macro_rules! format_if {
($enabled:expr, $borrowed:expr, $fmt:expr, $($args:expr),*) => { ... };
Expand description
Conditionally perform string formatting.
If $enabled
is true, then do the formatting and return a Cow::Owned
Otherwise, just return the borrowed (often 'static
) string
When $enabled
is false, this avoids the overhead of allocating
and writing to a buffer, as well as any overhead or side effects
of the format arguments.
You can use format_if
to implement a detailed error logging facility
that can be enabled at runtime.
let formatted = format_if!(true, "Vague error", "Error code {:?}", 3);
assert_eq!(&formatted[..], "Error code 3");
if let Borrowed(_) = formatted {
let not_formatted = format_if!(false, "Vague error", "Error code {:?}", {
// Note that the argument is not evaluated.
assert_eq!(¬_formatted[..], "Vague error");
if let Owned(_) = not_formatted {