The length of the BMP index table. 1024=0x400
Number of code points per index-2 table entry. 512=0x200
Offset from dataLength (to be subtracted) for fetching the
value returned for out-of-range code points and ill-formed UTF-8/16.
Number of entries in a data block for code points below the fast limit. 64=0x40
Mask for getting the lower bits for the in-fast-data-block offset.
Fast indexing limit for “fast”-type trie
Offset from dataLength (to be subtracted) for fetching the
value returned for code points highStart..U+10FFFF.
Number of entries in an index-2 block. 32=0x20
Mask for getting the lower bits for the in-index-2-block offset.
Number of entries in an index-3 block. 32=0x20
Mask for getting the lower bits for the in-index-3-block offset.
Number of index-1 entries for the BMP. (4)
This part of the index-1 table is omitted from the serialized form.
Shift size for getting the index-1 table offset.
Shift size for getting the index-2 table offset.
Shift size for getting the index-3 table offset.
Difference between two shift sizes,
for getting an index-1 offset from an index-2 offset. 5=14-9
Difference between two shift sizes,
for getting an index-2 offset from an index-3 offset. 5=9-4
Number of entries in a small data block. 16=0x10
Mask for getting the lower bits for the in-small-data-block offset.
Fast indexing limit for “small”-type trie