
Module friendly

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A bespoke but easy to read format for Span and SignedDuration.

The “friendly” duration format is meant to be an alternative to Temporal’s ISO 8601 duration format that is both easier to read and can losslessly serialize and deserialize all Span values.

Here are a variety of examples showing valid friendly durations for Span:

use jiff::{Span, ToSpan};

let spans = [
    ("40d", 40.days()),
    ("40 days", 40.days()),
    ("1y1d", 1.year().days(1)),
    ("1yr 1d", 1.year().days(1)),
    ("3d4h59m", 3.days().hours(4).minutes(59)),
    ("3 days, 4 hours, 59 minutes", 3.days().hours(4).minutes(59)),
    ("3d 4h 59m", 3.days().hours(4).minutes(59)),
    ("2h30m", 2.hours().minutes(30)),
    ("2h 30m", 2.hours().minutes(30)),
    ("1mo", 1.month()),
    ("1w", 1.week()),
    ("1 week", 1.week()),
    ("1w4d", 1.week().days(4)),
    ("1 wk 4 days", 1.week().days(4)),
    ("1m", 1.minute()),
    ("0.0021s", 2.milliseconds().microseconds(100)),
    ("0s", 0.seconds()),
    ("0d", 0.seconds()),
    ("0 days", 0.seconds()),
    ("3 mins 34s 123ms", 3.minutes().seconds(34).milliseconds(123)),
    ("3 mins 34.123 secs", 3.minutes().seconds(34).milliseconds(123)),
    ("3 mins 34,123s", 3.minutes().seconds(34).milliseconds(123)),
        "1yr 1mo 1day 1hr 1min 1.1sec",
        "1 year, 1 month, 1 day, 1 hour, 1 minute 1.1 seconds",
        "1 year, 1 month, 1 day, 01:01:01.1",
for (string, span) in spans {
    let parsed: Span = string.parse()?;
        "result of parsing {string:?}",

Note that for a SignedDuration, only units up to hours are supported. If you need to support bigger units, then you’ll need to convert it to a Span before printing to the friendly format (or parse into a Span and then convert to a SignedDuration).

§Integration points

While this module can of course be used to parse and print durations in the friendly format, in most cases, you don’t have to. Namely, it is already integrated into the Span and SignedDuration types.

For example, the friendly format can be used by invoking the “alternate” format when using the std::fmt::Display trait implementation:

use jiff::{SignedDuration, ToSpan};

let span = 2.months().days(35).hours(2).minutes(30);
assert_eq!(format!("{span}"), "P2M35DT2H30M");      // ISO 8601
assert_eq!(format!("{span:#}"), "2mo 35d 2h 30m");  // "friendly"

let sdur = SignedDuration::new(2 * 60 * 60 + 30 * 60, 123_456_789);
assert_eq!(format!("{sdur}"), "PT2H30M0.123456789S");         // ISO 8601
assert_eq!(format!("{sdur:#}"), "2h 30m 123ms 456µs 789ns");  // "friendly"

Both Span and SignedDuration use the “friendly” format for its std::fmt::Debug trait implementation:

use jiff::{SignedDuration, ToSpan};

let span = 2.months().days(35).hours(2).minutes(30);
assert_eq!(format!("{span:?}"), "2mo 35d 2h 30m");

let sdur = SignedDuration::new(2 * 60 * 60 + 30 * 60, 123_456_789);
assert_eq!(format!("{sdur:?}"), "2h 30m 123ms 456µs 789ns");

Both Span and SignedDuration support parsing the ISO 8601 and friendly formats via its std::str::FromStr trait:

use jiff::{SignedDuration, Span, ToSpan};

let expected = 2.months().days(35).hours(2).minutes(30);
let span: Span = "2 months, 35 days, 02:30:00".parse()?;
assert_eq!(span, expected.fieldwise());
let span: Span = "P2M35DT2H30M".parse()?;
assert_eq!(span, expected.fieldwise());

let expected = SignedDuration::new(2 * 60 * 60 + 30 * 60, 123_456_789);
let sdur: SignedDuration = "2h 30m 0,123456789s".parse()?;
assert_eq!(sdur, expected);
let sdur: SignedDuration = "PT2h30m0.123456789s".parse()?;
assert_eq!(sdur, expected);

If you need to parse only the friendly format, then that would be a good use case for using SpanParser in this module.

