Module rayon_core::broadcast

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  • Executes op within every thread in the current threadpool. If this is called from a non-Rayon thread, it will execute in the global threadpool. Any attempts to use join, scope, or parallel iterators will then operate within that threadpool. When the call has completed on each thread, returns a vector containing all of their return values.
  • broadcast_in 🔒
    Execute op on every thread in the pool. It will be executed on each thread when they have nothing else to do locally, before they try to steal work from other threads. This function will not return until all threads have completed the op.
  • Spawns an asynchronous task on every thread in this thread-pool. This task will run in the implicit, global scope, which means that it may outlast the current stack frame – therefore, it cannot capture any references onto the stack (you will likely need a move closure).
  • Execute op on every thread in the pool. It will be executed on each thread when they have nothing else to do locally, before they try to steal work from other threads. This function returns immediately after injecting the jobs.