
Function CallOriginalPromiseThen

pub unsafe extern "C" fn CallOriginalPromiseThen(
    cx: *mut JSContext,
    promise: Handle<*mut JSObject>,
    onFulfilled: Handle<*mut JSObject>,
    onRejected: Handle<*mut JSObject>,
) -> *mut JSObject
Expand description

Create a Promise with the given fulfill/reject handlers, that will be fulfilled/rejected with the value/reason that the promise promise is fulfilled/rejected with.

This function basically acts like promise.then(onFulfilled, onRejected), except that its behavior is unaffected by changes to Promise, Promise[Symbol.species], Promise.prototype.then, promise.constructor, promise.then, and so on.

This function throws if promise is not a Promise from this or another realm.

This function will assert if onFulfilled or onRejected is non-null and also not IsCallable.