Finally, when the serde crate feature is enabled, the friendly format is automatically supported via the serde::Deserialize trait implementation, just like for the std::str::FromStr trait above. However, for serde::Serialize, both types use ISO 8601. In order to serialize the friendly format, you’ll need to write your own serialization function or use one of the fmt::serde helpers provided by Jiff. For example:

use jiff::{ToSpan, Span};

#[derive(Debug, serde::Deserialize, serde::Serialize)]
struct Record {
        serialize_with = "jiff::fmt::serde::span::friendly::compact::required"
    span: Span,

let json = r#"{"span":"1 year 2 months 36 hours 1100ms"}"#;
let got: Record = serde_json::from_str(&json)?;

let expected = r#"{"span":"1y 2mo 36h 1100ms"}"#;
assert_eq!(serde_json::to_string(&got).unwrap(), expected);

The ISO 8601 format is used by default since it is part of a standard and is more widely accepted. That is, if you need an interoperable interchange format, then ISO 8601 is probably the right choice.


The printer in this module has no options for rounding. Instead, it is intended for users to round a Span first, and then print it. The idea is that printing a Span is a relatively “dumb” operation that just emits whatever units are non-zero in the Span. This is possible with a Span because it represents each unit distinctly. (With a std::time::Duration or a jiff::SignedDuration, more functionality would need to be coupled with the printing logic to achieve a similar result.)

For example, if you want to print the duration since someone posted a comment to an English speaking end user, precision below one half hour might be “too much detail.” You can remove this by rounding the Span to the nearest half hour before printing:

use jiff::{civil, RoundMode, ToSpan, Unit, ZonedDifference};

let commented_at = civil::date(2024, 8, 1).at(19, 29, 13, 123_456_789).in_tz("US/Eastern")?;
let now = civil::date(2024, 12, 26).at(12, 49, 0, 0).in_tz("US/Eastern")?;

// The default, with units permitted up to years.
let span = now.since((Unit::Year, &commented_at))?;
assert_eq!(format!("{span:#}"), "4mo 24d 17h 19m 46s 876ms 543µs 211ns");

// The same subtraction, but with more options to control
// rounding the result. We could also do this with `Span::round`
// directly by providing `now` as our relative zoned datetime.
let rounded = now.since(
assert_eq!(format!("{rounded:#}"), "4mo 24d 17h 30m");

§Comparison with the humantime crate

To a first approximation, Jiff should cover all humantime use cases, including humantime-serde for serialization support.

To a second approximation, it was a design point of the friendly format to be mostly interoperable with what humantime supports. For example, any duration string formatted by humantime at time of writing is also a valid friendly duration:

use std::time::Duration;

use jiff::{Span, ToSpan};

// Just a duration that includes as many unit designator labels as possible.
let dur = Duration::new(
    2 * 31_557_600 + 1 * 2_630_016 + 15 * 86400 + 5 * 3600 + 59 * 60 + 1,
let formatted = humantime::format_duration(dur).to_string();
assert_eq!(formatted, "2years 1month 15days 5h 59m 1s 123ms 456us 789ns");

let span: Span = formatted.parse()?;
let expected =
assert_eq!(span, expected.fieldwise());

The above somewhat relies on the implementation details of humantime. Namely, not everything parseable by humantime is also parseable by the friendly format (and vice versa). For example, humantime parses M as a label for months, but the friendly format specifically eschews M because of its confusability with minutes:

use std::time::Duration;

let dur = humantime::parse_duration("1M")?;
// The +38,016 is because `humantime` assigns 30.44 24-hour days to all months.
assert_eq!(dur, Duration::new(30 * 24 * 60 * 60 + 38_016, 0));

// In contrast, Jiff will reject `1M`:
    "failed to parse \"1M\" in the \"friendly\" format: expected to find unit designator suffix (e.g., 'years' or 'secs'), but found input beginning with \"M\" instead",

In the other direction, Jiff’s default formatting for the friendly duration isn’t always parsable by humantime. This is because, for example, depending on the configuration, Jiff may use mo and mos for months, and µs for microseconds, none of which are supported by humantime. If you need it, to ensure humantime can parse a Jiff formatted friendly duration, Jiff provides a special mode that attempts compatibility with humantime:

use jiff::{fmt::friendly::{Designator, SpanPrinter}, ToSpan};

let span =

let printer = SpanPrinter::new().designator(Designator::HumanTime);
    "2y 1month 15d 5h 59m 1s 123ms 456us 789ns",

It’s hard to provide solid guarantees here because humantime’s behavior could change, but at time of writing, humantime has not changed much in quite a long time (its last release is almost 4 years ago at time of writing). So the current behavior is likely pretty safe to rely upon.

