that’s not all of it, truncate the contents of self and return a new flow similar to self with the rest of the content.

The default is to make a flow “atomic”: it can not be fragmented.


fn place_float_if_applicable(&mut self)

If this is a float, places it. The default implementation does nothing.


fn assign_block_size_for_inorder_child_if_necessary( &mut self, layout_context: &LayoutContext<'_>, parent_thread_id: u8, _content_box: LogicalRect<Au>, ) -> bool

Assigns block-sizes in-order; or, if this is a float, places the float. The default implementation simply assigns block-sizes if this flow might have floats in. Returns true if it was determined that this child might have had floats in or false otherwise.

parent_thread_id is the thread ID of the parent. This is used for the layout tinting debug mode; if the block size of this flow was determined by its parent, we should treat it as laid out by its parent.


fn has_non_invertible_transform_or_zero_scale(&self) -> bool


fn get_overflow_in_parent_coordinates(&self) -> Overflow


fn store_overflow(&mut self, _: &LayoutContext<'_>)

CSS Section 11.1 This is the union of rectangles of the flows for which we define the Containing Block.

FIXME(pcwalton): This should not be a virtual method, but currently is due to a compiler bug (“the trait Sized is not implemented for self”).

Assumption: This is called in a bottom-up traversal, so kids’ overflows have already been set. Assumption: Absolute descendants have had their overflow calculated.


fn compute_stacking_relative_position(&mut self, _: &LayoutContext<'_>)

Phase 4 of reflow: Compute the stacking-relative position (origin of the content box, in coordinates relative to the nearest ancestor stacking context).


fn mark_as_root(&mut self)

Marks this flow as the root flow. The default implementation is a no-op.


fn is_root(&self) -> bool


fn positioning(&self) -> Position

The ‘position’ property of this flow.


fn is_fixed(&self) -> bool

Return true if this flow has position ‘fixed’.


fn contains_positioned_fragments(&self) -> bool


fn contains_relatively_positioned_fragments(&self) -> bool


fn is_absolute_containing_block(&self) -> bool

Returns true if this is an absolute containing block.


fn contains_roots_of_absolute_flow_tree(&self) -> bool

Returns true if this flow contains fragments that are roots of an absolute flow tree.


fn print_extra_flow_children(&self, _: &mut PrintTree)

Print any extra children (such as fragments) contained in this Flow for debugging purposes. Any items inserted into the tree will become children of this flow.


fn clipping_and_scrolling(&self) -> ClippingAndScrolling


Trait Implementations§


impl<'a> ImmutableFlowUtils for &'a dyn Flow


fn is_block_like(self) -> bool

Returns true if this flow is a block flow or subclass thereof.


fn is_table_row(self) -> bool

Returns true if this flow is a table row flow.


fn is_table_cell(self) -> bool

Returns true if this flow is a table cell flow.


fn is_table_colgroup(self) -> bool

Returns true if this flow is a table colgroup flow.


fn is_table(self) -> bool

Returns true if this flow is a table flow.


fn is_table_caption(self) -> bool

Returns true if this flow is a table caption flow.


fn is_table_rowgroup(self) -> bool

Returns true if this flow is a table rowgroup flow.


fn child_count(self) -> usize

Returns the number of children that this flow possesses.


fn is_block_flow(self) -> bool

Returns true if this flow is a block flow.


fn is_inline_flow(self) -> bool

Returns true if this flow is an inline flow.


fn print(self, title: String)

Dumps the flow tree for debugging.


fn print_with_tree(self, print_tree: &mut PrintTree)

Dumps the flow tree for debugging into the given PrintTree.


fn floats_might_flow_through(self) -> bool

Returns true if floats might flow through this flow, as determined by the float placement speculation pass.

fn baseline_offset_of_last_line_box_in_flow(self) -> Option<Au>


impl<'a> MutableFlowUtils for &'a mut dyn Flow


fn repair_style_and_bubble_inline_sizes(self, style: &Arc<ComputedValues>)

Calls repair_style and bubble_inline_sizes. You should use this method instead of calling them individually, since there is no reason not to perform both operations.
