Expand description
Helper module to build up a selector safely and efficiently.
Our selector representation is designed to optimize matching, and has several requirements:
- All simple selectors and combinators are stored inline in the same buffer as Component instances.
- We store the top-level compound selectors from right to left, i.e. in matching order.
- We store the simple selectors for each combinator from left to right, so that we match the cheaper simple selectors first.
For example, the selector:
.bar:hover > .baz:nth-child(2) + .qux
Gets stored as:
[.qux, + , .baz, :nth-child(2), > , .bar, :hover]
Meeting all these constraints without extra memmove traffic during parsing is non-trivial. This module encapsulates those details and presents an easy-to-use API for the parser.
- Top-level SelectorBuilder struct. This should be stack-allocated by the consumer and never moved (because it contains a lot of inline data that would be slow to memmove).
- Flags that indicate at which point of parsing a selector are we.
- Finds the maximum specificity of elements in the list and returns it.