More generally, the friendly format is more flexible than what humantime supports. For example, the friendly format incorporates HH:MM:SS and fractional time units. It also supports more unit labels and permits commas to separate units.

use jiff::SignedDuration;

// 10 hours and 30 minutes
let expected = SignedDuration::new(10 * 60 * 60 + 30 * 60, 0);
assert_eq!(expected, "10h30m".parse()?);
assert_eq!(expected, "10hrs 30mins".parse()?);
assert_eq!(expected, "10 hours 30 minutes".parse()?);
assert_eq!(expected, "10 hours, 30 minutes".parse()?);
assert_eq!(expected, "10:30:00".parse()?);
assert_eq!(expected, "10.5 hours".parse()?);

Finally, it’s important to point out that humantime only supports parsing variable width units like years, months and days by virtue of assigning fixed static values to them that aren’t always correct. In contrast, Jiff always gets this right and specifically prevents you from getting it wrong.

To begin, Jiff returns an error if you try to parse a varying unit into a SignedDuration:

use jiff::SignedDuration;

// works fine
    "1 hour".parse::<SignedDuration>().unwrap(),
// Jiff is saving you from doing something wrong
    "1 day".parse::<SignedDuration>().unwrap_err().to_string(),
    "failed to parse \"1 day\" in the \"friendly\" format: parsing day units into a `SignedDuration` is not supported (perhaps try parsing into a `Span` instead)",

As the error message suggests, parsing into a Span works fine:

use jiff::Span;

assert_eq!("1 day".parse::<Span>().unwrap(), Span::new().days(1).fieldwise());

Jiff has this behavior because it’s not possible to determine, in general, how long “1 day” (or “1 month” or “1 year”) is without a reference date. Since a SignedDuration (along with a std::time::Duration) does not support expressing durations in anything other than a 96-bit integer number of nanoseconds, it’s not possible to represent concepts like “1 month.” But a Span can.

To see this more concretely, consider the different behavior resulting from using humantime to parse durations and adding them to a date:

use jiff::{civil, Span};

let span: Span = "1 month".parse()?;
let dur = humantime::parse_duration("1 month")?;

let datetime = civil::date(2024, 5, 1).at(0, 0, 0, 0);

// Adding 1 month using a `Span` gives one possible expected result. That is,
// 2024-06-01T00:00:00 is exactly one month later than 2024-05-01T00:00:00.
assert_eq!(datetime + span, civil::date(2024, 6, 1).at(0, 0, 0, 0));
// But if we add the duration representing "1 month" as interpreted by
// humantime, we get a very odd result. This is because humantime uses
// a duration of 30.44 days (where every day is 24 hours exactly) for
// all months.
assert_eq!(datetime + dur, civil::date(2024, 5, 31).at(10, 33, 36, 0));

The same is true for days when dealing with zoned date times:

use jiff::{civil, Span};

let span: Span = "1 day".parse()?;
let dur = humantime::parse_duration("1 day")?;

let zdt = civil::date(2024, 3, 9).at(17, 0, 0, 0).in_tz("US/Eastern")?;

// Adding 1 day gives the generally expected result of the same clock
// time on the following day when adding a `Span`.
assert_eq!(&zdt + span, civil::date(2024, 3, 10).at(17, 0, 0, 0).in_tz("US/Eastern")?);
// But with humantime, all days are assumed to be exactly 24 hours. So
// you get an instant in time that is 24 hours later, even when some
// days are shorter and some are longer.
assert_eq!(&zdt + dur, civil::date(2024, 3, 10).at(18, 0, 0, 0).in_tz("US/Eastern")?);

// Notice also that this inaccuracy can occur merely by a duration that
// _crosses_ a time zone transition boundary (like DST) at any point. It
// doesn't require your datetimes to be "close" to when DST occurred.
let dur = humantime::parse_duration("20 day")?;
let zdt = civil::date(2024, 3, 1).at(17, 0, 0, 0).in_tz("US/Eastern")?;
assert_eq!(&zdt + dur, civil::date(2024, 3, 21).at(18, 0, 0, 0).in_tz("US/Eastern")?);

It’s worth pointing out that in some applications, the fixed values assigned by humantime might be perfectly acceptable. Namely, they introduce error into calculations, but the error might be small enough to be a non-issue in some applications. But this error can be avoided and humantime commits it silently. Indeed, humantime’s API is itself not possible without either rejecting varying length units or assuming fixed values for them. This is because it parses varying length units but returns a duration expressed as a single 96-bit integer number of nanoseconds. In order to do this, you must assume a definite length for those varying units. To do this correctly, you really need to provide a reference date.

