The number of days in a week.
The number of whole hours in one day.
The number of microseconds in a civil day.
The number of microseconds in a single millisecond.
The number of microseconds in a single second.
The number of microseconds in a civil day.
The number of milliseconds in a single second.
The number of minutes in a civil day.
The number of minutes in an hour.
The number of months in a year.
The number of nanoseconds in a civil day.
The number of nanoseconds in a civil week.
The number of nanoseconds in a single hour.
The number of nanoseconds in a single microsecond.
The number of nanoseconds in a single millisecond.
The number of nanoseconds in a single minute.
The number of nanoseconds in a single second.
The number of seconds in a civil day.
The number of seconds in a civil week.
The number of seconds in a single hour.
The number of seconds in a single minute.
The maximum number of seconds that can be expressed with a span.
The max number of seconds that can be expressed in a time zone offset.
A range representing each possible nanosecond in a single civil day.
A range representing each possible second in a single civil day.
The range of possible day values.
The range of allowable fractional microseconds.
The range of allowable fractional milliseconds.
The range of allowable fractional nanoseconds.
The range of possible hour values.
The range of possible microsecond values.
The range of possible millisecond values.
The range of possible minute values.
The range of possible month values.
The range of possible nanosecond values.
A type alias for a ranged integer with no units.
A type alias for a ranged 16-bit integer with no units.
A type alias for a ranged 32-bit integer with no units.
A type alias for a ranged 96-bit integer with no units.
A type alias for a ranged 128-bit integer with no units.
The range of possible second values not accounting for leap seconds.
A type alias for the sign of a number.
A range of the allowed number of days.
A range of the allowed number of hours.
A range of the allowed number of microseconds.
A range of the allowed number of milliseconds.
A range of the allowed number of minutes.
A precise min/max of the allowed range of a duration in months.
A range of the allowed number of nanoseconds.
A range of the allowed number of seconds.
The range of allowable seconds and lower in a span, in units of seconds.
The range of allowable seconds and lower in a span, in units of
A range of the allowed number of weeks.
A precise min/max of the allowed range of a duration in years.
The span of seconds permitted for expressing the offset of a time zone.
The number of hours allowed in a time zone offset.
The number of minutes allowed in a time zone offset.
The number of seconds allowed in a time zone offset.
The range of possible nanosecond values.
The number of days from the Unix epoch for the Gregorian calendar.
Like UnixSeconds, but expressed in units of microseconds.
Like UnixSeconds, but expressed in units of milliseconds.
Like UnixSeconds, but expressed in units of nanoseconds.
The range of Unix seconds supported by Jiff.
The range of a weekday, offset from one.
The range of a weekday, offset from zero.
The range of years supported by jiff.
The range of BCE years supported by jiff.
The range of CE years supported by jiff.
The number of nanoseconds permitted in a single day.
The number of seconds permitted in a single day.