Expand description
Utilities for dealing with message headers.
These take closures rather than returning a c::msghdr
directly because
the message headers may reference stack-local data.
- msg_
control_ ๐len - msg_
iov_ ๐len - with_
noaddr_ ๐msghdr Create a message header intended to send without an address. - with_
recv_ ๐msghdr Create a message header intended to receive a datagram. - with_
unix_ ๐msghdr Create a message header intended to send with a Unix address. - with_
v4_ ๐msghdr Create a message header intended to send with an IPv4 address. - with_
v6_ ๐msghdr Create a message header intended to send with an IPv6 address. - with_
xdp_ ๐msghdr Create a message header intended to send with an XDP address. - zero_
msghdr ๐Create a zero-initialized message header struct value.