For example, Jiff can parse 1 month into a std::time::Duration too, but it requires parsing into a Span and then converting into a Duration by providing a reference date:

use std::time::Duration;

use jiff::{civil, Span};

let span: Span = "1 month".parse()?;
// converts to signed duration
let sdur = span.to_duration(civil::date(2024, 5, 1))?;
// converts to standard library unsigned duration
let dur = Duration::try_from(sdur)?;
// exactly 31 days where each day is 24 hours long.
assert_eq!(dur, Duration::from_secs(31 * 24 * 60 * 60));

// Now change the reference date and notice that the
// resulting duration is changed but still correct.
let sdur = span.to_duration(civil::date(2024, 6, 1))?;
let dur = Duration::try_from(sdur)?;
// exactly 30 days where each day is 24 hours long.
assert_eq!(dur, Duration::from_secs(30 * 24 * 60 * 60));


This format was devised, in part, because the standard duration interchange format specified by Temporal’s ISO 8601 definition is sub-optimal in two important respects:

  1. It doesn’t support individual sub-second components.
  2. It is difficult to read.

In the first case, ISO 8601 durations do support sub-second components, but are only expressible as fractional seconds. For example:


This is problematic in some cases because it doesn’t permit distinguishing between some spans. For example, 1.second().milliseconds(100) and 1100.milliseconds() both serialize to the same ISO 8601 duration as shown above. At deserialization time, it’s impossible to know what the span originally looked like. Thus, using the ISO 8601 format means the serialization and deserialization of Span values is lossy.

In the second case, ISO 8601 durations appear somewhat difficult to quickly read. For example:


When all of the unit designators are capital letters in particular (which is the default), everything runs together and it’s hard for the eye to distinguish where digits stop and letters begin. Using lowercase letters for unit designators helps somewhat, but this is an extension to ISO 8601 that isn’t broadly supported.

The “friendly” format resolves both of these problems by permitting sub-second components and allowing the use of whitespace and longer unit designator labels to improve readability. For example, all of the following are equivalent and will parse to the same Span:

1y 2mo 3d 4h 59m 1100ms
1 year 2 months 3 days 4h59m1100ms
1 year, 2 months, 3 days, 4h59m1100ms
1 year, 2 months, 3 days, 4 hours 59 minutes 1100 milliseconds

At the same time, the friendly format continues to support fractional time components since they may be desirable in some cases. For example, all of the following are equivalent:

1h 1m 1.5s
1h 1m 1,5s

The idea with the friendly format is that end users who know how to write English durations are happy to both read and write durations in this format. And moreover, the format is flexible enough that end users generally don’t need to stare at a grammar to figure out how to write a valid duration. Most of the intuitive things you’d expect to work will work.


Currently, only US English unit designator labels are supported. In general, Jiff resists trying to solve the internationalization problem in favor of punting it to another crate, such as icu via jiff-icu. Jiff could adopt unit designator labels for other languages, but it’s not totally clear whether that’s the right path to follow given the complexity of internationalization. If you’d like to discuss it, please file an issue.


This section gives a more precise description of the “friendly” duration format in the form of a grammar.

format =
    | format-signed-designator

format-signed-hms =
    sign? format-hms

format-hms =
    [0-9]+ ':' [0-9]+ ':' [0-9]+ fractional?

format-signed-designator =
    sign? format-designator-units
    | format-designator-units direction?
format-designator-units =
    | months
    | weeks
    | days
    | hours
    | minutes
    | seconds
    | milliseconds
    | microseconds
    | nanoseconds

