
Module options

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This module contains the types that are part of the API for setting the options for the collator.



  • What to do about characters whose comparison level can be varied dynamically.
  • Whether second level compares the last accent difference instead of the first accent difference.
  • Treatment of case. (Large and small kana differences are treated as case differences.)
  • Whether to distinguish case in sorting, even for sorting levels higher than tertiary, without having to use tertiary level just to enable case level differences.
  • What characters get shifted to the quaternary level with AlternateHandling::Shifted.
  • When set to On, any sequence of decimal digits is sorted at a primary level according to the numeric value.
  • The collation strength that indicates how many levels to compare. If an earlier level isn’t equal, the earlier level is decisive. If the result is equal on a level, but the strength is higher, the comparison proceeds to the next level.