Module x11rb_protocol::resource_manager

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X11 resource manager library.

To open a database, it is recommended to use Database::new_from_default, but that function needs to do I/O. A wrapper to simplify usage is e.g. provided in the x11rb crate.

This functionality is similar to what is available to C code through xcb-util-xrm and Xlib’s Xrm* function family. Not all their functionality is available in this library. Please open a feature request if you need something that is not available.

The code in this module is only available when the resource_manager feature of the library is enabled.



  • A X11 resource database.
  • Entry πŸ”’
    A single entry in the resource manager database.


  • Binding πŸ”’
    How tightly does the component of an entry match a query?
  • Component πŸ”’
    A component of a database entry.


  • Maximum nesting of #include directives, same value as Xlib uses. After following this many #include directives, further includes are ignored.