# This dance below is basically to ensure a few things:
# First, that at least one unit appears. That is, that
# we don't accept the empty string. Secondly, when a
# fractional component appears in a time value, we don't
# allow any subsequent units to appear. Thirdly, that
# `HH:MM:SS[.f{1,9}]?` is allowed after years, months,
# weeks or days.
years =
    unit-value unit-years comma? ws* format-hms
    | unit-value unit-years comma? ws* months
    | unit-value unit-years comma? ws* weeks
    | unit-value unit-years comma? ws* days
    | unit-value unit-years comma? ws* hours
    | unit-value unit-years comma? ws* minutes
    | unit-value unit-years comma? ws* seconds
    | unit-value unit-years comma? ws* milliseconds
    | unit-value unit-years comma? ws* microseconds
    | unit-value unit-years comma? ws* nanoseconds
    | unit-value unit-years
months =
    unit-value unit-months comma? ws* format-hms
    | unit-value unit-months comma? ws* weeks
    | unit-value unit-months comma? ws* days
    | unit-value unit-months comma? ws* hours
    | unit-value unit-months comma? ws* minutes
    | unit-value unit-months comma? ws* seconds
    | unit-value unit-months comma? ws* milliseconds
    | unit-value unit-months comma? ws* microseconds
    | unit-value unit-months comma? ws* nanoseconds
    | unit-value unit-months
weeks =
    unit-value unit-weeks comma? ws* format-hms
    | unit-value unit-weeks comma? ws* days
    | unit-value unit-weeks comma? ws* hours
    | unit-value unit-weeks comma? ws* minutes
    | unit-value unit-weeks comma? ws* seconds
    | unit-value unit-weeks comma? ws* milliseconds
    | unit-value unit-weeks comma? ws* microseconds
    | unit-value unit-weeks comma? ws* nanoseconds
    | unit-value unit-weeks
days =
    unit-value unit-days comma? ws* format-hms
    | unit-value unit-days comma? ws* hours
    | unit-value unit-days comma? ws* minutes
    | unit-value unit-days comma? ws* seconds
    | unit-value unit-days comma? ws* milliseconds
    | unit-value unit-days comma? ws* microseconds
    | unit-value unit-days comma? ws* nanoseconds
    | unit-value unit-days
hours =
    unit-value unit-hours comma? ws* minutes
    | unit-value unit-hours comma? ws* seconds
    | unit-value unit-hours comma? ws* milliseconds
    | unit-value unit-hours comma? ws* microseconds
    | unit-value unit-hours comma? ws* nanoseconds
    | unit-value fractional? ws* unit-hours
minutes =
    unit-value unit-minutes comma? ws* seconds
    | unit-value unit-minutes comma? ws* milliseconds
    | unit-value unit-minutes comma? ws* microseconds
    | unit-value unit-minutes comma? ws* nanoseconds
    | unit-value fractional? ws* unit-minutes
seconds =
    unit-value unit-seconds comma? ws* milliseconds
    | unit-value unit-seconds comma? ws* microseconds
    | unit-value unit-seconds comma? ws* nanoseconds
    | unit-value fractional? ws* unit-seconds
milliseconds =
    unit-value unit-milliseconds comma? ws* microseconds
    | unit-value unit-milliseconds comma? ws* nanoseconds
    | unit-value fractional? ws* unit-milliseconds
microseconds =
    unit-value unit-microseconds comma? ws* nanoseconds
    | unit-value fractional? ws* unit-microseconds
nanoseconds =
    unit-value fractional? ws* unit-nanoseconds

unit-value = [0-9]+ [ws*]
unit-years = 'years' | 'year' | 'yrs' | 'yr' | 'y'
unit-months = 'months' | 'month' | 'mos' | 'mo'
unit-weeks = 'weeks' | 'week' | 'wks' | 'wk' | 'w'
unit-days = 'days' | 'day' | 'd'
unit-hours = 'hours' | 'hour' | 'hrs' | 'hr' | 'h'
unit-minutes = 'minutes' | 'minute' | 'mins' | 'min' | 'm'
unit-seconds = 'seconds' | 'second' | 'secs' | 'sec' | 's'
unit-milliseconds =
    | 'millisecond'
    | 'millis'
    | 'milli'
    | 'msecs'
    | 'msec'
    | 'ms'
unit-microseconds =
    | 'microsecond'
    | 'micros'
    | 'micro'
    | 'usecs'
    | 'usec'
    | 'µ' (U+00B5 MICRO SIGN) 'secs'
    | 'µ' (U+00B5 MICRO SIGN) 'sec'
    | 'us'
    | 'µ' (U+00B5 MICRO SIGN) 's'
unit-nanoseconds =
    'nanoseconds' | 'nanosecond' | 'nanos' | 'nano' | 'nsecs' | 'nsec' | 'ns'

fractional = decimal-separator decimal-fraction
decimal-separator = '.' | ','
decimal-fraction = [0-9]{1,9}

sign = '+' | '-'
direction = ws 'ago'
comma = ',' ws
ws =
    U+0020 SPACE
    | U+000A LINE FEED
    | U+000C FORM FEED

One thing not specified by the grammar above are maximum values. Namely, there are no specific maximum values imposed for each individual unit, nor a maximum value for the entire duration (say, when converted to nanoseconds). Instead, implementations are expected to impose their own limitations.

For Jiff, a Span is more limited than a SignedDuration. For example, a the year component of a Span is limited to [-19,999, 19,999]. In contrast, a SignedDuration is a 96-bit signed integer number of nanoseconds with no particular limits on the individual units. They just can’t combine to something that overflows a 96-bit signed integer number of nanoseconds. (And parsing into a SignedDuration directly only supports units of hours or smaller, since bigger units do not have an invariant length.) In general, implementations should support a “reasonable” range of values.



  • A parser for Jiff’s “friendly” duration format.
  • A printer for Jiff’s “friendly” duration format.

