Type Alias mozjs_sys::jsapi::JSTraceOp

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pub type JSTraceOp = Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(trc: *mut JSTracer, obj: *mut JSObject)>;
Expand description

Function type for trace operation of the class called to enumerate all traceable things reachable from obj’s private data structure. For each such thing, a trace implementation must call JS::TraceEdge on the thing’s location.

JSTraceOp implementation can assume that no other threads mutates object state. It must not change state of the object or corresponding native structures. The only exception for this rule is the case when the embedding needs a tight integration with GC. In that case the embedding can check if the traversal is a part of the marking phase through calling JS_IsGCMarkingTracer and apply a special code like emptying caches or marking its native structures.

Aliased Type§

enum JSTraceOp {
    Some(unsafe extern "C" fn(_: *mut JSTracer, _: *mut JSObject)),




No value.


Some(unsafe extern "C" fn(_: *mut JSTracer, _: *mut JSObject))

Some value of type T.