
Module rendering_context



  • A software rendering context that uses a software OpenGL implementation to render Servo. This will generally have bad performance, but can be used in situations where it is more convenient to have consistent, but slower display output.
  • A rendering context that uses the Surfman library to create and manage the OpenGL context and surface. This struct provides the default implementation of the RenderingContext trait, handling the creation, management, and destruction of the rendering context and its associated resources.
  • A RenderingContext that uses the surfman library to render to a raw-window-handle identified window. surfman will attempt to create an OpenGL context and surface for this window. This is a simple implementation of the RenderingContext crate, but by default it paints to the entire window surface.


  • Various errors that methods can produce.


  • The RenderingContext trait defines a set of methods for managing an OpenGL or GLES rendering context. Implementors of this trait are responsible for handling the creation, management, and destruction of the rendering context and its associated resources.

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