
Module ioctl

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Unsafe ioctl API.

Unix systems expose a number of ioctl’s. ioctls have been adopted as a general purpose system call for making calls into the kernel. In addition to the wide variety of system calls that are included by default in the kernel, many drivers expose their own ioctl’s for controlling their behavior, some of which are proprietary. Therefore it is impossible to make a safe interface for every ioctl call, as they all have wildly varying semantics.

This module provides an unsafe interface to write your own ioctl API. To start, create a type that implements Ioctl. Then, pass it to ioctl to make the ioctl call.


  • linux 🔒
    ioctl opcode behavior for Linux platforms.
  • patterns 🔒
    Implements typical patterns for ioctl usage.


  • Provides a bad opcode at compile time.
  • Implements the traditional “getter” pattern for ioctls.
  • Implements an ioctl that passes an integer into the ioctl.
  • Implements an ioctl with no real arguments.
  • Provides a None code at compile time.
  • The opcode used by an Ioctl.
  • Provides a read code at compile time.
  • Provides a read/write code at compile time.
  • Implements the pattern for ioctls where a pointer argument is given to the ioctl.
  • Implements an “updater” pattern for ioctls.
  • Provides a write code at compile time.


  • The direction that an ioctl is going.


  • Trait for something that provides an ioctl opcode at compile time.
  • A trait defining the properties of an ioctl command.


Type Aliases§